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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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The worst thing that can happen that the next frame will have E+ boobs, huge butts, string-wide armor that hardly cover nipples and {what suppose to be hidden in bikini area}, with HUGE eyes and hairy ears ontop of the head... (big sarcasm)


And to be honest to all of this... When 1 company sells it's guts to other, there is 2 reasons:
1st. It's financial horizons is in deep... urrr... ocean bottom. (aw common. I never believe that DE has financial problems)

2nd. The CEO of company is greedy {reverse monuments}.


P.S. WTS Pitchforks and Torches.

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I don't know why you guys keep crying. It's over. Yeah boo-hoo. Just move on to another game and quit crying.



It's over.



its not over yet. because we flat out dont know anything more than they are talking about it. thats it, thats the sum of our knowledge thus far. its a scary tidbit and everyone (including me) is freaking out over the POSSIBILITY of PW getting ahold of warframe. not the CERTAINTY of it. distinct difference that. just cross your fingers and hope its all just a bad dream.

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I am going to bed now, this won't stop until tomorrow/later.


PW is only buying DE-leftovers to be able to legally publish Warframe on Chinese Xbox.

(The game will be labeled with the DE-Logo and the PW-Logo, like UT2k4 was Epic and DE with ATARI as publisher)

DE isn't stupid and may have something in their sleeves like "do not mess with our client or no deal"!


Now, please take the chill pill, we will get probably a proper answer soon.


Good night and enjoy U13.9.1

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I am going to bed now, this won't stop until tomorrow/later.


PW is only buying DE-leftovers to be able to legally publish Warframe on Chinese Xbox.

(The game will be labeled with the DE-Logo and the PW-Logo, like UT2k4 was Epic and DE with ATARI as publisher)

DE isn't stupid and may have something in their sleeves like "do not mess with our client or no deal"!


Now, please take the chill pill, we will get probably a proper answer soon.


Good night and enjoy U13.9.1


This is certainly a possibility, but we have no idea whether it's what's going on since the sum total of knowledge we've got is that PWE is seeking to buy (and DE is at least somewhat okay with selling) an undisclosed number of shares in DE Ltd.

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Joystiq has no clue what they're talking about. 

No deal has happened yet. Sumpo has sent a non-binding term sheet according to their announcement, which is what amounts to a letter of intent.


Also, this is only a bad thing if Sumpo/PWE get enough shares to make decisions. If they do not, then all's well and DE just has more money to spend. If they do, then they can do pretty much what they want.


It's also entirely possible this is a means for DE to break into the Chinese market since the Chinese government has some pretty harsh regulations on foreign companies doing business in China. In which case they'd just be giving Sumpo a small number of shares but nowhere near enough to take control.

I agree with you. 

This agreement is nothing to panic about if you know what the documents are actually stating.

Let me explain this rationally. I apologise to those who have expressed great disagreement to this, but please, do not rule this side of thinking out.


For the first source I will explain: http://iis.quamnet.com/media/IRAnnouncement/1089/EN_US/001947020-0.PDF


This line itself explains that the two companies, Sumpo Food and Perfect Online are proposing to INVEST in Digital Extremes (DE). This means that they want to put money into the company [DE] in hopes of profit. This investment into DE will definitely help the company in continuing their operations.


"...the Purchasers intend to purchase, and Vendors intend to sell, all the outstanding shares of Digital Extremes (“Proposed Investment”)"

In this case, the purchasers are the above two mentioned companies. The Vendors is the company [DE] or holders of these shares who wish to sell to the purchasers. Note the terms "outstanding shares", this refers to all the shares that DE has issued. The main point here is WHAT DE HAS ISSUED. To define shares, this is a unit of ownership of the company that represents an equal proportion of a company's capital. I have no knowledge of how many shares DE has issued, or if they issued any at all yet.
For this, I will explain what the person I have quoted is saying, "this is only a bad thing if Sumpo/PWE get enough shares to make decisions. If they do not, then all's well and DE just has more money to spend. If they do, then they can do pretty much what they want."
For example, DE might have issued 20% shares of their company. Perfect Online and Sumpo will buy all outstanding shares - this means they will purchase all the shares issued, that is, 20% of the company. It really depends on the amount that has been issued. Simply put, the amount of the shares sold does not have the amount of power on the company. They may have an influence and part ownership, but this does not mean that they will completely take over DE itself or affect their operations. If anything, they will only have influence but not total decision. This is why nothing has happened to Warframe as of yet.
"The Purchasers and the Vendors have not yet entered into any legally binding definitive agreement in relation to the Proposed Investment." This means that the vendors of DE who have shares can retract from this agreement. They don't have to go through with it.


Perfect World Entertainment (PWE) buying out DE? Not likely. We don't know how many shares have been issued.

Sumpo Foods? This is only a business selling chicken meat products. What can chicken meat products do to a game company? KFC us all?

"Perfect Online". This is, as stated in the document, "a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 

Perfect World Co., Ltd. (“Perfect World”), a company listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Perfect World is a leading online game developer and operator based in China." 
This is only a smaller branch company of Perfect World itself. They do hold influence by PWE but it's not likely that they will affect the whole operations of DE. 
Please do not read articles that simply state that DE will be "bought out" by PWE. It is all dependent on how many shares DE has issued. My assumption is, DE hasn't issued more than 50% of the company. [Don't hurt me!]
No need to panic, besides, the game isn't going to be ruined simply by this negotiation. I know that PWE has "ruined" games previously, as the majority of the community has stated. But please. We really need to consider that DE will not likely sell out the majority of their company. I'm sure DE wants to have majority of control over their operations, they are a customer satisfaction business only wanting the best for the community.
Don't fight DE or Perfect Online/Sumpo Foods. Do research, remember: you are more likely to believe in something that instills fear rather than reassures you. Media is one, "http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/07/02/perfect-world-entertainment-buys-digital-extremes/". No evidence to support the company has been "bought out". Where are the numbers? Truthful documents? Explanations?
Think rationally, people. I'm sure DE is concerned about this too, but only because the community is acting on this negatively. This negotiated investment is more likely to help DE continue satisfying their customers, the community, us, if it pulls through. I know this post is long... but I really hate seeing people panic and think about deleting their accounts or "abandoning ship" over something that hasn't been proven yet. Don't worry, no stress! The game is still good. It really depends on whether they have issued a lot of shares or not much at all. I'm sorry if this has come off as rude, but I want to calm your hearts. Calm down people, take it easy for the sake of DE so they can rest too.
Edited by Hyona
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It pains me to see that this is even a consideration. 


Money. Is that what this is about DE? Do you need more money? Well why didn't you just say so! Let's breakout Founders 2.0 with a few new items to replace the old ones, and I will reach into my pocket and hand you another $250. As I did a few short months ago. As thousands of others have done, and thousands more have continued to do so. Still not enough? Double the price, I'm happy to support you, whatever it takes. 


I think I speak for a large majority of the Warframe player community in saying that we have PROVEN we are ready and willing to assist you financially and anatomically in any way we can. You asked, we answered. And I know myself and many others are willing to step forward and do it again and again - if and only if you don't go down this dark path. 


Don't make a deal with the devil DE. We won't give up on you if you don't give up on us.

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Oh! this is so exciting. Never participated in a disaster before. How is knowing what not to sobreviremos this trampling of PWE. The steamroller is coming mods equipped with speed, strength and duration ... There is no safe way to get away without aracar with the loss of hours of play, monetary investment, confidence in the work that ED has developed so far. View all this leaking down the drain without even a statement even ... It's so exciting part of this impending disaster. Entratanto, is not true. R.I.P Warframe.

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I don't know why you guys keep crying. It's over. Yeah boo-hoo. Just move on to another game and quit crying.

Im not really crying but... Honestly, theres not alot of other good games out there anymore, at least for my tastes. Seriously, Ive tried at least 50 of the "most" recommended games (Fiesta, Rift, RotRO and Runes of Magic to name a few) and Warframe has been the must successful game at keeping my attention. If Warframe dies, theres really no other good F2P game that I havent tried that I can go to, so its back to boredom for me.

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So, if PW gets Warframe, updates will turn into DLC that you have to buy. You could no longer make Warframes, you HAD to buy them with platinum. And in order to raise your Kewbrow, you would have to "feed" it 10 plat everyday, for 10 days. And if you miss 1 day, you have to restart the process.

Sounds fun to me! Now, if only there was an option to kill my Warframe, blow up Earth, and take the Grinner and Corpus with me...

If the deal doesn't go down, I hope DE design a PW faction that's the most evil and is dealing with Corpus and Grineer and we have to completely F*** their S#&$ up.

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the catch here is the devs honestly care about the end result of the game, they are the face of DE that we see. so the assumption is (and has been thus far true) that DE cares about the end result of Warframe. im not leaving til i find out for sure one way or another, but every time i think about playing warframe with this... mess looming, i just get depressed.


Warframe has one of the best communities i have seen in ages. i mean seriously, i have alot of fun just chatting while we defend the pod or whatever. and when i think about it in context, its hilarious. here we are killing insane ammounts of infested, corpus, grineer and corrupted... and we are comparing TV shows and comics? that and the promise of more fun things to do has kept my interest...


i trust DE with the game, but i do not trust PW with it. THAT is why im even considering leaving the game. the only reason. i would stay here for good times and bad (oh dear god the bad luck sprees sometimes) out of respect for the game, respect for DE, and love of the community. but i will not do so for Perfect World. tried it before, will NOT try again. learned my lesson with them.


you really think that after seeing this stunt that they actually ever cared about the game? I mean @(*()$ look at this tomogatchi system coming out and this whole selling out thing >_> honestly I'm over it and I am so so beyond disgusted that I had any faith in this company at all.


the only people that get pride out of their work at the company are the people that are actually being creative and developing pretty things. the coders on the other hand have got to do crap in such a way that they can make money. theres no pride in developing a crap game

Edited by grillv20
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I don't know why you guys keep crying. It's over. Yeah boo-hoo. Just move on to another game and quit crying.

Yeah! How dare people display emotion when they lose their faith, their investments and their hopes! How dare people cry about a game they enjoyed!

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I'm disappointed to say this, but I actually started my online gaming spree with PWE Games, and now that I'm playing games that are TRULY Free to Play, I look back at PWE's games and simply want to watch them burn. They have no other agenda rather than making money. They care not for their players, unless they're throwing money at them, of course. And they have no love for Free to Play gamers.

PWE is bad news, DE.
I know the majority of the community is saying the same thing, but PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. DO NOT TRUST PWE! They will only guide you toward greed! You have always been great about listening to your community, and you've been loved for it! So please listen now!

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