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  1. you're confusing Terry with Harry, the pink vom portals only spawn during the Hydrolist battle
  2. as per the wiki: To build the Archwing Launcher, players must first install the Archwing Launcher Segment into the Foundry, which will add the reusable Archwing Launcher blueprint to the Foundry under the "Gear" tab. so if it let you build the launcher without the segment, then something seriously bugged happened and you need to contact support to fix that for you.
  3. did you go to your arsenal in the gear tab and put it in the gear wheel from the list there? can't have something show up in your gear wheel if you didn't put it there in the first place.
  4. we technically already have cat ears, they're a Baro Operator/Drifter Cosmetic tho.
  5. to a new player everything they do is "New stuff". You gotta put yourself in their shoes and not just think as a 10+ year old vet that's on the cusp waiting for the New "New" content. You're forgetting that we all had "insert time between updates" to prepare for that and you expect a new player to just storm past all of that?
  6. maybe try to explain to her that the game isn't a race and rushing trough content isn't the best idea ever. Explore what you have access to and try to even slightly improve upon the things you already have before storming head first into the fire of the new stuff.
  7. and why is she still using a mote amp this late into the main story?
  8. I don't know I left all my converted liches intact cuz I want to actually keep them, nuked everything else tho.
  9. they did, you can get rid of the liches from your lich history on your codex.
  10. no he's talking about the Progenitor bonus % of the weapons 25% is the lowest you can spawn a nemesis weapon with.
  11. you'd love the Trumna. Especially that audible clink when you reload, that's straight eargasm.
  12. It's wild that my glyph for N00blShowtek is still intact, but maybe because they treat unique glyph code ones differently than the global code glyphs? I got mine from him personally after I met him on a relay before his glyph became global.... and before the "incident"....
  13. yes she can side slide and back dodges also exist, her forward slide is replaced with blink the other 3 are still there.
  14. ADS while fishing was disabled to circumvent a game breaking bug that would softlock you. It needs a code change to fix and that won't happen till the next cert cycle thanks to cross play and us having to rely on consoles and their cert windows.
  15. because forma applied in the simulacrum didn't consume it, it was temporary. so ppl exploited that to complete the challenge without "really" forma-ing anything
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