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  1. I'm really pleased with how they addressed this. Anything with a timer encourages hoarding drops and waiting for the buff window. This new layout just encourages you to play and naturally get a consistent bonus to resources, credits, or both depending on your choices. The Affinity buff keeps the ability relevant for power-farming Affinity.
  2. This reads like you have no idea how this behaves in practice in a region dominated by this frame choice. It's even worse than the height of Synoid Simulor Mirage or any other Western meta we've been using over here. Sure, you can cancel slams with other means, but the Cloudwalker slam spam was really annoying for the players that aren't glued to speed nukes like I am with Nova. Not everyone is playing something like Titania where you can pull ahead of someone who's good at that (or likely Macroing). How are so many people overlooking the fact Smeeta will give a slightly more consistent 3x Affinity bonus? Like, I read so many complaints about Forma and XP farming, and this change splits up what was good about Smeeta, buffs the original Kavat overall, removes the stacking garbage that created massive disparities in squad rewards, and gives players much more opportunity to prioritize the kind of loot buffs they want while still preserving value in taking Charm itself. If you see this as a nerf solely because you can't wait and pray for a x16 booster stack in your camp survival or speed-nuke Arbitration, you should just go play idle games like Cookie Clicker for your dopamine stimulation.
  3. I'm never worried about nerfs, I'm always worried about watering down kits to appease the latest generation of Warframe players. This Nova rework keeps her kit complex enough to be interesting while having value in all skills. What scares me about changes DE makes are like Grendel, where they buff the frame, but at the cost of the frame offering anything unique in practice. Almost all of my Nova usage for the last several years has been centered around Wormhole, Molecular Prime and Thermal Sunder. Now I feel like I can revisit all my builds and make way more interesting choices. Power Donation Speedva was one of the least favorite things for me when it came to Nova for a long time.
  4. It sounds like English may not be your first language. I am agreeing with you! :D You make good points. I was just elaborating that DE has got themselves into a hard spot in regards to "addressing the deeper issues".
  5. Tough to address that without also appearing to be targeting that specific demographic of the playerbase. The real problem is letting this become a problem for so many years. I assume that DE has to unfortunately walk on egg shells with regards to that part of the playerbase.
  6. This is a Devstream that is really exciting to hear about and play next week. I haven't been this interested in an update or a devstream since TennoCon 2018 and TennoCon 2019 with Fortuna and Railjack showcases. I'm probably just extremely biased as someone who's been enjoying Nova Prime for almost a decade, and all her changes look awesome, fixing many issues I've had with her kit design over the years. Tap/Hold MP for Slow/Speed, good passive, and the bonuses to her other abilities are huge.
  7. Forma and leveling is a huge part of Warframe. I'm sure Smeeta will still get plenty of usage after the nerf.
  8. Not at all. That Affinity bonus is huge and remains relevant for farming/Formaing. I think this is a very reasonable approach to be honest. Overall these changes look great. One minor thing that I know most players won't notice or care about, but can Sentinel Weapon Riven Mods receive a look at the eligibility of their negatives? Many good negatives are now legacy stats (such as +Recoil on Verglas). It'd be nice to be able to have better options than -Damage to Infested.
  9. Awesome! Can Escape Velocity scale with Strength maybe? That'd be amazing. Overall I am really enjoying how this update is shaping up.
  10. I did, in the second sentence you intentionally omitted: Yikes bro.
  11. "Can" and "Should" are different circumstances. DE can do whatever they want, and neither of us can dispute that. However, should they? Well, DE prides themselves as a developer for maintaining respect and transparency towards their playerbase. You don't get to perform that charade and act otherwise. The past re-releases of marketed exclusives was just as much of a mistake (if not moreso) than the decision to have exclusives in the first place. Little Timmy shouldn't be playing a live service multiplayer game if he can't handle not being able to own absolutely every item to ever enter the game since Closed Beta. That "live service model" is how life works too. It's not gross to be blunt and realistic. You can't absolve someone for having dumb expectations. I'm not the bad guy here just because I'm citing the intended marketing. To me, respect (in the context of marketing a product) is about being honest and reliable with what the offer is. If something is labeled as exclusive, I expect that exclusivity to be honored. If something is not specifically labeled as such (such as Primed Chamber from the original event), I expect it to be available in some manner down the road. Whether DE wants to undermine their own players is up to them; I'm just saying it like it is. Beating around the bush is a waste of time. I cited their language for every single TennoCon from 2016 to 2024. It's been pretty consistent and honored for those players who have invested in those live events. Congratulations, you noticed the difference between "can" and "should". I'm not stopping what DE is going to do anyway, I'm just voicing my concern and making players aware of what used to be and what seems to be going forward. It's funny how popular it is to not mind undermining the very people that afforded everyone the opportunity to enjoy Warframe for almost 12 years now. Founders are just the foundation of a much larger group of players. Using the word "exclusive" drives sales to lead to commercial success with even the rockiest of updates (looking at you Empyrean). Respecting that transaction is just as symbolic as moving away from that marketing itself. The funny thing here is that by undermining their own marketing, DE creates the same obfuscation with purchases that other games have. If DE was 100% consistent with how they respect this language, players would always come to any transaction with an accurate expectation that has no asterisks. I guess you just enjoy being unsure of what the actual deal you're getting is with any given purchase. My comment about your glyph was that you're using it, not whether you care other players have it. That's an entirely different conversation that I'm not even justified to comment on. I merely pointed out the obvious that if that glyph was made a permanent addition from the get-go, you'd probably not be using it right now. It's really simple to understand and notice. I'd say my glyph is the same, but that was also stated as exclusive: https://www.warframe.com/news/tennovip-at-pax-east-2024 . I care about honesty more than whether something is a good or bad thing to do. Doing FOMO and committing to it (like Heirlooms and Founders for an example) may not be the best thing to do towards players, but allows those thinking about buying it to have a perfect idea of what the deal they are getting is. I don't like making purchases where I am unsure what the terms of the deal are. If a deal is a bad deal, being honest about that is more helpful than not. This is very simple and easy to grasp to be honest.
  12. Context is important. The weight and representation of an Amazon skin and TennoCon cosmetics are completely different. In your view of absolutes, players who have waited multiple years now for their expensive Kahl-175 Statue that has an exclusive Glyph should be allowed to be rug-pulled to appease little Timmy who didn't even have a Warframe account when Veilbreaker launched. I don't support that mentality of serving the lowest common denominator at the expense of people actually around for things and supporting them when they happened. The Supporter Packs are no different in that regard. Re-releasing those items was more of a mistake than having exclusives per major update in the first place. You say it means nothing while equipped for several years now with the exclusive TennoTrivia 2020 glyph that only a select minority of players from TennoCon 2020 (myself included by the way) have. I'd wager all my Platinum that you wouldn't be using that glyph right now if it was 20 Platinum in the Market for all players to have for the last 4 years. We both know what exclusivity represents, and it's valuable to those of us who are actually around for these things. Asking to reduce and/or remove exclusives/FOMO going forward is a noble cause that I also support. Asking to undermine players who hold trust in DE for their respect towards that language is not. DE hasn't shown they are committed to undermining their previous players like this. If they were, I'd ask them to kindly extend that middle finger to their Founders, Heirloom purchasers, and their attendees of their live events for the last 10 years. I don't think we're there yet though. This thread is tantamount to requesting the return of Excalibur Prime for those who missed him. That ship has sailed, and so has the last 9 TennoCons. This is an exclusive celebration that you have to be around for to have the shot at the cosmetics. There's always next years.
  13. TennoCon items were and still are marketed as items exclusive to those events: 2016: https://www.warframe.com/news/tennocon-coming-summer Advertised Exclusivity 2017: https://web.archive.org/web/20170314155338/https://www.warframe.com/tennocon/ 2018: https://web.archive.org/web/20180329095550/www.warframe.com/tennocon https://web.archive.org/web/20170429001505/http://www.warframe.com/en/tennocon-faq 2019: https://web.archive.org/web/20190331155429/www.warframe.com/tennocon https://web.archive.org/web/20190331141753/https://www.warframe.com/tennocon-faq 2020: https://web.archive.org/web/20200609052237/www.warframe.com/tennocon 2021: https://www.digitalextremes.com/news/digital-extremes-announces-warframes-tennocon-2021-date-and-details 2022: https://web.archive.org/web/20220609180055/www.warframe.com/tennocon 2023: https://www.digitalextremes.com/news/tennocon-2023-digital-packs 2024: https://www.warframe.com/news/tennocon-2024-digital-pack These items are a symbol for those who have participated in each event. There'd be no point in even having the year attached to these items if it was undermined for permanent accessibility. Not everything needs to be attainable for everyone. If you want TennoCon cosmetics, you need to be around every year for their release and purchase them (and for those oldest items, attend physically on top of that). I appreciate and respect DE for holding their commitment to their language in this regard. Holding that same standard of respect whether the player is an original Founder or someone with a single TennoCon Syandana is appreciated. Items labeled as "exclusive" have intrinsic value for their limited availability. Sometimes you just miss out and it is what it is. I've flown to London, ON for 4 TennoCon's now and obtained the Digital Packs since 2017. It's not entitled or wrong to say that I (and any other player who has also purchased these items) should be the only ones to have these items. I know it's not a popular take in this community, but there has to be a line drawn in the sand somewhere. Newer packs have this vagueness that allows them to circumvent the implied usage of the language, but TennoCon items are cut and dry. If you want them, be around for them and buy them. If players up and quit over an unobtainable in an 11 (soon 12) year old live service game, they should stick to singleplayer titles. I'm not a fan of FOMO myself, but I'd much rather have FOMO with expected treatment than bait and switches to appease less invested individuals.
  14. I like the premise of this post, but I don't support universal loot within this range. The reason being is because it would bring back the Greedy Pull camping meta 10 years later in a game-state that is already incredibly powercrept and endorses AFK behavior. The last thing we need is even more reason for a player to not move and collect all loot. This problem would be exaggerated further as Pull is a subsume ability within Helminth. Other than that small detail, I like the idea of making Affinity Range a more dynamic radius/buff.
  15. Not even close to a reasonable comparison. This is a reach. PC players can't buy TennoGen with Platinum, and the nature of cross-play and cross-save requires some level of parity between platforms. Each platform has positives and negatives. This "negative" is hardly a big deal. It is what it is.
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