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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. It's by design and known as the "just short" or "just shy" method of selling something. This tactic encourages a consumer to overspend for something as they will be stuck with left-overs after one purchase and feels coerced into overspending to not "waste" part of their previous purchase. This is compounded as a virtual currency that removes your ability to accurately gauge how much real money you're spending and obfuscates the transaction. It's pretty sad that DE couldn't have just attached a dollar amount to each item individually and then create bundles at a slight discount with Platinum to encourage those purchases. There's no need for this type of greedy monetization to be added if the entire point of Regal Aya was supposed to be "freedom of choice". I'm really shocked so many people praise Regal Aya.
  2. I agree with the OP, but I think such an item should be added to Chipper's Wares in Kahl's Garrison for reaching Rank 5 (Home). It would be thematically fitting since he sells Skaut, and that store could use some additions with the removal of Archon Shards.
  3. I'm unsure what your suggestion accomplishes or how it would function, because roll and crouch/slide are completely different move sets that you can chain together in either order (that's also ignoring bullet jumping and aim gliding). That said, I am all for more customization with controls. There's not really a downside to the addition of more options.
  4. It would be cool if every Warframe had a signature weapon that compliments their base kit/playstyle, but the flip-side with that is how they force Prime Access weapons. The reason I mostly dislike Prime Access nowadays is that they are too predictable. Very rarely do we see a Prime Access like Nidus Prime where the weapons are completely up in the air and we wait in anticipation for DE to throw a curve-ball. Likewise, most Prime gimmicks reside within signatures, so interesting mechanics like Pyrana Prime's "ephemeral akimbo" mode are long gone from the scope of new variants, which is quite unfortunate. I don't see anything wrong with signatures as a concept, but their dictation what Primes come with for gear does make it pretty boring, especially when so many of these weapons are underwhelming to begin with, or their "signature bonus" is weak. The only way for new gear to really shine is having a never-before-seen gimmick mechanic. Otherwise it's just another gun in the sea of oversaturated options.
  5. Yeah, Warframe definitely has this concern now and it's a catch 22. Like sure it's cool to get even more customizations, but between Signas, Ephemeras, massive wings, and the more "outlandish" Syandanas/Armor sets, some combinations just completely clutter the screen.
  6. They used to be more frequent a long time ago. I have no idea how it is this days.
  7. I am not a fan of the Kaithe or K-Drive, but saying it disrespects your time is just untrue, and I think you know that but don't really want to admit it, hence the "you're wrong" comments with no elaboration. Warframe rewards you for playing a slice of everything. You're free to ignore Kaithe races, but that requires more effort and specific conditions as opposed to just finishing them. If you feel that a mechanic disrespects your time merely because you don't want to engage with it, then maybe you shouldn't be in a live service game always pumping new features and experimental mechanics. I am all for supporting the voice of players who feel that their progression has been undermined, but this isn't one of those cases.
  8. It's still little today, right now. My account is 9 years old this year. So what? The UI still wastes a load of screen real estate in unnecessary dioramas, vertical/horizontal scrolling, and the lack of filters. They could certainly improve the foundry by streamlining keystrokes using better filters and efficiencies in screen usage. This would remove some of the poor design choices they've kept in place for such a long time now.
  9. A man can dream. It would be nice though if all these enemies that do spawn with no codex entry could be given one so that players could spawn them in the Simulacrum to test with.
  10. My macro comment went completely over your head. I also don't use them. I'm just aware of how players approach PT at the high end. You understand that you can circumvent these changes by just bringing a teammate with Total Eclipse Mirage or taking Mirage herself right? Undermining the identity of Warframe's innate characteristics is more damaging than losing a fundamentally unbalanced mechanic. People spoke up when Helminth was a dev workshop 4 years ago that Roar and Eclipse were a mistake to be in Helminth. This outcry is exactly why. You're waffling towards me as if all of the things you said are things I didn't take into account. I know Roar is more effective than the proposed Eclipse in most cases. I know there's tons of players that are now brought up in the game with the expectation of solo steamrolling with these buffs. I don't care that I'm rolling against the tide. I still think I'm right. The functionality lost by this reduction in effectiveness is good for the game. They didn't remove the effectiveness, they made sure only Mirage has that. This could be Null Star where Nova's functionality was nerfed because of Limbo, Harrow, and Titania nuking a map. What I feel you are arguing for is to preserve the brainless employment of the ability. I just can't agree with it.
  11. People tend to be very knee-jerk when something comes up, but we all just adapt. I remember when people thought Eidolons would suck because Itzal was nerfed. I think the current option is already quite generous, especially for Nourish.
  12. The addition of Helminth (and Eclipse [and other prominent abilities] within Helimth) has eroded team play. I don't think you're regressing by dialing it back. Though, I guess not addressing it for so long has built a playerbase around this powercreep, and maybe I'm a minority now for bringing this up. The cost of Primed Mods used to mean something when the only reliable Credits farms were Dark Sector nodes, Trials, and using Secura Lecta with Chroma. Over time, the Credits currency has been made a mild inconvenience at best. I farmed 5.8 billion, and while you think that's crazy, if you boil it down to my specific farms, it's actually not a lot of playtime for 3.5 out of the 5.8. More than half my Credits were earned through Profit-Taker, and I see this Eclipse nerf as a mild inconvenience at best. Everyone also keeps missing the point that Eclipse is the ability of Mirage. There's nothing that entitles the player to that massive damage buff on Volt, Saryn, Wisp, or any other Warframe. If I were to really balance Helminth, I would remove Roar, Xata's Whisper, Nourish and Eclipse for a different ability altogether.
  13. These are acceptable losses. I'm going to be frank, The Index and Profit-Taker invalidated the Credits currency, further by Helminth. Heaven forbid you can't just stand infront of Profit-Taker by yourself with an Exodia Contagion macro and blast the shields at a pace only your EE.log can measure accurately. For Eidolons, their "efficiency" would not be lost, you would just need more than 1-2 players, which was the intent of the mode in the first place. Players were doing 6x3 without Eclipse, Archon Shards, Zariman Arcanes, Zenith, and Focus 2.0 a long time ago.
  14. The base lore of Prime Access is money, so don't you worry, it will make sense lore-wise.
  15. No worries. Cheers. I assumed it was just the wording that threw me off. Hopefully those "other QoL" coming with the update will include Codex fixes to compliment Dante's Passive 👀
  16. Passive: Chronicler’s Mark Noctua scans targets, recording information for your Codex. Status Chance increases on fully scanned targets. https://www.warframe.com/news/dante-unbound-launches-in-march This is really cool to see. Dante already looked pretty fun, but being rewarded for the years of Codex scanning with a Status Chance bonus is extra nice. Hopefully this means DE is looking into properly fixing the Codex that has many bugged, retired, or just unobtainable entries.
  17. Maybe this is just worded weird, but this sounds like a huge nerf for Decoy for those who understand the current aggro strength. Plague Star makes great use of the current functionality :(
  18. Is there any possibility Prism could be changed to either a duration or drain? Having both is quite dated, especially with the low base duration and relatively less performance compared to weapon AoE, especially since the blind nerfs several years ago and the nerfs to general CC lately as well.
  19. You can report players for grief behavior, but I would just move on. You can quite easily build your arsenal to solo missions anyways and ignore players. If they truly are AFK farming or excessively leeching, they'll be caught up to.
  20. And here's me still wishing we had OG Plains of Eidolon progression for all the open worlds so that you took a while to complete things and all the different modes (excluding conservation) was taken part in to 100% the factions. The factions are extremely trivial to be honest. 99% of the items only require daily reputation, and the stuff outside of that isn't too much of a bother to farm.
  21. 100%. Take my upvote. Maybe with Deep Archimedea DE is revisiting the concept the game used to have, but things have just shifted into people playing as if their teammates are NPCs in the index. The only reason people care to public Void Fissures is their reward structure. The same with the "No-Death" mechanics of Arbitrations and Netracells. The slow death of roles-based gameplay, the complete death of clan content (Kingpins/Liches were the last shred of hope towards that) and additions such as Helminth have eroded the multiplayer experience outside of intentionally playing with friends. There's a good reason Helldivers 2 gets so much positivity for making cooperative strategy and community completion required for the core experience. The best thing we get in Warframe is scripted "community goals". Even then, just last Tennobaum the date had to be extended so we could actually reach the final milestone. Any semblance of the cooperation that's been lost over the years has been fabricated to feed players of the illusion that we're still in that "lift together" phase that's long dead at this point. There's still many helpful players out there in this game, but most players are just keeping to themselves and just focus on their own progression, ignoring the entire point of multiplayer. And don't get me wrong, I play this way now too. If the game encourages this behavior and even rewards favorably for it, then that's what I'm going to do. It's not rude to blitz a Fissure, it's rude that the game encourages you to ignore your entire squad. I wouldn't ask to slow the game down, but there are some outlier mechanics that should be removed or brought in line. Self-revives, Helminth, Primed Sure Footed/Status Immunity and Razorwing Blitz are my main points of concern. Just look at how many people got upset over Eclipse changes when Eclipse is Mirage's ability, not Volt's, Xaku's, Gara's, or any other Warframe. Razorwing Blitz should be looked at in the same way Itzal was looked at for being a tremendous outlier for player movement. Titania should still be fast, but not so fast that she far surpasses Nova's Wormhole in most cases (exceptional Nova players can keep up, but in general there's just no contest), Void Sling, Mach Rush, Speed, etc.
  22. This is by design so that in order to get all these things, it retains Warframe as at best your "main" game, or at worst, just a habit. It's hard for DE not to approach content in this manner (like Deep Archimedea), because the content is otherwise farmed in a relatively short time-frame. This adds longevity and habits for logging in, which correlate to more opportunities for you to spend money. I can see both sides of the coin for why it is this way. It makes the most sense for free games to approach content this way, even if it becomes tedious over time for players. I may not like how many weeklies are being stacked on one another, but atleast I'm not playing a massive game of catch-up like I would be if I was starting another online game (as is the case these days for new players starting Warframe as well).
  23. Title. I presume this is because of the changes made to the the guaranteed Riven drop table (Acrithis, Pallidino, and Nihil’s Oubliette) in update 35.1.0 creating two separate Riven Mods. This is what happens now as you earn "guaranteed" Rivens along-side "random" Rivens. I have not verified whether a random Sortie/Archon drop is added alongside the "new" stack or the "old stack".
  24. I didn't say it was a bug? I was merely saying that it sometimes showcases how or what something is coded/coded as. Debt Bonds as a Syndicate Medallion was my example.
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