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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Why not just remove Line of Sight temporarily from affected abilities while a solution is worked out? It's been a point of negative feedback every time it's been added to something. It doesn't matter whether it's Dante, Khora, or several other abilities and weapons. Line of Sight in Warframe has just been historically bad. I am all for allowing room for fixes and benefits, but Line of Sight has never really worked "well". I know most players forget about something a few weeks after it's passed, but Line of Sight issues have remained in the game for a very long time. Tragedy is just the latest tragedy of Line of Sight nerfs. In any case, thank you for the transparency and working towards improvements. The Overguard changes are nice to see as well. Here's hoping that this attention to Dante can be seen throughout other Warframes to give them much-needed love or long-overdue balance changes.
  2. I never asked for nerfs to Dante. I'm just a veteran early adopter in this game and know not to overly invest in things that just came out. Is this your first time? Don't worry, DE will likely walk back their disastrous changes, score some brownie points for fixing a problem they made themselves, and then go ahead and do this the next time anyways. Soon enough you'll learn like the rest of us. This isn't a competition. We're all losing as a collective whole. Welcome to the club pal.
  3. This isn't "the nerfing crowd", but the average display of DE's lack of education on their own previous decisions. You'd think after the negative feedback to LoS every single time it's added, they would have considered the precedence that adding it to Dante would be in bad taste.
  4. Rogue Bonewidow Eximus only needs 3 scans now.
  5. Thank you for this mode. I've been waiting for something like this since Trials got removed. Any chance Codex scans could be fixed after all these years since we now have Dante and his passive? Deimos Mutalist Tar Moa, Deimos Mutalist Tar Moa Eximus, Deimos Leaper, Narmer Corpus Dropships and Vitriole Necramite do not spawn. Vitriole Necramite needs 40 scans. Rogue Bonewidow Eximus needs 20 scans. Rogue Voidrig Eximus doesn't have a codex entry. There are New War Codex scans that can't be completed (a Railjack Harpi, and Veso's Corpus companions). Thanks!
  6. Eh, I really dislike the idea of comparing Warframes and asking for X to be buffed because Y exists. Warframes have been cross-pollinating kit performance for years, and you're functionally building a Warframe to tackle all the mission roles at the same time to remain self-sufficient anyways. Ember is no stranger to that and neither is Dagath. All mission roles have been filled out a very long time ago, and Helminth really opens the door for several Warframes to do it all. I should say though that Flash Accelerant was an extremely unique augment mod, and the only thing that defines Warframes anymore are their flavor of combat through those defining intricacies. I don't enjoy Ember's post-rework state, not because it performs unwell, but I'm of the opinion that what made her stand out was removed in favor of things every Warframe kind of does already.
  7. It's pretty hard to "waste" a revive when you have practically unlimited and there's very little consequence to dying. You're moreso observing people participating in missions that they shouldn't be.
  8. The issue is Overguard dismisses many old mechanics that work off taking health damage, Chroma being one of them.
  9. It's not that surprising that we are seeing this. Most players will just shrug off this new precedence because it's only 35 Platinum. I'd wager there will be a next time though. I agree with your concerns by the way. I just have a really depressing world view, especially on the discussion of monetization and the lack of regulation on it. Consumerism and materialism isn't going to slow down any time soon. Warframe players have been made accustomed to being slowly boiled over time. It's inevitable when we live in a world where culture and society is sustained on the concepts of infinite growth and fiduciary responsibilities. You just have to do what makes you happy with playing. If that is buying it, go for it. If that's skipping out, skip out on it. I voice many concerns with monetization in this game, but I also would be categorized as more of a whale compared to other players. Lots of people may see that as hypocritical behavior. However, part of Warframe being fun for me is owning these things. As much as I dislike the direction of things in many ways, I realize that it is what it is, and I need to either fall in line or miss out. It's that black and white for me. The fact paid "story skip" was considered at all (even though walked back), especially after Heirlooms was the writing on the wall for me that DE has no intention on turning down the burner that boils the pot of water containing their playerbase. They're just looking for the next thing they can slip in and get away with. It's difficult for me to explain why I simultaneously support players speaking up about these things and also having the doomer mentality.
  10. To all these people saying that the sky is falling. Would you prefer the frame tweaked in 5 days, or become problematic for 5 years? DE isn't looking to obliterate Dante either, just a couple tweaks. I much rather DE make tweaks quickly and iron them out shortly after release than something being left alone for multiple years like Maiming Strike, Primed Sure Footed, or Helminth and become a key problem with the game's balance and general gameplay.
  11. It depends on the Relic. I'm not too interested in Fissures, but I am a player who's been playing since before Fissures were added. I have made tens of thousands of Platinum on Relics that help a completionist finish the Relic Codex, and I've also made tens of thousands on specific farming Relics (like 1,100 Lith W2 Relics from Scarlet Spear that I sold most of for 10 Platinum each, hundreds of Axi E1 from farming Nights of Naberus pre-Aya, etc.). Within the context of Aya, I don't know how to properly predict what Relics are worth stocking up on to sell. Glaive has been hot to trade with for a while, but where things shift is unpredictable.
  12. Thanks for writing this out for concerned players. It makes sense. Maybe it's worth a dev workshop down the road with a list of things the team feels fits this criteria and asking for player input about it. That way more people understand at what point something is seen as disruptive (as I can think of quite a few things that enable automation or disruptive behavior far more than Dante). The recent transparency regarding Mirage's Eclipse was great to see. Cheers.
  13. Great comment. I should add though that the primary discussion from this thread is accidentally an observation that this design philosophy has segregated players based on when they started playing and what they expect from the game. Most of the players I surround myself with are still looking forward to the things DE has always done and will never stop doing (trying new mechanics and always looking for new flavors of content to further their account). However, I do also see a ton of players that approach Warframe like Cookie Clicker. Both approaches are totally valid to have within the context of the game's history, but the two groups often clash as they are just different generations of Warframe players that enjoy the game in vastly different ways. The old game is still here, just fragmented across many years of updates. Most historical powercreep (such as Polarize Mag, Miasma Saryn, Maiming Strike, Trinity Link Nuke, etc.) are seen as examples of today's problems "always being there", but the reality has been that there is always context to that strength relative to where the game was at during that time. Maiming Strike was broken within the context of how melee worked back then and the general nature of missions. We now have Khora, Tenet Envoy, Ocucor, Kuva Bramma, Kuva Ogris, and so many options that fundamentally equal or even exceed Maiming Strike or similar issues of the past, especially since enemy scaling was massively nerfed back in 2020. Sure, the number on the screen may be smaller than Maiming Strike was, but the practical mission effectiveness has far exceeded those times. The broader retrospection of Warframe's content is that there is more accessibility and appeal to the arguably more corrosive mechanics that have slowly made their way into the game. I notice this all the time when having discussions with players who have opinions rooted in a misunderstanding of both precedent and current functionality (Eclipse being a recent example, not not the only time). And no, this isn't completely on them. The game has encouraged players in many ways to ignore intricacies in mechanics to stack more digestible bonuses. More often than not we see Base Damage, Status Spread, and Critical Chance/Damage as bonuses. That's because they are really easy to understand. They aren't Damage Vulnerability, Faction Damage, or other much older damage bonuses. Then take Damage Attenuation into account, and the game discourages players from really pushing weapons, because your damage becomes homogenized across your loadout and squad unless you've learned how to bypass the mechanic entirely. This is by far the saddest part, especially as someone on PC who has felt that sometimes even PC spawns are rough (compared to arsenal power), and I have to realize that console players just get it even worse.
  14. Well yeah, it wouldn't be a true meta complaint unless you outed yourself as part of the meta. Seriously, everyone just has their opinions, and it's popular for players to have negative reactions to powercreep as it makes gear feel more like cosmetics than progression. Just like on the other end, it's really popular for some players to suggest things that water down systems to lower their investment for the same end goal. The duality exists in all things, and it's up to you to dissect and see what has merit and what doesn't if you're interested in engaging in the discussion.
  15. Yes, but needs 20 scans.
  16. I think this is just observing a bias. People are most often going to comment when they have a change to suggest, and you're more likely to remember something you disagree with than something you agree with. Whether something needs a buff or a nerf is within the context of what those changes imply for the landscape of the game, and being quite transparent, the game has gotten to quite the mindless stage these days, with endgame being a laundry list of weeklies to keep you strung to the next update.
  17. FOMO is a spectrum. It can range from "I missed a Twitch Drop" to "I didn't buy the Founders Package". In gaming specifically, it's the negative emotions derived from mechanics that reinforce to the player "you should have gotten in on this bonus, because now you can't". In the context of your post, it's not a player would never have the chance to receive the bonus once, it's the fact they'll never have the same bonus you have the opportunity to have, because they just didn't collect as many as you. It's an unnecessary feeling for anniversary items to come with. Think of it like Login Rewards. They are permanently accessible, but not logging in puts you further and further behind to reaching a milestone. DE did add a cap of 3000 days for scaling rewards, but rewarding duplicate anniversary weapons would be akin to uncapped Login Rewards. For every +1 Dex weapon a player has, a player 1 year older now has +2. For some of us, that would go up to +3, 4, or even 5. I wouldn't want items only earned once a year to require more than a single duplicate for something if at all. The free weapon slot is enough of a bonus if I'm being honest here.
  18. I don't think there ever will be or should be a point to duplicates, as rewarding such a thing would be the most extreme version of FOMO for the game to have for celebrating their anniversary. The only slight maybe would be some kind of transmog system using Helminth, but that's just a dream for me lol.
  19. I appreciate the gesture. Would be cool to meet more than just my friend group. I'm not that important though lol.
  20. I agree with @LoseFace. I haven't seen any since pre-hotfix. It's kind of annoying that there are things that need 40 scans like this and stop spawning. I really wish they just button up the issues with the Codex and make rare stuff only need 1-3 scans. 5 scans for Reinforced Containers and 40 scans for a rarer enemy is just really dumb, especially when they stop spawning shortly after an update.
  21. I'm going. Maybe we will bump into one another 👀
  22. I'm at 20/40. They just seemed to spawn in the new Disruption node as I farmed for Dante. I was in Steel Path.
  23. I got one during Netracells as well (probably from the Vanquished Keyglyph).
  24. Thank you for the immense quality of life in Dante Unbound. Any chance we could get Beam Length and Projectile Speed in the arsenal? Riven Disposition as a numerical multiplier on hover?
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