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  1. personally deep is the same RNG as duviri circuit, this isnt hard and it can reset daily to my understanding, just build a quick loadout and tune it and run it and try to function like a squad and be useful if you cant do much do cc or buffs ect ... imo punishing players by forcing RNG/bad loudouts is a bit goofy given majority of game incentivizes it , I dont think the RNG would be bad if it actually pulled from "owned weapons and frames" instead of throwing dozen weapons people might not even have/use anymore as space is limited ingame, thats not being courteous to the player base by forcing stuff they might not have. difficulty modifiers are fine, but if the loadouts only allow you 1 or 2 decent gear simpler to avoid it and do something else if its not rewarding enough incentive to actually play it , why not just do normal netrcells at that point?
  2. supra incarnon would be nice ... kinda would like to see nikana prime and skijiati get some more function fang incarnon could be neat or dark dagger
  3. to what we know per devs this story has been on the burner for least 2 years (reb talking to geoff) in the pax devstream we know it includes stalker lore and the new warframe Jade so we have a J frame -yay warframe alphabet and rebs ocd lol Lore thoughts: per as prior mentioned we hopefully will get more info in regards to stalker and the other lower guardians as well as acolytes maybe? we know these lower guardians to be some sort of orokin guard/protector group. we know orokin council has brough up JADE LIGHT on several instances and or sentencing of individuals (including ballas's lover margelus ) maybe a reference to warframe jade or using herself or part of her to weaponize for judgment, dunno. we know stalker is capable of fusion or empowerment by sentient via hunhow, further, this seems universal to frames given archon shards work on us and sentient shards work on focus void schools we know per second dream hunhow says you hate them, you hate yourself as it mimics operators hand movement (so full transference into a frame or maybe stalker has an operator) we also know that shadow stalkers body is identical to that of Excalibur umbra - maybe some umbra lore ties maybe here or maybe stalker guardian lineis directly developed form the umbra because of sentience?
  4. wont complain with free buff, but im not having problems using her and im also using dagath ember just needs the Heatup gauge bs restrictions removed, just give her max cap and toss the gauge away its not helpful really . beyond that she is usable and powerful . dagaths imo is she has low armor and a very aggressive kit that also slows and her 4 is a hall nuke , ember has higher defensive capability with her 2 and can self buff damage / aoe armor strip of her powers by just casting them or proc heat by other means, her 4 can also cover a BIG area and with aug also give squad energy technically they cover each other in a squad well
  5. usually if something is to good to be true , afk , or disruptive nuking, de will tweak. plenty of frames when they become to uber or too meta de will nock down a peg to keep inline with others or take a while to rework/tweak them up. ember took so long...anyway personally, I did forma and shard him, with the new fix my build didn't work well, so i tweaked and swapped some new mods in , took 10 min to test and nuke SP and stay invulnerable. he is still BS powerful just keep all his stacks active and go to town, did see a bug on 1 cast locking powers in a mission, not sure what cause that his style is active cast and just keeping the overguard up or top off when its getting low isnt hard, keeping energy up is very easy given tome mods, archon stretch or siphon or nexus , plenty of options to keep energy up , mainly i just upped range and damage, changed book to different elements and poof he works even took him (cause he was listed) for deep arcana research 3x mission maxed everything out for difficulty, kept my squad alive untouched and damage amped and i still did 2nd most damage dealt with 3+3+4 cast spam nukes , squad was like gg ez. act as a support frame worked well, kinda felt like playing old trinity roll of guard and semi damage dealer i wouldn't mind a forma or resource refund for the week 1+ people or those who bought him though .. id also say we should have figured that was gonna be hit with the nerf bat given he kinda took over missions ... when people started gating no dante in recruitment chat because how annoying they were being its understandable
  6. personally i found it fun
  7. its dantes library area, activate the correct sigils around the area via operator amp and an passage in middle opens, giving 3x buff activators, some treasure chests/urns and a soma chord
  8. greetings fellow tenno , I know some are having issues with DC aka Design council sub forum access with merged accounts/crossave to explain , how merging works is that your forums account is turned into your (pc) account even if its not asked to be the primary , this isa separate merging than ingame merge the solution is simply post a ticket to support asking them to allow the new merged account access , they can see the prior accounts permissions and will grant it if you had prior access i hope this helps and they have recently solved this issue on my account
  9. they told me they refused to do it I have the whole ticket logged as telling me to just go post on forums , how interesting
  10. not to be an irritant but, can you also look into/ask on fixing the design council problems on forums? linked accounts merg and auto become the PC even if primary is selected to be another platform at merg /link (per support ticket) , in effect removing design council status on forums but merged ingame keeps this status and council chat, in effect eliminating our ability to participate in council activities on forums
  11. i mean i can see the issues, plenty of frames with neigh invulnerability /survivability have been hit in the past for balance and afk prevention in revs case he also applies this to squads with his augment, and his 1 power prevent allies from killing the thralls with their powers (normal weapons work fine) in review of testing id say its obvious him and a variety of frames need QOl /changes to keep balance as with prior incidents. that being said DE does also play favoritism and or ignores problems till its boiling point is overflowing in a variety of cases, or kneejerk nerf based off an event (like scarlet spear healing nerfs) id say revents issue is not that he can survive anything but how the invulnerability lasts and stacks , in valkyrs case we have to deactivate eventually, with revenenat and shock + archon stretch you can infinitely keep up that power and build up a nice defense. its to a point hes outdoing frames that were geared with the concept of tanking such as rhino,nezha, gara, grendel,inaros,nidus, ect this isnt to say rev cant be strong, but it was designed much like garuda in the vampiric theme + wraith anmd kit could be worked to build that same tankiness with powers synergizing as it stands revs 1 piggybacks off 2 for free cast and has limited thrall count (imo these shouldn't be killable by allies much like nyx mind control) as when cast, they are removed from enemy pool anyway , and if only rev should kill to then activate the power 4 synergy of shield providing for self and allies and AOE attack turrets as is typical problem is scalability , infact his 3 is scaled off hp/shields which is nice to melt enemies , but there could be more to it say cast 3 on 1 thralls and gain stacks to 2 off killing them (aka feeding on them) but disallow 2 to be recast-able until fully depleted. thats one concept ive seen it just seems like the kit needs more interconnection/activity to provide balancing and or scaling with effort instead of face tanking without much effort ,instead casting 2 all the time and using aoe weapons...is what im coming to understand, this seems like wukong all over again ....? i mean revs 4, is powerful ,but hits a peak eventually , and becomes less viable you progress in 1k+ enemies level , in 30sub it melts but so do most well modded aoe powers.. another thing i read was take 2's core aka invulnerability and have it cast initially with a low number but killing thralls or reaping via 3 , up the number over time to prevent over scale In conclusion: id have to say based on what ive read, tested and reviewed in combat its a bit excessive Now im not saying this should go the route of trinity, aka nerf to DEATH, but then it should be reworked to interweave the powers and maybe bring more vampiric/wraith themes to the kits synergy and uses between them ,to make it still capable and viable but also active and useful is my best suggestion.
  12. They had to touch the exalted melees to enable tennokai system to work on them, so its not like the didnt have the chance to do it as they already were there code wise usually how this stuff functions is through inheritance of classes , so say if a melee can have a x mod pool and arcanes and tennokai, they can simply enable it by removing the limiting function or limiting code such as if exalted exclude list # (mods) and exclude (arcanes) . quite easy to code and setup so its a matter of not wanting or caring enough to link/tweak them to expand or enable these capacities same thing applies with primary and secondary , they already had the arcane functions enabled a while ago its simply allowing them to pull from the same lists as non exalted. also as you state its a good chunk of frames sporting the exalted/pseudo now, and even the poster boy of the game. it doesn't make sense and undercuts the performance of the frames that should have had these system already applied simply by inheritance or just quickly fixing the class to match that of normal type weapons. i know de is worried about them maybe be too powerful , but then do a balance/rework to keep then in line with the capacity. but at same time we have unchecked potential ina variety of frame powers or weapons that scale infinitely ? just a lot of inconsistency baruuks augment adapts damage to the one it hits , to be most effective, you can hit and deal various elemental damage types per strike, per target, which makes it akin to revenants 4 power, excaliburs chromatic is a joke and should do imo same thing or least have chromas shift elemental type when holding 4 or something
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