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  1. You need direct damage to your HP for rage/hunter adrenaline to work ( a combined return of 85% energy ). Your armor value and the adaptation mod would be a better choice for survivability, since shields/overshields/overguard are too random for rage and HA to work properly.
  2. At least we're still allowed to have Smeeta with bat ears.
  3. https://overframe.gg/build/419268/ignis-wraith/valve-wide-open-v4/ If you don't have the galvanized mods, just use the normal ones. This build will serve you in all mission types, up to level 150. I've used it to open the first 5 planets on Steel Path before switching to my phenmor.
  4. 1. Defense - Tek Assault & Hasten Deflection are the only defense mods that scale with mission levels. Sentinels benefit more from shields/overshields/reinforced bond. This is the mechanic to look into, instead of tiny buffs. 2. Attack - Injuring an opponent is more beneficial, than killing it outright. I rather the field be littered with health orbs to trigger my mods and arcances. Gas is going to be OP... How are the Vulpa and Preds going to figuring into the new "attack weapon", when most of the attack mods are useless to them? ( They can only use Bite and the status mods. ) Will they be overhauled in the new system, or is this an 'oops' moment? The pet stances look interesting, though. 3. It's a shame the Smeeta is losing their charm mod, but you can't blame them for the current mechanics - The MR30+ relay buffs killed most of their usefulness. Dark Sector missions are the go-to for easy farming and credits.. Oh wait, no one knows that because the content creators only care about the 'meta' now. My bad. I only used mine for rare items, such as argon/toroids/lanthorn and the pod drops in salvage missions. Though, the pilfer warframes/mods killed that too. 4. Pet movement doesn't matter to me. 5. The mod changes look interesting. 6. I only use a few sentinel weapons, so the tiny buffs are 'eh'. * So this QoL patch will add more to my powerhouses, similar to the last one. Hopefully, none of my lovlies will explode due to their greatness.
  5. No twitch drops, boo! j/k Just stay safe in that one-world away.
  6. Players have reported a similar issue through this Nightwave. I would have suggested opening a support ticket, but I doubt anything would happen since this season is ending on the 2nd.
  7. It's happened to me. Usually slowing down during a bullet jump or roll, but the game runs as normal - so I get creamed by the mobs because I can't get out of the way/defend myself. I'm averaging one lost life every mission now, so I just run solo.
  8. The extract icon does bug out, it's been reported, but DE hasn't fixed it yet. Just run through the map, and you will end up in the launch bay. Your still image (bottom) shows unattached rooms so there was at least another level.
  9. The first day of the month I can finally catch PT an you all get sick on me. j/k I wish you all a full & speedy recovery!
  10. Good morning. It's near impossible to play as a group - public or pre-made - while doing bounties on Orb Vallis. Mostly, melee weapons won't swing or you become stuck midway through reloading your ranged weapon. Sometimes when you reach a part in your bounty, all 4 drop beacons will appear at the same time, as if a chuck of time has past. This prevents you from completing that stage as you get wiped as soon as you stand up again. I'm not sure if it's due to the current Fractures event, but running solo solves all these problems. Thank you for your time.
  11. Good evening. My sister and I caught every hour of TennoCon 2024 on Twitch. Laughed and cried all the way through. When it came to the demo of 1999, my sister was excited at the idea of a "bike", but it turned out to be a motorcycle. She really wanted a kid's bike - playing card in the back spokes to go "brrrrr" as she went, those beads for bicycle spokes, handle bar tassels, and the bell that goes "ding". We even talked about how silly Nidus Prime (her main) and Oberon Prime (my main) would look hunched over riding one. Skins to think about? Or just a silly thought?
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