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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. ...this is so wrong on so many levels. Spores do literally 10 damage and have a decidedly mid status proc. What is that, their damage scales up? Yeah, to a hard cap of 100k, and it takes around 1.5 hours to get there. Meanwhile Landslide can deal tens of millions of damage instantly.
  2. Glaive Prime has been oneshotting level cap for years, replacing a 15% ability strength shard on your frame for a +3 Corrosive Proc one isn't going to change anything about our power level. It just means we can use a lot more different weapons.
  3. None of this gives us more power, just other ways to attain the same power. And there's no need to buff enemy HP, you can just cut the Viral status effect by 50% and suddenly everything is 2x as tanky.
  4. That's correct actually, but for the most part 98% should suffice, considering that this retains the 75% damage bonus. I'd be interested to know if the cap increase also works on enemies that have a lower than usual cap.
  5. I disagree with everything you said. Just one tauforged shard will give +3 proc cap, which is 100% armor strip. And this would make any weapon viable, worst case scenario you could use a primer to apply Corrosive. Also Saryn is not OP at all, not even a little bit. Every frame can nuke low levels just as good as her with Thermal Sunder, and at high levels all of her abilities have *zero* effect currently. Seriously, just using Mags Pull+armor strip is *vastly* superior to anything Saryn can do. Hek, just using Pull and a decent weapon already is.
  6. Yes, but not really. See, Corrosive is perfectly fine at entry level Steel Path. It only falls off hard as the level increases - and at that point, I think it's perfectly valid to expect the player to invest some effort into keeping up with the scaling. A lot of weapons simply cannot make use of Slash procs, this will make them viable. It's great.
  7. I'm really glad to see DE take a more experimental approach to these, and while there will likely be a bunch of misses in the available stats, just the increased Corrosive proc cap alone is already enough to get me hyped! Corrosive status hasn't been useful at higher levels since the nerf, and this will not only bring it back, it will also chip away at the dominance of Slash procs - it's not exactly powercreep either, since you still need to apply the extra stacks, you sacrifice a shard slot for it, and we already have Slash anyhow. More variety, more options, more toys to play with - that's what Warframe needs (and seemingly will get!).
  8. Stat sticks being a thing means that rivens for warframe abilities are a thing. I don't think that's a positive in the abstract. On the other hand, I have zero faith that most of those abilities will still be relevant if you remove stat sticks - I mean, there's lot's of abilities that *don't* use stat sticks, like Ash's Shuriken or Embers Fireball, and they're all pretty much useless.
  9. I'm all for it, Mach Rush in the Helminth. But please don't nerf it's speed by 50%, and the range of the augment by 50% as well, for good measure.
  10. You might want to revisit your Garuda build, let me tell you I'd prefer her over Ash any day of the week if you told me to do a level cap run.
  11. No, sorry but you have no clue what you're even talking about at this point. The people going to level cap with Ash don't do this because of Blade Storm - I would go insane if I had to kill enemies for several hours with that ability. And his passive is just a 25% damage bonus.
  12. Like I said, I don't even use his Bladestorm build, and I've been to level cap just using weapons. So I for one would be very happy if he got reworked, even if this meant Bladestorm would deal no damage at all. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding though - every frame can be invincible, and that is a good thing, because you *have* to be invincible to go to level cap. Some use shield gating, some might require Protective Sling, but they all are invincible. And similarly all frames can oneshot level cap, using the right weapon. You don't even mention some of the most aggregious Warframes, Octavia for example can afk her way to level cap, her invisibility and damage far surpass anything Ash can do. Or Garuda, for all the issues she has she can easily oneshot everything in a huge AoE, scaling into infinity - all while being pretty much invincible.
  13. So I have an Ash Bladestorm build, complete with the Innodem and Trickery and all. And I don't use it, like ever. Yes it can probably kill level cap enemies (I *really* don't want to even try). But it's super inconvenient, and not any better than just using a weapon, frankly. Because yes, any weapon you'd bring to level cap will also oneshot those enemies. Ash's passive has already been nerfed by the way (it was a shadow nerf, so I wouldn't blame you for not knowing). Realistically, his passive and his invisiblity are everything the poor guy has. Shuriken does literally nothing unless you use an augment (and even then it's a single target armor strip that can't even reliably hit what you aim it at), and his teleport is pathetic.
  14. Ivara doesn't drain extra energy on melee projectiles (only direct hits). So gunblades, the Quassus, or glaives work quite well on her. Bus yes, Prowl needs a rework. It also deletes your energy when there's a shield/health drain aura, like in Disruption. The speed penalty and no bullet jumping are outdated as well.
  15. That actually does return the glaive, just not instantly. It still has to observe its travel time. While this topic is ancient, I think it is worth stating the current state of glaive "throw-builds", in other words builds that do *not* simply explode the glaive and that's it. For these builds specifically, a mod has been introduced to the game with the most recent melee update: First of all, glaives aren't really worth using, despite their power, without the innate bonus of their forced status procs - for example a slash proc on the Glaive Prime, famously. Unfortunately the explosion caused by this mod does *not* activate the weapons innate proc on heavy attack explosions. This alone is already enough reason to never use throw-builds on most glaives, there are however some exceptions: The Pathocyst would in theory be better with a build that forgoes the heavy attack explosion, as it only gets a single Viral proc anyway, and the Volatile Rebound explosions do cause Viral damage, meaning with Weeping Wounds and a Heat mod, this weapon could do some work. However, most regrettably any and all of these builds are nonfunctional in practice. And the reason for this is a bug that I've reported years ago, and that will never be fixed (like so many others!). Glaives will frequently reset to consider their entire accumulated combo equal to zero. But even worse, the combo itself does not reset, so you are actually blocked from "rebuilding your combo" until you heavy attack and expend the remaining "phantom combo points". Basically, throwing glaives without using the explosion is not a viable strategy, and likely will never be. Here, have one of the videos I based my bug report on, years back, you can see that the combo counter and the Blood Rush/Weeping Wounds/Gladiator stack do not align most of the time (I am using heavy attack efficiency by the way, which slightly alleviates this bug): If you just look at the thumbnail you can already see 0 stacks from Blood Rush etc. at 12x combo.
  16. There are several zigzag lines on the fabric part of the skin, both on the front and the back, that appear to be tears - it is more visible if you move the skin around, but I tried to capture in in a picture: Simply put, the top and the bottom of the fabric parts aren't connected, there is no "seam". Not sure if this is a preview issue or if the skin itself is broken, as I'm not going to purchase it in this state.
  17. You're late to the party, TS is already nerfed in case you didn't know. It's damage is now capped and it doesn't "nuke the Steel Path" anymore.
  18. I see. And then what, will you be back asking for DE to delete Saryn and Mesa? Equinox? For reference, Miasma does 7200 damage per cast (+Spore damage), that's a lot more than the 1500 you begrudgingly accept for TS.
  19. Again, it doesn't do that. So you want to make it not proc Heat status anymore, ist that correct? So it would deal 1500 damage and nothing else? That's useless. Your suggestion is equal to deleting the ability, try again.
  20. Yes, after I asked you half a dozen times to specify how you would nerf Thermal Sunder (again). You *still* have nothing but hyperbole and dodging the question. Clearly you are not acting in good faith here.
  21. Well it doesn't do any of those, case closed.
  22. You are *still* dancing around the question. How would you change Thermal Sunder? It can't be *that* hard to answer, unless the answer actually is that you want it to kill nothing, and you just can't admit to it.
  23. Not at all, I'm just asking "how would you nerf it". Because it should be clear that just making the ability do nothing isn't an option, yes? The question was and still is, "what point between doing nothing and killing enemies without Steel Path modifiers are you aiming for".
  24. There is really no use being evasive when you've clearly stated in the OP that you want more, bigger nerfs to Thermal Sunder.
  25. Right. You can already achieve that goal by recruiting people into a group that plays exactly like you want. Random matchmaking means people have no obligation to play a certain, preferred way. So I ask you again, how would you change Thermal Sunder (and other AoE abilities) so that they don't kill anything, without making them useless?
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