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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Would be nice to see someone acknowledge this: "Oh right, we didn't test this at all. Like at all. So we had no idea the main feature of that Incarnon adapter did literally 1 damage. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!"
  2. Also the heavy slam will lift and push enemies, quickly moving them out of the fire area - so even if it did damage over time, the design is heavily flawed to begin with.
  3. Incarnon weapons have some sort of fancy gimmick, some shoot projectiles for example. Unfortunately the Furax Incarnons gimmick is purely visual due to bugs. Simply put, it is unaffected by most mods because it is considered a heavy slam - which are totally useless for the purpose of dealing damage. Heavy slams don't consider many mods and have incredibly small hitboxes that also don't benefit from Primed Reach. It would be really nice if you could make these short lasting fire fields actually deal substantial damage. Here some pictures to visualize just how really, really bad the damage is: A regular, neutral melee attack at 12x combo, using a standard build: Because the enemies are armored the damage is very low - about 150 to 350. Now, using the same build, the fire field of a 12x heavy slam attack: That's 1 to 2 damage. Come on DE, you can do better than this, surely. Right?? It also isn't benefitting from the mod Weeping Wounds, meaning it can't even be used to proc status effects. You're *not* going to let the weapon be broken like this forever, *right*??
  4. No, the way faction damage is written has changed. x0.53 times damage to Grineer means -47% damage. I consider -zoom and -impact damage to be "positive negatives".
  5. It wasn't the Abyss of Dagath update, there have been reports of Seeking Talons not passing through terrain before. It seems to be inconsistent and thus hard to pinpoint when the change occured.
  6. It never applied to Cordon. Also I'd suggest you give modding the Helstrum for Viral/Electricity a try, as that'll give you Viral, Electricity, Radiation, Impact, and Puncture procs. Also also, Manyfold Bond works with Wisp's motes (the sentinel gets them and they proc all the status effects).
  7. Just use one of the many blind/disarm abilities or augments that still work on Eximus just fine, like Breach Surge. Overguard is absurdly and senselessly bugged to block the casting of several damaging/defensive abilities, and to not block a bunch of CC. Probably never gonna get fixed either.
  8. There's still Null Star if Thermal Sunder gets any worse. Do you propose we nerf every AoE ability in the game until you can kill low level enemies at your leisure with a melee weapon?
  9. Fair point. Without the exponential stacking there really isn't any issue caused by Charm.
  10. The reason is Steel Essence. People used Khora to automate Steel Essence farming and walk home with 20k of them -> now the shop has a limit to how much you can buy per week (since a bunch of people basically have infinite Steel Essence). People leave Steel Essence on the ground until they have a 16 times Smeeta buff and pick up 1000 Steel Essence in one go -> Smeeta is getting nerfed.
  11. So when you're at the mod-bench and search for Wise Razor it shows up, but when you're trying to mod the Azothane it has no stance equipped, nor available to be equipped? That's weird, I've never noticed anything like that.
  12. So the correct solution to your problem is *not* to demand the world accomodate your irrational personal tastes, but instead change your point of view. There is nothing wrong with 99%.
  13. Now could you make Ancestral Bond 40 seconds duration? Nobody is going to use it as is. I don't think Tandem Bond needed a nerf.
  14. The extra attack speed actually made me use melee again after the most recent wave of nerfs killed it for good. I guess you really want melee dead, huh?
  15. I wouldn't mind that, but it just makes the ability a little more convenient to cast (don't need to swipe the mouse as much) - the real issue is that you can't cast it at all if there's still a clone active somewhere, and you don't know whether your clones are done unless you look into the bottom right corner of your screen to check the ability. So in practice every time you'd want to cast Bladestorm you stop a moment to look into your screen's corner, you see there's still a number on Bladestorm meaning you *can't*, so you go back to using your weapons - over and over. It's a nuisance.
  16. Who knows. I think they are definitely making a good effort, and I have not seen anything even close in all the time Warframe had.
  17. With all due respect, I strongly disagree. I noticed spells in Baldurs Gate were bugged to not scale their DC at all on ground effects (like the Web spell for example), and guess what, a couple weeks later they fixed it. In Warframe I noticed glaives are bugged to break the combo counter when used for regular throws, and I even made detailed bug reports with videos. Years later they remain bugged and regular throws are unusable. There is a very clear difference here.
  18. That's just not true at all. Just take this update for example, I'm quite happy that pets got reworked and looking forward to the rest of the rework to come. How did you even come to that conclusion?
  19. Why is it that when DE's shortcomings are discussed - nobody has ever tried arguing that they actually do a satisfactory job on stuff like bugfixing - the response is always "shut up and go away"? I just want the broken stuff to get fixed. Maybe within a year or so, that really shouldn't be too much to ask I don't think. I never even mentioned Blizzard, and I have no issue with Pablo, but the fact of the matter remains that Pablo did voice what we all know - DE doesn't fix bugs because they don't think it's worth their time, and time *does* mean money in this case. There is no getting around this point, they *could* fix bugs, they *choose* not to. They choose *not* to hire another programmer, and they *could* afford to. I think as a customer it's the absolute correct thing to do in this situation to say "Hey, I'm not satsified with your service. You're cutting corners and it's plain to see, do a proper job please."
  20. So can we maybe ignore the professional trolls and get back on topic? The topic was that bug fixing isn't cost effective in case you need a reminder (I wouldn't blame you with the deflecting that's been going on). For context I've played Baldurs Gate 3 recently, and I was very pleased that the developers have fixed a huge number of bugs since release. I bet if they'd shrugged their shoulders and said "well you already bought the game, no sense in fixing stuff now" they wouldn't be as popular as they are.
  21. We went from "DE is doing their best" to "you couldn't do it better" to "if you still play the game that's on you". Where have I seen that behaviour?
  22. And now we're stooping to personal attacks and ad hominem in the desperate effort do justify bugs not getting fixed. Yeah, it's all my fault that DE can't fix their bugs, right right.
  23. It's really funny how even the developers themselve just shrug and say "bugfixing isn't cost effective", but the white knights didn't get the memo and keep banging on about how bugfixing is hard, how we couldn't do it any better, how DE is doing their best... Meanwhile it takes them what, 3 years of constant nagging until they restore a simple numerical value back to 100% after they accidentally cut it in half one patch. I'm sure that was hard work, I couldn't possibly understand how to change a number in the code back to it's original value without 10 years of working as a programmer.
  24. So we don't have enough people to fix bugs, but if we had more people it wouldn't help either. I guess we'll just *have to* continue not fixing bugs then, a real shame that. Did you know you can prove Christianity true with the Bible? And the Bible is saying the truth because it's dictated by god, obviously. Flawless proof, right?
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