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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. I don't get some of the people on this forum. "Hey, there's this thing nobody uses because it's just straight up worse than a similar ability. We could make them roughly equal, with each having their tradeoffs!" "No, I don't want that! I agree that nobody uses the ability, but we shouldn't do anything about it. In my head the ability is beautiful the way it is - of course I don't use it either though."
  2. Yes they do. Lull is only used on Baruuk so he can activate his 4. The ability itself serves no purpose, as you can see from people modding him for 13% duration. Fractured Blast sucks because it's one of those abilities that get nerfed by 50% in the Helminth - that's the sole reason nobody uses it. The suggestion was that she would be able to fully strip at 0 heat given that she has 200% strength (the passive would help with that). Would that make Ember suddenly the meta? Absolutely not, but it would be something. At least you could use her augment to put Heat damage on your guns, strip all their armor and be effective that way all the way to level cap. I wouldn't have sold her prime for credits if she could do at least that much.
  3. Let me ask you then; What is your point? Are you saying Fire Blast is good the way it is? It shouldn't be changed? Or are you just contrarian because you're bored? The fact is, in all the time since Embers rework, I've never seen anybody use Fire Blast. It's a Helminth ability for gods sake, and nobody is using it. Nobody. I tried putting it on a number of Warframes, and I've always come to the same conclusion (has has every other player in the game, it seems!) - this just isn't worth using. I have seen a single Ember player, in a fissure mission, once. I had Ember Prime and sold her for credits because of how underwhelmed I was.
  4. That's a lot of words to say: Tharros Strike is very powerful but limited AoE. It's the armor strip of choice against single targets or when grouping enemies. Terrify is the armor strip of choice against groups of enemies, when using AoE abilities, and in particular when you don't need LoS. Fire Blast is the ability you don't use because 150 energy (before mods) for every group of enemies simply isn't competetive. That it requires LoS would be a tradeoff if it could achieve 100%.
  5. That's 150 energy thank you very much. Tharros Strike does the same for 50 (+many other things), Terrify for 75 (+ignores LoS).
  6. Fire Blast sounds good on paper - up to 100% armor removal. That's good, right? Well it's not true. Fire Blast can only ever strip 100% armor when Ember is at full heat gauge. Well Ember doesn't ever want to be at full heat gauge. It drains 10 energy per second, that's aweful. And in the Helminth? You can't ever be at 100% heat (it defaults to 75%) so you don't ever get 100% armor removal. In a world where Terrify and Tharros Strike exist, the current iteration of Fire Blast makes no sense. It is obsolete in the Helminth, and it is one of the big reasons Ember goes unplayed. Armor strip is 100% or bust, and this makes Fire Blast a bust. You need to change this. You should totally uncap Fire Blast, allowing it to strip 100% armor even below 100 heat. As for the Helminth, I'd suggest defaulting to 0 heat in this case - meaning a 50% armor strip at base, reaching 100% at 200% ability strength. Since, you know, Terrify exists and has a base value of 60%, with some minor limitations. Or compare to Tharros Strike, removing 50% armor and shields for 1/3 the energy. TLDR; There is no excuse for Fire Blast being this bad, it makes it obsolete in the Helminth and hurts Embers viability. And fixing is involves no risk and extremely little effort. Do the right thing.
  7. Sounds like DE just wrote a bunch of fancy, meaningless words into their EULA that will be laughed out of any european court.
  8. For real? When did that happen? I might actually build one (again).
  9. Wtf. DE just randomly cut a weapons damage by half (by accident), and completely ignores any bug reports for 2 years. No idea what you're doing, but you aren't doing your job - that much is certain. It can't be just lazyness, can it? I mean you could tell some random new guy you just hired to fix the number and he'd be done in 5 minutes. By the way, this isn't the only bug regarding the Pathocyst that you haven't fixed in years; I reported this bug 2 years ago! The buff from Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds / Gladiator Set (visible in the top right) is completely wrong and out of sync with the actual combo counter. It's supposed to be "combo-1", but is actually anything from "combo-0" to "combo-12". This makes non-heavy attack throwing builds completely nonfunctional. I hope you are proud of yourself for abandoning this game and just completely ignoring game breaking bugs. At least you're getting paid and are making sure to go on vaccation, no matter the state of the game, it's almost like welfare.
  10. Unlikely, the Tombfinger (primary) also has this issue, and it hasn't been changed. It's been how many years? This weaks weapons: Boar: Maybe kinda similar to the Phantasma. Doesn't seem bad. Gammacor: You can wear it on your arm and maybe get some energy occasionally. I wouldn't shoot enemies with this. The Tenet Plinx exists. The Atomos too. Angstrum: Nope. Gorgon: Nope. Anku: Big nope.
  11. It's a significantly worse version of the Atomos, and that's really it.
  12. ...What were you expecting a 600% strength Nova to do? Her abilities scale with duration. Here's how you do Disruption the classic way: Play Ash, be invisible, shoot demolisher with cold to slow it (or use Magus Lockdown), throw shuriken at it until it has no armor left (which is one throw usually), shoot a decent gun at it. Done, easy. Personally I like to use Garuda with Expedite Suffering, but that's a little more complicated.
  13. In that case; There are some new Incarnon melees that need you to be at 6x combo to activate incarnon mode, when they are most effectively played as heavy attack weapons (usually a permanent 2x without combo building). The Rauta could make these more playable as a 6-12x heavy weapon. Ceramic Dagger, Nami Solo, Sibear. If you really want to overkill something you could make a Glaive Prime 12x heavy attack build - as a plus here you don't need to switch to use the heavy attack. You mentioned the Zenistar already. I don't think there's much there, sorry.
  14. What you're looking for are probably pseudo exalted weapons (Whiplash, Shattered Lash) - they benefit greatly from a high combo count. Building combo via the Rauta to then heavy attack with your melee seems too clunky and not worth it IMO. Especially since you cannot heavy attack unless you equip the melee first (unlike light attacks).
  15. There are a lot (a lot) of bugs with Incarnon evolutions; The bug in the OP is that most conditional bonuses (when channeling, with melee equipped, reload speed from empty) always apply - acting as if the condition was permanently met. The other option is probably also bugged (I tested the same type of evolution on another weapon), in that the buff does not refresh and each instance has it's own timer. In other words, if you wanted to stack it to 4 you'd have to spend 20 energy per second (technically you'd still drop the buff occasionally unless you time it perfectly). Plus apparently there are more bugs with this evolution not consistently counting energy spent and having weird threshholds (according to bug reports on the forum), but I haven't played with it enough to tell you details (because it suuucks).
  16. You're almost right, just one little oversight: Most beam weapons now use 1/2 ammo per shot.
  17. Beam weapons don't have multishot. They just get more damage and higher status on their one "projectile". DE doesn't know how their own game works, and that is a fact. They didn't understand this issue when releasing Incarnon weapons (see Atomos), and they've not responded to the reports ever since. It is never going to get fixed, just grab another weapon. Gammacor isn't good anyway, Incarnon deals no damage and the pull has 5m range. In fact none of the new Incarnons can compete with what we already have.
  18. Just to chime in, this seems to be a change across platforms as I experienced the same issue on PC.
  19. I think you're doing something wrong. And I think the "advanced damage numbers" are hiding your non-crits. In my testing it seems to provide 25% flat crit. To elaborate, with this setup I get only yellow crits (maybe a non-crit sneaks in among the status ticks every now and then): And with this setup I get very few orange crits among the yellows: Exactly what I would expect from 25% flat crit. And if you're asking me what you might be doing wrong, I'd guess vigilante mods on your sentinel's weapon.
  20. That obviously would be the case - enemies don't use mods, so a 50% flat crit damage bonus that is inconsequential for a modded weapon will noticably increase enemy damage. Same deal with Gas procs; They are bugged to not scale with mods, making them perfect in the hands of enemies who don't have mods.
  21. You're late to the party. Yes, this is the main thing that killed the Zenistar, melee range was multiplicative before - multiplying the AoE in size. Now it's a flat (and insubstancial) increase.
  22. I found it fun trying to speedrun the spy mission, for a couple of tries at least. And the time to relic ratio is not bad in any case. That's a good point, I guess the mission had more dilluted drops at some point and the double drop chance is not a bug per se, but rather an oversight (13% for a capture is really good!).
  23. Well we have the option between a simple display that everyone familiar with the game will instantly understand, and... nothing, no information, go to the wiki.
  24. The direct hit and the AoE are seperate entries in the arsenal, so no issue there (not that there would be any with having two procs, mind you). What is cluttering about this? It just gives you the relevant information, instead of forcing you to look every weapon up on the wiki. Can you spot the bit I photoshopped?
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