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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. There are three ways to use this mod: 1) Prime enemies with Heat, then attack with the Hate as usual. 2) Mod the Hate to cause mainly Heat procs and use as normal otherwise. 3) Hit enemies with the Hate to increase the damage of Heat procs from other weapons. Quite frankly, 2) is just a straight debuff. It is out of the question, in large part due to the available Arcanes. In the case of 1), the "augment" is merely a 120% status damage stat - how is this worthy of being an augment mod exactly? It doesn't do anything other mods don't already do (arguably better). 3) is ridiculous. Doubly so because enemies where you might even consider doing such a silly thing have a status cap of 4, meaning it isn't a viable tactic (120% of 0 is 0). In summary, the absolute best case scenario for the mod is that it provides a flat 120% status damage increase, given that the player uses a primer. Do you believe that players are so starved for mods as to want to put a mod that says "120% extra status damage" on the Hate? I mean, you *could* do it. The mod is technically usable. Do you seriously think "120% extra status damage" is what an augment mod should read as?? There is nothing being augmented here. There is no change to playstyle, there is no flavour (aside from the name of the mod!), it's just a boring and not even very good stat! Look, I get it, the Hate is already very powerful and you didn't want to make it even more powerful, so you gave it a garbage augment mod on purpose. But for heavens sake at least make it somehow interesting!
  2. You would want to do this with a secondary due to the rainbow proc arcane. Also zero damage priming is only relevant for targets with damage attenuation, and those aren't frequent enough to worry about ammo on a weapon that will proc all the status procs it has in like 2 ammo.
  3. While that's funny, I don't think there is any practical application for abusing an infinite ammo, zero damage Convectrix. As you have found out, the mod only prevents ammo consumtion when the beams don't hit any targets.
  4. Just saying that the augment mod for the Hate is a waste of code and extremely uninspiring. The Dread one is fine - encourages the use of the Dread for frames with invisibility, good flavour, and a neat gimmick for others. The Hate one - 120% status damage after you cause a Heat proc with the Hate - is worse than the already existing 90% status damage unconditional + 60% heavy attack speed (sorely needed on scythes, they are super slow), and there's just no way you're going to use both. Not only is it a very uninspiring stat mod with zero flavour or utility, *and* worse than an existing mod, *and* conditional, it also doesn't work with some of the best melee Arcanes. You can't use both it and Melee Influence (no proccing of both Heat and Electricity allowed). You can't really use it with Melee Exposure (overly dillutes the Heat procs, and thus the condition as well as the thing that the mod buffs). God, the mod is just *so* bad. It'd be better if it didn't buff the damage at all and did something cool but useless, like summon a stalker specter for 10 seconds.
  5. A much needed improvement. Since you have Blood Altar and Magnetize in your known issues list, could you also fix Garuda getting an error message when trying to cast Dread Mirror or Blood Altar on overguarded enemies? Magnetize (and most other abilities) can be cast on them just fine, and it is your stated intention for abilities to work on overguard, with only any CC portions being selectively disabled. Also, since you have "issues with line of sight" in your known issues list regarding some abilities, could you also fix the explosion from Temporal Anchor? It has a LoS check from the players soles to the targets soles, best I can tell - which means the ability doesn't work due to pixels on the ground or elevation differences, preventing "direct line of feet" (why do warframes cast with their feet and at the enemies feet only?).
  6. I wouldn't mind trading this away, but out of your rivens the only one I'd care for is the Plinx one, and it has 0.65 disposition... that doesn't seem like a good trade.
  7. Feel free to have a look at this video I posted a while back, you simply cannot rely on Temporal Anchors LoS to work.
  8. It is not, unfortunately, since the explosion has bugged line of sight. As in, the line of sight of the explosion appears to originate from the soles of your feet, and only targets enemies whose soles of their feet are within "view" of your soles. Meaning any little bump in the ground or any elevation difference makes enemies not get hit by the explosion. In theory, yes, but as I said the explosion has broken LoS so it matters not. The armor changes *would* make it good for AoE if the AoE actually worked though.
  9. Why hello there. I assume you mean to say that you do use Temporal Anchor? Great. Then you will probably agree that it isn't very good currently.
  10. Quite honestly, I think your behaviour here is beyond pathetic. Go have fun on your own, I'm out.
  11. You can tell that to yourself by playing a mission while relying on it as a survival tool. It'll be very obvious.
  12. Wow, you already forgot how you were spreading misinformation just earlier in this thread? Of course not, you're just pretending you didn't. Let me teach you something. When you are wrong, and someone corrects you, you are supposed to be thankful, not in denial.
  13. Well I'm glad we cleared that up then. You are *not* going to back your words up at all. Like at all. Then we have the facts that you were acting as if you were knowlegeable about the ability earlier (and were giving advice that doesn't actually work at all), and that Temporal Anchor is the ability to remove from Protea for a Helminth one, as universally agreed upon by players (even yourself!), and we can safely assume that you were just sharing some fantasy or dream you saw with us. Or maybe you just wanted to be contrarian, or whatever psychological urge compelled you to misrepresent fiction as fact.
  14. So that is a no then? That's what I thought.
  15. I mean considering that you stated a couple of wrong things about it, and that playing with Temporal Anchor makes it instantly obvious how impractical the ability is, would lead me to believe that you are simply making things up.
  16. Can you back that up somehow? Like, show a clip of you clearing a mission while using Temporal Anchor as a survival tool?
  17. So literally nobody uses Temporal Anchor as their survival tool. Not a single person. You don't use Temporal Anchor at all. You continue to state, wrongly, that Temporal Anchor is an excellent survival tool. What is your endgame here?
  18. "Rubber sponges are super tasty guys, just trust me on this. I'ver never had one obviously, but they are basically just steaks. They even taste like steaks, and steaks are the best food as everyone knows. You should really try eating a rubber sponge sometime! Their nutritional value is actually so high they fall into the category of super foods. Me? Nah, I'm good."
  19. This. Using your 4 makes you worse/slower/less effective than ignoring it. And of course a Helminth ability is just way better in that slot - as you yourself are aware of, since you have removed her 4 and are as a result not knowledgeable about it at all. Why exactly do you keep telling other people how great that one ability is that you removed, just like everybody else? It's not good. That's why everyone removes it. Why do you spread missinformation about something you are not even qualified to speak about in the first place?
  20. Well, we haven't heard from a single player in this thread who is using Temporal Anchor. So I guess it's just trash then. And you in particular have just been wrong about everything, like your "helpful tips" of preventing the knockdown with PSF (which doesn't work) or to switch the tap/hold setting of Temporal Anchor (doesn't work), or you judging TA to be very powerful because it's Protea's "cheat death" ability (it isn't).
  21. It doesn't do that either in my experience. You can totally die right at the end of the rewind. Why exactly are you defending an ability that you are clearly not using, but from your complete inexperience of it, and by your admission that you *do* in fact have subsumed over it? Shouldn't you be like "Yeah, I got rid of Temporal Anchor because I never used it anyway, *exactly* like you said Traumtulpe. You are 100% correct in your assessment."?
  22. Tell me you've never used Temporal Anchor without telling me you've never used Temporal Anchor. PSF does not, in fact, ignore the knockdown, for once. Just go and play Protea, and you will *very* quickly stop using Temporal Anchor. And then you'll subsume something else over it since you're not using it anyways.
  23. So you're telling me you want to spend 100 energy *just in case* you die within the next 8 seconds, and if you would have, you *want* to get knocked down in a compromised position, likely getting you killed anyway? Now *that* is funny, because I just throw down three shield satelites for 25 energy and don't worry about all of that crap.
  24. They could just have it last indefinitely, with what is currently the duration changed to an interval at which a new save point is created. At least then you didn't have the whole "hold to cancel, then recast for 100 energy every couple of seconds" nonsense going on that the ability kind of expects you to do as it currently is. I mean *clearly* you don't want to get rewinded during gameplay, basically ever, so the rewind should really only be something you actively activate when you want and a failsave on death, not something you have to constantly struggle with to avoid.
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