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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. The only practical use this has is to make Revenant (and maybe invisibility frames) immune to energy drain.
  2. Replace Melee Duplicate with the new one (+6 status effects on knockdown). Because Scythes proc Slash *and* knockdown.
  3. Gas is inherently weaker than Heat. Giving Gas a 1.5x bonus will only make it "less worse" (single target). Viral has a 2.125x multiplier against enemies that are resistant to it, if you take the status effect into account. 2.125 > 1.5.
  4. That's not quite how it works. You could, for example, have a slow firing secondary on Volt Prime, modding him for both 175% efficiency and Primed Flow. Now you need 7.5 energy to get the max bonus (you can stack it up to 8x by casting multiple times, twice in this case). The ability we'll cast is Shock, which can be cast while reloading and shooting. A pistol that you might consider is the Tenet Plinx for it's alt fire. You *can* use this Arcane, with specific weapons. And 8x damage (which might bypass attenuation) is big enough to bother in those cases.
  5. I think they're pretty good. Fortifier for example, I slapped it on my Epitaph (primer), and if I ever as much as chip an Eximus with the explosion I'm now invulnerable for about 20 seconds (Heat proc constantly draining Overguard with ~250% status duration). Bugged Jade Light Eximus? Don't even scratch me.
  6. Supposedly enemies have 90% DR at max armor and 40% DR at 20% of max armor. At 50% of max armor enemies have (eyeballed) 65% DR. The details don't really matter, generally speaking enemies are pretty tough at max armor (but, contrary to before, killable with some effort - or an overpowered weapon), any kind of partial armor strip will make them rather average, and without armor they are easily dispatched (though not *quite* as ridiculously easy as before).
  7. Yeah, if you pack enemies into a tight ball Blast will delete them. As will Gas and Electricity, so nothing new there. If you don't pack enemies into a tight ball you'll notice that Blast status basically deals no damage at all to the target you're putting the procs on. Gas, and even moreso Electricity still damage the target the procs are on, and so have a huge advantage should you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a nice clump to shoot into. The small range, and the necessity to use 3 mods *purely* for damage to secondary targets (barely any to the target you're shooting at) - Heat, Cold, and Elementalyst - don't make me consider Blast a valid alternative to true AoE weapons either, to be honest. In the end, it seems like a fun gimick to put on a sniper, for a short while until you remember that you have better AoE weapons in your arsenal, and a fine side-grade to Gas for grouped enemies only.
  8. I'd be in favour for more customization, currently I cannot use the setting with certain charged weapons (Epitaph) - I'd like to choose whether holding the button will fire uncharged or charged shots (or not fire at all, as it does now). Also, it doesn't quite work as fluently with secondary fire modes as I'd like: You can switch weapons while holding the fire button, and you will keep firing (with the other weapon) - this does not work in my testing with the secondary fire button.
  9. Are you perhaps invisible? Sentinels will not attack if you're invisible.
  10. If you follow that logic, then a girl that looks over age but isn't, is "right"? Can't say I agree with that, facts matter more than perception. What about a woman who's pregnant but doesn't look the part? Honestly I just don't get what you're trying to say.
  11. I feel this part makes sense. Armor protects from piercing and slashing, but it doesn't make a hammer have any less "impact" - at best it can distribute the impact over a larger area. On the other hand, an energy shield may well be able to dissipate that force, like water, while I can see piercing damage ripping right through (though you might argue it should act more like Toxin in that case). Also Grineer being vulnerable to mercy kills makes sense, you can't really do this with a combat ready armored opponent, but with a stunned one you can slip a dagger into some joint of his armor. If we're going with the realism approach, armored enemies should probably have a 50% to resist slash procs, and either a x1.5 chance to get electricity procced or immunity to it (it's made of metal, but then so is a Faraday cage).
  12. Shield gating works as normal against the lasers they just deal very high damage and proc heat is all.
  13. I'm taking bets on how long it'll take for the quest to become skippable. You just know that there'll be people complaining on Twitter, and I have a feeling DE will feel inclined to listen.
  14. Different weapon, using modded Blast damage this time: Same result. Procs deal 5-12 damage (12 on crits), the 5m explosion deals around 1000 damage (10x times as much as 10 procs added up, or 3000% weapon damage).
  15. By the way, seeing as Blast now has a wiki entry - isn't that entry wrong? According to the wiki 10 Blast procs deal 300% weapon damage (or 10x one proc) within 5 meters, but this is not what happens in my testing at all. It looks as if it's 3000% damage (or 100x one proc). This might be a bug actually. Just like how Blast is bugged with Tornado (infinite damage, just like Gas and Eletricity did before they got fixed). (In case the numbers don't make sense to you: I have 100% status chance, 100% base Blast damage, and deal 10 damage per shot - this results in (slightly less than) 3 damage per Blast proc (as expected) and 300 damage on the 5m explosion, 10x more than stated in the wiki.)
  16. You might have noticed that most people have not offered anything of the sort, and the few original insights in this thread seem to completely agree with me. See: That is a very accurate and useful post, unlike yours.
  17. Similarly, the Torid also says "SEMI", and it also cannot equip the respective mod.
  18. Here's what I mean, see the 10 stack explosion dealing about 300 damage to the secondary target? And see it only dealing 3 damage times 10 to the main target? That's really not good.
  19. I said it's useful for turning hard hitting single target weapons into AoE. The thing is, I'm not talking out of my proverbial, or just slap Blast on a weapon and go "...uh, it kills things I guess, must be good then!" I actually try to understand how things work. And Blast is just less effective than other status effects most of the time. The big problem is that it doesn't seem to be able to damage the main target with the "10 stack explosion" - it appears to take the 10 individual procs as damage instead, which is so much less it might as well be zero.
  20. I tried it and I strongly disagree. Damaging status procs are more effective on beam weapons than any other type of weapon, but that doesn't make Blast the type of status effect you want to use - Electricity and Heat (or Toxin as I've described above) are both better than Blast for beam weapons.
  21. It says "SEMI"on the stat screen, but Semi-Pistol Cannonade does not show up when modding the Tenet Plinx. Seems like a bug to me.
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