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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. What do you mean with "new warframe"? Like a freshly built one? That's normal, all items have one energy color channel until you put a Forma into them.
  2. I have a 57% Zarr, how much would you be willing to pay? It is Impact though, so you'd need another one with Toxin to get 60%.
  3. DE knows about this and continues to choose to not do anything about it. Not only is Pablo aware of this, it has been individually reported many, many times, and at least on one occasion someone from DE actually responded to a thread about Tornado not redirecting damage, saying that this would be investigated - and then he never commented ever again, after being told by the higher ups that they have no intention of fixing Tornado, presumably.
  4. That's very interesting, and actually quite impressive it a way. But I really don't think you're going to get any energy orbs from Archon Flow out of that ability still. Even if you're letting your sentinel kill an enemy, it's gonna die to the Heat procs, not to the crystals tiny Cold damage. As for the Corrosive procs, apparently the crystal can trigger once every 0.4 seconds at most, per ally. So even in the best case scenario, you'd need to fire at an enemy for >5.2 seconds continuously to get the 14 Corrosive procs needed for a full armor strip. In a Steel Path survival you need about 2 kills per second to break even with the life support, so you'd need to kill more than 10x as fast.
  5. That's cute and all, but I'm not sure you getting *1* Corrosive proc every now and then, when you need 14 to full strip, is really of any relevance at all? Same goes for killing level 1 enemies with Cold...
  6. ...that's odd, what Pablo is saying doesn't exactly make sense. The issue is, Brozime was asking about the destinction between final additive crit, and multiplicative (like a mod) crit. In the response however, Pablo brings up Incarnon evolutions, which are base crit - thats completely different and unrelated, and also it is intended to be base crit. Either Pablo is confused here, didn't very well communicate what he meant, or he's just looking for excuses to nerf the Torid. We shall see...
  7. No it wouldn't, since you'll get *less* health/armor/strength than you'd get from a full Umbral set, *and* frames that don't use the set usually can't heal (because they don't take health damage). You can use Archon Stretch and have your sentinel trigger it right now. So nothing would change.
  8. Archon Vitality would be good alright, but the health part is meaningless on most builds, and on all others it's a downgrade over the Umbral set. Does it really make a difference whether your Phantasma procs 1000x Heat or 2000x Heat? Everything not immune (or status capped) is gonna die anyway. Archon Continuity would do precisely that, make Toxin builds viable. Good. Archon Stretch can already be procced by the sentinel for 100% uptime, nothing really changes. Archon Flow would be a small but desirable upgrade over Primed Flow. It currently is straight up worse, so that's a good change. Archon Intensify would be more commonly usable as well, if say lifesteal from weapons counted. The mod is pretty weak as is, so that's fine.
  9. No no, let's get serious people, Frost does *not* kill anything with Cold abilities. He just doesn't. It's not a quirky odd build or something, it's not a thing at all. No warframe kills enemies with Cold abilities, period. That's an exalted weapon. Would be great if all weapons could use these mods.
  10. And the joke about Lavos reducing his damage to 1/3 or less so he can get an energy orb (maybe!) that he doesn't need wasn't very good either. Isn't that a bug though? If I recall correctly DE removed some interaction between Archon mods and (pseudo) exalted weapons a while back. Anyhow, would be nice if they worked on all weapons, not just exalted ones.
  11. You're not seriously going to pretend that Frost actually kills enemies with his Cold damage abilities, are you now? Yes, they do Cold damage, no they do not kill. They do CC and armor removal.
  12. I don't think you read the part where I said "there is no frame that kills with Cold abilities". Because there isn't one. So there is no time when you'd build for Archon Flow.
  13. Look, nobody is using these: There *is no* warframe that kills with Cold abilities. There *is no* warframe that can use Corrosive procs on Toxin abilities. Can we all just agree that these mods would be great if they worked with weapon damage, and get DE to fix them? Please?
  14. Dude... why are you talking about EHP when I showed you a 1.4m bleed proc? Do you not understand how *anything* works in this game, and just throw around big words that you do not know the meaning of to seem smart? Here, I'll spell it out for you: EHP is 100% irrelevant for bleed procs. It matters not. At all. That gun kills level cap enemies in one shot, as is. And nobody was using melee. It was the absolute uncontested AoE meta after the melee nerfs. Literally *nobody* used Tenet or Kuva melees, and even the Incarnon melees were *very* unpopular.
  15. Garuda. I don't even look at the debuffs, none of them have any impact at all on Garuda. Plus the blood orb of her 1 destroys those drone thingies - just throw it into the red circle and done, no searching needed.
  16. Gas is capped at 10 stacks and doesn't scale with either Heat or Toxin mods, as such it is defacto a defunct damage type, and obsolete until reworked. If you've ever used a status weapon, you'll likely have seen something like 400 status procs on any given enemy - Gas would deal 2.5% the damage due to the 10 stack cap, then ~1% damage due to no scaling from elements, then 0.5% damage due to health type resistances. This is ridiculous.
  17. Similar issue here, can't craft higher tier lenses - the foundry just gives me an "unknown error".
  18. What a clown. Here's a 1.4m bleed proc by the way, no arcanes (neither on the weapon, nor on the frame), no abilities, no priming, no riven: And here's the Lex Prime, also no riven: In case you don't know, those have around 3m HP at level cap (Steel Path, obviously).
  19. I like how you're unironically using armor strip, and priming, and Sonar spam (and I'm sure you have a Riven on those Ether Daggers), and you're standing here on your soap box tellimg me "melee was totally fine". You could *literally* do level cap with a Stug and your setup. You could do level cap with a goddamn mining tool and that setup. You could kill enemies with bullet jump and that setup (though there's no rivens for your feet, unfortunately!). Ridiculous. You *do* know that a gun can kill those enemies with a single shot, no priming, no abilities, right?
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