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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. No it just means we look at different things when it comes to weapon stats. You on the paper alone, me on how they actually work in the game and considering how the game is set up. You still failed to answer me in that discussion how a mob with more health would promote using a single target weapon when the mob only came with more health and nothing else. You failed to answer what would make it a primary target with just more health, how it would suddenly be a focus like a demo or even a guardian. Not to mention your obscene stacking of only conditional mods, that would require the gun to be used versus everything else aswell just to be ready for the higher hp mob that poses no additional actual threat. Nope, not at all since we are talking about objective(s) vs objective. It is the second version you cannot provide any example of that which could result in actual P2W, since nothing we pay for results in an objective advantage over another player. The acronym/term itself does it. And the definitions demand "advantage over" in order to fullfil the "win" paramenter of the acronym itself. We have no "advantage over", not a minor, nor a significant/major one as the references refer to. Since the advantages are subjective in all cases. Latest isnt best, skipping isnt a guaranteed gain for every player, power isnt linear, access to optimal power cannot be gained through paying, you cant buy anything progress related that is otherwise unobtainable through farming, we share goals in a group, we share loot in a group, we share xp in a group (having others kill can actually be beneficial) and so on. Which also removes the P2W angle one of the references apply to NPCs, since we cannot buy anything otherwise unobtainable through farming that brings more power than otherwise possible. The only thing paying would do is letting you fight those mobs earlier than if you wouldnt, but it isnt an advantage over the NPC, since you are still limited by the same power ceiling of the game, so your power would be the same when you face them as if you'd farmed the item instead. So no power advantage over the NPC that wouldnt be there otherwise anyway. So Pay-to-Skip, Pay-to-Progress or Pay-for-Conveniance. And you said those that pay can play it whenver they want and stop when they wish. Which means you imply that those that dont pay cannot do the same, since you specified that those that pay can. No reason to specify that one side can do something unless you mean the other cant. Or if you think there is a reason, what would that be?
  2. I want Fortuna back and I want both the open worlds in their pre-TNW state. OV just looks dirty, like at the end of winter as the snow melts and I utterly hate that, it is the worst part of a season. And PoE just looks so disjointed, as if the sentient pieces are just props glued ontop as if it was a wargaming table. And what made new PoE feel very wierd was during Plague Star. Set in a post-TNW era but for some reason Narmer were nowhere to be seen?
  3. I'm always amazed by people that for some reason wait, either until the last minute or until it is too late. Like people doing their holiday food shopping the last day possible and complain <insert random food/ingerdient here> isnt in stock, preferably also done at the later part of the day so the chance to get what you are after is even lower.
  4. That would just reintroduce what made Steel Path so boring at first, a very narrow choice of frames to increase KPM as much as possible for more Eximus spawns. And if survival was based on KPM it would end up exactly as Khora/Baruuk Path. As to the OP idea. Sounds like a good reason to create a new game mode. Pablo said during tennocon 2022 iirc that they arent keen on reworking current modes, since players may enjoy their current state, so they rather make new modes. Which is why we probably saw all the Zariman modes that are similar to other modes but different without impacting other modes.
  5. Would love it. Aslong as the life support is paused during the Angel part.
  6. That is still unrelated to this topic. So still nothing objective when it comes to advantages you can spend cash on. Those are two different meaning of the word objective. One is a task/goal, something you achieve, which is the one refered to in the quote you provided. The one regarding WF and P2W is objective as in not influenced by feelings or opinions, or in short something that could be considered concrete facts. The opposite of subjective. All of them, including the silly one from esports.net even though it refers to lootboxes and skins. Advantage over other players etc. Things that refer to winning over someone else, which we just cannot do in WF. And advantages in WF are subjective and based on the desires, needs and goals of each individual player. In games like those I mentioned earlier it isnt subjective, since if you are behind others for some reason you will have a worse experince than others, so if someone can pay for power in those games they'll effectively have a higher chance at winning over you even in PvE. Since they will outfarm you in an area, or if PvP is involved, kill you and take over the area you farm in etc. And in some games it even goes to the extreme where solo players can hold of whole groups since they've payed while the group hasnt. When was the last time you got driven off from an area in WF, or had someone steal your mobs and leave you loot- or xp-less? Or when was the last time another player killed you and killed your spot? Or did your Saryn suddenly fall behind because a guy bought the Inaros Prime PA while you didnt. Did that Inaros player suddenly outfarm you, outperform your Saryn? Or that guy that bought the Grendel PA and suddenly outperformed your Exodia Zaw or Kzarr/Torid/Knukor with their Masseter Prime and Zylok Prime?
  7. I see The Joker or maybe the mighty Surt created a thread and just wants to watch the world burn.
  8. Would be cool if it was a sprint buff that damages anything you run into and potentially knock them down. Wouldnt even need to increase his speed by much, just make it brutal. Like a slower version of Nezha's 1, but maybe with seismic shockwaves pulsing with each step and building armor for each enemy you run into/over directly. "Here comes the Juggernaught!" - Juggernaught
  9. Location, location, location is all I can say. You've very likely just had people from further away join in the past resulting in the horrible ping.
  10. I guess it wasnt actually objective then since we couldnt agree on it. No but it is the only thing you could have implied since the farm and relevant rewards from the mission through that farming would be gone after purchasing. Yes you did. Nope I dont. No not fabricated. Part of your own linked references. Unless you mean your references fabricated that requirement, which makes me question why you used them as references.
  11. What you are describing is the problem in itself. You arent supposed to be able to cast or do anything else during full body animation skills. You dont see Rev being able to cast other skills during danse aside from Reave that is specifically designed for it, Frost cant chain other skills during the animation of Avalanche and so on. So it was obvious that the interactions were a bug, otherwise they would have had animations while javelin was animating aswell, or as in the case of Danse+Reave, where Danse stops dealing damage while Reave is cast and animates, with the synergy bonus of Reave having a faster cast time. The only part of Last Stand that could/should have stayed is being able to recast it in the air, since other frames have similar skills that can be recast to allow longer air time, like Seeking Talons, Grenade Fan, Grendel gadgets and Photon Blast iirc etc. Final Stand will deal alot more damage than Aquablades as you've shown. Honestly 16x as much damage isnt even properly describes by saying alot more, FS deals absurd amounts more damage than AB. Damage per energy is the only sitatuation where Aquablades would deal more, but that is also if you actually have 100% damage uptime during those 45 seconds, which you uhm simply wont. Damage per energy also matters little since any skill can surpass another in that sense by simply having a long enough duration, no matter how bad the damage or mechanics are on the skill. And uhm you cant roll without Aquablades? I'm having a hard time seeing your line of thought regarding most comments you make. It will be as poor or worse vs Grineer since their armor reduces how much damage the status effect will deal since the attack that procs the status is reduced by armor, which reduces the damage of the status aswell. So if it cant kill low health no armor mobs what makes you think it will perform better when armor is involved? What isnt? That knukor should have killed them already? Then you need to get better knukor modding. So that is your answer when asked how Sev and Dag is similar as you claimed? Unholy gods it is hard to get antything proper from you! Yes, did anyone say one couldnt? Life steal added to skills would be exactly the same, it would still be the same skill used the same exact #*!%ing way but with added life steal. It wouldnt change how you play with the skill, weapon or whatever if life steal is added. Saying casting would make it far less confusing since it is a skill and not a weapon that goes bang bang, pew pew, brrrrr or boom. Yeah that has nothing to do with the augment for meatball since it is meatball itself that decides the playstyle with or without the augment included. It doesnt swap out some other part of the meatball, it just adds to it, so meatball still plays as meatball plays. You ask where and then describe exactly what I refered to. The skill already promotes using more than 1 out of the 3 toggles, the augment doesnt change that. The only thing it does is remove the need to toggle manually before casting while adding strength and efficiency for the skill. Yes and you dont need to use more than 2 with the augment either. Since the buff only resets if a single skill is cast back to back. However the augment prevents that from happening since it auto toggles the next skill. You can still ignore that cast if you wish by manually toggling the next skill instead iirc. Which I honestly see no point in since casting does the toggle for you while also applying the effect of the skill with 45% extra efficiency most likely. Not that I would use the augment, or any skill besides Gaze anyways, there just isnt time for it as things die to stolen weapons and your own guns/melee. And the mod takes a slot that could be used on something that benefits the other skills aswell. Now if the +str and +eff applied to everything by maintaining the full rotation I would definently use it and all of The Lost 24/7.
  12. Name a single objective thing that can indicate P2W. Which is also subjective, since you think it is only about visiting the mode itself. But it is for instance for me also about the farm, which I wouldnt do if I bought the frame etc. So you see, it is subjective since the two of us cannot agree on a simple thing like this even, where our goals and idea of "fun" already part ways. Also saying others cannot stop when they wish isnt true, since if they arent interested in the frame they can do it later on when they feel like getting it. Which is also a subjective idea available since the game isnt linear, so Dagath is not a must in order to progress further etc. I farmed her, played her, built her all because I found the activities fun, not to gain some extra power or to get further. I then swapped over to Lavos again, then to Hydroid to fix him, then over to Revenant now for PS. All subjective as someone somewhere else ran something completely different, either purchased with plat or obtained for free, whatever they personally enjoy more. Oh and I've stopped farming for Grendel Prime atm, since well I just didnt feel a need for it and it wont negatively impact me in comparison to those that bought PA, from other players or farmed him themselves in fissures. Which shows even more how P2W is not a part of WF since Grendel is one of the stronger frames but also completely neglectable if one desires. But you claimed it is objective in WF, which it isnt. Since we all have different goals and things that appeal to us in this non-linear sandbox game. Winning in relation to other players, which is a requirement for P2W is not objective in WF since we win together as a group. Which is not a parameter in P2W since it is the opposite of what P2W results in.
  13. How have you not been aware of those if you played Styanax before that interaction got removed? I mean, he had no animation for the other skills in the air and they didnt interrupt your javalin throws, so no animation and no casting time on the other 3 skills was quite telling. But you are/were comparing the full buff duration of Aquablades to the full duration of Last Stand, which at that point is 30 javelins in total at baseline and not 12. Which doesnt really matter since the dps (36k vs 2250) on Last Stand is several times higher and easier to land. What is it you really want to compare and try to make Aquablades look better at, since it comes out several times worse no matter the situation. Damage over the course of 45 seconds? Dps? What? That doesnt mean it deals any worthwhile or reliable damage. Rolling = cant shoot for instance. Like I said, it cant even kill infested in a efficent way, even in high strength builds, not even when combined with roar on someone like Rhino, or on Garuda with her passive. While Styanax annihilates whatever he uses Last Stand on. Yes it deals horrible damage, there is no denying that. If you already use a viral+heat knukor you very likely have little use for anything Aquablades provides, since the things you hit with the knukor will likely be long dead before you get close to them to do anything of worth with blades. Uhm lol what? If you are going to compare the two wouldnt it make more sense to atleast try and claim that 2 and 2 are similar damage boosts, since Dagath's 3 is a pure #*!%ing weapon damage buff and nothing else. And I assume you mean Sevs 2 and Dags 3, since Sevs 3 is Gloom. Yes which is different from change since things are still the exact same. Even if you have your tech on an apple wont actually change into a pear, it might look like one as you have the tech on but if you pick it up and take a bite from it you will bite into an apple. And if you decide to paint a wall while the tech is on and that shows the wall as turning green it will still be yellow if the actual color you used to paint it was yellow. Also to be perfectly clear, no one has said that change cannot be included when something is augmented, what is said is that augment does not mean or guarantee change, nor is change required for something to be augmented. And when did anyone say anything about numberically improve anything? I asked what language you speak and how augment translates to that, if it somehow translates to "change" specifically, or a synonym for it like transform, mutate, alter etc. Wow do you even read what is written? I'm saying life steal doesnt change how you play. Since with or without it you will still shoot, melee or use abiltiies to kill. That doesnt change your odd claim that Aquablade augment would suddenly change your playstyle into shooting (from melee I assume, otherwise what would you change?). Or are you refering to recasting Aquablade when you say shooting? That just adds another mechanic since you still need to be close to enemies and let aquablades deal damage in order for the throw to be worth it in order to further buff additional throws. If you arent refering to casting the skill again, then shooting would be detrimental to the mod, since the gun would kill and no damage would be added to the augment. Uhm what? How is that an answer or a question to what I said? Going ball already makes you not do those things. The augment doesnt change that since the ball playstyle is rooted in the skill itself already. No, but the skills themselves already promotes you to swap, the augment just buffs you while doing so. Using the pew pew skill alone is already promoted to be done after having the area stripped since the pew pew will deal significantly more damage or not have to deal with shields. Which does far more than what the mod adds in addition to that. The augment just promotes you to do it more often, which in itself is likely not a benefit compared to just stripping and then pew pew pewing due to dps and so on dying as you switch to get a slight strength increase. No but it also falls inline with what augment actually means, to strengthen or improve. You gained an additional mechanic for it, it doesnt only do this, it does that aswell etc. As opposed to the skills that actually change, which completely alters how they work and transform them into something completely new with the old function gone. But hey, lets say those are "change" skills in your sense to justify your idea of augment. You are still far far far far away from that being correct. Since if that was the actual criteria you'd be close to or over 50% of the augments acting that way and not a 10th of them that "can" be seen as changed skills through an augment as opposed to just improved or strengthened. I mean it isnt like we sit here close to 50% where it could actually be a viable view on that as a criteria for WF augments, we sit here several upon several % off, even more so if we start to look at weapon augments aswell.
  14. Hah! I'm glad it isnt for what I do as a living, since if it was that would set the bar very low for other heroes. But yeah, no idea how people did not get what it was that you wanted since it was uhm... kinda crystal clear. Not to mention the thread title alone is quite clear aswell. Buuuut y'know... people are people.
  15. I honestly dont see why not considering we have Mesmer Skin and it also got buffed to work consistantly in Steel Path. A Helminth skill that provides old Defy and is called Monkey Business would be hilarious.
  16. I never said "win" cant be objective. It is simply in this context that "win" is subjective, since there is no objective advantage with paying for anything in WF. Just as there are other parts in life where win is subjective, where subjective win is straight up retarded and where objective win is also straight up retarded these days. That doesnt change that "win" can be both and it all depends on the context. In WF and other games of similar nature, "win" is very much subjective since in the end it comes down to player preference in a context where paying for something in the game is involved. Where win to some is as mentioned an effective loss to others. Objective significant advantage only comes in competative settings, where keeping up with the joneses is a must in order to not suffer at their hands in one way or another. My parameters do fall inline with the general consensus, even your own provided references show that. And to top it off. We cant even buy peak power in WF, even if we wanted, since the BiS items are locked behind content we actually must play, same as the progression for several systems that add power. As opposed to a P2W game where you can buy everything day 1 and be on equal footing or at a better state of progression than a year(s) long vet that has not payed or payed less. edit: I also gotta ask since you say "win" is always objective. Then you agree that "second winner", "third winner", "participation winner" and so on are objectively correct terms applied within "competitions" for certain ages? And if so, why doesnt "second winner", "third winner", "participation winner" and so on exsist at real sport levels?
  17. Look at Styanax now: You could do everything as before... but more clunky. Why bother with restrictive 4th, where you could just use any helminthed abilities. There is even aquablades that are better on the long run (45 second duration vs 2.5s, 750-2250 damage vs 36k (12 javelins * 3k each), higher energy (75 vs 100), being able to do anything (Aquablades) vs only aiming (Final stand)). There was no nerf, there was a fix. His 4th didnt only allow for casting during his 4th, it also removed cast times. With no animations etc. for the skills, so was quite the obvious bug that was bound to be fixed. And lol no, Aquablades doesnt come close to Javelins. You cant just look at numbers, numbers that you also scew severely or simply lack understanding of the skill mechanics. Javelins launch 30 javelins as baseline with a RoF of 12 per second for 2.5 seconds. 1500 of the damage is also hitting everything within 6m from initial impact and forces slash procs on anyhting hit. Which also means you have 3 stats that all improve the damage output of the skill per cast, with strength for damage, duration for number of javleins/explosions and range for explosion range. At baseline an enemy can get hit for as much as 45000 along with 30 slash stacks and an additional 1500 per direct javelin hit aswell. Aquablades deal horrible damage at baseline and even with massive strength investments. I've tried it on my Lavos and even with his high strength build it can barely kill infested. At the same time my Styanax annihilates anything with his Last Stand, and he has balanced stats. Not to mention that Aquabldes need you to be in perfect range for them to hit, so they are poorly suited for both melee and ranged, since it isnt very often you stand at optimal range for the blades to deal damage, since you are either too close (melee) or too far (ranged) away while you attack with your weapons. Aquablades is probably one of the worst skills in the game. While Javelins is one of the strongest. Uhm what are you smoking? What part of Dagath and Sevagoth are similar? What parts of Dagath's skills arent showing? That doesnt change what augmented reality does, since reality is still what it is. Also a color blind person will not suddenly be able to see a color that they otherwise cannot, since they simply cannot see that color and instead see another. Otherwise we wouldnt have color blind issues in games etc. since the game itself could do what you describe an augmented reality can do, which neither cant. Hence why things like color blind mode etc. exsist, so a color blind person gets access to other colors inplace of colors they cannot see. Say an alert animation has red, which a person cannot see, instead to them it blends with other colors. So the devs add a color blind option where the color blind instead see flashing purple or something for those alert animations, which will stand out and be distinctive for the rest of the game. An augmented reality cannot do anything else than that. And if it could do that, it wouldnt change reality, it would just help the color blind see the actual reality as it is supposed to be. The color they previously could not see would still be the same color, the difference is that the color blind could see it aswell. Red would for instance still be red. So what does augment translate to in your language? For me augment translates directly to förstärka, which means strengthen, augment, improve, amplify, fortify, increase. As opposed to förändra which means alter, change, transform and so on. So is your language, whatever it is so different from swedish and english? Even german has the same distinct differences, where augment translates to a word describing strengthen, increase and improve, as opposed to the words related to change, alteration, transformation and so on. Nope it wont, since you'll still shoot, melee or kill with abilities. No lol they cant. Why the hell would the augment make you shoot enemies? Aquablades must hit enemies to build up the damage of the augment. Shooting enemies would result in you not getting any benefit fromt he augment at all. You are still using the ball to deal damage. The ball itself is what changes Grendel's gameplay, not the augment, which just improves the gameplay and makes it slightly better. And the augment doesnt change that. With Nyx & Atlas that's 14 from 158. That's nearly 10%. I've missed some and I've not touched any that "turn off passive". It's still the same skill with an added function that strengthens the skill. The baseline has not gone anywhere. So falls inline with the actual meaning of augmented. But OP is talking about something else. He's talking about bandaids, which doesnt interfear with if a skill is an augment or not. Since all bandaids added to a skill are effectively augments since they strengthen the skill. He just questions if they should really take up a slot or just be part of the skill naturally. You are talking about something completely different, a need for change in order to be called an augment, even though it has nothing to do with the meaning of the word. Unless you live in a place maybe with a very unique language. I'm still eager to hear of that magical place.
  18. That would be cool. Would give us a reason to shift frames based on the nightmare modifier and so on. Hmmm... thoughts about a Path of Exile Atlas system in WF intensifies.
  19. Yes please, more Eximus versions. And while they are at it, can we please have Steel Eximus Stronghold Path? Energy orbs, everywhere! edit: Or does Eximus Steel Stronghold Path sound better? Steel Stronghold Eximus Path? Eximus Path Stronghold Steel? Eximus Path Steel Stronghold? Path Eximus Stronghold Steel? That last one sounded like some crazy japanese TV game show.
  20. That has nothing to do with P2W though, since we are talking about win conditions versus NPCs. If you think you can apply P2W to winning over NPCs then you just covered every game ever made since you effectively buy all games in order to win over some form of NPCs and there is nothing they can do about it in the end, this would include single player games since you just removed the "advantage over other players" from it. So this is something that only applies when it is player versus player power (no not PvP as such), and is applied to PvE when the PvE is competative, like being able to grab farm spots, or bulldoze through a quest while someone else needs to wait for their turn. We cant do any of those things in WF. So there is no objective advantage to be had over another player by paying for anything, since the advantage is very subjective as is the win for the player. I win by playing the game and enjoying it while I farm, someone else wins by getting the items by paying so he doesnt have to do the content. That is paying for conveniance, skipping or advancing and different from each player. Unlike BDO or ArchAge, where I did not enjoy the farm since I knew someone was more competative than me due to paying real cash for items. The farms or more appropriately grinds in those games were chores in order to keep up with the paying joneses, to have even the slightest chance if I wanted to farm the same areas or defend myself incase I was attacked. Thoughts that never once have crossed my mind in WF since there has been no need since whatever another player does, it doesnt affect me the slightest in a negative way. Just as they were never present in WoW either, since if I was behind it was due to me slacking, not someone else paying to get a competative power advantage over me. So if I lost a farm spot or got ganked it was a simply issue of "git gud!". Now if actual power through payment was added to WoW it would have been P2W due to the competative nature of faction based PvP on a daily basis aswell as personal loot and monster tagging even among your own faction. No reason to use the word new in that case. Since the game is 10 years old, so even the power between old players can fluctuate greatly. More so due to the game not being linear and we set our own goals and priorities. And since they win, it isnt P2W, since another players is at that point not at an advantage over another, but instead help the other out no matter where he obtained that power from. P2S, P2A, PFC and so on yes, P2W no. You apply the win to the wrong part of the game though, since you apply it to the individual NPCs and not between players. Between players you've acknowledged that everyone wins together, so not really sure how you can keep arguing WF is P2W when there is no advantage over other players. Hence why I use the old folks reference for "win" in games, which is not the win P2W refers to. The problem is that you disagree with the references/definitions you yourself linked in this thread. Advantage over players, significant, large and so on are key points of those references. You've agreed that we "win" together, so where is the advantage over another player in that case? And where are the concrete and objective advantages a paying player has over someone that doesnt pay? In order for it to be P2W it needs to be an objective advantage for everyone, but it isnt, since we all play WF the way that is advantageous to use personally, playing or skipping content as we want, meaning what might be a win to some is an effective loss to others if they pay for it, since it removes activities, it removes part of your pass time activity, hobby. Just as with wargaming. Some might see it as a massive advantage to hire another to paint their armies, but for someone else it would be an utter and total disadvantage even if they cant make the time to have it all painted and ready for a tournament, since part of the hobby is painting, converting and personalizing your army.
  21. Those two skills when combined kill pretty well without strength investments and worked well before the augment was available, which was a long freakin time. What needs fixing with Styanax? He's a very powerful frame. Also I dont think you really get what I'm talking about, since this doesnt really have anything to do with varying power between frames, this is about nearly identical skills following different rules and limitations when there is no reason. What you talk about are different kits with different upkeep costs tied to their mechanics. No idea why you even brought that up here. You are also back at comparing Xaku and Dagath, and again call out Dagath while acting as Xaku can use is 2 "veeeeery long" while completely disregarding that this also requires constant upkeep of another second skill. Which is what you complain about regarding Dagath for some reason. Not to mention that Xaku's 2 deals horribly with enemies without strip unless all you play is regular star chart. Not to mention it needs to get used several times over in practically all non-endless missions to do just about anything. What is with the odd Dagath hate and bias towards Xaku? Nope. Augmented reality doesnt change reality, it only strengthens the way we observe it, but reality itself doesnt change. Augmented reality can for instance add monsters, remove a wall or make a staircase disappear, or just improve how we observe something. The monsters are still not reality, the wall is still there and if you rely on the augmented reality you will very likely fall down the stairs and break parts of your body and in a worst case scenario die. And the wall you might have observed as green, new and fresh in the augmented reality still looks like S#&amp;&#036;e in reality. But they are named augments by DE, so unless DE suddenly goes out there and says "this is what WE mean with augment" then we should assume it is augment in the defined sense they refer to i.e something that strengthens, which is exactly what they do. What you are actually talking about in games already has a name, it is called a "morph" or "mutator". Example, you have a scythe as a necromancer, it provides you with a melee attack move, you then change a perk or talent skill for it and it is now a ranged attack, you just morphed the skill, you didnt augment it since you changed the behavior but didnt positively make it stronger. And augment on the other hand would be adding a damage type, increasing the damage in general, the range of it, add a life steal, improved attack speed or more uses before it goes on CD (if it has a CD). We also dont have augments that just improve the strength of a skill like any other mod, we have augments that add strength to the skill while also providing something else that a mod of another kind wont do. Like Plunder for Hydroid, which adds the equal of 50% strength to the skill and also gives it the ability to heal. Or Mesmer Skin augment for Rev, which adds 50% strength to the skill and also allows him to support groups. Both examples effectively making the skills stronger. If we go by your criteria for what an actual augment is (something that changes what you do) we barely have any. We really only have uhm 2, Nyx and Atlas in that case since they change how you play when the skills are used with their augments. Yareli as you mentioned wouldnt count, since it is still the same, you just have a discharge you can use just as with Nezha, but it doesnt actually change how it is used since you still need to deal damage with it. And if you didnt do that previously I'm not sure why you activated Aquablades at all, since that is all it does. Grendels augment doesnt count either, since it also just strengthens the skill by adding an additional movement option on it. The gameplay is still effectively the same. Xaku follows the same logic, since your skills simply get stronger, you are promoted to use all 3 toggle parts of the skill. But the intent of using all 3 was there from the start since they all do something different, the augment doesnt add that change. So your idea of "augment" applies to nearly none of the augment mods out there. So even if we include those mods you mentioned, we dont even have 5% of the augments being "augments" according to you. With common logic that would mean you are very likely wrong in your opinion of what is classed as augments.
  22. Building fully for Day works far better for the purpose that the Day form was made just as Night works far better if built for the purpose it was mde. Energy Transfer on my Day focused Enox does practically nothing, since due to having built for Day the Night versions of the skills will bring little benefit when used. So there is very little reason to switch in the first place. I've practically dumped both strength and duration since neither stat is really needed for Day, but if you go for Night both are useful stats. And if I feel a need for more survival, which Night brings, I might aswell just replace skill #1 with a mapwide Gloom with little impact on gameflow due to negative strength, or use Silence to shut down nullifiers eximus. Or I can go with a Nourish that spreads viral through walls to further boost the discharge damage on Day #4.
  23. Yeah I have a hard time standing Eclipse due to the mechanics of it. Even if it is a massive weapon damage buff I rather just use Roar since you know exactly how much of a buff you'll get. A baseline buff to both offense and defense would be a great way to solve it as suggested, with more time in light or dark increasing the two buffs. Would make it work similar to Vex at that point if it keeps the gained values upon recast. It's like those times when I sit down and feel like playing Mirage and I go "hmm I might aswell just pick Chroma" since they practically do the same and Chroma isnt random as a weapon buffer, and needs 10 kills (iirc) to cap the buff if you have combat discipline slotted.
  24. As with nearly all corrupted mods, it is so you can have more of it if you want for a higher cost and a slight negative. The exception is really just with crit mods, that were changed rather recently to being exclusive in a build.
  25. But it is subjective, since P2W refers to winning in relation to other players. What you talk about here is completing a game objective i.e being successful in the game and "winning" over the game. But that has nothing to do with P2W, since the advantage is over other players and having a higher chance winning over those that do not pay. But since we all work towards the same objective, whatever is payed for benefits all 4 players in a group. Just like in sports where you win through a group effort over someone else. And as I said, P2W is not a viable acronym to use for WF, since a new player cannot pay for power to reach the point of a veteran (paying one or not), which is something that would be an option if P2W was actually part of WF. Also, you clearly did refer to old versus new. So yeah, new versus old, since there is no reason to point out new if you dont imply the other has been part of the game longer. So that has nothing to do with paying or not whatsoever since that is simply part of GaaS gaming. Someone will be new, someone will be old and have much more power. Especially in a game where the Devs try to make everything accessible for everyone without level bands or progression based gates for the most part. Which in itself is a benefit to the newer players because they arent left with ghost town content that they might struggle to complete in a game with level bands and linear progression. So again, P2W isnt part of WF, since it is a group effort and everyone benefits from the stronger player in a group, since it helps everyone complete the objective or "win" as you so old-folksy call it. I honestly thought the word "win" in relation to PvE died with my 40's generation parents. "Did you and your friends win over Ragnaros tonight son?" "If you consider murder, arson and things that would make Mengele puke winning, then suuure.". And if you somehow think P2W refers to winning over NPCs by paying, then all games are P2W the moment they release an expansion, since you can now pay for power that was otherwise unavailable to you when struggling versus a vanilla enemy, thus you just payed to win over that enemy by buying the latest expansion. But that is not how it works, since it is all about the win state and advantage over other players. And even in a situation where we only look at player over player power advantages, buying Reaper of Souls for D3 would be P2W in your mind since you get access to more power through spending more money than someone that is sitting on vanilla only. And in that you also pretty much kill any meaning that the acronym has, since now you can apply it to pretty much everything that involves money and gameplay options. "I am become vague, destroyer of definitions" - Silligoose
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