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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Greater, the Nephalem rifts just dont scale far enough since they are locked to whatever torment level the game has as its max, which is peanut levels very quickly. And yeah, out of all S#&$ that came with D3, which is practically everything, Greater Rifts really stood out as one of the few, or the only good things that came with D3. D3 Grifts, PoE mapping and Marvel Heroes Danger Room Chip system have so far been the most enjoyable "endless" game systems in any game. Challenging but also with options to find the right spot for you at your current progression, which results in them being both fun and rewarding at nearly all times and progress levels.
  2. The norse theme also reflects the Orowyrm, more so than a chinese or general asian dragon, since the Lindorm (Lindwyrm) of norse tales are also limbless dragons, they are also most often hostile evil beings, or signs of destruction, as opposed to the asian dragons that are nearly always good. And I'd argue that it would be perfect to add a male dragon to complete the Sigurd and Fafnir duo in WF. I mean, Chroma already comes with Gram (Prime).
  3. It likely wasnt available way back then. Remember that even exalted weapons didnt get their dedicated modding until fairly recently in comparison to when Enox was released. And it is how Enox should have been set up since like I said Energy Transfer does nothing for a dual playstyle if you actually want both forms to be effective since they rely on different modded stats, where some is an utter waste on one but not the other. And like you I dont consider Piercing Roar a bandaid since it adds to much beyond the bandaid part of it (being able to recast the skill while active). Yes, that is what a bandaid is. Augment of something does not imply it changes it, it just strengthens or increases it. Bandaid augments are still augments, because they augment the skill, however they are bandaids since they simply patch up a design flaw in the skill, something that could aswell have been part of the skill already or implemented to the skill instead of placing the effect on a mod. Like the recast part of Piercing Roar. What is the reasoning in having some skills that do the same as others while not being possible to recast during their active state? Why can I recast Nourish, Eclipse or Vex but not Roar? Which also makes me question why I can recast Mesmer Skin but not Elemental War or Nova's #1 etc. Sure the other effects of Piercing Roar are nice, but it would be nice to be able to recast the skill without the mod, since the mod also forces puncture procs, which makes it sync poorly with non-crit builds while using Laetum and similar. Those are not bandaids since they dont patch over something missing or broken in the skills, they simply improve them. They are just stronger/weaker augments. Also just regular augments, stronger/weaker in comparison to others. Granted Catapult could have been part of the base skill since it would just give more proper parkour interaction while in meatball form. And it isnt something that would impact a meatball playstyle negatively if forced as part of the skill mechanics. Which is why the Ash augments come off as bandaids, since the skills they are tied to are very weak at baseline or near unusable without the augments. Not that I imply this applies to all 4 skills and their augments, but to Shuriken and Teleport. But at the same time they likely got introduced to the game in a completely different era when the effects of say armor strip wasnt avaialble from several possible means for every single frame. And an era where the enemy levels were still laughably low, so spamming baseline shuriken could actually wipe out maps.
  4. Yeah I've wanted this since the release. For instance on my Revenant I want a build with Roar instead of Enthrall and one with Roar instead of Danse. Cant have that right now.
  5. Please make it a male frame if it is to be named Fafnir, since he was the son of Reidmar and brother to Regin and Utter. A shapeshifting dwarf at that. Frigg, Freya or Freja would work just as well even if neither of the two were dragons, since dragons are overall something deeply connected to norse culture overall. We were afterall once dragons of the north up here. Or if you really want the Fafnir connection, Fafndis or Fafnadis would fit better, since dis refers to a female deity or one of similar mystical otherwordly nature. As how women arent named Thor, but instead named Thordis over the more simple Thora. An ending with ynja would also work, as in Asar and Asynjor to describe the tribe of the asagods.
  6. We have few actual bandaids and I wouldnt class Energy Transfer as one, since the frame is designed around playing without it and Enox is not a weak frame by any means when "locked" to a single form. Energy Transfer is in reality quite a powerful mod since you suddenly have more than 4 skills at your disposal. Plus, playing both forms effectively doesnt really come down to Energy Transfer, since the two forms benefit from different modding, and can make use of different dump stats to improve them further. Hence why so many people have asked for seperate Night and Day modding in the first place. But then again I've seen people say the Mesmer Skin augment is a bandaid and mandatory aswell. And I'm looking and looking and looking at my Rev and go "say wut now?", since it does jack squat for Rev and I really dont want to force Meser Skin on other players, since it may actually #*!% up their modding and arcane choices severely. And it doesnt apply to most companions either, so not even really useful there. Then we have Wisp's mote augment that in essence is a 200% cast speed buff for that skill. Augments I find as bandaids are things like Piercing Roar, if it wasnt for the fact it also knocks down and applies max stacks of puncture to enemies. The bandaid part of the mod is that it allows you to recast Roar, which is a very nice addition for most skills, since it allows you to spend energy to rebuff at moments where it is less costly to you, or to make benefit of a conditional buff etc. Though even if the recast became baseline for Roar I'd very likely still use the augment in every build that uses Roar, since the other effects are very welcome, especially since the buffs to puncture that now makes it a mini-Avenger debuff. I'm sitting here thinking of some actual bandaid augments and I have a hard time to recall any. The closest I get is Ash, Shuriken and Teleport, since they are so lackluster on their own, or in the case of Teleport nearly unusable without the augment in most content, since everything is alerted 24/7 so teleporting in order to finish does nothing, since you cant engage in a finisher anyways. Shuriken does abyssmal damage and nothing else without the augment.
  7. WF needs the D3 system from rifts. You simply pick a level you are comfortable with and farm that. Granted in D3 the higher you get the more the rewards scale, but that wouldnt be needed in WF since it already doesnt scale between entry level SP and the level cap for instance, or between Earth and Kuva Fortress if we wanna look at normal things.
  8. You can skip it, but that means it will kill slower when left on its own as you go elsewhere. Which is what I often do, cover some doorways, go the other direction to kill something else and then run back to collect loot. The nice part having it with nourish is that everything is practically always at a state where you deal 2x damage to them, no matter if you open with barrage or not, since viral comes from practically everything you do or the enemy does to you or your companion, and you spread it on kill aswell if you use combat discipline. Though the personal spread range from my Hydroid isnt large since I dont use any range mods. For me the status chance doesnt matter, since I just place several circles instead, so with my avarage of 5 circles in an area it means 20 bombs dropping with alteast guaranteed application of viral and corrosive on anything they hit with the initial hit or explosion. I actually did double check one thing, with the augment turning into viral tempest, they gutted the 100% strength from the old augment. So I'm actually just sitting with +77% strength on my Barrage and not +177%. No idea if there is a sub or discord for theory crafting.
  9. Nourish doesnt require me to use a skill though, it is always there on the weapon together with Corrosive and all other damage types I want. It also turns companions into mobile viral spreading bombs. I utterly hate Xata since it too often ends up blocking headshot potential, especially when run on chain beam weapons. Roar is nice though. Thermal Sunder could be nice, but I already have cold on my weapon and I cant spare a mod slot on the augment anyway. My weapon however has a spare slot for either the cold I use or the electric I could use, both of which thermal sunder would add nothing to, since it would either turn into more cold, or blast killing the benefit of cold, or magnetic, killing the benefit of electric, or dilute the pool with blast damage together with the electric. I just couldnt find a use for his 2. I took him to a few SP Mot fissures to try how his TTL is versus the most hard hitting and durable modifiers we can face and during the hour+ I spent there per run he didnt go down once, or even get to a point where he was close to it. The combination between 90% DR, constant shield gate access, arcane blessing and healing on demand just made both him and my companion indestructable. And I had killed around 8000 enemies after 60 minutes. I've done quite a few Pluto SP survival fissures aswell and the outcome is roughly the same, with kills fluctuating more since some of the map layouts on the corpus ships end up as total S#&$ for spawns. Kills overall would probably be higher outside of fissures since there is no transformation time interuption on mobs.
  10. @Silligooseif you wanna continue the talk on P2W we can do so here. If you can keep on topic that is and not bring up unrelated discussions, and quote yourself when people decide to leave your of topic subjects out of their quotes. No need to start blasting PMs.
  11. 1. Since october 2017. Joined up because Marvel Heroes got shut down by Disney due to several things going on with the current CEO of Gazillion, the company that made Marvel Heroes. Reason I joined WF was because I heard good stuff about it from a former Marvel Heroes dev. He said it had great gameplay and was F2P done right, better done than their own game, which was already F2P done right together with Path of Exile at the time. And since he had done such amazing work on Marvel Heroes, WF was likely good since he enjoyed it immensly. And what can I say? He wasnt wrong. 2. The part that is my favorite is also my least favorite. People that go chicken little over changes, about how things become "unusable" after a "nerf" and so on. Makes me chuckle and facepalm at the same time, while reminding me of a friend I played D3 with. The guy went postal when Blizzard rebalanced attack speed in the game, claiming it was done to target him and people like him etc. And that his Monk all of a sudden was unplayable. Even though me aswell as another friend kept pushin the same content we did prior to the nerf on our Monk, content higher than what the raging postal lunatic friend could manage pre-nerf. 3. Very very hard question. The vast roster and no real need for a "main", much like how Marvel Heroes was set up with the uhm 70+ or whatever it was heroes. Some being better at certain activities but most can be built to do everything well. The difference in gameplay between many frames. Right now I circulate 10-ish, Lavos, Revenant, Hydroid, Dagath, Garuda, Protea, Khora, Atlast, Frost, Xaku, Citrine and Loki. The combat overall in the game is also a huge favorite, both melee and gunplay feels good and in general impactful. I also like how crafting is set up in the game. Coming from years and years of MMOs with manual crafting the foundry system in WF is a very nice approach since I dont have to waste hours upon hours of real life time crafting infront of the screen. I start a project and go do whatever in the game during the crafting process, or log off and sleep etc. Compared to just leveling professions in say ArchAge, where I could do nothing else in the game for hours as my character crafted. Or standing at a #*!%ing stove in Black Desert, or sitting at the forge in Dark Age of Camelot trying to get the % high enough on an item so the damage was viable. Heck, I've spent less of my life on this earth on crafting in WF since I started playing than I did in Star Wars Galaxies before being able to even play my Doctor/Swordsman. So to those that complain about WF crafting, you have no #*!%ing idea how good you have it! 4. In WF its hard to answer. Anything that increases the "challenge" while introducing new things to chase for sidegrades or upgrades. Places where our progress matter atleast a wee bit. It's just hard to create for a game that isnt linear in progression. But things like Eidolons, Arbitrations, SP and so on would class as endgame since they all offer you further progress and are more challenging than the content that was relevant prior to them. But what is endgame to some right now isnt endgame to others, since the relevance of the content isnt there anymore for some since they are done with it. And in certain cases it is a combination, like doing Eidolons to get a specific arcane and then some other content to get another. It just isnt as simple as in a linear game where endgame is the absolutely latest content and everything else is irrelevant.
  12. I'll be there soon-ish but I dont let it stack up. Since if I did Murphy, the gods, God, karma, the world, Satan, the universe, fate or whatever the #*!% you wanna call it would #*!% me over in some way so I'd have no opportunity to cash it in before the event ends. And since I dont trust people there is no reason I should trust anything else either.
  13. I dislike having to give up efficiency for strength. At that point I'd need to mod for a higher energy pool in return, and I prefer efficiency since it gives each orb pick up much more value and it also gives enemy energy drains less impact, since it is faster to get back to casting. Right now one orb equals 4 casts when I'm unbuffed. And since you can stack barrage in an area to multiply the damage several times over I rather go that route, since it ends up doing alot more damage. Plus more strength would require me to skip either Plunder or Barrage augment, which means the strength investment would be less worth it, since both of those already provide strength for the skills needed. And if I skip Plunder augment I'd lose a huge heal on demand that works for Hydroid and allies alike. And while I wouldnt say no to more duration, I dont really need it since I use plunder eitherway to heal my companion in endless. And for non endless I never really consider my skills since they are mostly not needed eitherway. And with how range interacts with plunder it was a stat I decided to skip, since it only increases explosion size, and in the few situations where I use tentacles I really dont want or need range. Right now my bild is. Plunder Aug, Barrage Aug, 3x Umbra, Primed Cont, Fleeting, Streamline, Combat Disc, PSF. 2 cast speed shards, 3 duration shards, which will likely end up with 1 cast speed tau and 4 duration tau in the end. Avenger+Blessing Arcanes, Gas+Cold Torid Incarnon, Contagion melee, Pure Heat Furis Incarnon with Augur Pact added for shield gating and a panzer with link armor+hp, +crit damage and +fire rate and the needed mods to reach those requirements. Unairu school and Nourish instead of Tidal Wave. And if you really wanna counter Corpus shields, just go Toxin, since it works verus everyone since you strip armor eitherways. Rad+Toxin probably since that would also give you a soft CC on your ranged weapons. I prefer Gas though on Hydroid since it just ends up being massive AoE. Though milage may vary depending on which weapon you wanna use.
  14. While true doesnt link only provide the DR versus targets that are linked though? Which isnt exactly many targets with the silly low link cap on link, nor does it guaranteed that the DR is active versus the target that it might actually be needed against, since some low damage trash mob might be the linked enemy instead.
  15. I never bother with them. I'm playing solo, so the thumper is like that wild cat of yours that tends to run like a maniac back and forth through your house/appartment, only a couple of times bigger. And since God King Revenant is my go to Plague Star frame I couldnt really care less what the Thumper is trying to do to me or anyone else.
  16. How many Barrage circles do you manage to keep active? In my own build I just spam the button in a couple of areas where enemies tend to come from, like doorways etc. Usually that results in 5-7 stacked circles per location when I'm done spamming, at a cost of 6.25 energy per circle. And that stacks up to alot of damage with "just" +177% strength from augment and 3x umbra. And due to how fast they are cast, aslong as you have 1 energy to shield option in your kit you can pretty much stop to lay down barrages wherever and whenever you want since you will always have the minimal shield gate saving you. If your ape crazy armor and health wont be enough.
  17. Yep that is something people should consider for groups since they dont have need for any other AW, and having one person in the air shouldnt screw over Hemo attack patterns leaving it without opening the mouths. I tried Amesha solo the previous PS even but got annoyed by the Hemo bugging and not opening mouths since I was in the air. Same reason I stopped using Titania back then aswell. Right now with Rev killing the Hemo takes me as much time as emptying the mag on my Boar Prime, reloading and them unloading half that mag on the head that is still left. The longest part of the last phase is currenly waiting for the Hemo to waddle down from the boil.
  18. There was no proof in that discussion since you failed to fathom the concept of practical use vs theory. Since that discussion started with you wanting to add a simple trash mob with more health and claimed it would incentivice the use of single target weapons. While a simple basic mob with more health brings no incentive whatsoever, which is what I tried to explain to you. I even told you that if it was a discussion about bosses or other priority targets it would be a different story. Not that any of this of which you bring up has anything to do with what was discussed here. Plus that discussion ended in september when I stopped engaging with you in the PMs you for some reason started instead of keeping the topic in the thread that was proper for the topic at hand. Did it vex you that I stopped answering you even though you had the last word? It must have when you bring it up in a completely unrelated discussion. I mean, they arent even remotely close. Oh and you are still wrong about WF and P2W and P2W in general. To be perfectly clear, the word wrong cant even describe it properly since you are so far beyond that.
  19. Nourish instead of his 2 along with a gas+electric or gas+cold high status/damage/crit weapon is bonkers insane. So much AoE potential aslong as you keep the buffs up, then barrage just adds even more AoE ontop of it. Then you can go extra insane with either a + crit damage pet, or one with manifold bond for more gundition overload.
  20. I'm not sure what content you run if you have trouble with killing shielded enemies on him. Barrage just rips through everything. You might be severely limiting your potential by going ape on strength with negative efficiency due to the fact that a cheap Barrage can be stacked extremely quickly with devastating results. Consider this. with +100% strength and 2 areas you are effectively dealing as much damage as you would otherwise do with 1 single area at +300% strength. Plus the two zones stack your debuffs twice as fast. And since you run high range that method becomes even more reliable since everything within the 10m circle will likely get hit by each single rain drop that explodes.
  21. Dont destroy the pods, it is that simple. When you see poor spawns it is very likely due to host limitations and nothing else. I'm plying solo, and not touching infested or the pods as I kill the Hemo means each % stage is triggered instantly upon Hemo death, since it is one jump+contagion or a Danse swirl to get another 25% directly because there are infested everywhere. Only the first 25% are slow since there is a ramp up in initial infested spawns. It's also why I run Revenant plus Elytron instead of a frame that can speed up the drone. Since it allows me to just stand there and let the infested swarm me as I kill the Hemo. I mean, there is literally zero reason to destroy the pods, it provides no benefit whatsoever.
  22. It isnt irrefutable evidence when your own provided links talk against your personal idea on what P2W is. There isnt a single part of progression in WF where you can objectively apply P2W since there is no guaranteed advantage, nor are there any significant, big or serious advantage (all words from your own links) tied to whatever advantage you see. Something doesnt become P2W because players feel someone else has an advantage over them, it becomes P2W when playere have an objective advantage over others. Also, since WF is a co-op game, the part of P2W "advantage over" doesnt exsist either, since whatever is payed for benefits everyone in a group. We can for instance not steal mobs or farm spots from others in WF. And that is if the purchased items were also guaranteed to be BiS power upgrades, which they arent. There is no drawback in not paying in WF since there is nothing to fall behind on in the end. What makes it extra funny regarding your links is that you provide the esports.net definiton, which uses skins as an example of P2W, on of the most subjective things in life i.e cosmetics and what could be considered "beauty" and appeal. Which is always a personal matter with no concrete "win" condition. "Some fellows like their women short, some fellows like them round, me I like the kinda girl that makes me stand up to go down" - Amon Amarth "One mans trash is another mans treasure" - no #*!%ing idea who said that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - yeah no idea there either who coined it And so on...
  23. Wont happen since the Helminth stops that. Non-humanoid "weapons" are things like Lephantis and potentially other pre-helminth experiments. As to which i'd prefer piloting, the Necramech any day of the week. A pancy cyber dragon does not come close to a Dreadnaught or a Killa Kan, nor does it look like a tiny version of an Imperator (minus the cathedral spires). Not gonna please any Emperor, have enough Dakka for a proper Waaaagh resulting in Bloodletting and Skulltaking, or catch a proper Disease to Change me as I try to reach peak Pleasure by piloting a robotic chicken.
  24. And you arent even reading what your own "facts" say. Significant advantage over other players and so on, straight from your own linked quotes. There is no objective advatage to be had over another player by purchasing any progress in WF, since nothing you buy is a guaranteed advantage since something that cannot even be purchased may very well be BiS in this game. And while one player might see skipping as a win, while robbing themselves of playing the content, another player may see that as an effective loss, since they just removed playable content from the game. P2W is an objective method to gain advantages over others. If it is subjective it simply cannot result in a win outcome. So since everything in WF is effectively subjective based on each player, it cannot be P2W. Pay to advance, pay to skip, pay to complete and so on yes, P2W no, since what might be a win to you might not be a win to me or someone else, it might very well be the opposite even. And since progress isnt linear either the player not spending to progress is not objectively behind those that do spend. Just look at Dagath. Anyone that bought her robbed themselves from playing the new game mode, the only new playable part of the update really. Those that farmed her got a couple of hours of entertainment from the new mission type. Now which person won? Both since it is subjective what your preference is to obtaining her.
  25. You mean like all the mods and cosmetics that have been unique to NW? 6-8 mods, armor, operator/drifter suits, a landing craft (with its own skill) and so on. And more than 2 actually good stories? Well there are 3, since glassmaker was actually a good story even if the gameplay tied to it sucked balls. So you have Wolf, Arlo and Glass. The stories just happen to not be worth the cost and effort to make them. Which isnt a mystery, when similar approaches to content got ditched in other games since it just wasnt cost effective, and that was in games that actually monetized these types of story additions. Just look at Funcom and their The Secret World game, which later became Secret World Legends, they sold comics in the game that unlocked bite sized quests for players, they didnt earn enough compared to their cost to make. NW was practically the same but with absolutely zero revenue potential tied to them, since they didnt even come with new frames, weapons etc.
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