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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Peer-to-peer, or well more properly listen servers. That is really all there is to it. Not much DE can do about it since the hardware range of the game is simply too wide and everyone gets to host. Plus people connecting through Wi-Fi these days is also popular, which adds further issues that DE simply cannot do anything about. I suggest you activate the ingame performance monitor if you havent already, makes it easy to spot when you end up with bad hosts so you dont waste time. Or simply, if things feel laggy either abort mission or dont go beyond rotation A. While they could add tracking per endless stage I would hope it would be optional, since if they add that everything will likely work like open worlds, so no game pausing option as solo even. Which I'd say #*!% no to.
  2. And that matters uhm how exactly? We shouldnt forget that Empyrean was a "beta" (I'd say alpha even), which we knew, and it likely wouldnt have mattered when during Dec (or Nov) it was released really, since fixing and tweaking it took way longer than what would have been possible during a few weeks. People should probably look at the scope of other releases, normal releases where bugs are far fewer. Just because something gets released in Dec or in connection to TGA to be more specific it doesnt mean it suddenly turns into Empyrean bug state. edit: I cant recall that many bugs even, atleast not those that have been gamebreaking. Even Empyrean was light on that for me. I think I had more issues with Duviri Experience specifically with broken bounty steps. And in normal updates I cant really recall any at all.
  3. That would suck in this case heh. Though I cant remember, did we have any particular major patch in Dec 2022?
  4. I hope the melee arcanes will be more about utility and not just more damage, since damage isnt exactly the issue with melee. So arcanes that provide healing, increased DR, naramon-ish combo decay, HA efficiency, HA wind up speed, longer combo duration, increased movement speed and so on, maybe in some combination. Like naramon-ish combo decay with increased movement speed based on combo counter. Or if they wanna go with damage (snore), maybe something like statues spread on target kill, similar to Voruna's skill. Just a bunch of +% damage gets boring, especially when not really needed.
  5. Nope, since Disruption exsists, and so does Arbitration Defense. And then there is always Survival aswell.
  6. Congrats! You've gone through all the stages now! Murderer, Mass Murderer (maybe even Serial Killer if you have a certain type), Conqueror and now finaly into godhood. A life hack tip. If interpol comes after you and want to put you on trial at the Hague for genocide just tell them that you kill for the sake of killing and that the creed, culture, nativity or race of your victims do not matter, they are all equally respected and treated by you. Also I'd suggest hiding any shotgun, cluster bomb, flamethrower, chemical- and biological weapon (send Saryn on a well deserved vacation) and maybe make sure Vauban isnt playing with his flechette orb aswell.
  7. I wouldnt be surprised if it launches either with TGA or on the 8th. Those two were my initial thoughts when they said the release date would be revealed at TGA. And since an operation will launch shortly after I hope it does release on the 7th or 8th, since that would give them enough time to fix eventual bugs with the update and leave them a good window to fix operation bugs before the holidays. Launching on the 13th or the 14th means only 10 days or so to fix what is needed with WitW and then even fewer incase the operation has bugs. But I'm fine with canceling Christmash aswell.
  8. I mean you even quoted the reason why I'm OK with the idea in WitW. We will get more shards, either more of the current or the new colors. So if we get more current shard colors we'll have an "abundance" per week compared to now. The system has also been live for quite a long time, so we already also have shards sitting un-used. My stance has been based on what we had way back then, what would have been better at that point between failsafe or fusion. And again, since you specified both at the same time, the either or isnt a factor anymore. Since obviously both together would be the best for player choice. Well yes and no. While over a specific period of time the two would break even there are a few downsides. First being that you would actually have to wait the whole time (or nearly) to get any actually use out of being able to fuse, unless all you care for is the rarity of the item you slot and not the actual stats you can slot in total. Obviously it would differ for some frames, like those that make use of several different colors in a build. Secondly, if you are interested in more than a single frame, this would all repeat with each frame you decide to progress with the shard system. Since there would be no hand me downs if frames share colors for instance. With the failsafe system everything practically ends up on the next frame in line. Sure after a while we will be at a point where we dont want to invest in more frames, but that isnt something that we would have ran into at the point when the system was added. Right now though the system would likely be favorable, since we have shards to play around with. That really doesnt apply to gaming overall, hence why the altoholic is such a wide phenomena within multiclass games like MMORPGs and Online games like WF and always has been. While in fighting games and racing games you often stick to the aestethics, because the gameplay doesnt actually change between your choices. And in a shooter like BF you likely find a gun that is compatible with your skill in the game, one that allows you correct handling with X attachments etc. And when you find that gun you likely wont change since the gameplay doesnt changed much if you change to another gun. So you will have one go to LMG, DMR, Assault, Sniper, Shotgun, PDW and Pistol most likely. That is a silly notion to have regarding WF out of all games. Freedom of choice is the very core of WF, hence why we have 55(!) #*!%ing frames, hundreds of weapon, both melee and ranged etc. So the whole "avarage joe choice overload" is utter and total bull as a reason for the limitations within the shard system. Marvel Heroes is also a game that contradicts this idea of yours, since it was a game with even more playable options (nearly 80 iirc) than WF, along with 3 talents/skill trees for each hero and full Diablo-esque itemization, including runewords etc. And no one was overwhelmed or confused by the insane amount of choice. Not to mention PoE and Grim Dawn and their advanced and expansive skill talent systems and nearly classless freedom in building. There is a reason people play these games, to build, experiment, find new playstyles to oblitirate the enemies and modes etc. And it is possible due to freedom and options. How on earth do you even consider that a response to what was said or a justification to people falling behind? The top of the line is common access tools eitherway, it just happens to be hidden behind numbers of "inactive" players. Things arent suddenly better because more people have them. So if a certain shard suddenly is deemed too powerful, it is already too powerful at this very moment.
  9. This thread made me notice something interesting when reading through the catch up info. Unrelated to the OP topic but still We've always heard people say that Sentients dont get specifically harmed by the Void, it just made them barren. However the info in the compendium actually implies that the Void is indeed damaging to them and one of the reasons why the Void Towers were even made. Reminds me of BSG and the weapon/armamaments cache hidden by the humans within a nebula (was it a nebula?) because the Cylons couldnt go there due to that type of space being severely harmful to them.
  10. Grendel in a full shiny Catwoman spandex suit, with cat ears and steampunky goggles. Or it could be made into a top and a bottom (like regular thermo underwear), where the top goes *schnapp!* whenever he eats and exposes his belly. Potentially it could be a Batman spandex suit, or something like The Blob wears in Marvel comics. Fatman nananananananana Fatman.
  11. As @(XBOX)Upl0rdYTsays, all of the 7 are likely executors, but not all executors are of those 7. And since they are 7 it seems to be intended to work as a legal counsil or counsil in general due to the vote spread an uneven number of members can have. And in the case of someone like Tuvul, as he died a new 7th was likely found to fill his position.
  12. Right now if I need to narrow it to a top 3. In no real specific order. Dagath, Hydroid and Lavos Torid Incarnon, Burston Incarnon and Boar Incarnon Furis Incarnon, Dual Toxocyst Incarnon and Laetum Zaw Hammer with Contagion. Cant name any other melees atm since I havent enjoyed normal melee in quite a while. Used to love Silva & Aegis Prime aswell as Paracesis.
  13. First of do voices in your head count as headmates? And does it count if the voices that are mostly there is just you talking to yourself since you are simply that lonely? Anyways, regarding what I quoted. Consider this. Is a cat naked without clothes? If you answer no, what about actually naked cats that have no fur? Why are they specifically labeled as naked if all cats (and other animals with naked races) are naked even when covered in fur? He doesnt, he's a naturist. As to other frames and what normal clothes they could wear, the only obvious answer is that Grendel would need some form of spandex and frames like Rhino, Volt and the upcoming Qorvex would likely just wear chaps.
  14. There arent enough games of this type to claim a trend. Fighting is of a completely different make up since there is no power or role difference between characters. And the MMO that was similar to WF died 6+ years ago and there has been nothing similar since. Already gravitating towards or not doesnt matter, since more freedom would increase the potential of that frame which someone gravitates towards sees use from that person. I have several frames I gravitate towards and feel like trying out but I cannot be bothered to do so due to the restrictions of the shard system in its current state, where the gating and the unbinding of shards are the main reasons. For instance, I have all loadout slots unlocked that are available to me at L1, all but 2 of them are used for a different frame I could see myself playing, but only around 10 of them actually have shards installed. Which means I practically never use any loadout but those 10. Which in itself also means the gating is utterly pointless. It really just adds more problems to the game, problems that DE at the time of the release of Veilbreaker already tried to solve, problems that were so grand that they recently tried to pitch a cash option for one of them. And that problem is new players or those that have been on a break are left far behind with no real way to catch up. And shards being gated is a far bigger issue than quest progress. DE acknowledged the problem of time gating regarding quests and though "wait a whole day" was bad, but for some reason they completely miss how a 1 week gate impacts players that return to the game or arrive fresh. Kinda contrasting and shocking to say the least.
  15. Nothing really and I'm honestly fairly glad it is like that regarding most WF holidays. Compared to WoW for instance, WF just has so much regular content to do that an event kinda feels pointless or obstructing to me. Could be because I tend to focus hard on events in games, leaving other things behind, which mostly isnt an issue since the things left behind tend to be few, here it isnt really like that. Plus we are getting an operation together with the WitW update in december, so a tennobaum specific event game mode would be even more in the way imo. I really hope they dont tie any rewards to the snowball PvP crap.
  16. We really have no data that tells us either. While the vocal that are OK with the gating play few frames it doesnt mean it is the standard, avarage or anything similar. Reducing or removing the gate could also see an increased use for more frames, since you'd be able to try more combinations and not just bet safe. Even with excess shards I have a hard time placing them on frames I could find myself trying out with shards, since the removal costs are high and it is a #*!%ing drag aswell to engage with the system because it is menu upon menu upon menu for each #*!%ing shard removed. I mean the whole shard system is a #*!%ing cluster #*!% atm to put it mildly. From gate to UI and everything else, it is utter trash. Just look at the poor execution of how removal works on a frame with all shards. Engage with chair (or through menu), access shard menu, click shard, click accept, click nect shard, click accept, escape to general helminth UI, click feed, click bile, click food times X, hit esc, confirm feeding, click shard menu, click shard, accept removal, click shard, accept removal, esc to general helminth UI, click feed, click bile, click food times X, hit esc, confirm feeding, click shard menu, click shard, accept removal. That is all to remove 5 measly #*!%ing shards. Who the hell in their right mind designed it that way?
  17. To everyone practically. I mean it is a common phenomena in games with gear progression, people do pointless things because they most often think more is better or higher rarity is better when the benefit has no meaning whatsoever. And since you cleared up what you ment, that both systems should be active at once, I dont see why you keep arguing, since this is not an issue at that point, since getting Tau would not be locked to either or, so if people want to fuse pointlessly they can knock themselves out. And again you kinda oversimplify what is said by assuming shards are used on breakpoints for frames not played. That isnt the case, since less played =//= not played, it means... well... less played. The upcoming fusion adds additional shards per week aswell, so the impact of fusing wont be as severe as fusing while only getting 2 shards per week. We are also far far after the release of Velibreaker, so right now most of us have plenty of extra shards just sitting there. My comment to you was made regarding the system we got versus the fusion system you wanted at that point in time. Since you werent clear in that post that you wanted both at the same time, it really didnt look like you implied that due to your wording and your either or comparison in shard yield between the systems in that post. Plus if we want to with WitW we can even utilize the systems individually, so whatever is gained from WitW is used for fusion while we keep Veilbreaker shards as they are. Personal player budget setup and so on. Since WitW fusion is likely designed in a way to promote using fusion, by rewarding us more shards to play with.
  18. Mine started acting up as I clicked the X on the popup in Chrome. Not sure how it acts on mobile since I'm stoneage regarding those things and practically never use my phone except for making calls. *shakes fist around* Younguns! Get off my lawn!
  19. I'm still not sure why they have seperate credits per nightwave after they switched over to intermesso ad infinitum. Since nothing new is sold in the shop during intermissions, which is all we'll get now. Well ok the latest few frame helms will sell, but those arent really a reason to restrict players from stocking up. I got their idea when we had different actual NW episodes where unique items tied to them were sold. But as it is now they can just consolidate all currencies into a single Nora's Mix currency.
  20. Clearing the cache in Chrome worked for me. Most likely it was mainly an issue with outdates images.
  21. Mamma frame donates some DNA in the fun-room and pappa frame then inserts his special bits into the DNA primed wall cooch. After which the eggtimer is set and mamma and pappa frame waits for the product to get done. If pleased by the outcome the thing is kept, if not, well atleast the pets will eat well.
  22. I'm talking out of the PoV of fusing. Where fusing several shards to make a Tau for a frame that doesnt really benefit from the 50% increase to the stat is pointless. Since you consume potential breakpoint options for several other frames in the process. Something that doesnt happen with the current system since we only gain shards overtime, we never lose any. Eventually yes, every frame can get filled with Tau since there is no drawback to it. And as most times you oversimplify what is said, since you for some reason imply I mean all frames. Which is odd since in I've repeatedly refered to as Tau as upgrades as needed while also advocating the "free" use of Taus with the current system. Glad you cleared that part up since the post I initially answered to seemed to imply just fusion versus the current system.
  23. No I'm saying different frames build for different stats and that different skills have different mechanics. Atlas will never be able to wipe maps without continous use of his #1, which in the end really just replaces a weapon. There is no reason to build a Saryn without sufficient range, so spores are more or less passive after they've been applied aslong as you react fast enough to apply things that allow them to spread, which isnt hard considering the skill that does so has no LoS requirement, nor does the spores. I dont use slash, or more accurately I dont build with slash in mind, since it is utterly pointless outside of running level cap. Which the game itself isnt planned to be balanced around in the first place. It is hard to get to a point in WF where utilizing slash isnt pointless. And in the few places where there is a point to it, I just run Garuda since she is most suited for those activites eitherway. Because I sure as hell hope you arent implying you have to rely on HM or slash in general for regular SP content, such as a couple of hours in endless. Viral+Heat is more than enough for that, or in a case like Hydroid where you can grab corrosive and viral easily from other sources, gas or pure heat does a wonderful job at wiping enemies.
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