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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. One thing I forgot to mention in my previous post. I was talking about people getting overwhelmed by several systems suddenly all at once. To see how this can affect someone all you really need to do is look at how overwhelming it can be come back to game you havent played in a while where systems you knew have gotten changed or you've simply forgotten about. I've ran into this myself, both versions of it and I've ran into situations where I've been active in the game when several systems have changed, making it rather overwhelming after a massive patch or expansion. And this is pretty much what would happen to new players that can skip everything up to the latest since they'll face that situation where they have access to everything at once. However in the case of a new player skipping it would be worse, since they have no prior knowledge regarding where systems are used, or how important and useful they are or not. While getting back to a game after a break you still know roughly where the things were used or useful, so it is easier to set up those systems or learning them again since you used to be a veteran.
  2. That crit buff is a #*!%ing joke if you are actually remotely geared since it caps you to orange crits. Charm should be renamed Charm & Curse, since that is essentially what it currently does and the reason why I stopped using it long ago. If you want crit pick the Adarza since it is a straight buff that actually works with crit weapons. Plus, they are reworking precepts overall, just as they said in the devstream if you had listened to more than what you wanted to hear. And the resource portion of charm is highly overrated unless you are in the early to mid game.
  3. I'll have to give a big NO to this idea. I'll explain why. First of just a few general thoughts and then I'll go more into detail with a few points. There is never a reason why new players should be able to jump into the latest content directly, all of the other content is already new to them. I started shortly after Plains of Eidolon got added, a few showcase videos from the content aswell as hearing some good words from Doomsaw (a dev from the company Gazillion that made Marvel Heroes) regarding WF in general is what got me to start. Never did I feel a need to hit up PoE directly, since everything was brand shiny new anyways to me. Being able to jump into PoE directly would have likely overwhelmed me, since it did the moment I actually went there aswell since I was horribly undergeared. Also if Duviri didnt work well as a NPE starting path I have a hard time seeing how skipping the story and getting thrown into the deep end on day 1 will be any better for any new player. I'd assume it would be full blown system overload since they'd be faced with practially all systems at once with no knowledge about any of them besides what Vor's Parkour 101 shows them. Ok now onto some more concrete points. 1. It will look horribly bad. The moment you step into the game you are offered to skip practically the whole story. Why? Is the story that poor? Is the game poor? Do they try to make a quick buck on me before leaving? Among other potential ways this might make the game and you (DE) look. I know what you want to achieve and I understand that fully, but new players wont have the years of experience with the game and you guys as I and others do. I dont think there is anything malicious or greedy in what you want to achieve. But there are other ways which I will get into later or. 2. As I thouched in my general thoughts up top, this will result in players getting thrown in with facing all systems at once. That isnt really of any help to anyone, it might turn out to be overwhelming. What are all the things for? Archwing, Railjack, Mech, Frame, weapons, operator and so on. I cant even remember if we get a companion through the main quests either since it was just that long ago since I did them. Now with all those things rammed in their face at once, which of them should they bother with for the new flashy content that they skipped ahead to play? 3. How does skipping to the latest increase the chance a player stays? I'd think the opposite. Which is something that ties into point 1, since it makes it look scummy, because it seems like you wanna cash in on "guaranteed" revenue before people leave as opposed to if they just play from the start and leave before spending. Again I know this is probably not your intent, but that wont change how it looks. Offering someone a diaper filled with chocolate puddin' still looks like someone offering a diaper filled with poop. 4. Warframe is also not some linear MMO where players must catch up for things to be relevant. It's a optional co-op looter shooter with a sandbox approach where all content is relevant in, hence why we still use items that we obtained years and years and years ago in our most powerful builds. And the same reason why we still do content several years old on a daily basis. This would also be something that likely adds to the risk of overwhelming someone by allowing them to skip the story. What is SP? How do I unlock it? What are arbitrations and how do I unlock them? Relics huh? Fissures wha? What are sorties? Why do I die constantly in sorties when I was able to skip to them? There would simply be too many things that they'd be presented to that they sit there and want to play but are unable to, things likely as attractive as the latest most flashy content once they are done with that. 5. There are other solutions to this. If you think it is OK for someone to skip to the latest content I really dont see why content simply isnt designed for that. If it is OK to pay and break continuity by playing the story in a random order starting from the latest I dont see why this cannot just be a free option to begin with, without all the pre-req gates. 6. It would be better to just streamline everything old. If there is a requirement for say a necramech in quest D and E, then quest C (at the latest) should grant a basic one on completion that can be used for the sake of quests. Same should apply to everything else aswell that is a requirement to a quest. Then the fancy version of those items should be obtained from non-quest content through farming. In addition to that, skip all other forms of pre-req steps for the quests. Allow players to start the game by going through the story quests as its own self sustainable content without having to hit X MR or do Y junctions etc. Just add the needed type of rewards to each story quest so players can do them and progress seamlessly up to the latest release by just doing the story quests. It could be solved the same way as loaner weapons/frames in circuit, a max leveled item with pre-determined mods strong enough to get through the stories that are already on the easier side of things. So in closing. While it might look like you'd provide help and a benefit to new players by allowing them to skip the story, it could just aswell turn out the opposite. And if it turns out the opposite the reputation of the game and the company could take a severe beating due to reviews and opinions tied to that. Because there is a huge risk that players that do pay for the skip will end up overwhelmed when they suddenly sit there with everything to do all at once, or wondering how they'll unlock all the modes etc. when "done" with the game they just skipped through. I mean, carries or as the hip and the young call it these days "taxi" services, often end up with players leaving, and I dont see how paying to skip the content would end up differently when Duviri as a starter resulted in overwhelming and disjointed system experiences for new players. With a skip you'd amplify that sense of being overwhelmed several times over. Same as with the "I used the dude with the pistol and horse there, but where is he now?" when people transitioned from Duviri to regular Warframe. Getting railjack, mechs, archwings etc. instantly would most likely end up in the same exact situation. So I'd suggest holding back on this idea and instead restructure how the story questing works. Make it a self sustainable experience that can be done from start to finish the day someone starts the game.
  4. Yeah I've noticed with all the shotguns that the more range there is between me and the target the better the charges build, which to me is completely backwards since longer range should mean higher spread and logically more hits on the body instead of head. But it likely ends up with more pellets being allowed to deal damage instead of having the target die to just a fraction of them. DE really needs to change the system.
  5. Actually and sadly no. They went several steps backwards when they tried to fix whatever they failed to try and fix with multishot. No weapon benefits from multishot anymore for incarnon charge building if the target dies in a single hit. Even the faceroll incarnon charge mechanics like those on Torid and Angstrum constantly fail to build properly from multishot. Shotguns just seem to have further bugs aswell since they feel like utter crap to build charges for. At times it seems like they've split the multishot into "main" pellets and "modded" pellets and if main pellets hit the body, modded pellets tied to that pellet wont count either. I mean I can hit enemies straight in the face with a minimal amount of pellets hitting the body and getting nearly no incarnon charge build up from it. Which is why I stopped using Boar and Strun Incarnon because it is too #*!%ing annoying.
  6. According to their primetime yesterday we will get the announcement of the glistening magnificent date today in the devstream. Maggots!
  7. I ment more the raw form like used on Deimos as a bomb to kill the surface more or less. Scorched earth and all that wonderful stuff, but with snot and nanites. Lephy was probably a project more in the veins of Warframes. Which also straight up indicates that the Old War was around 1000 years ago considering how Lotus phrases it, and frames have been around for a shoter period than that since the frames were the last resort when all other things failed. No misunderstanding. We already know from 3 seperate lore instance how and when the first frames came about and what they were like. Sacrifice is directly from Ballas own mouth, The Silver Grove establishes a timeline and Kullervo further strengthens that knowledge while also showing us straight up a generation one frame since he is one. 1. They never got shelved, some were, others werent, see Rhino Prime entry, Sevagoth, Protea and Kullervo for instance. Or the Silver 2. Nope. At the point when the tenno get involved Margulis project is already over, she is also dead by that point in time. See Rhino Prime lore entry where the tenno are locked in cryo pods. Silver Grove also shows that Margulis and Silvana work on generation one. Which is why the Titania in the story follows Silvana to Earth in order to protect her. 3. But she didnt, because she never experienced that part of it. Ballas re-opened and finalized her trasnference project after she was executed. The bolded part makes zero sense. Zariman went because it didnt need solar rails, so sending the Sentients first or last have absolutely zero impact on when the Zariman was actually sent, since it was already using a Reliquairy Drive to jump on its own. The only thing we actually do know is that the sentients did build rails. This because they used them to return to Sol and because the Zariman never made it to Tau to build them. Still we dont know when either was sent in relation to the other, just that Zariman was sent prior to the war starting, since sending a generation ship straight to the enemy would be uhm... odd. Also I'd like to point out again that atleast 1000 years have passed since the point in the old war where infestation was still used. So frames that were the last option are logically younger than that. We can draw this conclussion from Lotus calling the Derelict housing Lephantis "millennia old" which implies that it is older than a millennium.
  8. But that again comes down to how the bug can be solved. The two recent changes were just scripts, while I'm not sure if Telos Boltor missed a cert and had to wait for the next due to code changes. Certs are either limited for them or each of them costs. So packing as much as possible for each is probably what they aim for. So if something that needs it misses the deadline it has to wait for the next. Which is a drawback we've had to suffer on PC ever since crossplay was enabled.
  9. 1. In the setting of 1999 they are new. Tied to the Y2K craze but "real". If it was an earlier strain it would still be impossible for it to co-exsist with a frame if it is also occuring during a past time. Since the infestation evolves and has evolved more into what it currently is by the time the first frame is actually made. 2. Even if this event would lead to the destruction of earth it would still make it impossible for a frame to be there at that point, since the first frame isnt created until long after that when the infestation has been harvested and cultivated from the outer colonies. And it isnt like there arent people on "Earth" in 1999. They are all happy and cheering about the new year celebration. 3. Umbra is even later down the line. He isnt created until Ballas decides to betray the Orokin. And which part is his face or not is up for debate considering the description of frames with skin made of sword steel etc. Umbras helm might simply be the "skin" while the Freddy face underneath is what happened when his skin was torn from the muscles where the helm is missing a piece. Just as if we carve away the outer layers of skin and fat down to the muscles. 4. Nope, since the project used to create the first warframes is the same project that is first used to help rehabilitate the children of the Zariman. So Zariman must have disappeared and been found and the children rescued. The Tenno are effectively put on hold in their cryo tubes at the point the project turns into one about war. 5. I wouldnt say definently but it is probable. Reason I say not definently is because Zariman was a generation ship, so might have gotten sent first, but it can also have been sent after. The sentients may have gotten sent because the Zariman disappeared due to a failed void jump, so seen as unsafe for future exploration. So they send the sentients the slow way to Tau to build rails to connect the two systems safely, since rails remove the risks in void travel as per the lore. And when the sentients attack earth they have FTL since they have rail access at that point. The Orokin built them in Sol and the sentient built them in Tau. Otherwise the Orokin wouldnt have been able to jump to Tau to attack it, which we know they did due to the lore piece mentioned about the soldier. There is no indication the infestation itself was actually used against the Sentient. Ballas only mentions that they used it in order to create the hybrids a.k.a the warframes. And how they harvested it from the outer colonies that had been ravaged. The only place we know where the infestation was released in it's raw form against the sentient was on Deimos. It could have happened elsewhere aswell, but it is a re-use of the infestation that had already laid waste to many colonies. 1999 being some point in time in between is more or less impossible since in order for v1 to exsist Margulis must have her project stopped, which means Earth is already gone (while it isnt in 1999) because Silvana gets recruited by Margulis from her Earth restoration project. Then after that Margulis has her project stopped, the kids put on ice and everything turned into creating frames. Not to mention that there is nothing Orokin at all about the 1999 setting, which also means that the void, interplanetary travel within the system or the exsistance of the heart have yet to be discovered, researched or created. And without the void and the heart there are no frames, since even the first were infused and powered by the void/heart, since it is what makes their powers work. 1999 looks like a complete mash up fusion spawned from someones mind, with regular english mixed with strange symbols, symbols that as far as I can tell have zero connection to the Orokin. They are also seen on the most pointless of things while everything important is in english.
  10. I dont think there is any duality in it. Helios and Charger bugs were noticed fast and didnt require any coding, so were simple to fix quickly. Plus DE have probably learned somewhat from the past that unintended mechanics should be fixed quickly before people claim them to be intended features and then cry nerf when they get fixed. As someone mentioned in another thread, this is all really just triage, or if we put it into perspective with more regular things, common sense. People need to consider which bugs affect the most of the player base. Those are obviously the most logical to fix. And since it is a game that constantly gets new updates, bugs that affect a wider part of the player base always pops up, leaving more specific/limited bugs unattended since they have less priority. Now if this was a utopian game where new bugs never get introduced then eventually the specific bugs would get fixed since they'd eventually get to it. But that just isnt how updates in a live service game works, since there will always be new bugs with a higher priority, just as there will be new bugs that end up to the pile "we'll get to them when we get to them" since their priority is low and the affect of them among the playerbase isnt wide enough. I bet people will go into meltdown when the upcoming code related fix for overshields and the interaction with shield gate duration will go live even though it has been stated as a bug since the update.
  11. Sentinels are certainly viable in the sense that they have no problem staying alive. Their problem with practically worthelss precept options still remain though, but might get fixed with the next step in the pet rework coming next year. Ontop of that their weapons are overall still hot garbage since the sentinel is still dumb as a door knob and only attacks 1 target instead of spreading damage properly. I wish they'd give the a chain beam weapon so we can spread statuses properly. Right now Nautilus is probably the best since it atleast has a grouping tool which it can use very very often thanks to one of the new Bond mods (Manifold Bond) which reduces the CD on robotic skills for each enemy killed while affected with 3 statuses. Panzer has kinda become pointless, since now all pets are unkillable. And if you used it to spread viral you instead have Hounds now to fill that role thanks to the Manifold Bond mod aswell, which in addition to lowering CDs per kill also inflicts all statuses from your pet weapon when an enemy is hit by a precept (doesnt work on all precepts, but on most). So with the Hound precepts it pretty much means whenever it hits an enemy you apply 5 statuses (2 innate on weapon, 2 modded on weapon and 1 innate on the skills that can proc Manifold Bond). Plus some of the Hound precepts were already quite insane, like the 30m disarm. Ontop of that the Hounds come with good precepts to increase their survival, somethintg the Panzer doesnt. The bonus of the Panzer now is that it can either increase your fire rate through a bond mod by having 1200 max shields, or add 1.2x flat (if you have 5.5x you end up with 6.7x instead) critical damage through another bond mod by reaching 50%+ crit chance. However with the lack of survivability mods for the Panzer and a change done to Pack Leader (most ranged melee no longer heals) I see my Panzer go down way way more than any other pet. In all honesty my Hound barely goes down at all and my sentinel only goes poof if I swap into operator. Moa ends up somewhere between Hounds and sentinels. Great option if you need something defensive along with grouping utility. Sadly neither of the useful precepts can proc statuses from Manifold Bond. On the other hand the anti-bullet dome the Moa has will be up 24/7 and it will group things up constantly with the mine precept since you'll reduce the CDs of them all the time. I havent tested Kavats, Dogs or the Charger yet.
  12. The endgoal is in having tested the frame/weapon to its fullest so you know if it will be one you might swap in when new endgame or other farmable content is released, or one to swap in to spice up your regular farming of already exsisting content. Simply more toys to play with. Hydroid ended up back on the bench after I had built and tested him properly. For me he just doesnt add anything to my current line up. Dagath however ended up as a regular after figuring out a proper build for her, since she adds alot that the rest of my current line up doesnt. I've looked for a pure caster frame for a long time. Ember kinda hit the spot but not really, Protea aswell, so did Xaku and Kullervo, but not in the way Dagath does. All of those others are fine, but Dagath actually feels like a real arpg caster with a roation.
  13. Hounds are probably the strongest companions at the moment thanks to their mods and what those bring to the frame. They also have a far easier time to survive than any other pet thanks to those precept mods. Combined with Manifold bond, Synth Deconstruct and Restorative Bond they are very easy to keep topped off on any frame. Repo Audit, Synergized Prospectus, Reflex/Evasive Denial, Synth Decon, Resto Bond, Manifold, Vacuum, Vitality, Fiber (link or not depending on frame) and Animal Instinct (or if you dont want loot radar something else). That combined with Akaten modded for elements you cant apply and you'll have a very reliable companion that increases your weapon damage significantly while locking down the enemies in various ways while spawning health orbs all over. Which Denial precept to use is preference. On frames where I rely alot on my guns I use Evasive since it wont accidentally interrupt my shots if the dog runs infront of me, but on someone like Dagath where I use skills to kill 99% of the time Reflex is wonderful. Just skip Momentous Bond, not fun when you end up with pointless radiation when you dont really want it. I mean none of the sentinels really bring anything, Helios is OK with its weapon, but shoots way too rarely after the fix even to be a simple debuffer. Vicious Bond is pointless after the fix since things will be dead before the armor is gone anyway. None of them except Nautilus brings a useful precept. None of the weapons are really good primers either, since most of them practically only hit a single target and/or have very few damage types along with capped statuses per shot. Decent for synth deconstruct with Gas, but that is about it since it is still just 1 extra status in the end on multiple targets. Sentinels wont come close to proccing 5 statuses as reliably as a hound. If Manifold didnt reduce CD the hound wouldnt be as reliable, but as it is now there is practically no CD on the precepts since you will always hit a large chunk of enemies with 3+ statuses active. Panzer is decent, but it has low TTL right now due to the changes to Pack Leader and it no longer working with most ranged melee options. Sure it is still solid if you play melee and can constantly heal it that way. If it had some evasion or mitigation mod options I'd likely keep using it since I miss Hunter Recovery a wee bit. Outside of that all it brings atm is reliable viral with the occasional other element you might mod for. But it has laughably low status chance outside the guaranteed viral from quills. Moa is solid aswell and has good staying power, and since it is ranged you can practically always play inside a huge ranged mitigation bubble with your frame if you slap Manifold on it. Decent grouping tool aswell. Only wish they fix Manifold or Whiplash Mine so it can proc weapon statuses. It is hard to see the "sentinel will have uses above and beyond that" when none of their precepts really do anything to help. While at the same time a hound brings free 30m disarm, free magentic proc and free electric while applying all other statuses from the weapon aswell. I mean atm the hound has as good or better status uptime as the panzer and several statuses at that, viral being an option if you use the panzer for that (which most probably do). I could see grabbing a panzer for more crit damage, but my hound provides me with 5 unique statuses that also improve my weapon damage output. Which is all baked into a bunch of other useful benefits for the frame.
  14. No. If it worked like the old Dragon Key (0.33 or 1.3 sec gate with nothing in between) then maybe yes. But with it applying all of the shield gate mechanics to a minimalized shield value it is very powerful, since it scales between minimal to "maximum" gate at a percentage rate. I mean, the frames that utilize it well now end up at ridiculously low shields and practically only need brief respite to sustain it even in a maxed out efficiency build.
  15. It doesnt line up with the actual timeline. A few points. 1. The "infested" in 1999 are a new unknown occurance. Which would make it hard for Arthur to be a frame, since those arent created until several colonies have fallen to the infestation and not until the old war has already raged on for a while. The infestation that destroyed the colonies gets cultivated and turned into helminth. Possibly earlier than the old war since Margulis is experimenting on it to make surrogates for the zariman children. 2. Earth in 1999 is intact. When frames enter the picture Earth is long gone due to pollution and so on, and in the process of getting cleansed by the Orokin using Helminth the infestation. Silvana is working on that when she gets recruited to help Margulis and eventually create Warframes. After which she steals tech and heads back to Earth to try and kick start the infestation used there through transference to heal Earth, ending up with her getting transference stuck within the grove. So again a sign that Arthur isnt an actual frame experiment, since it happens far later than where 1999 takes place. 3. We know full well what original frames look like. None of the ones we've ran into resembles a living human. We have alteast a handful of frames that are implied to be original frames and one that is guanrateed to be one i.e Kullervo. 4. While we dont know exactly how long the old war went on, we more or less know it didnt happen until after the Zariman disappeared, since the Zariman was an attempt to get to Tau to build Rails. If the war already raged on as the Zariman got sent it would have been like throwing a baby into a wolf den to play with Lego. And when the sentient arrive in Sol they make use of the Rails they built, and the Orokin make use of them aswell to attempt an attack on Tau. Which we know from the lore piece that has a soldier describing Tau as blue. We just dont know whom got sent first, Zariman or Sentients. We can just assume that the Zariman was sent before the war started since it was a generation ship and not a combat vessel. The sentients may have simply been assumed lost since they missed their expected deadline for building Rails to link the two star systems. 5. It is unlikely that the war raged on for 1000 years or more. The Orokin were already starting to run out of resources prior to the war, which is why the idea of Tau came about. So sustaining a war between massively advanced factions within an already nearly depleted system is not really probable. And since only Sol and Tau are linked during the war, and travel elsewhere takes time, it is unlikely that a thousand year long war could be sustained by strip mining resources in other systems, since they are still too far away without rail access. Also dont forget that several other wars have happened prior to the Orokin Empire became a thing. Like the mentioned Radiation Wars (plural) in the game lore. So alot has happened before the infestation and even more has happened before the first frame saw the light of day. Which is why 1999 very likely is either just a simulation with the vessel acting as a massive processor, or it 1999 is a conceptualized void scape where the vessel simply allows us to transfer into it. There is a long long step between that and us traveling through time by transfering into a massive dormant meat puppet, and ending up in a 1999 where the first frames are already established field agents and the infestation has never been heard/seen before.
  16. But you are twisting what has been said. You are disengenous in this case. This is about one particular frame regarding bugs tied to one specific system for that frame alone. This isnt about not fixing bugs, it is about those fixing bugs already, or getting hired to fix bugs having their time wasted for 1 month to fix 1 frame out of 50+. There is no reasonable justification to dedicate that much time for such a specific bug that affects so few when they can instead use that time to fix bugs that cover a wider part of the playerbase. Now if this was a thing tied to transference for all frames and helminth skills it'd be a completely different thing. The funny thing is that we just recieved a patch with a massive amount of bug fixes, from those affecting systems to those that affect performance. Which makes you look even more disengenous in this case.
  17. Just had to pop in and say this. Manifold Bond is so crazy good with "vortex" precepts like Cordon, Whiplash Mine aswell as damage absorbtion mods like the Stasis Field, which ends up having permanent uptime since the CD reduction seems to apply like how it does on Lavos by reducing the CD before the CD actually starts on skill end. However, Cordon and Whiplash Mine does not inflict the statuses. Seems like in order to have Manifold Bond proc statuses from your weapon, the precept used must either inflict damage or a status on the target. Nautilus+Sweeper Prime (Gas+Electric), Moas (Whiplash Mine+Stasis Field) + Sweeper Prime (Gas+Electric) and Hounds (Repo Audit, Reflex Denial and Synergized Prospectus) + Akaten (Viral+Heat) are probably my 3 favorite pet options now thanks to Manifold Bond and the rest of the changes. Helios Prime with Deconstructor Prime is a close runner up mostly thanks to Deconstructor Prime since the sentinel itself is just a weapon platform.
  18. Hmm. Now the thread actually makes sense. Why OP did not point that out in a simple presentation sentence while wanting to make a guide for how to properly make threads or posts is quite frankly lightyears beyond me. I might not be evolved enough.
  19. Didnt notice much difference on this week's Archon either. It feels better now since you actually get to experience some of their phases that were designed for a reason heh. They still go down fast. First stage: Dakka in the face of the archon, he goes invulnerable and clones. Kill clones, more dakka in the face, archon jumps me and it's time to go beat up floaty priest dudes. Second stage: Starts with more dakka in face, sentient adds spawn, sentient adds die, wee bit more dakka in face, another clone spawn, kill them, dakka in face, dead archon, grab shard and then skippy hop to the extraction while giggling like a school girl since you know you'll get a Tau today. Weapon used today Incarnon Dual Toxocyst, plus I brought me trusted robo dog F3NR15 this time whom royaly screwed over all grineer adds in the boss areas and stacked some nice bonuses statuses on the Rhino gimp.
  20. No he's not resisting the infestation because chances are extremely high that Arthur isnt actually real. We most likely arent traveling to 1999, we end up in a simulation or a conceptualized version of 1999 where old history is mixed with Orokin past since it comes from the mind of Albrecht. It might simply be the place he goes to when he enters the pod. It wouldnt surprise me if it turns out Wally has escaped and somehow gotten into Albrecht's world or into Albrecht's mind and 1999 is about us trying to help Albrecht get back/wake up. We have to consider that thousands upon thousands of years have passed since our actual 1999. Just the game itself starts around 1000 years after the Zariman, and at that point there was no war with the sentients so no frames. Then 1999 is some further thousands of years in the past from the pre-Zariman Orokin Empire. That the "person" is refered to as Arthur likely comes from earth legends about Excalibur, and that it resembles the frame is likely because it is a familiar "face" for the tenno transfering into the vessel. The only real questionable thing about it all is if it is actually a conceptualized world. Since Albrecht never intended to go back after his run in with Wally. However, it is possible that he did decide to go back when he realized that Wally is imprisoned. Albrecht has already potentially been on Duviri, so he might have learned more about the void there. So the reason for him leaving Duviri may also be tied to 1999, which might be a world created similarly to Duviri in order to further strengthen the lock of the prison and not rely on the shady behavior of a mad child king. However, that could mean that Wally has breached into that world from his prison and that is why "Albrecht" is smiling like he does. Which could mean the Murmurs are Wally's minions, either set loose on reality now that Wally is free, or set loose on reality to help break Wally free much like the intent of angels on the Zariman.
  21. Yeah I cant believe they actually made the system that way. One of the most annoying implementations of a system. I instantly ran into issues with it since I had plans on my Rev when Helminth released to have two different Roar setups, one where it would replace Enthrall and one where it would replace Danse. Just as I've wanted Silence (savage) on my Ash in both the shuriken and clone slot for different builds. But no, the big old wall cooch just says nope.
  22. I couldnt care less about human skins, however, give me an AK-47 or 74 skin, maybe an AR-15, M-4 or M-16 skin to, and a cherry ontop would be an M82 sniper skin. Maybe some LAW or a Carl Gustav launcher versions. Yum yum.
  23. But dont you think it is a bit ass backwards to allow people to shoot through crystal/glass walls, while being unable to shoot through an area of frost winds? I'd get it if it was the otherway around. I know we are hardcore people up here in the cold north, but our freezing winds wont stop bullets dead in their tracks or make missiles suddenly explode as they hit the outer barrier of a winter storm. And for those who wonder, no, polar bears do not roam the streets and our women do not run around in bikinis in the middle of winter, both of those are reserved for us men when we are drunk. So if you've ever seen a polar bear roaming the streets, it is most likely a drunk swedish guy in a fur bikini.
  24. Wont work. You're only allowed to swap in the same skill on several configs, but you must replace the same skill in all of them. Step 1: Pick skill to infuse. Step 2: Pick which skill it will replace Step 3: Pick which configs this should apply to. After that the only option you have for the infused skill is "remove".
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