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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. It's a bit more nuanced than that. And any idea that makes squads even easier on TTL for anything shouldnt make it live, since squads already improve TTL for everything way too much without having any enemy scaling to justify it. Now if grouping resulted in higher difficulty I'd totally see group syncing mods, but as it is now, where solo and group is technically exactly the same there is no need to give groups even more. Isnt it enough of a benefit to have up to 6 additional targets for the enemy to shoot at that isnt you or your companion?
  2. I'd say a bit of both, with heavy focus on the dangly carrot. The gameplay helps to make me keep interest in the farm since it is different from most everything else I do in the game on a daily basis. And since it is only around for a week it still keeps my interest. The 3 week Plague however clearly reduced my interest because I didnt keep up the farm at a consistant level through week 2 and 3. If I had farmed consistantly through all 3 weeks I would have walked away with 300+ forma no doubt. Here is rough transaltion of another wise saying, "When in urgent need your ass is always dragging behind". 💩
  3. No I want the system we engage with on a daily basis to not suddenly fall off a steep cliff because we have everything it offers already.
  4. Nope, but it got removed for a reason. Maybe go and read up on the forums guidlines and you'll figure out why. There are several different infractions a complaint over a past thread can make. Meta complaining, attacking mod decisions, circumventing the lockdown/removal of a thread/post and so on. This is not some DE specific thing either, it is practically on any game forum. First of you arent entitled to get any answers if something is removed unless it violates something so bad that you also end up with a warning. Secondly, sending multiple inquiries without getting answers will not increase your chance to recieve answers, quite the opposite instead. That applies to both game related helpdesk tickets and those regarding the forums. I've also been in your boat regarding warnings, but I've never questioned it since it has been crystal clear. Just because someone else uses the language against you first there is no reason for you to use it in return. So of course you got penalized for being abusive in such a case, just as it has happened for me a couple of times over. And I fully respect their decisions towards my behavior, since I could have been the bigger person and not engaged at the level of the other party. There would have been nothing for you to explain, since you decided not to take the high road. You did say the things you said no matter if someone else also said it. If you cant stand for what you say, the most simple solution is to not say anything at all. The world would be a better place if everyone started to read Havamal.
  5. Honestly I'm not sure if I can consider myself as part of the avarage, since for me around 2 hours per day spent on a week long event isnt much when I compare it to similar activities in other games I've played. At the same time it can also be well beyond the avarage since WF just has so many other things to do, that spending 2 hours per day on a single activity isnt viable time allocation for some. Why I stopped at 2 hours or around 100 forma was because my brain for some reason got the bright idea that such an amount of forma would last me a long while. Which *spoiler alert* was not the case, at which point I wondered why I hadnt farmed the event more. This same thought occured at each of the Plague Star re-runs. And the reason why I followed my stupid little brain each time is likely a cause of being fed up at that point doing it over and over. A case of "when the belly is full the flour tastes bitter" as we say here. So if I have to guess based on time spent for me to get that 100+ forma over a week I'd say the avarage probably ends up somewhere around 25 forma or 3-4 runs per day. With avarage speed and few bugs that would end up at 35-45 minutes daily. One thing with this guess though is that the avarage would likely end up lower the longer the event runs since there is a higher chance people will get burnt out. However the most important part is probably the carrot. And it is a big carrot in Plague Star. Which can be noticed when we compare PS to other events, for isntance I've barely touched dog days, since there just isnt anything of value to get over an over and over. If dog days had forma I would have likely played it daily aswell for a couple of rounds atleast, but as it is now I touched it on day 1 and finished what I needed and havent touched it again.
  6. But they do, since new players already have everything in the game to do that the vets have already done. And something like adding evergreen for focus would be a thing serving everyone in the end since everyone eventually gets to that point if they stick to the game. And clearly we dont have everything, since there are massive sinks at the end game, experimentation with all frames, shards and helminth for instance. Something that is extremely limited now unless you run specific maps or modes to fuel the bile need for instance. Adding resources of different kinds to the focus shops would be future proofing the system since it is things that everyone will needed off and on throughout their journey in the game. Right now if I had access to bile resources through the focus shop I'd experiment far more and likely also play more per day. Since there would be a reason for me to cap focus daily while also having the resources to test shard/frame combination more often. But right now, what I do is log in on monday, check vendors, kill archon, take khal for a strole and cap my syndicate standing and then log off. Then tuesday to sunday I log on buy some syndicate specters, max out the daily syndicate standing in SP for that syndicate and some for the ally, then log off.
  7. Of course, but that doesnt mean you should seek to dilute the data more if you are honestly interested in statistics. Which is what you do when you ask for such vague things as reactions. So if you are honest about wanting to be able to see statistical data from the forums, you should really ask for "like" to be removed and not ask to have more reactions added. As to the last line. No we are actually in the right place if we want to see productivity. It is one of the main reasons threads get locked, when they arent productive and just start to circle around. Off-topic is the place if you look for unproductive threads and posts. Better according to whom? You are talking art, which is subjective at all times. There are more words to use regarding something being removed or limited, not everything is rooted in censoring. Anecdotal assumptions. Just here in this thread disagreement comes as early as with the second unique poster (third if you count the OP). And if someone isnt interested in reading the posts in a thread, why are they on a forum browsing threads? Skimming over is the worst approach if you have any actual interest in the subject(s) of the OP. And reactions wouldnt change any of this, since if you actually have interest you'd still need to read through the rest of the thread aswell. Unless all you care about is finding every OP that says something you can hit a like or dislike at just to feel like you are part of something in your exsistance of nothingness and anonymity. I did? Are you refering to people with lacking knowledge being allowed to vote? Yes that part I see. It's like many people these days voting on something simply because they have in the past, without considering that the party they now vote for has changed drastically over the years and is but a shadow of its former self. No problem. I personally dont give a flying squat if someone happens to get their feelings hurt over a comment etc. And in this day and age I care even less since people get their feelings hurt over the most trivial pointless things. If I worried about the feelings of others these days I should probably wear a ballgag 24/7. Just a little while back I had a convo with someone. After me making a comment regarding a religion the person went "you're a damn racist!", At which point I asked him how I as a white dude can be a racist based on my distaste for an ideology when at the same time I'm facinated by jewish culture, hold Morgan Freeman at a house god status of the same level as Lemmy, while also finding Melissa Bonny, Moon Bloodgood and Melissa O'Neil to be three of the most stunning women on earth, and Bonny having one of the best voices aswell. And the guy responds "so you're sexist too...". At that point it was abandon ye all hope who enter here. My point is humans are humans. So what is logical and expected is most often not how things are done by a person. So having reactions accessible based on that a normal person would ask first if they lack understanding before hitting a reaction is unreasonable. So it is better to not have them, so people might actually get help with their understanding passively as they try to get their opinion across based on whatever (mis)understanding of the context they got. I agree. But also consider that many prefer the fastest way or the shortest path to something. So have a reaction ready and they hit that and go on with their blissful ignorance regarding the actual point of a topic incase they dont actually comprehend it. The purpose isnt to change, but actually clarify what the other party ment. So while the opinion might still be intact for the person overall, that opinion might not apply to that specific situation. Which is important with language barriers for instance, since you might think someone means something completely different than intended since you might not fully grasp what is said/written. How is "only being descriptive" not helpful? Things cant get any clearer than when people are as descriptive as possible. I mean if someone says I fully agree with X decision made by Y regarding A, but I disagree that change B should go live for C. There you have #agree and #disagree directly as part of the statement in a descriptive fashion What purpose would adding those #'s or similar forum connected reactions serves besides you looking like some twitter twat or other social media hipster? We've also had several claims like that in the past where people have taken their time to show it isnt true by lining up nearly identical and civil threads not getting removed during the same time frame. Where "deleted" threads have also just been merged, where the decision has been based on date of origin, where the oldest of the threads have been the target location for the merger. Regarding the thread mentioned the same also holds true since there were several threads circulating the forums regarding Tau-forged/shards and several different ideas how to fix or improve the system. Several of those threads stayed or simply got merged. Some of them with heated but civil discussions between players. People need to consider the whole of a thread, while the OP might have been civil, other may have not. At which point it comes to how the other threads look, if they are more civil/productive overall or not. If they are then there is no point cleaning up one that is infested in comparison to just removing it straight up, since the discussion is still alive at that point in the other threads. There are still several seperate Tau-forged discussion threads up, threads that were created a year ago (soon) and cover various upgrade systems etc.
  8. Personally I dont think DE will change the forma potential from Plague Star since the event comes around so rarely. And do you mean 12+ forma for the whole even or per day? I can only speak from my own experience and the previous 4 Plague Stars where I walked away with 100+ glistening magnificent pre-built formas. I set the goal of doing 10 runs per day, so spent roughly 2 hours daily on the event by doing runs in about 12 minutes, unless certain things bugged and slowed down the clear speed. So 10 forma per day. During the latest one however that was 3+ weeks long I did less runs per day as the event went on, but I farmed atleast 150 if not close to 200 forma during that one.
  9. I cannot understand how I missed that when I read through the workshop notes. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, appriciated!
  10. Wait, that is confirmed? No need to dig up screenshots or anything since I believe you if you just say yes.
  11. It isnt accurate with something to counter it either. If you want accuracy all reactions should be removed. No matter the number of reaction options, none would be accurate since they can all apply to the same part of a post that handles more than a single opinion at a time, which is practically what most posts/threads do besides those that bring no productive value at all. Very wierd analogy to say the least. When is a specific color tied to an opinion? Can you not express all your thoughts, opinions and emotions with a single color? Do we not have black/white paintings, drawings, tattoos done only with the color black? That is a scewed way of looking at it. Since again the like can also be used to like disagreement with the original topic when an actual debate has started. Since at some point someone must write a post of disagreement, otherwise there will be no productive value of the thread in the first place. Just having the OP and then peiople slapping likes and dislikes ontop of that does not move the topic of discussion forward. And if your "debate" forums rely heavily on reactions, then they arent debate forums in the first place. How is it a swamp for the others? Why are they here in the first place if they have no interest or capability to express themselves. Why did they seek out potential debates if they have nothing to say? How hard is it to post "I agree" or "I disagree" even for those with a problem expressing themselves to a greater extent? They managed to log in here, they managed to log into the game, they managed to comprehend the post/thread they intended to react to etc. So what stops them from posting something simple if that is all they can muster? Or do you just want people that dont comprehend post/thread context to just dump reactions so they can feel part of something? Because that is what it feels like, some internet savior complex so everyone is included even though it matters jack squat. You disagree and then you start talking about people being offended when the part you quoted was about statistical censoring and the negative impact reactions have on that? Which was also the "censoring" part you claimed so adamantly to be refering to in the first palce. So which "censoring" do you actually refer to at this point? Which is it that you will refer to going onward? One last time. Reactions serve nothing but a negative purpose if your interest is in the statistical side of the forums and people opinions. What someone should do or not is not a good starting point regarding what should or should not be part of something. Incentiviced expression of thoughts and ideas automatically leads to correction of ones opinion if needed. Like in a case where a language barrier might scew the perception and understanding of context/message in a thread. Without any need to have ask to have it explained prior to someone posting their opinion. Since people would see that the person misses the context or fails to comprehend the message overall, and potentially mention that. Which potentially also leads to learning eventually. Reactions however are so simple to hit without anyone know who hit it, so never a chance to explain how they might be wrong if they are due to poor comprehension. And yes, having a single reaction is dumb since having reactions is dumb at the get go. Polls are nice aslong as the creator of them doesnt scew them *cough*politicians*cough*. But I think those were intended to be reserved for DE purposes, just as certain thread #tags are. And even DE does S#&$e polls. "Do you want a Werewolf frame?" majority answers yes, we get a wolf frame... Wtf did I asnwer on?
  12. On the topic of augments, has anyone seen what the Plunder augment will be now that undertow goes the way of the dodo and Curative Undertow will now be a Plunder augment instead?
  13. I only play SP. I also play Grendel without adaptation and gourmand when I play him. Adaptation is more or less pointless if you worry about Blitz (which it seems like you do) because you'll never stack any Blast resistance reliably to counter their tremor. And most other units hit like wet noodles unless you wanna push deep, but since I tend to drop out somewhere between 40 minutes to 2 hours I've never found a use for adaptation. The stats on 4 of my Armor/HP frames are. Grendel: 1300 armor (without food), 3745 HP (grace to sustain health) Lavos: 1541 armor, 2580 HP (grace to sustain health) Garuda: 2085 armor, 2400 HP (with blessing active) (gloom to sustain health) Atlas: 2800 Armor (with rubble), 3000 HP (with Blessing) (rubble to sustain health) Neither of them have any problems surviving or reaching/maintaining their stacks in any SP endless activity. And neither of those frames use adaptation. Another thing to consider. Is your kill rate on par? If not that will lead to more punishment recieved from mobs since more of them are alive and can attack you.
  14. But do you have any actual proof of getting 1-shot at base level SP? Or some info on how you actually build your "tank"? Not really sure why you bring up shields, since if you are without shields you are quite literally not getting 1 shot, since at that point you are already taking other damage from something else. Plus there are only 2 frames currently that go ungated and only 1 that cannot replenish any form of gate on demand, and those are Inaros and Nidus along with Lavos. Everyone else can get that 1 shield or OG to never get 1 shot. So it sounds more like you dont actually build for tanking, but call it a tank build if you die on entry level SP. I dont even die on entry level SP Mot, which also comes with increased damage output from being the highest Void tier.
  15. I'll use either Felarx, Torid, Burston, Soma or Phenmor as primary then Furis, Dual Toxocyst or Laetum as secondary. Burston Incarnon will likely end up being one of the best unless they change the damage attenuation since full auto and beam weapons were already good, just not as good as pellet weapons. And with the massive magazine of Burston Incarnon and the crazy stats and fire rate it should make very short work of mini-Leph.
  16. Assassin's Creed is just getting worse and worse. It was a cool concept in the past when things were actually still uhm "realistic". Then S#&$ went down hill into the mytholgical and now here we are with a "realistic" setting with a supernatural assassin move implementation. I thought it was bad enough when they completely missed the point of Norse mythology in AC Valhalla and made Surt a cardboard copy evil villain instead of the end of all things with a purpose so a new beginning of something better can start. The Ubisoft approach to design ideas: Since something is made of fire, intent on destruction and rules a firey kingdom it must apparently be evil cos "Satan". Then we slap on some voice over lines that makes "Satan" look like a complete #$&(% with severe brain damage. Not to mention, lets throw the importance of the Vala out the window and ignore the fate of Norns along fatalism as a concept.
  17. If they follow the Stalker idea of making the skill better on the frame that gets it then yeah. If they just add the Helminth skill as is, no. Like in the case of Stalker, his Marked is miles better than Marked for Death, since Marked stores all damage dealt to the target until it dies at which point it deals the AoE. Marked for Death however only deals AoE damage based on the first damage instance that hits the target after it is applied. So Marked is the prison approach skill, go for the biggest guy and the smaller ones will never bother you, cos well in this case they are dead aswell...
  18. I loved the Foundry in Star Trek and Neverwinter Online, so yes, much 👍 to this idea. Aslong as it gives us the option to get the same loot yield potential from it as normal missions. In Star Trek and Neverwinter it ended up granting bad loot since it wasnt limited enough in use. So people could in essence make missions that only spawned a single specific mob lined up perfectly for farming. So to counter this xp was gutted and so was the loot. Foundry was more or less the place in Neverwinter to farm basic gems iirc. However the upside to not limiting the use while instead gutting the xp and loot was that the story potential within these Foundry stories were amazing to say the least. Some community members managed to blow the story of the games out of the water with their own.
  19. Yep that is the fix. To be fully honest it is silly to think we should never get "1-shot". And since people tend to not mention their specific modding or show a video of the incident those reports should be taken with a grain of salt. We've even had videos seen here on the forums over and over where people claim 1-shot, but when others actually look through them that ends up as false. People did also claim they got 1-shot by Blitz units at star chart/Zariman levels with tank builds, including Inaros. I tested it at the time in Zariman missions and there was no tank build that got even remotely close to getting 1-shot by a Blitz at those levels, and that was before the fix in question. And this is without us considering just how slow those units are when it comes to using their skill, and how much they stand out to the rest of the mobs even in the thickest of combat. I wouldnt be surprised if the "I got 1-shot by Blitz!" reports come from players playing only melee, constantly taking damage and have no situational awareness to spot the Blitz. So they end up getting bush whacked by a tremor up their pooper.
  20. But it isnt accurate at all. You can only claim it is remotely accurate if the post/thread speaks only about a single subject. The moment a second or more subjects, opinions or angles enter the post/thread a "like" or any other reaction turns completely innacurate since "like" isnt a forced reaction to a "positive" subject, since it can just as well be used for the "negative" subject. Nope not saying that at all. I'm saying that regarding anything within the framework of the forum rules you are fully free to express your opinion. Reaction buttons being there or not does not change that since you are still allowed to express your agreements, likes, disagreements or dislikes etc. in text with reasons. Everything in the world is in essence censored and the forums are based on those common censoring steps that most nations around the world have adopted. The forums are really as free as any normal nation, you can just check the off-topic board for that to be a fact. Just go through "what music do you listen to", no censoring etc. Music/videos about drugs, violence, murder, sex, sodomy, suicide, "criticism" towards religion, cartoons, video games, movies, fantasy, mythology, theology and so on, fully free to be expressed just as it should be by those that enjoy the art within. It resulted in the silly black/white sticker you see on CDs and Vinyl records etc. It also resulted in some hilarious and epic court statements from people like Dee Snyder, Rob Halford and all the other great old fellows. Plus without PMRC and The Washington Wives we wouldnt have brilliant songs like Harder, Faster by W.A.S.P, nor would us swedes have idiots like Sivert Öholm try to make up a meaning of W.A.S.P (We are Satan's People (lol)) and then try to pronounce it with horribly broken english on swedish TV. It resulted in so many invalueble epic golden moments. Of course both exsist, there is no way around that. However the reactions themselves have the most negative impact if you are actually after useful statistics. Yes of course, no one says otherwise. I'm simply stating that the loss of reactions does not make it more censored. It does infact do the very opposite since it incentivices those that can to express their actual opinion. The reactions would change nothing for those you line up. If someone has lacking language skills it could just aswell result in them also just hitting the dislike/like/disagree/agree button based on what they thought they read while maybe not comprehending it. Instead now they are quiet, meaning you can focus on those that are actually active and potentially understand and have an interest to engage within the community. You can also see which people seem "non-native" that express their opinion, something that would be 100% hidden to you with just a reaction button to hit. Which also lets you see if those people actually do comprehend what they decided to take part in and formulate an opinion regarding. Which means lowered censoring in the statistics as opposed to if reactions were available. No not really. When they get removed it tends to be when they are done disrespectfully. Or when there are several similar topics around at a given time, which tends to end up with merging. Many of us has spoken against various things over the years and never had any threads or posts removed. I was even what I'd call disrespectful in some of my approach concerning Liches when they were released, specifically in connection to the design choice of the auto-kill of the frame when a sequence was bad. But it didnt get removed nor modded, it stayed even though it targetted a dev.
  21. Not everything needs to or should cater to new players. The new players have the system itself to progress with, that should be enough for them as an incentive.
  22. The Blitz bug was fixed quite a while ago, june last year to be more precise. I havent ran into issues with them on a single frame I play and I practically only play those that rely on armor and HP to survive, and/or rely on a DR skill, with the exception of Hildryn and Protea. And it takes a while before I get to the point where I need to consider my survival. I also tend to play the most dense modes, like Survival and Disruption. And it is all solo, so I dont have up to 7 other distractions with me for the enemy. I tend to go 3x umbra, possibly Primed Vigor, then either Grace or Blessing along with a combination of armor/hp shards as needed without sacrificing shards that the frame might actually benefit more from. Like my Garuda, she uses uhm strength, cast speed and then dumps the free spots on armor since she uses blessing, my Lavos is 5x strength, Grendel is a mix of cast speed and strength with 2 armor shards to buff him slightly when empty on food stuff after going ape with regurg. I actually dont rely on his eating to buff my TTL, I use it mostly as an offensive tool. Citrine is a mix of cast speed and armor shards since she also uses blessing.
  23. Not entirely true if you actually run a tank setup. Nezha yes, but he also doesnt have a considerably high ehp pool, while also suffering from two bugged invulnerability states, his Halo when it expires, which also #*!%s over his shield gate from triggering quite often. I mean in the end he has an Iron Skin that only soaks up 90% of the damage dealt in return for a guaranteed invulnerability window when the halo breaks, a guarantee that in reality isnt guaranteed due to the bug. It's the reason why I never touch the frame. Grendel has no problem surviving a Blast Eximus, he has enough armor and HP to pull it off if you've built him tanky, just as Lavos doesnt die to them either if caught without shields. You need to go for quite a while before the Blast Eximus can actually insta-gib those frames, or get caught in a very bad situation where others have already taken chunks of your health. Which is rare since you likely sit between 90-100% life constantly as Grace ticks or your pet deals damage to enemies constantly, or perhaps with both in effect.
  24. They are like Lephantis after you fall through the floor pretty much. Loki + Vestilok with Shattering Impact + Corrosive Pyrana Prime was/is a very simple go to setup in order to speed things up and make sure the drone phase wont get stuck. But with the introduction of Zariman and all incarnon weapons there is likely something better now. I will likely replace my Pyrana for a low crit Felarx corrosive build since the gun already rips through the far more durable Archons. Though since DE are reworking damage attenuation they might also do so for Lephantis and his mini-me version in Plague Star. It might be possible that the primary fire of Torid Incarnon can also abuse the mini-Lephantis like it does with Acolytes. And if you dont like Loki or Nova for the drone phase you can always use the archwing that has the knockback rocket, which also works to knock the drone for faster phase completion. Though it requires a bit more work since you need the rocket to land correctly so the drone doesnt just fly up in the air and float back to it's previously grounded location.
  25. And if we were to fight something massive in size I'd rather do it with my frame anyways, crawling up that nostril of whatever monstrosity it is and carving or blowing their brain to pieces. Honestly any crevice or orifice would do the job.
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