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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Sounds like they achieved what they set out to do with the rework of damage attenuation. Remove the old 1HK options while giving all weapons a better experience overall in the fight. Which I personally prefer, since it was mindnumbingly boring to always have to use a specific gun since the others dealt no damage at all. I'm fine with spending some seconds on the Archon and be able to pick practically any gun I actually like to kill it. Previously, if you didnt pick either of the 1HK options you would most often look at minutes spent on slowly pelting down the Archon.
  2. It really depends on which weapon you plan on using. Since some are better for HA, some are better for finishers and some are great for both. If you end up with one good for both I would honestly remove his #4 since you'd then have access to armor strip to prep for HA, which would be useful versus enemies immune to finishers, then you'd also have access to cheap insta kills with finishers where those work. Though whenever I sit down and think "man Wrathful Advance would be killer on this frame" it is followed by the other thought which is "oh right, that frame doesnt have access to Collective Curse".
  3. No it is very much up to 90%. If you have 10000 Halo and take 5000 damage in a hit, then 4500 is absorbed by Halo, letting 500 pass through. If you have 500 Halo and you take 5000 damage in a hit, then 4500 damage will pass through to your shields/health. Which is a problem in the skill design itself since the order of calculations seem off. Which results in the bug Nezha suffers from, since it never allows the Halo gate to trigger, which can also screw up the shield gate activation. People have a misconception that the bug is in the absorbtion, which it isnt, it is in the actual gate. Damage should in reality be fully soaked up by the last hit since the Halo gate should at that point trigger before shields or health are ever affected. That does not matter at all when you calculate EHP. Anything that adds to your TTL and can be shown by a concrete "health" number should be added to the calculation. Only things that are pure invulnerabilites should be ignored, like Mesmer Skin, that removes a full hit per stack no matter the size of the damage. On the other hand you can rely on 15 Mesmer Stacks to increase your TTL by 15-ish seconds. So you like random death due to unrealiable mechanics? Of course it would eliminate the bugs, since you'd have a skill that works like Iron Skin, Icy Avalanche and other Overguard options where it absorbs 100% of a hit and if there isnt enough to absorb 100% of the hit OG is removed and replaced by a 1.5 second long invulnerability. Which would also remove things like accidental deaths through Toxic Ancient slaps since 10% (or more) of their damage would no longer directly hit health, and energy drains from Disruptor effects would also get blocked and not just magnetic status.
  4. So many images rushing through my head right now!
  5. Yareli obviously... oh wait, you said super mode, not supper mode. Never leave home without fishsticks. As to super mode, I wanna point out Baruuk. Managing the meter for near infinite arca plasmor Bruce Lee mode and close to immortality combined with the rest of the kit surely says super mode to me.
  6. Warframe is probably the most advanced A.I since it manages to mimic humans perfectly. From twitchy crack head behavior to that of a genius, while also suffering from debilitating bugs and still being there as a friend when needed through all of it, and ontop of that it has been dying since birth, just like the rest of us.
  7. He needs a new passive. Further increased drit damage cap versus enemies afflicted with cold aswell as those fully frozen. Can make it like Hydroid, that any enemy hit by Frost increases the crit damage cap for anyone that attacks them based on their cold/frozen state. Freeze should get removed and the spot should be taken by Ice Wave. Then give him a new #2, and change globe so we can shoot through it. I wouldnt mind an armor buff as his #2 that also inflicts cold procs versus enemies that attack him (both ranged and melee). It would fit and it would sync with his globe and passive. Bubble destruction can either become part of Ice Wave, or added as a hold mechanic on Snow Globe, which triggers when you look at the center of it and hold the Globe button, much like how Garuda removes altars or Wisp ports to motes. Breach Surge, it is just crazy bonkers on Frost if you want to build him for death and destruction. Plus it is another layer of CC for him.
  8. I dont think you get how Halo works. Iron Skin absorbs 100% of the damage dealt aslong as there is any amount left. Halo removes up to 90% of the damage dealt (depending on Halo HP left), which instead removes Halo health, the other 10% passes through onto shields/health, which can kill you for that matter. Not to mention that alot of negative effects ignore Halo and directly target your health or drain you. So I dont see how you think the skill has value in a EHP calculation when Iron Skin or shields doesnt. 10000 Iron Skin = +10000 EHP 10000 Halo = +10000 EHP Which is also why people have asked for Halo to just be turned into Overguard, since it would remove the bugs tied to it, give it protection against things it currently doesnt protect and benefit from a longer invulnerabilty as it breaks. The trade off would be that Nezha no longer can benefit from Rage/Hunter Adrenaline. But that shouldnt be an issue since Equilibrium exsists and syncs well with his kit.
  9. I tried Manifold with disarm precept more today. It does work. Tested it on the lotus alert by just standing there and letting my hound kill, the moment the disarm precept hit a group of enemies they were also filled with statuses. No electric sparks close to them. Right now it is probably my favorite pet setup since it has useful precepts that can be used often and also spread status reliably, while I can also pick which statuses I want to add. Did you test it solo or in group, or in sim? Might be some bug tied to either being client or the sim.
  10. I really dont see the problem or what it is you think is different from how it was before. Or which part of the new system makes you think the following. 1. Equip new mod instead of the old key and you are back to the old shield gate. With the benefit of scaling gate time instead of just 0.33 or 1.3 seconds. 2. Dont slot the new mod and instead makes use of pillage/condemn as before. With the benefit of reaching up to 2.5 sec instead of just 1.3 sec of gate if your shields are high enough (1150). 3. Dont slot the new mod and just rely on the 0.33 second shield gate whenever you use a skill if you have some form of energy to shields active. 4. Stack shields, regen and delay reduction mods while avoiding damage off and on so to get some shields back. I just dont see the out of control anywhere, since it works the same as before but with additional beneficial scaling for more shields and with the corrupted mod. The only real difference is for those that used the dragon key since they now need to use a mod slot for it for balance. Skip some offense or maybe rethink how much shields per energy you actually need now that reduced shields also have a scaling gate and not only 0.33 or 1.3 seconds.
  11. Good to know and it makes perfect sense that OS should not increase the gate beyond your modded gate duration. And great they do it quickly, otherwise they'd just have dragon key 2.0 on their neck, with 2.5 seconds of shield gate instead of 1.3 and only requiring a skill to pull it off on each frame.
  12. Exactly. And that is really what EHP currently is ment to show in WF since the gate was introduced. Earlier EHP was simply how much you could take before getting 1HKed, now it is everything combined since no frame (well aside from 2) can get 1-shot. And this is why all the stats are important for EHP, since just using HP massively scews things on paper, because suddenly Inaros looks like a monster even though he can actually get 1-shot. And at the same time a frame like Hildryn, Harrow or Rhino look far weaker since several stages are ignored by ignoring anything on the intact side of the gate.
  13. You have the same control since it scales. It depends how much you can refill with energy->shield mods reliably. If you have 350 shields and can refil 100 it will give you the same gate as if you have 1000 shields and can replenish 100. The higher shields however also mean that you will regain more per second naturally when not taking damage for X amounts of seconds (based on your recharge delay stat). Condemn and Pillage just means you can hit whatever your cap is for the longest shield gate possible for the build in question. I still havent tested if OS provides a longer shield gate than your max shieds state on the stat screen. edit: If OS does push you to a longer gate, modding compared to just grabbing condemn or pillage seems pointless. It would also mean that any frame besides Grendel can hit the 2.5 cap with either of those two skills.
  14. I'd suggest the +healing from health orb bond. That with synth deconstruct makes it easy to keep pets healed since you will run over healing orbs regularly. Then no matter which pet you use there should be atleast 1 other mod to reduce respawn time if you feel the need. Then depending on the pet you'll also have access to other means of healing if needed. Hounds = Healing Return mod on melee weapon, plus you can give them disarm, electric CC and combine those 2 precepts with Manifold Bond, which inflicts the statuses from your weapon on any mob the hound uses a precept on. AoE or richochette status application from the two precepts mentioned. Plus aslong as you kill enemies with atleast 3 statuses the CD on those precepts is reduced drastically. Helios = Healing Return on Deconstructor if you use that, plus you have access to a decent HP reg with Repair-Kit considering how rarely they take damage. Primed Regen for massive res time reduction. Repair-Kit and the +hp from orb bond should be enough for other sentinels, or just one of the two even. The bond is the best option since it reduces res time aswell incase the sentinel does go down. Vulp = Can make use of Medi-pet kit for minor passive healing and self res reduced to 15 sec (yes 15 sec will be the respawn time for a vulp). I havent had any of my "living" pets go down since I removed Primed Pack Leader because I no longer really need to monitor the HP, they just heal as I kill if needed thanks to orbs. The one taking most punishment atm is my Panzer since he only spreads viral without any innate CC. My Helios and Hound barely take damage, Helios because he is never really a target due to a silenced weapon and my Hound just steals the weapons from everyone while setting them on fire or electrifying them, plus if needed he has his evasion precept to help him dodge away, which Iconsider removing for another bond in the future.
  15. Tried it yesterday with my regular non-archon build, so just crit weapons on a high range, high strength Roar Lavos build with Avenger. Used the weapons I use for most things which is Torid and Dual Toxocyst right now. Both weapons aswell as my Contagion hammer did good damage to the archon and killed it in a reasonable time with no problems. Was it non-crit Felarx+whisper speed? No. Was it slow? No. This was also before testing the pets, so with my Panzer that brings little to the fight. So now after testing pets I'll likely bring either F3NR15 (my hound) or Helios since both can provide additional statuses for more gundition stacking. Will probably give up my loadout slot that is currently dedicated for archons, which is a win-win since another deserving frame might finaly get a loadout tailored for them. Which leaves only 1 "wasted" loadout slot for Profit-Taker.
  16. That effectively applies to all frames but those without shields if someone reasons like you do regarding EHP. They are still just as useful. As I mentioned, there is a massive difference in TTL between someone having 10 shields or 5000 shields, both being EHP values tied to the shield part of a frame. It all adds to how many hits a frame can take, and now with the scaling gate it is even more important since more shields both increase the time it takes to bring them to zero and they decide how long you have to react before things start hitting your non-gated health. Which in return results in more time to get back to a higher EHP value pre-gate before the next hit lands on you. It is no different than Iron Skin. It has no magical 90% DR, it is just that the Halo soaks up 90% of incoming damage as opposed to Iron Skin that prevents 100% damage. Both also result in the same when they run out, an invulnerability window. So if your Halo is 10000 it adds 10000 EHP, not more, not less. So why you find Halo appropriate as a useful EHP addition is hilarious to say the least when you dont treat shields, Iron Skin and Overguard the same way, all resulting in the exact same as Halo, but with no risk for bugs since neither allows bleed through because they soak up 100% and not just 90% damage at all times no matter if you have 1 point left or they are full.
  17. Good rework but one (well two) of his old problems still exsist. The interaction with range on him. It doesnt increase the part of his first skill as I'd want and it just ends up spreading out his tentacles too much aswell. Had completely forgotten about that since I hadnt played him in years so went in and did some formaing with a range build in mind. Had to redo it and drop down range to neutral and instead just focus on 3x umbra, strength, maxed efficiency and try to maintain duration at neutral aswell. Strength investments plus 3x umbra makes him tanky enough though. Had no problem with keeping him up in SP Mot while relying on Combat Discipline+Arcane Grace along with an augur mod to trigger the shortest gate as needed. And since Plunder's armor buff seems unrelated to corrosive stacks on the enemy it is easy to hit the cap in content where you need it to survive, like in SP endless. So for me I'm sitting it 2k+ armor with 3x umbra and plunder (1700 something armor) capped. When I get the next umbra forma I'll swap in primed continuity (can only afford the regular now) to the build and replace augur message with augur secrets. Should allow me to maintain just above neutral duration and increase my power strength to 256%. I had plans to swap in an augment instead of secrets, but that would force me to swap combat discipline for brief respite, which removes the option to keep grace up for a low health cost when enemies arent attacking.
  18. Really enjoying the changes. Helios (Prime) is amazing right now. Deconstructor has always been a nice weapon, but sadly lacked due to Helios dying. But now with self res, good healing options and reduced self res time from mods like Primed Regen and the new +HP on orb pick up/res time reduction bond mod it is great. Outside of that I still use my Panzer. Dropped Primed Pack Leader since it doesnt work with most ranged melee. Swapped in +HP per orb/-res time bond and gave him some passive healing and reduced spawn time with Loyal Companion (that is the name right?), so he sits at a natural 15 sec res time thanks to the panzer precept. Also swapped Primed Animal Instinct for the normal one. Had to fiddle with some more configs to better cover all different frames now so I could mix regular pet survival mods with link-mods as needed for highest possible armor/HP on the pet with each frame. Actually had to spend 10p to grab a 5th config for my Panzer.
  19. But why though? The respawn time is already so low that it would be pointless, since it would be mod versus mod that ends up doing the same. Plus there are already universal options in the new bond mods if you need more than cutting the baseline time with permanent res timer reduction mods. My vulp for instance sits at 15 sec natural res along with each health/universal orb picked up reducing it with a further 2 sec. Sents sit at 30 sec and also have the same reduction from orbs. Also not quite sure what duplex bond has to do with a group based res mod idea. Or how spending energy translates into simple killing. Do you perhaps mean one of the other mods that require head shot kills for instance or similar?
  20. I've noticed something wonky. Just ran a couple of steel path survival runs on Pluto with Rev and Helios Prime, synth deconstruct on Helios along with the new +hp from orbs and reduced pet res time on pick up mod. What I noticed was an absurd amount of energy orbs dropping while health orbs were scarse. And I'm sure I didnt pick them up as they spawned since I was hanging back and killing well beyond vacuum range. It even went to the point where my Helios Prime sat on a quarter of health left for quite some time. I even double checked after the last run so they hadnt changed synth deconstruct from health to energy orbs.
  21. Contagion doesnt work either. It works at times when the direct projectile hits, but not guaranteed. So far the most consistant for healing outside of being face-to-face with the enemy has been glaives and their normal throw.
  22. But it ends up being even, no matter which frame you pick in the case since healing X amount of health takes as much time/hits for both. The benefit of the high HP frames is that it gives the pet absurdly more HP. There really is no filling up quicker vs slower, since the low hp pet runs far more risk dying without constant maintenance. If you want to utilize the OG on a high HP pet you'd heal it as frequently as you would a low HP pet. But you/us instead decide to rely on the slack in healing that a far larger pool grants. Also, Primed Pack Leader is a good bit above the 50/hit. Not sure if Pack Leader is even 50 now that the patch went live. But Primed is 180 iirc per hit and 2200 OG instead of 90/1100 according to the devshop.
  23. Clearly you dont since you ignore one of the defensive stats available to you that impact your actual EHP. That it now adds a gate upon depletion doesnt matter, it is still part of the total regarding how much damage an enemy needs to deal to you in order to kill you. It's just that it was easy to add it as a flat stat earlier since it wasnt modified by anything. So if your EHP ended up at 4000 and you also had 300 shields you'd have 4300 EHP, that isnt the case now since shields have innate DR aswell as the gate, they are however still part of your EHP since they do in the end need to be removed from enemy damage before the enemy gets to your health. It is impossible for Hildryn for instance to have an EHP of 4120 when her shields are on their own higher than that without any modifiers included even. The gate is there no matter if 1 shield or 5000 shields are active, but there is a massive difference in how long 5000 shields last in comparison to 1 unless the incoming damage is 5000 or higher. So again that means shields add to EHP i.e the total punishment you can take.
  24. Then you clearly dont care about your stats either, so why exactly do this?
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