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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. I wouldnt mind if we could use focus to buy different types of resources. Would make it easier to experiement more with helminth or more specifically with frames/shards.
  2. The vessels are just giant biomechanical computers by the looks of it. And the way they are "situated" in Deimos makes me doubt we'll ever walk around with them. There arent even any practically located doors to indicate that the vessels are ment to move around. And they are butt nekkid for that matter, and in pieces.
  3. Yep I really wanna see how crazy Hildryn can get. And if she follows the same cap needed as others with 1150 shields for the full gate, it will be ridiculously easy to maintain it on her both thanks to pillage and her huge shields. She still wont have good passive reg while shields are active, since I'll probably still stick to Haven+Blazing Pillage, but then again she shouldnt need reg when she can gain more shields on demand and arcane aegis exsists aswell. I'm tempted to slot both Fast Deflection and Vigilate Vigor on her, that would give her +150% shield recharge rate and -75% recharge delay. Resulting in her ending up at 1 second delay at full depletion with a gate of 3.5 sec, leaving her 2.5 sec to reg, which means 2 full ticks before the gate is over. If you can combine this with around 4k shields she'd reg back to the 2.5 cap by the time the gate is over. This can be achieved with Redirection that grants her prime 3760 shields, then a few shards to get her to or above 4k. With 2 tau she'd replenish 1125 in 2 seconds flat, with 2 normal azure you look at 1090 in 2 seconds.
  4. Yes you can when those reactions dont mean anything in the first place for statistics in this case since this is not a census board where only a single topic or angle is presented in relation to the reaction given. Like I said, look at your own post where there are both parts to agree and disagree with, or like and dislike. And you managed that with barely a handful of sentences. Which would apply just the same with likes/dislikes/agree/disagree since again a post doesnt only talk about a singular thing you can sum up with either of the 4 mentioned reactions. You'd still need to read it just as much in either case if calculating statistics is your honest angle, which I highly doubt at this point. Since you dont seem to give a single care about actual statistic, it seems more like a shift you made when you found what else the word (with a compeltely different meaning compared to how you've used it) could mean. It uhm isnt for the type of censoring that refers to opinions and expressing yourself. For statistics it is however, since it makes things more vague and innacurate due to lack of specifics. "Like this" as is the part I quoted from you, which is not about statistic, but the other use of censoring i.e politically enforced limitations on "free speech" etc. Of course they would, but those are messured through the thing you claim to refer to, while you use the other meaning all over this board. The meaning that has nothing to do with statistic but with supressing the people by limiting what they can express. "Which party did you vote for in the recent election?" = Part of/can be statistical censoring. Accuracy depends on follow up questions such as age, income, which area you live, occupation etc. Accuracy also depends on how a survey is sent out, if the system might ignore individuals over a certain age, of a certain sex, the unemployed, those of a specific profession etc. even if the survey isnt ment to ignore or specifically target any part of the population. You're not allowed to criticize the ruling party/person = Political censoring. You are not allowed to have party meatings = Political censoring. Movies/TV-shows are not allowed to show nudity or sexual scenes = Censoring, can be ideological, based on politics or religion. Movies/TV-shows have gore and blood removed or reduced = Censoring. Warframe has this with gore, or atleast had, in certain regions of the world. Fortnite was censored in China and the skin suit zombies were instead designed as demons over there. Same applied to Diablo Immortal with certain undead monsters. This due to cultural relations towards death and the dead. The word #*!% gets bleeped in TV-shows = Censoring PMRC and the Washington Wives tried to censor music in the 80's. They failed thankfully and only achieved to have the "parental advice" sticker bullS#&$ added to the packs. But you've talked about that type of censorship since the beginning. You didnt try to shake that angle until recently. Or did I miss where you were talking statistics? In the end though, if you are into statistics you should be happy as many reactions as possible are removed so you can get an accurate reading when you compare and compile your data gathered here.
  5. So... the ancient cosmic horror angle for Wally that has been suspected for so long might actually be true. edit: Come to think of it, Red might simply be drunk.
  6. Happens mate. And I think you are correct on the pillage thing aswell, and I think the same will go for Condemn. Both will probably be the best solution for any player that wants to prioritize the shield gate in their build if overshields do count as shields when the game determines the gate duration. I'm eagerly awaiting how OP Hildryn might become with pillage, her insanely high shields, extra long gate and the new delay reduction mods along with 50% DR on shields. Fair enough. I'm just used to looking at everything in percentages, especially when numbers fluctuate as much as they do here even if the scaling isnt linear. Since there is a huge difference looking at 65, 70, 325 or 1150 instead of 0-100% in all the cases. But to each their own. For me the line isnt drawn at 325 exactly, I'll look at each individual frame around that number together with their kits, and even at higher numbers aswell before I make the choice. However I will very likely not mod for the gate on any frame but Grendel, and on him it is simply because my build will make it so very easy to always sit at 1.33 and because his shields are just so low to start with. You wont notice much of a difference between 19 or 95, even with 50% mitigation instead of 25%. Whichever ends up being most consistant to sustain will be the choice, so if someone aims for 0.8-1 but it ends up costing more slots, adding the mod and reaching the same gate or up to 1.33 will be more beneficial. Because even with the "high" value of 100 shown as an example by the devs, we need miniscule shields replenished to get to 0.8-1 or even 1.33. And the frames that will benefit from the mod will end up with significantly lower shields, since even the 350 frames will end up at 75 max shields.
  7. No it really doesnt clarify your intent since that is a completely different use of the word (practically a different word) that does not apply to the things removed from the forums such as reactions. Nor is it even remotely properly used in your posts if that is the censoring word you are looking for or intend to use. Since if you are interested in statistics the reactions themselves lead to statistical censoring because we dont know what they actually refer to within a post. And you clearly dont refer to statistics when you go and post things like this. Since at that point you talk about what would be considered censoring in the "political" sense. Followed by this aswell. So... yeah... you clearly talk about statistics... nope.
  8. It's "bright" for me on this PC but I noticed yesterday evening on my laptop that it is indeed dark as hell for some reason. So no wonder that some people didnt spot the two orbs.
  9. No that just isnt true at all, since censoring would imply that there would be no way to voice a specific opinion in any way really. Yet here we both are voicing completely different opinions. It could be considered hampering, but even that is a stretch given the situation. Just that you bring in words like utopian also shows a nack for exaggeration. When people can still fully disagree as we do here, how is that anything close to either something utopian (even pseudo) or censorship? Also, look at your own post here. What if I'd just answered back with a dislike, disagree, like or agree here. What would I actually aim that at? I mean I agree with you here regarding me having the right to disagree, I also agree that things should be fair and honest (hence my opinion of "like" going dodo aswell). However I disagree with your alarmist "censorship" and "utopia" statements and the wrecked usage of those words. So which reaction should I go with? You also gotta admit the sillyness in your use of censorship. Imagine if you meet someone that has actually gotten censored, like a journalist or a politician belonging to the "wrong" view in their country and you go "yeah I totally get what you've been though since I've been there myself. I got censored on the WF forums, they removed the dislike button". Or something even more down to earth effecting "common" people, like it being criminal to play heavy metal in some mid eastern countries, even if the lyrics themselves arent anti-ideological (read islamic). edit: Honest question. Do you feel your WF forum experience is on level with the reporters and writers that had to flee Russia and Ukraine recently in order to avoid state imposed censorships and potential hard prison time?
  10. Thank you both for that info! I might actually go pick that augment up now and try her again.
  11. But it also clearly shows that she is indeed in the MR6 test and has completed it no matter what the banner actually says. Since the floating orbs are part of the MR6 test.
  12. I dont think anything will get me to use Voruna's 4 unless they remove the need to constantly reactivate it. As it is I just rather run her as a melee platform and slot in Roar, Warcry, Breach Surge, Nourish or any other useful ability for such a build.
  13. That still means it is based on percentages of the total, it just isnt linear scaling. And it doesnt matter if there are only 10 frames with those shields when it is those frames with those shield values that I refer to. How is that part so hard to notice or grasp? That isnt how that works. Partial regen delay refers to shields that still have health i.e aslong as the shields dont take damage for 1 second they start regenerating again. The 4 second delay when fully depleted means any moment the shields hit 0, both if you have the full gate ready or just the partial one, no matter if you go from max to zero or one to zero. So Fast deflection will reduce it to 0.55 seconds aslong as there are still shields left, which will still be very powerful on high shield frames, but each moment you hit 0 shields you'll be hit with the 2.2 second delay.
  14. That still doesnt mean it is censorship or close to it. All it means is that it promotes a discussion. And while "like" isnt serving any real purpose, it is atleast not harmful, wont lead to reaction spamming on someone disliked etc. So is more healthy overall. I bet people would be complaining if dislike was added but gave +1 score to a person when their posts were targetted by it. This because people see score as winning or approval, when in reality +score could also mean that the poster simply have posted things that have resulted in many reactions, both positive and negative.
  15. But none of it would result in what you claim in the last line of your previous post. Even your comment regarding how DE wants to keep the forums as a fairlytale where everyone agrees wont realize your last claim to be true, since that in itself isnt true either. Since again it applies to both negative and positive post, both towards the game/DE and player to player interaction. And when there is only a like button there is only a like button so assuming likes are more common or the community better than others is not a valid or logical outlook, since there is nothing on the WF forums to compare to. There is no ratio to analyze. Censorship would imply that one side would always have a far harder time to express itself, but here it comes to both the positive and the negative and it all depends which starting point the thread/post had. It promotes us to actually express our opinions for or against something even if "like" is the only reaction option. In a positive thread the negative side needs to express their thoughts, in a negative thread the positive side needs to express theirs. No censorship.
  16. One question. Is it that you cant see anyone, or is it that you cannot see/interact with someone specific? Because we still dont have cross platform trading and I dont think we have cross dojo interaction either. Plus are you sure that the other player has cross-play enabled aswell if it is just a few people you cannot see/interact with, and are you sure they are also set to NA region. I'm not sure if the region will impact who you can interact with or not though. Also, the correct relay number is needed, not sure if the same applies to Dojos since I've never been in a full Dojo so dont know if they are instanced aswell. The wrost you should run into if everyone has everything set correctly would be generic grey-ish unrendered excalibur models, but you should be able to see them and interact with them atleast.
  17. I just wonder why someone would jump into a group if they are looking for loot or something else that makes their personal mission not line up with a speed clear? I know I sure as hell wouldnt jump into a group to chase loot with an individual extraction system, since if I'm there for the loot I really dont want the hostmigladon to accidentally eat it all.
  18. I do the same as I do versus infested and when playing alone in general, slot Blazing Pillage. Why not bring free CC that also helps replenish shields and spread other CC further (if you use breach surge)?
  19. You say that bolded part then go on and ask me what I think of it as if that bolded part wasnt a thing already. I already answered you on it, the like button should go since it isnt more useful than a dislike version. So I'll just touch the last line. How are they nudging us towards one direction? That is certainly not a thought through statement. Reason is because the like button is not only allowed to be used for positive feedback, you can like threads/post criticizing something just as much as you can like threads/post that praise. So not remotely close to censorship, since both sides need to go through the same thing if they dislike or disagree with something that is posted by the "other side". I'd suggest you take a bit longer to consider things in your head before posting them next time. I'd like to tip my hat and say well said, well said indeed!
  20. But it is about percentages, everything is that has a scaling value with a floor and a ceiling. Floor = 0%, ceiling 100%, which in this case means any shields for 0.33 seconds is the floor while 1150 shields is the ceiling (100% i.e 2.5 seconds of invulnerability), anything in between that is a percentage of the maximum possible shields that can benefit your gate duration i.e 1150 shield. And the reason I bring up 1.33 as the baseline is because it is the number that directly ties into the corrupted mod, since it will grant the old maximum as the ceiling for any frame using it, which is 1.33 seconds. Hence why I've also only talked about frames with those specific base shields (or lower) in relation to the new mod and regarding which will be most beneficial. I've also pointed out a couple of times over what you say in the part I bolded, that it will depend on other factors aswell. I've never once claimed the mod will be the be all end all option. It will be when you only have mods to rely on to replenish your shields and your frame starts with a 1.33 or shorter shield gate. Because you need significantly less energy per duration gained, fewer slots dedicated to it and allowed many more options for modding in return. Since you practically only need to spend a single mod slot on it aswell as your aura. Which results in every 50 spent will get you to the cap. If you spend the same amount of slots on just conversion mods you end up with 95 shields returned, which will result in half or less gate time. Which is the same time (or more) you'd gain from a 25 energy skill and just aura+corrupted mod, since it would grant you 37.5 shields. And if you want to utilize the shield gate and better efficiency the corrupted mod becomes more important since it will still allow you to hit good gate values with your most expenive skills that may now cost only 25 energy per cast. However, again, this is only about the frames that end up around the 1.33 second mark or lower and have no other options than mods to replenish their shields. For Grendel it will be a no brainer since his shields are already too small to do anything worthwhile besides stopping 1HKs, which is something further reduced shields will do far better on him since he'll end up at laughably low shields. In my own build it means 2, 3 and 4 will replenish all his shields each cast since I run Breach Surge instead of meatball. One thing however that concerns me with their wording in the shield gate blog is regarding the maximum and partial shields. Where it seems implied that the gate you actually recieve is based on how much shields you had left when the shield broke, which also seems to imply that overshields will do nothing unless you take a massive hit that fully removes your shields from OS to zero. And that the longest gate of 2.5 seconds will really only happen in similar cases. Which would mean that the corrupted mod becomes even more useful since you can utilize the old gate duration versus even smaller hits aswell while also having longer shield gate potential below that compared to higher shields baseline shields. Though I seriously hope they dont mean it in that way, since if they do frames like Hildryn will practically never benefit from the bonus tied to the passive, while Protea's increased gate from her #1 will be so much better.
  21. What uhm exactly do you mean? Are you in the same relay number? Do you/they have crossplay enabled?
  22. But the background of the screenshot makes it look like the MR6 test if you notice the orb, which iirc are the targets for the MR6 test.
  23. They are likely just used as huge organic processors through transference. They arent even whole as we saw them, and they are "in" the floor etc. of the labs. I didnt really spot any massive gates either in connection to the lab, the last huge gate, which is probably too narrow is the one leading into the Loid's place in the Necralisk. Though running around as a massive pale nekkid guy slapping rock people around sounds fun... and trippy.
  24. I went "hmm I dont have that much left and I could really use those Umbra Forma". Didnt really aim to get there because I was just mastering stuff since I had nothing else to really do at the moment. Got pleasantly surprised since I had completely missed all the other neat MR30 rewards like loadouts slots, riven slots and whatever other crap they threw my way. Which reminds me, I need more Umbra Forma with the upcoming Hydroid changes.
  25. Nope that isnt what you said. It isnt about the post being negative or not, it is about it being constructive or not. I've posted plenty of negative posts directed towards DE aswell as players throughout the years and I havent had a single constructive one removed in either case. Only when things have gone OT or started to circle with no forward momentum for the discussion have they been removed. Reactions are never constructive, so it isnt a wonder they've been removed. I dont find the like button constructive either, since it is just vague unless only a single things is covered in a post. Because it is the only reason I could see hitting a button would stay. Limiting choices isnt bad if the choices serve no purpose, reactions do not serve any purpose in the end because they dont actually say anything concrete nor add anything to a discussion. So removing those reactions makes it less obscure, which is what DE has done. Is it? What exactly is it they like or dislike in the post? Say the post covers just two subjects or angles, you end up with 10 likes and 5 dislikes, but which part do the likes and dislikes react to out of the whole? I dont know why the like exsists, to me it is as pointless as any other reaction. And I wouldnt mind the slightest if it was removed. I practically only ever hit it if someone posts something very specific that can actually be summed up with a simple like. Like say if someone makes a post "When will Plague Star return" and post something like "I'd really like to see PS return, will we see it anytime soon?". What censoring? Did they steal your ability to type? Well nope, cos clearly you expressed your opinion right there. Did you lose the ability to quote someone and go /dislike, /disagree, /lol, /agree, /upvote or some other text based form of non-descriptive approval? /picardfacepalm over people calling it censorship.
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