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Everything posted by Psianide73

  1. Came into thread expecting blood-based gardening... Left disappointed.
  2. The idea is to cc the fodder mobs and focus fire the big threats. If course it rarely works out that way.
  3. Speak for yourself. Collecting and experimenting with lots of different gear is a big part of the games enjoyment for me.
  4. I'm no expert by a long shot, but I've soloed the vast majority of the captures I've done. I got into a routine... Enter the plains, turn left and move up to the water camp til the voms spawn. Grab the lure and kill the 2 voms. Then move to the next camp moving left, kill the voms and charge the lure. Archwing to the eidolon, set the lure to hold then zap terry. While he's wailing I archwing to grab 2 more lures, zoom back to terry and use the voms he spawns to charge the lures. The 3rd lure was to hold the next eidolon while I grabbed 3 more lures. Then again charge them with the voms spawned during the fight. I know this isn't the optimal method. I was completing tri-caps in about 9 and a half mins using Trinity with Eclipse subsumed. Nice and relaxed runs as your lures won't die. I say was as I haven't done any caps since the Eclipse change. If there's a better option instead of Eclipse I'd love to know.
  5. I understand the content, but your wording was incomprehensible. Who are you to tell anyone not to answer? Check yourself son. There will ALWAYS be people who want to gain rewards for minimal effort, and they don't care about any risk. You're naive if you think otherwise. Now go away!
  6. Abilities with no Los checks that do (good? great?) damage can lead to automation, afk "gameplay" . DE wants us to play the game, not have the game play itself.
  7. Imagine thinking that smoking is anything other than a terrible idea in 2024. Grow up, it doesn't look cool any more. And having lost both my parents to it I have every right to dislike it as a habit... Now get lost.
  8. No, not a bit. The devs would set the parameters, and obviously not state what they are. Whats your issue with someone suggesting a way of dealing with something that's a problem for some? Are you a closet leecher? Weird reaction. Bye!
  9. Hence activity based. If that person has been contributing up until their toilet/drink break (smoking I have no time for), they won't be kicked.
  10. Leeching bothers me too. I'd like to see an activity based auto-kick system introduced. But I doubt it'll ever happen.
  11. Keep digging... You'll hit the Earths core soon.
  12. I know I know... Archwing is dead content. But I for one was disappointed that modular Archwing was (presumably) dropped. So how about extending the Helminth system to Archwings? Just a thought.
  13. I spent real money (my own, not mummy's credit card). And I'm not throwing a tantrum. A useless frame? You're being hyperbolic and overly dramatic. He's far from useless, you just have to *gasp* PLAY him. You know, move around, aim at stuff before pressing buttons. The only reason I can see for people really getting bent out of shape, is of they wanted to run a macro and afk farm using Dante. And, of course, the LoS requirement makes that more difficult if not impossible. Whereas before the changes it would have been very easy to spam og generation and attacks via scripts, just like Khora before. I bought the frame, I've forma'd it a few times, and I'm perfectly happy with the changes. This is a live service game, subject to change. Either understand and deal with that reality, or move on to a less volatile game.
  14. Being harmed? Good lord you need a slap!
  15. He is fine, more than fine. People just love to clutch their pearls and be dramatic.
  16. I bought Dante... I do not want any sort of compensation. I'm perfectly happy with him as he now is.
  17. You're still playing the game to get the items you sell to pay for the items you need. I'd rather get what I want from drops, but rng doesn't always work like that. Better to have multiple options to get what you want.
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