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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. That is not an argument. That is a healthy advise. If you were lactose intollerant, I would advise you to minimise or completely refrain from consuming lactose rich foods. Or have the lactase pills always ready. Anyone would. Would you consider this as them telling you what to do or forcibly restricting you from certain things? Would you consider this an argument that needs to be carried? Game is supposed to be fun, if one aspect of the game doesnt give you fun, but instead a great sadge (and it gives fun to others), just stick to the parts that give YOU fun. Gyre is not even that op any more and pretty specialized. Taking away that negatiive would inevitably result in further nerf, making her complely average, just like riven that had a negative, will inevitably have lower stats on next reroll without that negative. It is a negative that is quite easy to overcome with enough experience and I do not want to risk rerolling it for nothing at all (and lower positives) or for something much worse. I like to play her from time to time and do not want this to happen. I have reiterated this position of mine in many ways thorought this thread and the former you created and you keep ignoring it, missing it or misunderstanding it completely. Yes, this is clealy not a good way to make a discussion if someone doesnt listen.
  2. Other abilities are not functionally endless, with Gyre you need to find a way to end her abilities once you have built up certain things like Molt Augmented. The thing is, you do not actually have to or need to. If you start with high enough power str the 60 difference is not worth it at all for this one ability (it is great for other abilities like Rotorswell and Subsumed Pillage if you happen to miss the breakpoints for full armor strip). Also other abilities had different authors, different mechanics and different intent. They are other abilities for a reason. Does everything need to be the same?
  3. haha, wait why did you have to word it that way? Because that is a fact. That is the very definition of the word. If there is some sort of high risk high reward play, skill shots you have to aim manually, not just point and click on the enemy, rotations you have to stick to that will break the basic character interaction. move and position in a certain way this usually means high skill ceiling. If someone cant handle hurdles, they can either learn to do it by extensive training and hard work or they can stick to normal running without the need to jump through the hoops. Or do not run at all. It is pretty simple idea. Not everyone needs to be able to do everything. People who suck at hurdles do not run around advocatng to ban hurdles (although with massive pc/snowflake culture we have atm I would not be suprised if they did) Skill and knowledge have nothing to do with intelligence. As does hurdles. Gaslight others, but play victim when called on it: The point is, the cooldown doesnt even occur if you do it right. It "punishes" you in order to communicate that you have done the simple task wrong. There is a reason. Creator of the abiliity intended for certain conditions to be met and you failed to meet them. Why? Because the frame/ability on release was pretty OP and needed balancing. Is it OP now? Not quite as much and the augument is mandatory. I say no such thing, but your interpretation says more about you than you'd like to admit.
  4. Ah, thanks for clariifying. I did not care about the last one much because frankly I found it way too obnoxious compared to the second and first.
  5. We had such case on the forums quite recently (guy was elderly and couldnt handle long fights due to wrist problem). I am not the youngest one myself and never had any luck with games that require extensive manual coordination (whether IRL or on PC). I did play a bit souls likes and most of them can be easily done with good weapon and one simple cheese tactic called circle strafe, as is the case here. I kept running and circle strafe (A or D while camera locked on the enemy). One can completely remove any need to do any sudden movements if one locks the player and the boss in a single move patter. If the enemy moves/dodges the shots just lead them (understand how projectile moves and that player has to aim not where the enemy is now, but where the enemy will be once the projectile gets to it), use quick shots (tap) instead of charge shots (hold) if one is having trouble with that. Also for such cases the HP of the enemies and therefore the time (number of sucessful hits) have been reduced by at least half since the launch, so did their damage and therefore the need to repeat the fights due to amount of deaths.
  6. Zakkhar

    Timed events

    The last ephemera was available for some time already (a week?), in order to get it you needed to complete 3 even mission (1-5minutes each) for a whooping of 15 minutes total. We all do. And you should focus on them. Real life stuff trumps fancy colors in a game. Never let your game dictate your IRL. You are sadly not. But it is not the game design flaw, it is a flaw in your thinking and FOTM. FOTM. But not necesarily, DE rehashed/reintroduced plenty of timed event rewards in the past. It may be available in the future at some point. And you can still miss that window of opportunity. And you should learn to not feel bad about it. And will any other event reiburse you in that case? If you returned the ticket before the event begins, probably. Maybe not to full extent, but you can return most train, concert tickets for 50 or 80% initial price return. If you are really interested in the answer and do not just vent, just ask support.
  7. The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.
  8. Do not spend a second on open worlds if you are just begining your adventure with Warframe. Those are huge timesinks and you are most likely not capable of doing them solo yet. Come back when you are.
  9. People who quit because of this quest difficulties, should not be playign Warframe in the first place. It is just sad that they needed this much time to realise that. Dedicated players did that quest in 1st day after launch, some others with more busy schedule (me included) within the first week. It lacked any Wikipedia entries - we had to figure out stuff ourselves based on the information given in game by Dialogue, Abilities describtion and so on. I did most on my first try and one on second try. When I did something wrong and got punished for it, I paused the game, analysed, try different approach, repeat. When I did something right, I kept doing it. Since that time, you not only have extensive video guides on youtube, detailed describtions on wiki as well the boss HP and damage nerfed to the ground.
  10. Technically it is not recasting at all, but manual propagation (same as Cathode grace Kill propagation). In both cases you only get longer duration. It however does not snap shot current power STR levels, which is the main reason to recast a buff ability. The power STR stays in the same place as it was during original cast. For some reason. You have to ask yourself: what could that reason be? Do those abilities function the same? Do the augments to those abilities function the same? Or maybe there is something you miss? Actually I am pretty sure you totally can recast Ward if you cycle to another color with your 1. Trinity is sadly long forgotten powercrept by better new frames like Wisp or Dante. Nova 1 is recastable with Augument: Neutron Star | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom it was sadly nerfed a long time ago, you can also propagate Nova 1 with Augument for her 4 (which I usine on all 3 of my Nova builds): Molecular Fission | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom As for Rhino, I actually like this feature, because you have to remember to rebuff yourself and teammates and you have to find a space and time to do so in order to both be safe yourself, affect as many teammates as possible and influence key moments where it is needed (eg. Demolyst hunt). If you could cast it anywhere any time, much of this delibaration and planning would not be required and it would take away from the agency and fun of playing Rhino as a team buffer. New abilities mechanics = new abilities downsides. That is the price i am totally willing to pay for development of new stuff. You mean this one?
  11. how does this work with this? man even your reasoning is bad It's not bad, it's just incomprehensible to you. Stay off Gyre completely. It is clearly not your thing. Stick to low skill/knowledge ceiling frames. There is so many. Some of them way more powerful than Gyre. Some of them quite OP.
  12. Let me explain: I like complex things, I like Warframes that have high skill ceiling - require knowledge, understanding, planning, strategy and execution to shine the brightest. If something is easy and mundane to the point you cannot do anything wrong it takes away from the satisfaction when you finally got it right. If you never felt the bitterness of a failure, you will not be able to fully experience the success. Have I had Cathode grace fall off completely or fail to propagate? Sure, many times. Some of those were my fault entirely and the mistakes I learn from to strive to be better. Sure, DE could just copy pasted old abilities mechanics with changed stats to every new warframe, but they want to be creative and come up with new, original mechanics. New and original mechanics needs balancing - sometimes it is in the shape of high risk, high reward. If you take away the high risk completely, it will inevitably end in nerfing the high reward from Balance/Development standpoint, but it also kills the dopamine mechanism in player brain. You may draw fun/happiness/satisfaction from different things in life. You may want simple and mundane over complex and high risk. It is your right. Find what works for you and stick to it. Do not attempt to change or impose a change on the things that make other people happy and then gaslight them when they protest.
  13. That is the thing. You do not have to. It is your own self imposed duty. You may want to create loudout presets for your most used warframes and just put the right pet and setup on it. But again this is not needed at all - I run same setup whether it is Inaros or Hildryn. Now that you not longer lose the functionality of the companion once it dies in the mission once, the importance shifted from EHP mods into utility mods.
  14. Do you have an active Lich or Sister at the time? "There can be only one".
  15. Multiple other Warframe abilities cannot be restarted without running out/jumping off a cliff/hitting nullifier dome. Do those bother you too?
  16. In order to have the enemy available to Simulacrum, you have to complete the scans in the real world first.
  17. More Diablo-like grind. And it makes pretty much mandatory to experience the full warframe potential. Unlikely. If you like this concept there are Ephemeras that change depending whether you filled certain conditions.
  18. Oh no, it is this thread again. I run Gyre with negative Duration and I am fine. Just plan a head. Get in range of enemies before using any skills. Pop your 4 first, then 3, then kill everything. This ability can be up forever if you provide enough KPM to it, just like Eternal War or Lasting Covenant but without the need for separate mod for this functionality. It needs to have a drawback. Do not like it? Do not use it. But this: Makes it pretty obvious you have no clue what you are talking about as Gyre kit simply doesnt achieve any functionality without this ability and its augument: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cathode_Current Helminthless kit doesnt need any energy efficiency because it hardly casts anything after initial 4, 3. Main reason for having the energy regen is spamming whatever Armor stripping ability you have subsumed as things die over and over again. Subsuming over 3 for energy efficiiency is like cutting off both legs, sellling them on black market and buying expensive wheelchair.
  19. This attack is not annoying for me because my amp melts them in split second. It is annoying for you, because yours dont. I already offered solution. I can give you advice, if you tell me what your current amp/amp arcane/focus setup is. You have to read between lines. It cannot exist in both Spectral and Physical forms at the same time. If it is in Physical form, no Spectral forms can be present. When they are, Physical form is not present. When you destroy Physical form it goes into Spectral one, when you destroy Spectral one it either dies (if it is its final form) or goes back to Physical if it was just ability.
  20. Do you play Nidus? If not what is going on with your shield? Moment of shield break should be a moment where you disengage/go into cover/transference. For Health without any %dmg reduction there is not much difference between 300 or 1000. With damage reduction/mitigation its massive (eg. my Baruuk has 280 HP/465 shield and I run him SP lvl 3000+ content/EDA without any issues)
  21. Hey, There are universal ways to make yourself less vulnerable: do not stand still / keep moving / use parkour techniques if in open field utilise soft cover that abuses the third person perspective (aim from around a corner or behind a pillar). kill or cc the enemies faster (certain status effects offer crowd control - cold slows the enemies down, heat makes them "dance" etc, your pet/sentinel can offer great assistance keep your distance from enemies (at least 10 meters, unless you want to melee), it allows you to not be hit in melee (certain enemies do) and gives you more time to get out of the way of projectiles do not dive into crowds of enemies unless feeling very tanky - more enemies, less predictability, bigger stagger potential avoid bad stuff on the ground There are more specific ways get yourself more tanky, without buffing your Health/Shield values: Transference, Health Regen, %dmg resistance abilities and mods (Adaptation), armor, shield gate etc, but should not be needed below Steel Path content.
  22. I love your enthusiasm, but sadly had to bring it down. Warframe has currently gazilion weapon available. Only about 20% of those are somewhat good, popular or otherwise usable. If you happen to get a riven for one of those useless ones, its basically 1/4 of a next riven (as you can transmute 4 useless ones into new veiled one). Once you get a riven for somewhat popular weapon (depending how popular) this also means that the disposition of that weapon is pretty low (stats on the riven are low), which means you need a very specific roll for it to be usable over standard mods. Unless it is super popular, then people just buy anything to reroll themselves. Third, supply of riven mods is far far greater than demand for them. It is fairly easy to buy one, selling is a hard cookie. Fourth, watch out for riven trading as it is pretty scammable business.
  23. If your amp is not on par with rest of your gear it probably is. Solution: Get better amp/operator arcane setup. What do you use atm? It does: Thrax Legatus | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom In this form they possess two special abilities: They vanish and summon three spectral copies, which will send out a beam that inflicts Magnetic damage with high status chance. Each copy can be destroyed by Operators to stop its beam. They ascend into the air and fire a burst of explosive projectiles, much like Hellions. Destroying the physical form reverts it into a spectral form that can only be damaged by Void damage from the Operator's attacks. Void damage deals 10x damage to the spectral form. Legatus variants that spawn in Duviri do not have a spectral form and are defeated upon killing the physical form. If near a humanoid enemy, the spectral form will attempt to consume them, reconstituting its physical body. When attempting to consume a humanoid enemy, the spectral form takes 100x damage from Void. All of its armor is stripped once it enters its spectral form, and its armor won't be restored even if it manages to reconstitute by consuming an enemy. People avoid those? I typically do not bother with any special movement, just face tank em. (General) Status resistance is great because it works as Primed Sure Footed, but Magnetic Resistance arcane is extremly situational are should not be really used outside Eidolon (solo) hunting.
  24. I do not agree. Mark the target when full health. Enjoy the Acid Shells effect but better (Acid Shells is 45% enemy health, Marked is 150%. range is the same 15 meters). It can be abused on Stalker with Teleport Stealth kills on Marked Target. I am sure you could do similar with Ash and Innodem modded for finishers.
  25. So let me get this straight... you want to be able to trade untradable mats (Tellurium, Cryotic) for Platinium, with additional steps and no player interaction?
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