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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Yes, I can see that you cant read wiki at all: Comparisons: Zhuge Prime (Arrow Impact), compared to Zhuge (Normal Attack): Lower base damage per projectile (50.00 vs. 100.00) Higher Impact damage ( 10 vs. 5) Lower Puncture damage ( 22.5 vs. 75) Lower Slash damage ( 17.5 vs. 20) Lower total damage (50 vs. 100) Higher base critical chance (26.00% vs. 20.00%) Lower base status chance (30.00% vs. 35.00%) Lower average damage per tap (63 vs. 120) Lower burst DPS (346.5 vs. 500.4) Lower sustained DPS (223.54 vs. 328.94) Higher fire rate (5.50 attacks/sec vs. 4.17 attacks/sec) Larger magazine (30 vs. 20) Smaller max ammo capacity (270 vs. 540) Smaller ammo pickup count (60 vs. 80) Slower reload time (3.00 s vs. 2.50 s) Lesser projectile speed (80.0 m/s vs. 90.0 m/s) More polarities ( vs. ) Higher Mastery Rank required (14 vs. 10) Lower disposition (●●●●○ (1.15x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.20x)) Point is Zhuge Prime has two attacks in one. Arrow Impact and Radial Attack (you would know that too if you tested in game instead of looking at wiki), while Zhuge only has normal attack. Although it is clearly visible on wiki as well.
  2. This is not that kind of game. MR requirement have zero corelation with actual power level of the weapon. It is not Diablo. Zhuge is one of the least popular/powerfful weapons in game and you compare it to 3 incarnons.
  3. Most of these are either not usable outside conclave, useless, purely cosmetic or obtainable outside conclave.
  4. It doesnt. Her 2 scales mostly with damage done to it..
  5. So basically speednova but worse. But then again if you gonna nuke with Maim, there is no range in the world that can make her 2 propagate anywhere.
  6. Ah, yeah, I was going for +265 fom 0 base like in weapon modding, instead of 265 end from 100 base like with warframes. Heat wave... It was nevevr used in other mission settings though, if you wanted to control the area with Night Equinox you go for Pacify's slow, not for Rest's sleep.
  7. It is not. It is on par with similar targetable abilities eg. Condemn. With max possible range increase of 265% (without arcanes if there are any), that rises to 18,25 meters. That is wierd. A whole generation of Warframe veterans had no trouble in propagating whole tilesets continuously for Focus/Matery farming and uddenly problem. You play since 2017 you should know that. to 36,5 meters? I do not think so. DE is very cautios in increaing ranges of certain abilities and they have a valid reason for it. I do not undertand the first part of the reference as for the second part. Warframe is not fantasy, it is a biotech spacepunk.
  8. That is true for almost all frames. Most stuff was already reported with Onos introduction.
  9. I believe the top right to be visual bug and is not an Aura slot at all. Are using Jade?
  10. I did not write that. Either you are purposely changing the meaning or you have problems reading with understanding. 1. It is not stupidly designed. People keep asking for a challenge, they get a challenge, some other people get pikachuface.jpg, complain, challenge gets nerfed - cycle repeats. 2. IF it was stupidly designed (which I did not write, because I do not believe so - example of stupid design is Exploiter Orb fight), still I do not promote to ignore the design, but the ignore the hindrance. If you encounter boss that is too tough to kill in soulslike, you can either try for hours or just run away and come back with better items/game skill. You can also write on From Soft forums and complain that the boss is too hard, see how that gets you closer to your problem solution. 3. If you are not good at killing Necramechs, just prevent them from spawning. You can hear the alert of summoning and see the marker on map and you have limited time to interrupt it (enemy stagger is sufficient, doesnt need to be a kill) before any Necramechs spawn. 4. I have killed Leech Necramechs solo before with mediocre gear to chose from, but most often than not even if you can kill them in a timely manner, it is not beneficial (especially in Survival) They are fairly immmobile (unlike The Mocking Whisper that chases you) and they stay and roam in the areas they spawned in. Just pick different room.
  11. If you cant kill Rogue Necramechs, just ignore them.
  12. Get a bounty with drone escort. Boom infinite Dargyns spawn. Anydifficulty works. Wierdest one I had with Dargyns was "Kill X Dargyns before they hit the ground while sliding"
  13. You can rename loudouts and keep a database to those loudouts somewhere outside the game. Oh, yes cause formatting and configuration of boxes where you type stuff is top notch here (Chat).
  14. The mech modless experience is pretty horrid. Once you get some mods to both your equipped weapons and Necramech, you can facetank the enemies just fine. Provided that you do not use autoinstall and actually think what you are doing and why. Voidrig abilities worth using are 2 and 4. 4 - Guard modeArquebex is especially powerful exalted weapon. Have in mind it also needs to be modded. Bonewidow has more vaiable abiities and is much tankier, but her 4 is Melee is nowhere near as OP as Arquebex, both due to lack of good archmelee mods, area of effect and base stats.
  15. It does, it replaces your frame HP/shieldbar. Top left corner.
  16. Normal Hecipron are untradable. Only tradable ones are Purified. You need 40 of those total for Voidrigs Weapon pod. Mining and Fishing in Deimos is a very ineffective way of obtaining mmaterials. Much more effective ones are Obelisks and Vault Escort. The Vaults you need to be doing for the weapon parts anyways.
  17. Tha is not a discussion either. Have fun, I am out.
  18. Couldn't be more specific 😂 You just seem to not grasp the idea behind Steel Path existence
  19. Those are not MY questions. Those are the questions that need to be asked and need to be answered when such feedback is given. I just happen to be the one asking them.
  20. Nope. Read it again. It has nothing to do with decision. You see a problem, you want problem solved, you give feedback (propose solution). You dont like current rewards, which rewards would satisfy you? If you do not give any propositions of solution and they change it to something else, but you will not like this either, whose fault will that be? You are like a moody girl, who doesnt like anything and asks boyfriend to choose something and she doenst like what he chose anyway, because she had something else in mind. Speak your mind. We have no telepaths here.
  21. Nothing about the topic. You just keep reiterating your initial statement and refuse to answer any substantial questions. That is not a discussion.
  22. Yes, that is what public forum is for - discussion. If you do not like it do not post. No. It is extremly easy to ask for something to change and we observe that all around us: people asking for stuff to change, but nothing ever changes because they do not propose any actual alternative solutions. It is a fundamental fact and has nothing to do with me being nitpicky.
  23. You expect the current mechanism to change but you do not propose anything in return, any solution. What different reward? Give examples.
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