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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Angel seems to be stuck. Do not think it has anything to do with the Amp. Shield goes down, so it works fine (just awfully small damage numbers, but it is your choice). Ofc if you get closer to enemy weapon does more damage, because it also usually hits more stuff (2 meter beam thickness).
  2. Timer only goes down from the manually summoned Necramechs (yellow marker).
  3. Normal enemies still drop the modules, you can completely ignore the Necramechs and be fine.
  4. Did you bring any area denial frame*? Mirror Defence will just not suceed on pure damage, even if it is passive damage and you can focus on gathering points.
  5. If you like Stealth unfortunaly your only option is to play solo. Squads tend to use a golden balance between speed and ease of play. And Stealth is neither.
  6. Have in mind that the difference between normal Saryn and Prime version is cosmetic and final builds do not differ in terms of abilities power and hardly differ in stats (HP/Shield/Energy). Saryn Prime, compared to Saryn: Higher Armor (315 vs. 240) Higher Energy (200/300 vs. 175/225) Higher Starting Energy (100 vs. 50) Higher Sprint Speed (1.0 vs 0.95) Any Saryn Prime specific build is completely doable on normal Saryn. Many youtubers tend to hype up the Prime frames.
  7. What do you mean glitched? Certain scripted/phase boss fights do not tell the player what to do and may appear not progressing. Notably Ruk and Lech Kiril (both solo and in pair with Vor).
  8. Credits are unlimited. Anything that costs credits is free. Endo is a bit rarer but after you play the game enough also become pretty meaningless (as most loot tables past half-game are dilluted with endo). You keep talking about new player experience, yet in your initial two statements did not use such distinction. You used absolutes. And that is supposed to do what? I am talking about max rank warframe that may or may not have potato (I use Flawed Flow on both potatoless and potatofull frames). I am not giving anyone any advice. I merely contradict your statements. Difference of 3 capacity is whether you fit the mod that does something or leave the slot empty. It may be alternate (B) build you do not want to forma differently because it will change your (A) build, it may be a potatoless frame you want use for Circuit (and your customised build is stille better than what they offer as Default). Or it may be something you just gonna rank up and forget. It may be waste of mod slot for you, personally. But it is not for me. Hence not 100% of time.
  9. Wrong again. Flow is prime example. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Flow Max ranked Flawed Flow offers +72% energy for only 5 capacity. Normal Flow offers +33% energy at 5 capacity. If you have some leftover capacity on a frame you do not plan to forma using Flawed Flow over unranked Flow is nobrainer. This case (max ranked Flawed mods being more efficient than unranked/low ranked Normal mods) is true in almost all cases. In some cases it is equal.
  10. Oh, good to know. (Shows you how long it's been since I did this mission.) No they are not. They are available at the vendor in Iron Wake for credits.
  11. I wouldnt do that if I were you. You are basically attempting to use a cheat coes that take away from your game experience. Just clear the planets/routes like they were meant to be done. You will need to do that eventually.
  12. No Tellurium drop is guaranteed. That is why it is a rare resource.
  13. Incarnon weapons which have evolution that increases crit scaling (eg. ceramic dagger, magistar.. skana works too I guess) as it affects base stats of Whipclaw, crit chance mods (Sac Steel/BR), crit damage buffs (organ shatter, violet archon shards), viral damage + WW along with a good matching melee arcane (Melee Exposure). Warframe arcanes, accumulating whipclaw and more. It just all adds up.
  14. Testing overkill abilities in simulacrum is bad idea, because itt notoriously doesnt simulate overkill.
  15. Have you tried, dunno, optimizing your stuff before attempting Steel Path missions? PS: Ok, I just tried myself with somewhat optimized gun (although not very good for this fight due to the fact it is status based) - Larkspur. It took me 3ish minutes. With properly modded Imperator though, it was less than a minute (2 magazines 300 bullets each). Just mod full corrosive or corrosive blast and you are golden (that kind of modding will carry you in all Archwing missions regardless of faction). Tell me what setup you are using and I will show you how easy it is.
  16. I can do 100% of my team damage dealt on Chroma Contagion. Some abilities overkill. Most abilities and weapons dont. My Khora's whip does !!! red crits aoe worth of 6-10 milion damage each.
  17. Check your region in options, make sure it is actually your region. Try increasing your ping limit for matchmaking in options. Also queueing missions from Relay Navigation often gives this effect. Fissure mission have very particular player behaviour, where people run the Public Matchmaking, check the relics everyone is opening and if they are not satisfied with the result (relics they hunt for, vaulted relics, rare raling, radiants etc), they leave. It is most common during first couple of weeks after new Primes introduction as that is when people farm the most intense. It may be one of the causes of your experience.
  18. Not sure if it works, because pretty much everyone subsumes this slot, but on Wukong you can speed up the Cloud Walker if you activate it while already having forward momentum (from eg. bullet jump). Can you name exactly which abilities you ahve in mind? Reave (3) from Revenant and what? Rhino's charge isnt.
  19. Were there Powered Lures attached? It may despawn when the night ends.
  20. That is great, but how does that correpond with OP?
  21. It may do that in at least one of two tilesets I mentioned. Especially if the mission is not orginally a mobile defnce (Invasion or something). Normal Mob defence can also change into extermination after 1-2 consoles.
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