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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Good luck mining Necrathene without Cetus one.
  2. It is above average, far from good, and even further from real good. 80% Impact. Why have Impact and use evolution that can proc Slash on impact if you can have Slash in the first place. Notice that top meta weapons have high weighted Slash. Stance. Low dps (420-500) no forced Slashes. And pretty lenghty duration (4,9s on neutral combo to read final swing is a nono). Again. Forced Impacts and Knockdowns are meh, espcially considering Knockdowns do not work on the boss enemies at all. Lots of slams makes it counter productive because enemies get yeeted away instead of staying grouped. Wide swings that have no point due to base 0,4 FT. The FT Evolution is unusable on most frames due to Channeling required. It has aspeed of 1, but it is really slow, compared to other 2handend weapon classes with 1 animation speed (polearms, 2handed nikanas, staves, tonfas, even heavy blades) 240 base damage is pretty low for 1 aspeed sluggish weapon. Only nice thing is the self and group healing. Compare it to good weapon (not amazing) also from Syndicate: Telos Bolace 85% puncture, very bad. Tonfa stance is very good, swift & has a lot of muliple hits with forced slash. Telos Boltace FT is 0,6 so 50% higher than base S.Magistar. Base range is pretty much the same. Aspeed of 1,08 but due to the animation is feels much more fluent than sluggish hammers. 210 base damage with faster swings and multiple hits per swing. Gimmick switches between 14 meter radius grouping on Slide & force Lifted on Slide AND provides 20% to Manouvers. As for Amazing pure melee weapons (Innodem, Lesion, Orthos Prime, Guandao P, Dual Keres P, Gram P, Reaper P, Pennant, Nikana P, Kronen P, Nami Skyla P, Pangolin P). Did not count Zaws, Glaives, Gunblades and stuff that can hurl projectiles (eg. Quassus). Innodem can technically hurl projectiles but they are a fraction of its dps.
  3. So basically leeching. It makes it faster due to sheer amount of enemies that are present compared to normal mission mode.
  4. Would be kinda hard considering it is not tradable login reward. (yes, I know what you meant). Problem with people playing defence is that they wait for the enemies to get to the defence target (and cluster around it) instead of kiling the waves that are coming in from different sides, 1 side at the time. Also you do not need any knockback protection if the enemy that can knocback you is dead.
  5. Parkour games have a lot of animation mechanics that let you stick to the environment (scripts). WF does have some, but not for landing - if you jump too far you are pretty much screwed, because you cant just turn around in the air (like in Quake). 1 jump can be very different depending on the sprint speed and manouver mods equipped.
  6. Have you read whole topic or just grabbed this one thing and keep clinging to it? I meant positive recoil mod for Primaries. Yes, Magnum Force is literally the same thing as Heavy Caliber and is equally useless for the testing positive recoil effects, because it doesnt do anything to recoil.
  7. It reduces accuracy, not increase recoil. There are no Non-Conclave Recoil+ mods available, only Recoil- https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Loose_Hatch works but I do not have it.
  8. As you can see from above, weapon is hardly a problem because they stay blue forever and there is enough downtime to mow them down between spawns. I run non-scaling Ohma with range and aspeed (no crit or status chance mods). Deliberately picked weak but flashy weapon.
  9. It is possible to somewhat predict the spawns, while being really lucky. Also enemy radar and in game sounds helop you locate the side where demo is coming from very quickly.
  10. Another option of perma strip is Vastilok/Sarpa with Shattering Impact. That is if you are not using melee to kill.
  11. Good to know, it was not mentioned in your innitial statemet at all. Nidus is ok if you build it properly (rage/hunter), As for weapons: Ignis is a primary and you cannot use the primary while holding the canister at all. I would just melee them. Seems thats exactly whet the guy on the WIKI video does. Also makes sure you gather a lot of them before throwing the canister. Weapons do not matter much because enemies stay blue the whole time IF you manage to hit them. You need to concentrate on actual grouping and aiming the Canister. OK, I just tried it myself and the Canisters expire really fast. You need to already have the enemies ~grouped near the Canister because there is no carrying it trough half the map (it just vaporizes in your hands like a hot potato). Also use your void dash to travel faster on the map. Even if there is not enough enemies just throw it because otherwise it gets wasted. Here is my take: https://streamable.com/25cc03 PS: The electricity on this weapon is purely visual. It doesnt actually damage enemies.
  12. Of course not. Nobody sane runs this for melee riven with the unknown rates and pollution of the drop table with credits and endo. Sure the mission is short (~3 mins), but still. No.
  13. Can you check the test? Is there an option to run the Qualification or does it load you into the Testing faciility imiidiately? If the latter, you should contact support. If the former, you have not run the qualification part, just test twice.
  14. Where is the connection? What is the question? Do not drink and write.
  15. There is plenty of accesibility options in the options menu. I just dont want to waste my time playing with them, when it is you who has a problem with it. HUDscale doesnt increase Lotus, just Mnimap, crosshair, HP and ammo.
  16. I am gonna tell you what to do step by step. I am deliberately using frost with 0,95 sprint speed with zero speed/manouvers mod attached. Always stand on the edge of the preceeding platform, with more sprint/manouver you may need to stannd in middle instead. 1. Shoot. Double jump (Spacex2), immidiately glide (hold rmouse), land on the platform 2. Shoot. Single jump + glide is enough. 3. You see a platform in front of you, but also two more platforms above. Aim circa at those platforms and bullet jump (hold ctrl and press space+W). It should land you on the platform without needing to aimglide (but you can do it just to be safe). 4. Shoot. Aim at the edge of the platform or slightly higher. Bullet jump. 5. Shoot. Aim at the middle of the vertical platform and bullet jump and hold W. As soonn as you reach the platform start spamming space while still holding W. 6. Single or double jump are enough. 7. Shoot. Double jump (time your jumps sparingly to keep the elevation). Aim glide imidiately after. Adjust with holding and pulling rmouse to hit the platform. 8. Above last platform is a ceiling that kinda also looks like a platform. Aim at the horizontal line at this ceiling that is above the platform you are aiming to jump to. Bullet jump. Profit. I made a short video, but I am camera shy so it may not be very smooth: https://streamable.com/pwmyi0
  17. I had problems because was jumping too wide and going over the ledges. Especially when I went with Limbo because I thought speed is useful. It is not. Accuracy is. Also I had troubles with MR11 one.
  18. RJ is not good. Not enough enemies. Nothing beats SP Salacia - plenty of enemies and they come to you. You get some AW mods and chance for Tellurium. As for Dual Rounds, it is only used because it is only existing Archgun MS mod, but it is not mandatory for builds at all if you do not have it, lack of it doesnt break any synergies.
  19. If you can solo just solo. Random peeps will make it longer and harder instead of shorter (defense waves are smaller, extermination needs less targets, flood needs less energy per gate, wyrm has less disks etc).
  20. Actually fix the issue with host migrations casuing people to lose progress? Nah. BTW, do we really lose progress? Isnt this just visual? Mission timer starts from begining, so the prizes too. But it doesnt mean there was not a final mission results during the migration that we did not see, that had all out progress in it.
  21. Worry not, luckily there are wiki pages explaining every endurance mission details. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void_Cascade https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void_Armageddon https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Void_Flood As for resources you mostly need various kinds of plumes. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Voidplume (3 medallion like tiers found on the map and from killing angels) as well as https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Thrax_Plasm (dropped by the overguard big enemies). There is also https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Entrati_Lanthorn - the Zariman Version of Cetus Wisp and Deimos Scintillant. Equally annoying to farm.
  22. People run endurance but on SP, that why normal is abandoned.
  23. Those are not my requirements. God rolls are god rolls. We can objectively say this riven has 1 desired positive (dmg), 1 meh positive (toxin) and 1 possibly very harmful negative (+recoil). Semlar (outdated) ranks it at D. Compare it to my own riven unrolled: 73,3% Electricity, 62,2% multishot, 117,7 crit chance. Which riven would you say is better? Objectively speaking mine has 2 desired positives (cc, multi) 1 meh positive (elec) and no negatives. Objectively speaking mine is rank higher, but it is still average compared to the possibilities in the riven slot (remember we are comparing to other rivens, not to the mods). Best positive stats would be cc, cd, multi, dmg. Actually positive negatives would be Neg Impact/Puncture (so they fix the slash ratio), Harmless ones would be Zoom, Ammo Max. But not Recoil. Recoil is literally the worst negative you may want on headshot precision weapon. God roll riven would be cc/cd/multi + neg puncture
  24. It is an OK mod, but it is not a good riven. If you compare it to actually good rivens it is trash. Only in comparison with normal mods (Serration, 90 Toxin) it is ok. As for recoil, I really have no way of testing it because there is no Magnum Force for Primaries, it may need Stabiliser to reduce it. So If you look at it this way it is somehwhat an equivalent of mods Serration (165%) and 90% Toxin, but you may need another mod (Stabilizer -45% recoil) to counteract the negative. How is that different from actualy using Serration and 90% Toxin? It is because you would not use 90% Toxin at all, you would run 60/60 Toxin instead.
  25. It will not buff it equally as some other mod that doesnt use overbudget stats. That is too bad, those are cheap (11p for Rank 5) and they offer 360% dmg. You do not need to. Just build it properlly and keep killing stuff.
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