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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Except it does not revert to weak weapon at all. Passive evolutions work for both Incarnon and Normal form. There are plenty of Genesis Incarnon that have both forms equally usefull Incanonon being kinda of sidegrade to normal form instead of super powerful buff.
  2. No, tthe best way if finding this mission type in wiki and check the rewards. Eg for spy: (there are tabs that not visible on the phone, not sure if visible on XboX). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Spy/Rewards Valac is tier 2 hence: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Spy/Rewards#Tier_2 If you want particular drop you can click on it to receive its personal trop table, eg on Ivara: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ivara or Scattering Inferno: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Scattering_Inferno Here is the link to detailed article on Rotations: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mission_Rewards
  3. Depends on what build you want. If standard Spore AoE nuke you need more Range. Basically RANGE >> STR > DUR. Flow/Streamline is not needed. Saryn whole "rotation" is 1 1* 1* 3 fire/swing and then just refreshing 3 and occasional 4. 2 is subsumable. *) additinal casts of 1 have 50% reduced energy cost. You can get up to 12 spores on single targetted ennemy, but only 3 when spreading so applying more than 3 on "patient zero" is a waste. Corrosive aura is meh. I run Growing power, some people prefer shield gating with Brief Respite (will need Shield Dragon key and a good spamable abilitty though). I'd drop some of the Flow/Streamline/Power Drift for more range (augur reach, cunning drift). Here is one of the most popular builds: https://overframe.gg/build/207018/saryn-prime/venomous-spores-saryn-steel-path-general-use/
  4. It's is very simple math. In radshare you participate in opening additional 3 individual relics (independent rolls). If you just want one thing it is is optimal and fast. You need 3 less runs, 3 less relics and 300 less traces to open same amount of relics. Only problem is that if 2 rares drop you cannot choose both. If you want more things there is the "stagger" option (requires trust). Where people take turns in opening the relic, while others open random relic of the same class. It still lets you participate in opening additional 3 relics you did not farm or spent 300 traces. It is slower (and requires trust), but you can choose multiple drops from the same relic (up to 4). Basically in order to get the same result solo you would need 4 times the relics and traces. Someone did numbers on this if you are interested: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Honeydrew/radshare_technique_-_numbers_comparison PS: I have seen people opening rads in public groups. Guess sharing is caring.
  5. I did not know either. I finished most of the starchart solo with my starting Volt (later Umbra) with Taxon, Boltor, Atomos and Bo without forma or potato on any of them, clanless. All I needed is to figure out game mechanic. You can steamline the missions with better gear or party but after a while you will need that game mechanic you omitted learning before.
  6. What for? He doesnt need those now ad will not need them any time soon. They will not fix his problems at all. You are just adding another layer of mechanics he needs to learn, while he have no yet learned the basics.
  7. Killing the dargyn and a pilot does not complete a challenge. Dargyn must remain itact. For the same reason any AoE or high penetration weapons also fail the job.
  8. Mine and hundreds of other warframe players. They can autogenerate from X Commandments for all i care. If an item has 10% chance to drop you need to have it drop ~100 times in 1000 tries. And it doesnt drop at all.
  9. Observable chance is not 10% at all. I suspect there is a mistake with one 0 or a comma in wrong spot. In those 59 runs I had multiple drops of 1,25% chance items, and yet no atmo systems. Just search forums for atmo systems and see how many rant threads there is (and yes everyone knows how to do 2 minute mission).
  10. Since I had "kill Dargyn pilots before they hit the ground with melee slide attack" I am using Nidus with max range, and just snach them from Dargyn with 2 (do not shoot them at all). Have in mind that for that challege you need to use PoE Dargyns, the Kuva Fortress ones do not work.
  11. It is not. It says it is but i managed to run 59 PT p2 missionns without a single Atmo Systems. Plenty of people have similar results.
  12. There is only one message, it is not a sortie. Mission is complete after a timer (hidden) evenn if you fail to kill enemies (annoucer makes a big deal of nnot doing that).
  13. Starting energy can be taken care with: 1. Leaving some of the capacity on your frame. 2. Yellow shard (likely out of your reach atm) 3. Preparation mod (likely out of your reach atm). Once you get it remember to not max rank it because all frames always start with some energy. 4. Zenurik - it allows first cast for free (Inner Might), gives a regen (wellspring). 5. (Primed) Flow + Squad Energy Restore. As you need to stay at the point for a while. Even with maxed STR Khora dome is not capable of killing SP enemies, by itself. STR is simply wasted on Khora, because only ability scaling with it is her Whipclaw (1) and her 1 has augument that gives 350% str/dmg to it. Not to mention this ability also scales with other %dmg. Range and duration are much better both for control play as well as nuking. PS: All this time I assume you want the challenge of completing it solo. But if for some reason you just want the node completed I could help.
  14. I have got about 4 ivara sets while doing sorties and some other not related missions. To farm Khora you have to puposedly run weaker version of ESO. Some of the base frames are now farmable in the normal Circuit. It may or may not be less frustrating way.
  15. Ah, yes Slow Nova is another control possibility. Just did it myself with Khora, Took me 6 minutes (mostly having all 4 nodes up). I wanted to check wether I can do it without killing anything, but sadly Acolyte said no. I kept majority of my enemies on C. And a bit on D. Start, put 4 on C and grab it, go to B and grab it (was empty), back to C refresh 4 on it, go to D/A grab it, back to C to refresh the duration of 4. Observe. I thinnk I had 3-4 eximus total and only one had an idea what he was doing. I think Khora 4 making you instantly take control of the node without the need to kill stuff makes it trivial.
  16. Dont need any forma or even potato. Slap all duration and range mods you have on her, maybe also Streamline/Flow. Run Zenurik and some energy pads. She will not have a use for STR especially if you lack her auguments (for 1 and 4) and proper stat stick (she doesnt use STR with those either i guess).
  17. 1. Control frame, I prefer Khora built for range and duration (standard 40% str double Aug build) 2. High enemy radar (Khora's Venari double Primed Animal Instinct helps). 3. Control enemies (do not kill) at one of the spots - they usually rush the first caputured spot. Only kill between rounds (it is not even necesary as the next round will start after some time regardless whether you kill stuff or not). 4. If you are overwhelmed at one of the spots just go to the ones that have little or zero enemies. You do not need to have 4 spots captured, 2/3 are fine. Khora's Dome instantly gives you control over the spot as long as all the enemies are cced. 5. Have some kind of interrupt for Eximus units hacking - I prefer Magus Lockdown. Ensnare works but their overguard needs to be down first. Killing enemies only produces the same amount of enemies, instantly respawning on other sides of the map where they are not cced and obviously has a chance of more Eximus spawning. The other day I soloed Archon Interception this way. Khora. Open your map overlay (press M) (i run map overlay on Disruption and Defection as well). Grab a spot somewhere on the outskirts (not the central one). Move to the spot on the opposite side. Grab it. Come back to 1st spot put a 4 on it/kill any eximus. Go to center, grab it, go to third spot, grab it. Put the 4 on spots that are being attacked (you can have two at the time). KIll enemies sparingly as killing them will only make them spawn in other places on map while not cced. Monitor the situation on map (amount of enemies moving, consoles being attacked) and act accordingly. Other frame options are Octavia, Limbo or Sleep Equinox/Baruuk, but the technique is a little different. GL
  18. Huge ball orbiting Titania the size of the screen makes it impossible to see anything, let alone aim. Aiming down sights (rmouse) makes the ball even bigger.
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