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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Best I can do is Awakening Cinematic.
  2. Anyone can list any item for any price. Anyone can buy any item for any price. They can also freely not buy it for this price. Not everyone needs to have those mods. There are dozens of equally viable weapons that do not require any mods. You cant protect players from their own greed.
  3. If it is too hard to solo, maybe you are progressing (questline) too fast? Maybe you should stop a bit, get better weapons and stuff?
  4. He just told you. If it says DAMAGED and is blakish it is unbuilt. If it doesnt say damaged and is ffull golden it is fine: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech#Owned/Permanent
  5. How do you farm it? Mining? Mining and fishing in deimos is a hopeless case (certain minearals and fish ae practicallyy unobtainable). Best bet is to do the Obelisks and Vault Escorts fo tthat stuff. You may need to do Vaults for other stuff anywyay.
  6. Why have the left? If players joining knew that reason, would the like to join? Why let them join without knowing this reason and knowing the mission has been up for over 10 minutes already? Public Matchmaking. But suppose you wanted to invite someone, then the would usualy know where they are joining. Rule is you cannot invite anoyone to a miission that has already a completed objective. Why? Because that would waste their time in most missions, while they wouldnt be eligible for the prizes. Sometimes I join Archon huntts in progress (usually Inteception) with hopeless players, who did not bring any useful frames/weapons and attempt tto do SP/Archon interrception like an ordinary one. I once had a player joining me on 14th wave of ESO (he did 0/0/0/0) - i reported it as a bug - unsure if he got the prizes.
  7. That is an argument for the OP, not fo me.
  8. All you need it a good weapon and staying within the affinity range of your squad. 50 kills is pretty quick.
  9. Database/servers cost. This is a F2P game. Also possibly security reasons. Automated system allows quicker operations on grey platinium, potentially harming more people in the process.
  10. I know, but the same analogy applies. why take perfectly good mace, break it, just to make worse mace?
  11. It doesnt happen to him. He just joins the exact mission types, where this playstyle is most efficient and therefore most common. It is like he is going camping and picks a camping spot either near slaughterhouse and complaining on smell, or near an airport and complaining on noise. And instead of changing this behaviour he keeps doing it, blaming everything (and everyone) around, just not himself.
  12. You do you. But OP wants eveyone to do him, because reasons...
  13. This is a mission. Mission objectives are clear. I am happy the mission objectives are complete - if one player "carried" the mission I do not automatically feel the need to play his setup or to compete with him for %dmg or kill on end mission screen. I also do not care how complicated it was for him to achieve. I get my rewards and move on. There is nothing elytists about it.
  14. You'd be dead then, because those playstyles totally belong in Fissure missions. Nobody is infesting anything. You do the mission that is fastest tto complete, so you can do more of them. Why would you run SP Survival and open 1 relic per 5 minutes, if you can spam Capture/Extermination on Void and not only open 1 relic per minute but also get 1 relic per run. And of course you will want to pick a frame that speeds up the mission for everyone. If there is no alterior motive, the just waste their time, because they will have to wait for the newbies inn the extraction zone anyway.
  15. He suggest to nerf one particular ability, which is basically ban to running. Once running is nerfed (banned), people who use bikes, skateboards and scooters will keep anoying him. So will have to ban those also.
  16. I just cant stop wondering. If the nuking happen with spamminng 2 or 3 buttons, would you be ok with it? Or also no?
  17. This would be fine if it was some kind of soulslike where you get fun of progressing something on your own - and people forcibly join killing the bosses for you. But not only you can block them from joining in multiple ways, it is also a grind shooter, where you spam missions to get stuff and the faster you spam them, the more you can do in the short window the happen to be available (or your time suffice). It is Clint Eastwood old man noises on people who just do the mission objective as efficiently as possible. If he is too slow or feel inadequate, that is only his personal problem. If he doesnt like that, he shouldnt put himself in those situations. Not attempt to ban people running, because he cant keep up.
  18. Not sure how you categorise most of the hammers then: Sampotes, Magistar, Ekhein, Sibear.. Do you want another special group for them? Or do you want one handed ones? Sword and shield has couple of those: Argo Vel, Silva and Aegis Prime, Tenet Agendus Or maybe a flail? Aka Nunchaku? I'd quote Shad here: You had perfectly fine stick, why did you have to damage it and make it worse than what it was?
  19. What seems to be your problem exactly? Is the mission complete? I assume this is about capture and extermination mission. Where it is literally their objective to kill stuff and get to the end asap. Do you want to play slower (less time efficient) and have higher contribution? Use premade, play solo or run Titania Sunder yourself. Or you can keep on complaining, there always going to be a reason to, no matter how much they nerf things you do not particularly find fun.
  20. It is. You mod it for low damage, high fire rate, high multishot. You do not want to kill your target, you want to milk it for hits. It is per Pellet. Do you even realise how much Status is that?
  21. You think it is going to solve something, but it wont. It will vanish all forma, cyphers, pizzas, exilus mods, keys, minerals etc. In geneal it will vanish everything. For me it would probably leave nothing. I already got that option, it is called exiting the foundry.
  22. I am glad you are having fun, but truth be told there is nothing really useful that can drop from the opened lockers. Credits, affinity, energy/healtth orbs, occasional Argon Crystal or an Ayatan Star - no mods.
  23. I do not think it was the reason, since Grineer and Void stayed the same red/green. They remastered Corpus in general (Update 25) and changed the look and behaviour to be more distinct. Funny thing sorties and special missions still use old tile look for some reason (unless it is on Jupiter).
  24. You arent meant to go guns blazing. You have the abilities for a reason. 3 to see enemies ahead of you. 2 to be able to sneak when it is unsneakable or as an oh snap button. 1 as a heal should you take any damage. Raising HP will not be meaningful in any way if play non-sneak, you will die regardless.
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