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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. My Raksa Kubrow has over 200% Status Chance and while the Kubrow itself reliably triggers it's modded or buffed status effects, the clones created through Duplex Bond do not trigger the modded status effects nor the ones added through buffs, such as Shock Trooper, for example.
  2. I experienced this rather beneficial bug today, so with the latest Abyss of Dagath game version. Platform: PS5 Mission: Public Duviri (Lone Story [Steel Path]) but I ended up alone. Equipment: Gauss (owned), Glaxion (loaned), Synoid Gammacor with Incarnon (owned), Sigma & Octantis (owned). Bug: Greatly increased self revive chances. Greatly increased Transference duration in Duviri overworld. Greatly increased the number of Decree re-rolls.
  3. Contrary how fake the code looks, it is actually valid. Works fine on PS5. Thank you very much for sharing.
  4. Ugh My nicely rounded up values like having 1000 HP will be ruined by this. My fake OCD suffers from these random ass numbers you use for stats.
  5. To explain the title. I've been spoiled by Kullervo and now I want at least one melee weapon that can passively gain combo count so that I can dish out that x12 heavy attack once in a while but without actually having to use the said melee weapon to build the combo first.
  6. Also, the Wiki claims this only works once per shield placed. Not to look a gifted horse in the mouth but this one is a few teeth short... There is absolutely no use for this Augment (in PvE at least) since Volt already has Capacitance. Not only does this restore shields, it creates overshields and does so for everyone near Volt And Volt himself when he uses Discharge. I'm glad Volt got a new Augment but it would be a lot better if it did something completely different. Something...useful. How about changing the Electric Shield's size? Increasing it's damage (when Shock is used on it) so it can be used as a battering ram? Give it channeling to remove the ability duration? Those are just some random ideas, not thought out properly but still better than the mods current version.
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