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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. I been asking forever to allow genemasking kits to work on Deimos pets (,_,)
  2. they said on devsteam that frost didn't do real frost he did scripted frost and they give him a mini rework to make him deal real frost does banshee deal real blast or is it scripted blast? will her aoe get to 10 stacks and boom, will it still be bad?
  3. Ember is a great Warframe, but there are some small adjustments that could make her gameplay experience better. example, her defensive ability could benefit from having a cap on its energy scaling to prevent indefinite ernergy scaling to the point where she just runs out and dies. It would be good to be able to leave it turned on, maybe even having it provide a boost of energy and resetting the scaling when dumping heat with her third ability? The current mechanic of toggling her defense ability on and off feels awkward and requires using other survival tactics like adaptation or gloom
  4. maybe they should revisit this and give mag a second heirloom skin if they aren't willing to rotate the first again?
  5. this! I worked and had to sign a NDA, anything I made at the company were the companies property! even some educational institutes will claim ownership if you happen to make something of value on their premises.
  6. on paper temporal anchor is cool, its the y-axis abusing that most rpg players love! but y axis is nothing in warframe and if they want players to use it I think it has to be better, do more, they have to invent use cases . . . for example designing a area where a door locks and seals you in a loot room death trap but if you have anchor you can rewind yourself back outside of the door to skip needing to hack a console to get out, then people might play protea and use anchor just for that, like how they bring Ivara mostly for spy. I also think that anchor should be usable while protea is downed to self revive but go on a cooldown when used this way.
  7. no one complained aegis storm was useless (though it also gives energy and cc) but still there are a bunch of mods that exist/interact with being airborne
  8. they finally showed off jades kit, that's all I wanted from the steam
  9. this is why I added they could bring it back but as a variant of the skin so its slightly different so the people who have it still get their bragging rights and everyone is happy?
  10. I was wondering are they going to be bringing the mag skin back? (or at least a slight veriation of it) I did like that skin but I wasn't interested in that price point or the bundle it was part of.
  11. your critique can be applied to selling in the trade channels the difference is you have to spam "want to sell" *item* potentially for hour without getting anyone interested and you can't really post your entire inventory in chat
  12. or DE can just set minimum prices based on items historic average worth?
  13. heh I dont really play wukong so I wasn't sure, did they undo the changes that made his clone AI more aggressive?
  14. in lower level content I could just wait on the conduit and brute force the demo down, in harder level content this method can be too slow so I exclusively used sound with my headphones and in-game music disabled to track the demo, spinning the camera 360 it was possible to get an idea which direction the demo was coming.
  15. explain to me while people don't use battery weapons on the clone? or make the clone melee?
  16. I am fed up of needing to wear my headset and turn my music volume to off in order to find where demolishers are coming from, also some people are hearing impaired and need some kind of visual cue!
  17. we didn't get the excal protoframe so maybe we won't get Aio either? seems a shame to never use those models again, as a mag enjoyer I would love this! just not with such a high cost... $200 way too much
  18. which wouldn't be a bad thing because in like maybe 5 years time you will have hundreds of shards to the point of their current scarcity being irrelevant? but yeah I did think maybe they could give you the option, like you go into a config and specifically press a button if you want to use different shards in a secondary config otherwise it just uses the same ones (obviously with the shards only for your current config being active)
  19. they should probably be removable with NO cost, it is effectively a mod with a different name, why should you pay anything for wanting to experiment with your build? they should probably also (and this leans into why I suggest above) make it so you have shards for each mod config loadout
  20. I guess I seem to have taken 3 keyglyphs that all deal damage, and the 4th inflicts bleed when I take damage, I guess it makes sense it was drained so much based on draining 2 energy "per hit" yeah why is this a thing? I don't get why Ivara isn't allowed to melee? (gunblades and glaives seem to be an exception)
  21. play ivara in netracells have these negatives wampyri, sanguine, conductive, knifestep standing around out in the open is just fine activating prowel makes my energy go from 600 to 0 in about 10 seconds test standing around nothing, test prowel again energy gone in 10 seconds I am using the xoris whats draining my energy? I tested xoris in simulacrum and it's not that. I have noticed another weird quirk in netracells since the last update, seems self reviving when there are no units around capable of reviving you (downed companion)
  22. automelee finally got me to invest in melee where I initially hated spam enough to ignore it for literal years! now I think automelee with tennokai is actually a lot more fun and engaging than spamming 1 button
  23. this week I got given only "one of" thing that I owned in weapons, it was like it literally gave me the last 3 weapons I acquired (that has to be chance?) dex furis dex sybaris and that infested hammer from the dojo research labs my furis and sybaris were level 0 T_T lucikly I happen to carried with the hammer, 50% to 60% damage done and it was some jank build. I sort of agree, a rank 0 warframe maybe a bit limiting but it depends if it was just forma or not, if you forma a warframe it gets max rank abilities? just lower stats it also maybe their only option and not leveled.
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