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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. As long as people aren't asking for a toggle to change how I look that's fine (some are), but it does illustrate that the phobia isn't as big a deal as some are making it out to be? which in-turn diminishes the argument advocating for an alternative skin in my opinion. not costs per say but in manpower I believe so. I used to love wow and one of the things they would often say is like .. "well we could have given druid new models but we would probably have come at cost half of the mobs in a zone", or one time they didn't do new dungeons one time because they wanted to focus entirely on additional raid tiers. I am not saying No either, just voicing my opinions these resources could be better spent, maybe they are already allocated and have to be reallocated to make Jade2? resulting in for example a smaller tile set for the next expansion? who knows everything costs something, specially if its unexpected, it's a delicate balance. I personally feel It should take priority for no other reason than the predasite skins are functionally and demonstratively broken and Jades skin is not.
  2. I was just illustrating with what numbers I could get for the sake of argument, the steam numbers are the only ones I have access to, I don't even know if xbox / psn give that info out? it could be the number is higher, could be lower since I tried to be generous with the numbers, though it's important to note that it was only based on concurrent players not total active players. If you want to assume the number of people stigmatized by the maternal form is similar to that of fear of heights or spiders it probably be between 2 to 5% of players, a lot of people might already have their favorite frame picked out so its probably less than 1% if you are counting only players who are interested in Jade!
  3. why not? Hypothetically they make a skin, I am not going to use it, so you're still going to see a maternity themed Jade in game with a skin? making a toggle that turns off how my jade looks is probably a line they shouldn't cross as it undermines individuality and fashion frame. you want a monkey paw wish toggle that hides jade entirely? from the market, from construction, from matchmaking, from selecting, yeah I would be more OK with that for genuine phobic people. which is an untruth, the costs are extremely important. now we hit on the truth, yes I agree the development cost do not matter for people asking for a modified skin! they want it for 165 plat, just want insert coin, get skin and don't care how it happened or what was sacrificed to get there. this is just how people think. Yet it does, The Deimos predasite skins have been busted for years, they have huge gaping holes in them, they need rerigging or something, if you're asking me "do you want DE to allocate time to fixing those" (because years later they are still actually broken, go look!) or "allocate time to a cosmetic because a minority of players are upset with how something was intended to look" then I am asking them to fix the bugs every time! the tldr here is that time could be allocated to fixing these longstanding graphical bugs/issues or the same time allocated to make a new skin! You do make an interesting point, not to dismiss it entirely since it does show prescient but it's worth mentioning it was a minor texture only change, which are mechanically much easier to do, also worth noting that 97% of Digital Extremes is owned by China's Tencent and its probably the actual reason this was changed. I have not seen a single player actually complaining about this on the forums here but I will concede the point if you can find more than a handful of people that were actually upset
  4. yet it's reasonable to expect Digital Extremes to create a skin to accommodate player comfort? Can you recall any instances over the past 11 years where they have altered the core appearance of a skin to address specific phobias? fyi mental gymnastics refers to someone using unreasonable stretches of logic to try prove or dismiss a point Neither are you, the difference is you are directly supporting doing exactly this? I am only voicing my opinion on why I think they shouldn't and my point is valid because this skin she eventually gets will embody the core of how she looks and continue the maternity theme, doubled so because your side will also ask for your non maternity themed version of this skin too ...
  5. What is this mental gymnastic argument? by comparison its like me asking if you wanting a jade skin even relevant? you can make the same point about any warframe needing a new skin? Yes asking/wanting a Jade skin is relevant, No I don't have to agree with it. my point is valid because it costs money to make a skin, resources have to be allocated from other areas to make that skin, you can disagree with that point if you like but you would be wrong.
  6. I will try explain more with some math according to statistics pulled from steam warframe averages about 48,476 concurrent active players, the most popular warframe is rev prime at 5.14% played, which is 2,489 players online, lets be generous and assume Jade is played about the same as wisp prime? (she isn't) 2.82% or 1,367 players, lets also be super generous and assume 50% of them are dissatisfied with how jade looks? you're talking a number of players dissatisfied with jade somewhere around 684, to be clear that number is a generous 50% estimate based on the current played statistics of fan favorite wisp prime and most likely the actual could be smaller, I didn't even factor in the none prime versions of those frames. this is a nuanced argument, but lets keep it simple and also be generous and assume players need to buy plat to get that skin, the lowest option that nets them a skin is $9.99 is the one that fits, so a new jade skin for the 2.82% (1367) players ... (50% jade players unhappy buy it) 684* $9.99 is gonna make $6833 so instead of making a Jade skin to appease those potential 683 unhappy players, why not make try one to appease the 5.14% (2,489) rev players? again assuming 50% of rev players want the skin? 1245 * 9.99 $12,437 they are going to LOSE half their potential revenue by focusing on making a Jade skin to appease a minority instead of making Rev skin for example. there is another thread on this forum, they did some napkin calculations and estimated the cost of making a warframe (or at least keeping the staff on pay during the creation of one) for 30 staff for 2 and a half months was around $100,000 so that would be about $10,000 a week ^ incase you wanted to look
  7. you completely ignored my point about logistics, it may not be financially viable to make another jade skin and may even cost DE significant NET loss of revenue to put one into the game, not only paying the artists, certification etc but also potential loss of sales against another skin that could have been made for another frame using those resources, a skin that isn't aimed at appeasing a smaller amount of people that are dissatisfied with how Jade looks
  8. if they give you a skin that changes to core visual feature of a warframe to appease your visual and comfort standards, that is one skin we wouldn't get somewhere else, there is no disputing that it's pure 100% logistics! Yes I will 100% defend my opinion for not having a new skin made that goes against DEs original artistic freedoms to appease a potential minority if it means players "may" get a skin somewhere else, that will probably bring in more money to support DE. another hypothetical is they add this new none pregnany none lore conforming skin, and these same people are all of a sudden asking why do we have to pay for this skin? we do we have to pay for comfort, what happens when they made a cool deluxe and now these same people want a non pregnant deluxe variant. pandering (to these kinds of people) never works, a solution from DE already exists, if you don't vibe with her core theme, like you probably don't vibe with other frames too you don't play them, simply do that here, don't play Jade.
  9. to be fair this is probably what you see when playing with a jade, which is the uncomfortable part again? I personally think it looks awesome! (why I took the pic) when playing as her you are only really seeing that from behind
  10. while using jade and not sure how to recreate it but I have seen both Vectis prime and manus prime goto 0 ammo, refuse to reload until you go into and drop out of glory
  11. not sure, the tooltip states "killing enemies" without specifiying if its the warframe or not, I didn't test but its priming 3 status effects via aoe guarantied without needed status due to manifold so chances are something I shoot is going to die with those effects and reduce the cooldowns of my companion, which is going to make it use abilities more and spread more status
  12. the cooldown is so little, it goes great with mystic bond and manifold. I was originally using taxon too, but I wasn't sure how much shield it was generating because I thought maybe the shield conversion didn't scale with level due it it converting based on damage it dealt? but I wasn't sure
  13. cold 178 corrosive 168.4 radiation 67.1 total 787.4 my riven is 90% toxin x1.46 damage to grineer and 61% fire rate the total was closer to 1000 when instead of radiated reload I had primed cryo rounds but the 3 status effects means alone it can activate manifold bond to cast more abilities (also I can kill the stuff it primed before it died to revive it quicker) It does decent enough damage, bur I am open to suggestions of on ther elemental combinations I could run? maybe its better to run more damage and not bother trying to activate manifold?
  14. you can also use the bond mods on digira to make arc coil apply status from the weapon, it will do a cold status AOE every few seconds too frosty!❄️
  15. it is counter intuitive? everything she has drains shields and when you come up against high enough enemies she will be alive on her extended shield-gate alone, so likely in difficult content she won't have ever much overshield
  16. not as far as I know, if someone is doing something against the rules though you can report it, the moderation team is good
  17. I think the option to turn off was in video settings called Volumetric lighting, insane performance difference.
  18. the OG overguard? I never knew about this.
  19. I've invested 7 forma into my Verglas and paired it with a really nice Riven mod. It proves quite effective against most high-level adversaries in the content I engage with, although I anticipate it may lose its edge over time. Recently, I've been contemplating a switch to a different sentinel weapon with higher critical stats, primarily to activate the critical damage bond mod. I experimented with the Vulklok, invested in a catalyst, and loaded it with mods. While it does trigger my critical bond, I must admit it feels lackluster in combat. My sentinel lacks stopping power, often missing shots and due to its slow fire rate, seems ineffective. Regrettably, the only other high-critical weapon option appears to be another sniper, the Vulcax. I have two questions: Do either of these weapons synergize well with hard engage to match the effectiveness of the Verglas? And more broadly, is it worthwhile to invest in either of these alternatives, or do they underperform in practice?
  20. Appreciation to DE for the clarification! It appears that this arcane is designed to cater to a specific niche rather than serve as a fundamental component. Worth considering that opting to slot in 2x Red duration gems for a 30% duration boost and incorporating Molt Augmented for a 60% strength increase seems like a more convenient approach? Assuming you were previously using strength gems this setup would after ramping result in a net gain of 30% duration and 30% strength without the need to rely on frost skills/weapons, compete for freeze procs with allies, or maintain uptime for slightly less overall stats.
  21. I seem to have missed the stabilizers thankfully but I think when I joined warframe you still had to interact with your companions or they would get an unhappy negative damage effect anyway I agree the idea of a universal skin does conflict with artistic intent but so does messing around with how the base Jade model looks, I was spitballing this as a coverall phobia bases hypothetical that (opinion) may be seen as something of a "lesser of two evils" solution when it comes to changing how jade (or others) look for people uncomfortable with the designs for whatever reasons.
  22. Then there might be some confusion with terminology, the effect I am talking about is like the Helminth Metus skin, its a skin for the helminth charger but it will also apply to any kubrow, similar how the duviri kubrow skin will apply to the helminth charger and kubrows.
  23. has not caused enough distress to you, just like jade has caused no distress to me, like what kam says about empathy you expect it, but it seems like you don't have the same inclination to give it? yes, bigger concerns have been ignored, it's always a vocal minority
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