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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. I am just trying to gauge the viability of this mod, I figure it would be great against things that go through shields like toxin procs to eat at energy instead of killing me outright in moderate content testing was ok, but I just tried in archron hunts I found myself dead on the floor several times while being at over 600 energy so what gives ? am I taking that much damage that quickly that its jumping past the mod entirely and omgwtfpwning me or what ? edit:to answer my own question the wiki said exactly that, to "save energy" it will instantly down you, I dont know if this leapfrogs shieldgate ? guess I need a way to get around surviving huge burst damage, I dont think its worth running this mod only for toxin
  2. focus isn't really hard to farm, smeeta + affinity buff big lens, you can cap in a few rounds of ESO maybe they remove the caps ? or just set the gains to be like 5x ? steamline the lens ranks ? or even better idea maybe they remove the stupid lense system altogether and just make it passive gains for whatever school you have active ? also turn off the Eidolon farming requirement for unlocking the waybound nodes
  3. that isn't why they nerfed AOE weapons at all, they nerfed them specifically because the ammo pools were big enough it was too easy to spam a room with aoe without any thought or considerations to anything. part of the reason they wanted to bring self damage back was so you couldn't just cast some grouping utility, aim at your feet to aoe clear the room. tldr I think it was more about not clearing a room effortlessly !
  4. It was awesome doing like 20 minutes of work just to have your railjack explode /sarcasm, railjack was the real defense target! so na I don't agree about jailjack, I feel like it should be this awesome spaceship !! it does not feel like that when it needs babysitting or putting into stealth so it does not die ! I do have one that you didn't mention which Im gonna add ^-^ Warframe was better when enemies knew how to headshot! you couldn't take squish frames anywhere near sorties, double edged nerf they added shield gate and reduced enemy accuracy around the same time which made content at sortie level way too easy
  5. I disagree about too much time, if they wanted they could totally outsource different gendered skins, the recoup the outsource costs selling the new "gender" versions of existing frames as skins, you probably be surprised how many people will avoid playing a frame due to it's gender/appearance, that said I don't see DE doing this at all even as much as I would like it, its more like one of those low effort gacha things where you *unlock character* you don't get to choose the traits of it even though you can still buy it clothes.
  6. I had a dig though the comments, someone said "Tested and confirmed that increasing the level of this mod increases the range (from you) at which this can be cast, and decreases the cooldown on its use." the listed cooldown is 15 seconds but someone in the comments said it was 10 seconds. so is it possible the last 3 ranks decrease the cooldown? (also possible they still do nothing)
  7. but I am still curious how it happened ? did it used to have a longer range ? did they increase the ranks but forget to add new ranges ? has it always been like this and whoever coded it into the game was like a temp on work experience or something ?
  8. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Neutralize curious what is up with ranks 4 5 and 6 all being 20 meters, how did that even happen, how did no one at de notice ?
  9. I have a maxed contagion and never used this combo, firstly it sounds like some kind of bug and secondly sounds difficult to pull off, unpopular opinion ? I am kinda leaning towards they should either bake it in properly so all you have tod o is press heavy attack in the air to get it or they should remove it.
  10. why are people floating liches ? if I start one Its usually when i have time to and intend to finish it like within an hour or so, I never just start one and ignore it for a week or whatever
  11. tldr you are upset because there is too much content ? that's a first, usually people complain there is nothing to do but also none of this content is mandatory
  12. and that's why I said "mostly" also I don't know why you like/ want the mech? it has literally almost no use cases, it's entire purpose now is just a timegate for new players wanting to unlock starchart lol and is now on a ridiculous nerfed 2 minute duration to a 10 minute cooldown, it's the biggest pile of garbage in the game considering all the teething issues it had and associated grind / leveling.
  13. shieldlink + pillage subsume and a keen eye and none of the companions that can equip link mods ever have to die!, while I run a pillage subsume with my main frame a lot of the time, I can't take just any link companion to void trace farm because smeeta will sometimes have me complete a single mission with over 100 traces cutting my grind time by over 90% when I am just trying to upgrade a single relic. there are also specific warframe abilities you can couple with companions to make them never die like damage resists / heals the moa with blast shield also do a good amount of surviving on it's own, but most people don't really do these? panzer is still the most popular, not only because it does not die but also has the best aoe damage / viral status spread of any companion., you think all of them would see use but based on what ? all Vulpaphyla never die but I bet you see 10x more Panzer than the other 2 breeds,(people love renaming them mini-saryn) I bet most people can't even name the other two without looking them up?, off the top of my head there is a sly one that I think gives you evasion until you shoot, I don't even remember what the other ones is called but I think it does something with executing or suspending enemies ? maybe ? While Sly sees some use (40% evasion while you are afk #bad) if all pets were given the same level of immortality I think panzer would still see wukong levels of use with smeeta trailing slightly behind, Helious is the only other companion next to those 2 rated S-Tier and I think it's for the scanning! the 5 second wouldn't really work for affinity, maybe they could split affinity from the charm buff and make just affinity part of the buff a global mod (with some random junk in there) ? least then I wouldn't have to bring Smeeta for leveling
  14. right now if I am leveling a thing, doing steelpath or really anything with drops I HAVE to take a smeeta, it feels bad not to! when all companions can't die smeeta will be in even more demand! I dont see what would be so wrong with spreading that buff otherwise Panzer and Smeeta will wen up being the only 2 companions people ever use.
  15. without looking at any of the math its maybe 40% of the weapons base damage per status
  16. it's so funny that there are like 3 different species of vulpa that all revive but the hyper focus is on panzer, I don't imagine they would remove the devolve mods from Vulpaphyla, that will just be their flavor of reviving they will probably just add more ways to come back for the other companions ! hopefully they do something better than that god awful get 10 finishers in 60 seconds or whatever it was revive pet thing, it does not work when revivinghas such a high requirement, hopefully they don't miss deleting that mod into something good when they do this rework. it really sounds like you just want a sentinel, maybe use a sentinel ? with the gun from Nautilus is pretty op comparable to one of the guns warframes can wield I do but not in the way you think, I think they should just give charm the vacuum effect, I don't mean make it suck up items but give it to all compainions, really most of the time I feel forced to run smeeta, its made farming void traces give me over 100 in a single run before, that grind is painful I can't afford not to run smeeta even though I have my bad ass tanky moa I would like to take.
  17. make a new account and don't unlock operator, it will limit what content you can do but it achieves what you are asking mostly
  18. I really think that was more a case of... "we need SOMETHING to make people go do railjack" than it was a "lets put prime frames around in different content for the players" whats also weird is nyx still goes on prime resurgence! I would say it was a completly waste of time but I just completed nyx (at last) from prime resurgence becausae the railhjack farming method is painful, low relic drop chance on top of low prime part drop opening the relic, it was quicker to ignore this grind and spend my aya stockpiles on getting the relic
  19. I join for relic mission, thinking to myself "the enemies aren't going down as quick as I would like" feels slow but its whatever the anguish spawns .. oh .... I get my steel essense etc, I guess I accidentally joined a relic unlock on steelpath ! oops after the round I leave goto starchart, my setting is for normal mode.... what happened because I am confused ?
  20. lotus is the only choice, you get to change whatever skin you want afterwards for plat, if I had known I would have chosen lotus too
  21. I can relate, will say stuff gets easier to deal with over time but we never forget. sorry for your loss
  22. this shows how little use mechs actually have, they got nerfed in 2022 (thread date) and I only just noticed. just another nail in the coffin to mechs that were never even used in the first place, my friend quit over the mech grind requirement to continue the story de fix your game please, make mechs free to craft or remove the time limit or both. I dont get why the game is not balanced, yet they still go around cherry picking random things to "fix" it really rubs me the wrong way when I got nuke a map with a warframe but a mech having to survive based on it's health pool that can't be healed by most means is somehow 'overpowered'
  23. I hope they add magic wands too and a wizard / warlock frame that revolves entirely around space magic.
  24. the only issue with that argument is you can't control when exactly you will 'show up' so the fix works,
  25. beg to differ, there are $1000 gaming phones and a LOT of even mid range phones now days easily out perform the switches aging 2015 cpu, give it to you a phone typically don't have a controller but it has ways to add a controller or use on screen controls and is one of the largest gaming markets in the world, also android isn't always a phone, there are lots of purpose build android based handheld gaming consoles similar to the switch with analogue sticks that will be able to install the android version of warframe. in what sense do you think it will be a cash grab ? pretty sure it will follow the same monetization path the other platforms follow, $90 prime access anyone? if you mean they are literally doing it to get more money ? damn right ! why not hit a wider audience (one of the biggest in the market) and bring in more money from your product ?
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