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Everything posted by CephalonCarnage

  1. TBH I think the affinity system needs a rework - there are many weapons I have "mastered" by not using, kill using soemthing else with the annoying or trash weapon equipped and its MR30 before you know it. I do think the affinity should come from the weapon being used, but at the same time the affinity received should be increased when it does get used, but only when it is used.
  2. The reason is that no 4-man squad mission uses a lobby. only the oipen worlds. And Zariman is not an open world but also uses the lobby system. So reusing the code for open worlds for circuit fits perfectly, you cannot use the normal "join mission" code because there is no lobby mechanism there. Doesn't matter if you only have 4 man squads and 1 is chosen as host, there is no other mission type where that occurs. Those cases, you join the squad in progress. The Teshin cave starts and you're not in a squad, you just happen to be in an open relay with just 3 other players who end up forming the squad because there's nobody else allowed in there. But they could if they wanted to - I'm surprised the cave doesn't have tens of players browsing the options and whoever goes through the gate forms a squad, just like Fortuna or Cetus or Deimos. They even have the same tunnel that allows the host to be chosen or set up, there's no other reason to have that middle bit between cave and circuit map if the host was already chosen like joining a exterminate mission on Mars. Don't forget Teshin's cave doesn't allow player loadouts, so not surprising the code is tweaked by more than just removing the arsenal UI.
  3. doesn't need the same properties, just needs to reuse the same code as used in open world lobbies. That's how developers roll. Its not the same as normal missions that do not have a waiting area, so its certain the same code is being used, just with a 4-player limit per instance. Same with Zariman that is not an open world but shares the same lobby as one.
  4. You shouldn't be surprised. So many kids with the impulse control of a gnat will load in, look and quit. The same ones who will quit if the relic isn;t right or the mission is not going quite their way. So although DE added the view, I'm sure many players don't even know its there. Old habits and all that. In relays, and open world lobbies you see many players slowly loading in - all those ghost excaliburs are common. They are obviously using a server (you choose it when entering the world) and Teshin's cave won't be any different. So the characters are loaded slowly and lazily as you look at them. This is nothing new. I doubt the game loads in all potential choices and also spot loads, I think it loads in the character you have, and loads in again when you swap loadout. The problem is really underpowered servers slowly pushing all the myriad assets from all the players present to players. DE knows this, that's why popular events have a hundred servers allocated to them.
  5. That will be an artifical situation caused by the natiure of circuit - people drop in, see the optiosn and quit. Deliberately, not network drops. It may be that they take longer to populate their state in the lobby because its possibly built with the same lazy-loading code used in open world lobby areas, not game missions. These are deliberately designed to host oats of players on a DE server, so you can form the squad. Not P2P at all. I have had network type issues through a VPN sometimes, but in these cases I never join the squads at all, the matchmaking never succeeds in the first place. You'd think people who join don't have network issues, or you'd see a similar number of disconnects mid-mission.
  6. Target goal set once i'd done everything else I wanted to. I found framedex and suddenly has a big tick-list of items to check off. So I did, as a reason to play the game.
  7. doubtful in the extreme. The number of times a host has truly disappeared on my is minimal. The number who have quit the squad (for any non-technical reason) is huge in comparison. People quitting open worlds and Zariman is large. The number quitting because the mission wasn;t going their way (eg Archons) is large, the number quitting because someone didn't have the right relic, high. The number quitting because they wanted to speedrush the mission again and couldn't wait 10 seconds - reasonably high at times.
  8. Disagree, Host migration is nothing to do with hardware. Everything to do with maintaining session state for the squad in mission. Right now, it appears DE has a host migration system that attempts to recreate the state from remaining players, which would be the only way to go about it if the host disconnected. However, many hosts in the game do not disconnect but leave the squad. They are still in-game and still have the state to migrate. So if DE wanted to fix at least half the issues, then they should update the migration code to directly copy state from ex-host to new-host, blocking the ex host with a "hostmigration" message. This woulnd't stop hosts that truly disappear from the network, but woudl fix all the open world problems, including the extraction at Zariman. Host gets a "please wait, migrating" message and waits, squad gets "host migration" message, and shortly afterwards all can continue as if nothing had happened. It might also encourage hosts to be less of a $&*^ about quitting squads if it means they get hit with the migration delay too.
  9. I'm British. Criticise is the correct spelling. (the thread just gets better. Its like we've fallen into a text-based vtuber stream)
  10. This is simply untrue. They show up, but less often for the higher ones. I doubt there's a bug stopping them appearing as I have bought from him before, but the med, adv and family bonds show up with less regularity than the others. Medical bonds are the ones that are uncommon but are the ones people find themselves wanting at a level before they can easily grind the bounties so they are perceived to be rarer than they are. You need to do the higher tier bounties. Level 20-40 drops medical bonds, All of the rotations have med bonds at this tier so they are guaranteed tro be there, even if the drop chance doesn't drop them for you. They have a 20% drop chance for phase 1, 12% for phases 2,3 and 11% for phase 4. So if you run the bounty all the way, you have 4 chances to get some. If you do the 30-50 level bounty, you get Advances bonds instead. etc. Alwyas do the full bounty, you may grind faster for med bonds, but IMHO it easier to do the full bounty as you'll get other drops which you'll want anyway. Too many people are so myopic in the grind for 1 resource they make it harder for themselves later.
  11. OK, this thread is going from dumb to funny to hilarious. Here ChristinaLove553 is replying to and criticising her own post
  12. Imagine thinking an in-game currency is something to work hard over. Get a real job and then you can buy 1000s of plat for less effort, and spend the rest on stuff like groceries and beer!
  13. Few people want to keep Mk1/flawed stuff and TBH they just confuse new players. Universal vacuum would be sensible, I don't know why its not been implemented a decade ago. Someone in DE loves the micrio-micro-management. I'm surprised they don;t make you pick up each item individually with a "hold X" mechanic. The open worlds... true. These are n00b traps, the enemies are deceptively powerful for newer players, and the whole system of bounties and matchmaking is so different from normal missions these areas should be restricted in some way. Pass a test with the gatekeepers before going out, new interactions so players cannot just wander into the open world without forming a squad first or going out solo. So many players wander out and then find themselves added to an existing squad that is doing .. well, whatever. Could be a level 40 bounty, and there you are MR2 with a braton. IIRC Josh Hayes did this and was thoroughly confused. Personally I think nobody should join a team if entering the open worlds. Form a team first, then go out even if that means creating an area to do so just inside the gates. Its really bad that the open worlds are treated the same as normal missions. Probably the best. I would suggest the oculysts stay around longer for the player to notice them, they can zip off quickly and if you're a new player looking out for grineer these things can spot you, and disappear before you even notice what they are. That would be bad. It might be better if they stay put, observing until you interact with one - shoot, scan, or walk close to them and then they go and report to daddy.
  14. can't see that MR reduction is worthwhile, how many peopel are still MR2 by the time they get to Uranus!? The only issue I had with the quest is the wording - it said "scan 2 drones", I passed by several Oculysts in various missions looking for a Grineer drone (like the ones on the plains or in Vallis bounties) before I realised (via the wiki) that the Oculysts were the drones I was supposed to scan.
  15. They already have added a pity system to rivens though - there are more and more places to buy kuva from, so you can roll and roll and roll for far longer than before. What more do you want? (silly question, I know what you want - you want perfect godroll for S tier weapons)
  16. Na, don't think of it as killing trhem repeatedly. Think of each kill as the first and only time. You, are playing a game after all, but in-game your character is doing each misson once. Like other games where you win (or lose) and restart, only in these MMORPGs, the restart is effectively baked into each repeated mission.
  17. TBH the first asmp after the mote one is perfectly sufficient for all, no need to grind up Little Duck (oo-err madam!). Just kill those vomvalysts for enough cores to trade standing for the 3 basic amp parts and you're good to go. In fact, I'd say all the rest are pointless until you get the most powerful Little Duck brace that gives you +crit. My advice is not to worry so much, its a game, play for fun. But if you want to progress its best to pick a warframe to specialise in (this is perhap the most important) and then pick weapons you like the play. Get one primary and secondary that works for you, master them both, put a catalyst on each and mod them to be powerul. Now you can take one of these, and another weapon to level up. Also, do the quests. You really want the 2nd dream and War Within. So what kind of stuff do you like, tell us and you'll get good suggestions to get you going.
  18. Sure, but the reason these quests are so good is because you've invested 100 hours or whatever playing with Lotus, before, well.. you know. If this occurred by the time you got to Mars, or even Mercury, then the impact would be significantly less. And I think players who quit do so long before they get anywhere near Uranus, so any amount of reducing the playtime required woudl be insufficient for those players.
  19. doubtful. You still have to change the email adress to your other account, and its not hard to logout once logged in automatically. I think DE (at least) discourages multiple accounts too.
  20. how true is this though? For all rare items you get a popup showing the item and a flash of "you picked this up". Argon crystals and neurodes appear like this. Oxium was fdine for me - but then I used to level weapons at Io and a lot drops there. Plastids only start appearing on Phobos though and that can seem very far away to a player still on Earth. Nevertheless, once realised, its a target to aim for to encourage players to get to the farming locations.
  21. Check the patch notes on the wiki for Conclave. It goes on for ever. Then there's the major updates to it in update 32.2, 21.0, the Index Preview and Silver Grove update. You have to admire DE's work ethic in putting in the time to fix things, tweak things, balance things, rebalance things, unbalance things, update things, add things, retweak things all for a game mode almost nobody plays.
  22. PvP had a huge amount of attention from DE. They even reworked it at great expense to them. And you admit WF was designed to be co-op all along. Dragon Vaults were designed with 4 players in mind - hence the 4 keys being unable to be equipped one one player. That they changed it to be more solo-friendly is a trend that is accelerating. RJ originally did not have crew. You could do things solo, but it was a pain. And it still is. The design, if it were for it to be solo, is truly bad. But as co-op, 4 man team, it was truly great. The design intent is for multiple players. That they have made it easier to play solo is welcome, but to claim it was always solo is just wrong. As you admit yourself when referring to dragon keys. The nightwave challenge to handshake someone is still there BTW.
  23. Same reason you can play Interception solo. Its obviosuly designed to be played with 4 players, but you can do it solo. Same with dragon vaults - designed to be played with 4 players, each having 1 nerf. (OK, well obsolete these days, but still it was designed with that in mind). I'm sure you can think of other gameplay parts that have 4 things in them, ie designed to be played with 4 players. That doesn't mean you cannot play solo, but some are a lot harder to do solo, and the game has progressed with powercreep to the point where some modes are simply trivialised anyway.
  24. they reduced the area of effect, inclusing the firestorm mod. They also nerfed the max ammo and especially pickups, which disproportionately affected AoE guns that already had limited ammo caps. Many of them also had reduced cluster AoE (eg the bramma) and they also nerfed headshots being triggered from AoE damage. all detailed here
  25. Or.. lets revisit the NewWar so its done as a war, lets have sentient enemies that are based much more on the lore of sentients. One where the little starfish that got shot healed itself and the missing part grew into a starfish too. Now apply that to sentient enemies, blow them into bits with your AoE... and shortly afterwards there are 3 or 4 sentient enemies where the original one stood. Whoops. Why not try nuking them again 😅 In game mechanics, blast damage death = new enemies, you could make them weaker like a tenet hound splits into puppies. You could make slah damage to them do heal-over-time procs instead of bleed damage. The gameplay is to encourage you to shoot them in the head/CPU. Adaptation was fine with the old game, but the new meta requires new meta enemies. On command, the guards backed away from the cart and readied their weapons. Their leader took careful aim and fired a whisper round into the body of my creation. Two of the limbs tore off the frame revealing a glossy, gelatinous interior. Silence gripped the dome as Tuvul shook his head. Then suddenly, the creature moved, convulsed, the hard surface started undulating. In a moment the wound closed and the thing was whole again. Beside it another machine had grown from its severed parts. Their surfaces had changed however - brighter, harder, resilient to whisper rounds now. As for nuke frames, yes, I ve always thought the nuke applying to the entire map is a bit silly. I get why it goes through walls - performance issue more than anything. But they could alter the nuke abilities to apply in a cone in front of the warframe, decide how much of an angle it should have. 360 is just too much.
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