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Everything posted by Qriist

  1. I really dislike the alt fire when aiming, too. I just forego aiming while using them lol.
  2. One of the placeholder perks is a corrosive stack limit break. That's incredibly decent.
  3. I... haven't used any of these frames in any real capacity lmao.
  4. I can appreciate that, but I'm (respectfully!) intentionally disregarding your perspective. The vast majority of Warframe is open to a 4-man squad so the game should primarily balance around, and encourage, having that full squad. Concessions should be made only in places where the mechanic physically doesn't work (such as friendship doors not needing two people when playing solo). I recall that you also made another thread asking for a change to Mag's Pull ability specifically to better enable your solo play. I don't have any real opinion on that ability change request but I'm highlighting it to illustrate that we're arguing for the game to go in two very different directions. You want your single preferred frame to be able to handle all content on its own but I explicitly do not want your frame to be able to overcome all obstacles. My attitude does not come from malice towards you or hatred of Mag. Rather, I want all frames to have some kind of content they are weak against. One of my favorite and most used frames, Nezha, even has such a weakness. Between constant party-wide burst heals, stripping armor, and being nigh unkillable, he excels at the support tank role I've given him... but fully sucks at point defense. He needs someone around to help defend a cryopod or an excavator. I keep the offensive and defensive frames upright while they fend off waves and directly protect the target. We fill in the role gaps that the other squadmates have to provide a more solid mission experience. If you've ever played Magic: The Gathering, then an analogy you might be familiar with is the concept of the color pie. Each color of mana has things they do well and things they struggle against. You have to combine colors in your deck if you want to cover all your bases. Discreet warframes aren't quite a mix-n-match as a Magic deck can be but the concept holds true if you look at your squad as your "deck". Bringing it back around to the topic at hand: I want the game's mechanics to implicitly encourage teamwork. So, to that end, the removal of expanded vacuums + party loot would, in my opinion, encourage better teamwork and communication. Yes, that is to the detriment of solo players, and yes, I am okay with that.
  5. Giving a backflip-canceled player a lengthy immunity (180-240 seconds) to Volt's speed would fix most issues without requiring massive changes OR permanently screwing a player who accidentally cancels it during a lengthy mission.
  6. Nah Rev's "survivability" is a noob trap. It doesn't teach you how to play the game. The amount of dead Revs I see in missions (of any level) is consistently far higher than I'd expect to given rhetoric like yours. I'll reiterate my earlier point where I determined you don't know how to play Nezha because you declared a need to spam his shield: my Warding Halo rarely needs to be cast more than a handful of times over an hour of SP Kuva Survival or SP Circuit. The same cannot be said of Mesmer Shield.
  7. Nah. Rev is pretty lackluster overall. If anything, his kit is underpowered.
  8. It's pretty obvious you don't know how to make effective use of Nezha. I'd take Nez over Revenant any day.
  9. You're right, the timers are imperfect at catching AFKers (and sometimes scoop up active players who are stationary while shooting to defend a location). There is work to be done (such as not matching with people/AFKers on the blocklist) but I think my basic idea moves the needle towards healthier gameplay in a way that universal vacuum does not.
  10. I do not. I've slowly come to the opinion that expanded vacuums are unhealthy for the game. What I would like to see is the removal of all expanded vacuum mods coupled with enabling party-wide loot pickups (ala railjack). This makes it so people still have pay attention to the game instead of mindlessly blasting AOE through the mission, BUT a given item only has to be picked up once by any player. I think this solves multiple balancing issues at once.
  11. Nourish and Roar are both very strong skills. My buddy has a really good Wisp build that features like 500% ability strength and Roar. I myself use Nourish on several of my favorite build so I totally get the appeal. I like to shake things up between different frames though! For example. this is a fun Wisp build that I've been tinkering with centered around Critical Surge. I basically ping-pong between two fused reservoirs (which keeps things blind) while Shooting Gallery's jamming effect doubles as an extra layer of protection against the stuff that's closest to me. Arcane Steadfast plus Archon Stretch means I generally don't have mana issues despite the constant casting on negative efficiency.
  12. I don't think the 50% bile cost is prohibitive to begin with, but this is by far the best suggestion I've seen from people desiring a change. They should up it to MR 25.
  13. I don't really have an interest in Zaws as a concept but I figure I'd finally start tinkering with them since the Plague weapons are here. I have exactly zero experience with any of the modular weapons which means I have no idea which parts do what. I'm requesting part combination suggestions that produce reasonably functional weapons. I'd like to avoid repeatedly building a given head to finally get something usable. Plague heads are the focus for obvious reasons but feel free to drop any other stellar modular weapon combos, too. Thanks in advance!
  14. Words mean things: enforce verb en·force in-ˈfȯrs en- enforced; enforcing; enforces transitive verb 3: CONSTRAIN, COMPEL enforce obedience punish verb pun·ish ˈpə-nish punished; punishing; punishes transitive verb 1a: to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or violation b: to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in retribution or retaliation need noun ˈnēd 1: necessary duty : OBLIGATION no need to apologize the need to pay taxes —Peter Scott 2b: a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism health and education needs Learn to read objectively and put on a thinking cap.
  15. His complaint is that he is being forced to play. He is not, in fact, being forced to play.
  16. Real world economics, and human behavior in general, suggests otherwise. This is a you problem. Nobody is forcing you to play Warframe whatsoever, let alone at any particular time of day.
  17. I think I speak for all of us when I say: huh?
  18. Qriist


    If the others are useless then opening up trading is itself useless because no one will trade you their useful shards. See you in 5 years!
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