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Everything posted by Qriist

  1. There is a voting mechanism for SO comments, though it's more simple, ironically akin to Warframe's current system, where each vote is explictly considered a "useful comment" tally. It's the little number to the left of the given comment. I've been there, too. When you have access to everything it can be hard to remember what restrictions are placed on different account types. "What do you mean you can't just toggle that yourself?" -me, more than once. XD While I have issues with some staff I think the forums are big enough, and that the user has enough free reign, that it's pretty much impossible for even the most militant bad-faith staff imaginable to actively act in bad faith at all times. Too many people, too many posts, too much effort. That aside, I don't think the staff actions that I disagree with are usually bad faith. Even in my own scenario described above, I don't believe the mod actions started out in bad faith. That's an entirely fair take! I emphatically agree! :D
  2. This month? Hell, Pablo's response was this week! lol
  3. Even great minds sometimes dissent! :D Reddit has its own problems with that, for sure, but I agree downvotes are more immediately useful there. I think a better place than either here or Reddit would be a help forum like Stack Overflow, particularly where the topic OP can checkmark the best answer among a sea of user-voted answers on a complex subject. (random example I've personally found useful) Being able to adjust vote tallies is one aspect I hadn't considered. The one gaming forum I was a mod on has been defunct for around a decade and we didn't have reactions. I guess I assumed messing with votes would require higher permissions than the average mod would have access to. Definitely food for thought. I can kind of see where you're coming from, but with rare exception, we are already all anonymous on this forum. I have no idea who is behind the Packetdancer persona anymore than I know who is behind Tiltskillet or Voltage. For other people reading this discussion, I could be puppeteering all 3 of them and am just manifesting different sides of the debate out of sheer boredom. With that mindset even strictly positive upvotes are ripe for contamination. The only real solution I can think of in this scenario is to remove all glyph reactions, to include the single Like we have now. I think the better option is to show who reacted with what, ala Facebook/Twitter/Gab. On Facebook everyone can see every reaction, on Twitter everyone can see a tweet's likes and retweets, and on Gab everyone can see the numeric tally of each reaction but only the post's composer can see the names of those reacters. I think more transparency in the system helps avoid the negative user scenario you laid out, though admittedly it does not prevent the potential mod abuse you alerted me to.
  4. I fully agree that people should elaborate on why they dissent, which is why I'm about to elaborate on why I dissent with your view. Politics. The various dislike features should be restored because of politics. Not national policy, mind you, but mundane, forum level interpersonal relationships. Dissenting views are often nuked from orbit by community moderators (or perhaps even DE admin) which can lead later thread viewers to come away with the false impression that there's some gleaming consensus. Moreover, there's no real recourse against this kind of power abuse. This has a chilling effect on people expressing their views. Dislike buttons aren't perfect, but they have a unique advantage of being embedded in the post you're dissenting against. This makes removing or altering dislike counts much more resistant to mod abuse specifically because (presumably) nobody can change them without directly accessing the database. That's not to say it can't happen (for example, Reddit's former CEO was caught directly editing comments in the database) but it significantly tightens up the group of people who might be able to do it. People should definitely be encouraged to spell out why they don't like something, but there should also be ways to indelibly imprint your view into the discussion without being overly susceptible to censorship. I believe dislike buttons strike a fine balance in that regard.
  5. For real. My Nezha gets real sad in the Circuit because of all the tasty orbs he's missing out on. Which is weird to me. I have used each of those in builds but I also mess around with other infusions to better synergize with that warframe's kit. Some examples that come to mind are: Fracturing Blast on Xaku (good for staying topped up when traveling through an exterminate) Xata's Whisper on Titania (gives Razorwing some much needed AOE) Coil Horizon on Protea (groups non-eximus enemies to better scale turrets, which in turn makes them hit eximus harder).
  6. That's not universally true. Nezha's Controlled Slide and Zephyr's Anchored Glide are exilus augments that provide +15% ability strength. I'd also argue that Mesa's exilus augment Mesa's Waltz also greatly increases the power of your build by providing mobility to an otherwise stationary ability.
  7. Resource sinks are an incentive to play certain content you might not otherwise. From a game designer perspective they are quite important. From my own personal aesthetic point of view, I really like how the (fairly insignificant) cost adds to the feeling of meaningful permanence in our gear choices - something that only the act of polarization touches on. After all, we're literally shoving alien tech -that we weren't designed around - straight into our bodies. There should be a cost. Seriously, this guy gets it. Railjack nets you multiple Bile resources passively while you farm many other items at once. Do Void Storms to crack relics every now and again and you'll be good to go.
  8. Run Lua's spy mission, Pavlov. I do mean "run". Go from the start of the level directly to point C. It's very quick and entirely linear. You'll either encounter a Hall or you won't, in which case just abort/retry. As a bonus, if you see the Octavia room (roughly ~1/10 chance?) you might score a forma from the loot box that spawns in the side room after doing the puzzle. Earth/Cervantes is a smaller level that tends to (but not always) generate linear maps with (almost) no branching. Zipping through here to find caches is super easy, most of the time.
  9. The Mk1/flawed items are crucial components of feeling more powerful once you earn your way out of them. I don't think they are confusing at all. I went and double checked the investment costs + the dissolution return. A player will spend 70/140/210 endo to max a common/uncommon/rare Flawed mod. They get 58/115/173 back when dissolving. This works out to a roughly 82% endo retrieval across the board. Now, 18% is a steep tax rate but when you look at the raw numbers, it's only 12/25/37 endo that you're missing out on per invested flawed mod. Combine that with the ability to bulk dissolve the dozens or hundreds of duplicate mods that a new player would acquire as they just play normally, and I really don't see endo cost as an issue, at least not where flawed mods are concerned.
  10. Well, at least he didn't pussyfoot around a decisive answer. Gotta hattip that! Nevertheless... @[DE]Pablo: 🦀
  11. My brother in 🦀, you are not alone! I have addressed this very point:
  12. I came in during the Glassmaker Nightwave so Arlo's stuff was before my time. As far as I can tell there wasn't any real wrapup to the questline. No boss fight against Arlo or anything like that.
  13. I wasn't around for Arcane Distillers. At that time, were Arcanes "consumable" in the same way Archon Shards currently are? That is, did using a particular Arcane remove it from the inventory, making it unable to be equipped on other frames until the Distiller was used?
  14. No problem! It's super annoying and should be fixed. Oh cool! Thanks for updated the math. Looks like you put a ton of effort into the tests, too. It's hard to say for certain given that it happens in the middle of a fight, but I think so. My Nezha build uses Pillage offensively (to full-strip armor before doing anthing else), so I'm almost always topped up on 1350 overshields with 2125 health that is constantly being healed via Molt Reconstruct. Despite that, I still sometimes randomly go down. I'd be happy to test in the simulacrum. What enemy should I choose for consistent toxin damage?
  15. Piping up to ask you to fix Nezha's Warding Halo. The last hit doesn't reduce damage but is instead capable of one-shotting the player regardless of shieldgate status. than raw_damage, the game calculates (raw_damage - Warding_Halos_points) reduced by other sources of damage reduction This is incorrect math, because calculating a percentage damage reduction always requires multiplication, not subtraction. If Warding Halos points are lower than raw_damage and incoming damage is combined IPS / toxin (example: Archon Nira), the games calculated toxin component equals raw_toxin_damage reduced by other sources of damage reduction + Warding_Halos_points * 0.1 - ((raw_toxin_damage - Warding_Halos_points) reduced by other sources of damage reduction) I dont even know what happened here. This is not math, more like spaghetti code. This oneshot my Nezha at 1289hp through shield gate with Warding Halo being at 3192 points. It happens on the Archon fight so much.
  16. Okay, this e-peen measuring contest sounds super fun! :P It's really interesting seeing how people put different builds together so I'm gonna compare my builds with yours. :) Obviously, I'm just commenting on our overlapping frames. I put Nourish on her 1 and gave her an Incarnon'd Boltor Prime. Crystal goes haywire. I often get the most damage in Circuit run thanks to this build (regardless of rolled weapon). Warcry on 3 (+Eternal War), with a Chromatic Blade tuned to Heat and modded with Viral. Warcry's large armor buff combined with Equilibrium's extra heals keeps me upright. Identical build theme! Amprex in her hands is just *chef's kiss* :D I mostly just use Hildryn in Orphix to give my Necramech mana so my single build features tons of shields (5035 before overshield) + Dispensary on 3. I primarily use Ivara for non-combat stealth things like Simaris scanning and fishing uninterrupted. She's tuned for long duration plus high efficiency and not much else. Warcry baby, Warcry. BECOME ONE WITH THE BLENDER. I put Xata's Whisper on her 1 to give each bullet some slight AOE, and to perform better against Exilus. Mesa is modded with Archon Vitality, Mesa's Waltz, and Rage while the Regulators are modded with Viral/Heat (with Heat taking priority) Put Spellbind on 2 and uses Hall of Malevolence. Nothing crazy here. I have Condemn on 1. I like the small amount of AOE CC. Pretty standard otherwise. Nezha is mah MAN. I'm just gonna quote myself lol Pillage is subsumed over the first ability. The mod config you see allows for a 37 meter effect radius in all directions over 1.45 seconds per cast. Corrosive Projection drops the single-cast full armor strip of Pillage to 328 required Ability Strength. Shields drop from full to 18% on the same cast. Archon Vitality is there to power up Reaping Chakram. Companion equips Synth Fiber to always enable Equilibrium. Energy costs are: 77.5 per Pillage, 38.75 per Blazing Chakram, 116.25 per Warding Halo, 155 per Divine Spears R5 Molt Reconstruct heals the following to all Warframes in Affinity range: 465 per Pillage, 232.5 per Blazing Chakram, 697.5 per Warding Halo, 930 per Divine Spears R5 Arcane Blessing is there to allow me to fully absorb multiple Molt Reconstructs if I need it (such as after being caught in a Nullfier bubble) First few enemies are defeated after Blazing Chakram but without casting Warding Halo (to gain more energy). Afterwards, almost every encounter is Pillage>Blazing Chakram>delete with weapons. If I'm surrounded I may instead opt for Divine Spears>Pillage>Blazing Chakram. Reaping Chakram + Archon Vitality makes this particularly devestating. The above rotations keep me topped up on overshields (max: 1350) and health (max: 2237) while destroying enemy defenses. Longterm*, once there are 4 Tauforged red shards in Nezha I'll swap Intensify for Hunter's Adrenaline (puts Ability Strength at 329). This will better serve the energy demands against bosses or other non-swarm encounters while incidentally strengthing the role of Molt Reconstruct in those fights. * "Longterm" has been achieved and it freaking rocks. I have a Roar build and a Coil Horizon build, each replacing the rather useless Dispensary skill. Both feature Archon Vitality, high duration and some extra range. Really liking how well Coil Horizon groups things, plus it has the tiniest synergy with Archon Stretch. I've tried Larva but it was more unwieldy in my opinion. I have the standard Saryn Gloom build, but I've also been experimenting with Breach Surge. I'm liking the results so far. More active, faster paced, and the sparks spread spores. As a bonus, the sparks seem to have crit interactions in the Circuit. I have a Xata's Whisper build I use outside the Circuit (mainly for Razorwing AOE), and a Nourish build I use inside the Circuit (where you can get several AOE decrees). Archon Vitality on both for extra fire procs from the Dex Pixia. The Diwata is tuned to optimally scale her Razorflies. I also have a silly meme config that uses Wrathful Advance while in pixie form to hilarious (if suboptimal) effect. Wrathful Advance is SO GOOD on her. :D I put Warcry (+Eternal War) on his 2. He's modded with Archon Vitality to take advantage of double heat procs from his 4. I've got 3 mostly identical builds that each replace Xata's Whisper with Fracturing Blast, Nourish, or Roar. I found that Fracturing Blast is good for faster paced "A to B" missions like Capture or Exterminate while Roar is best for Defenses and the like.
  17. Hell, they even have a perfect base unit model to make into liches: the Zealoid Prelate on Deimos/Exequias. It's vaguely humanoid and uses a weapon, would be super easy to adapt into a lich.
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