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Everything posted by Face_Rollington

  1. Also didn't get my Umbral drop. Twitch app says I only watched 20% even though I watched the whole thing (and actually paid attention!)
  2. My experience is like Domi's above. I merged my Xbox and Switch accounts into a cross-save account and most of my achievements popped on Steam the first time I logged in and then trickled in after that after being triggered.
  3. I'm coming back after years of not playing, but I had assumed that the Cyclone "alternative platform" symbol was a "crossplay account" symbol. That said, what "alternative platforms" are represented by the cyclone icon?
  4. ...except that's not what their announcement Twitter post says. It reads: The next wave of Cross Platform Save is now open! PC players who have purchased Prime Access can now attempt to Link or Merge their accounts.
  5. Yes, if you link you will lose the Prime Access goods you purchased on the PC side.
  6. Did you actually play on the Switch and PS5 accounts? Some peeps on here have mentioned they had problems because they hadn't actually played on the account, but merging/linking went fine after they played a mission or 2 or the new accounts.
  7. Yeah, but did you need to buy prime access to get access to cross save wave? Yeah, unfortunately that seems to be behaving as expected. Once you overwrote the PC account with the Switch account, you lost access to the wave (and I presume you also lost the Prime Access content you purchased). Might be worth filing a ticket with DE because you lost the product you paid for, but yeah, that's a bummer.
  8. I'm in the same boat and am opting not to, because 1/2 the posts on Twitter, Reddit and here says it works, and 1/2 said it doesnt. Also, a green text mod on this board said "it's not guaranteed".
  9. So tempting, but a community mod post floating around in here somewhere says it's not guaranteed. Based on the posts I've read on Twitter, Reddit and here, it sounds like it's working for some folks and not for others.
  10. Nah, cross-save peeps have their own icon next to their name just like the specific platform accounts, but yeah, you'll probably need to start checking for that, pre-trade.
  11. I suspect that console players who purchased Prime Access will be next, based on the pattern so far. Now, if they give PC freeloaders access before console supporters, THAT would be a slap in the face, but not this current situation.
  12. Not true. From the FAQ: Any TennoGen purchases made before November 24 at 2 p.m. ET will transfer to any platform as a result of the One-Time Account Merge. That means the pieces that are already a part of your collection will be available to you on any platform you play on.
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