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Everything posted by cute_moth.npc

  1. They are probably ranking up weapons, from my experience in public play it's used for that much more often than it is to try and get the rewards?
  2. I asked for this earlier this year and people liked it, except for one person that got VERY UPSET It's still a feature I'd really like, because as the game is continually getting buggier, it's only happening more often now..
  3. You're not supposed to challenge yourself to see how far you can go and how well you can do. You're supposed to turn tail and run before it gets too difficult, or cheese it so that it never gets challenging anyways by using a bubble frame to eliminate the gameplay! (Yes, satirical)
  4. I don't think it's intentional beyond the effects of spending your balance team budget on having more artists to make Warframe skins :)
  5. Probably obvious, but for anyone who does get upset about this, they're publishing it rather than working on it themselves. It's not sucking away Warframe resources. I'm kind of excited? At this point it looks more interesting than Soulframe by a lot.
  6. Dual Toxocyst! I like that it is close to the feel of the original weapon, just turned up to 11 billion. I want to actually answer Kunai because it's the same thing with feeling like the original but the evolution comes with so little ammo and it's not nearly as crazy.
  7. If they wanted me to play more, getting rid of grossly unfair rewards like 5000 credits for an hour of steel path circuit and maybe making arcanes worth grinding for instead of stuff like Arcane Intention would be nice ^^; Right now the message I get is that they actually don't want me playing more?
  8. I'm expecting either Wayfinder or Soulframe, Probably Wayfinder? They got Soulframe to an early combat demo a few months back, but it seems too soon for a ton of progress yet while Wayfinder is creeping up on release. I am just guessing though ^^;
  9. Mmhm, it goes cast-cast-wait cast-cast-wait.. There is some kind of delay after two casts and it wasn't always like that. I'd like to add another bug too: the problem with permanently losing HP from picking up arbitration / index coins is still present, as well as in Arbitration the coins being counted when picked up only in one state (if you pick up 3 coins while riding, you will have 0 when you get off of Merulina and vise versa)
  10. I'm.. Not forgetting?.. I remember when she came out and didn't have a dodge move plus arson eximus destroyed her board in one hit. She was beyond pathetic. I think it's fine if they want to add primary weapons to merulina, convince them to lift a finger first though ^^; I'm also not going to try and convince people that she's still fine power wise anymore though. I'm just going to go back to playing the game and doing 200M hits lol.
  11. I am also experiencing this bug. Final plot twist: This was actually a real roguelite and now you're locked into the weapons you picked until the day you die :)
  12. The augment is out and you can equip it and use it in comparisons, which I will do? ^^ I literally haven't got anything against adding primaries to her aside from the expectation that it will be too much for them to lift a finger and even fix her bugs, let alone add a few more animations, but the trade off is really worth it to me.
  13. I'm going to include the augment because why wouldn't I want to use it if I am going to use Merulina? She gets 90% damage reduction, knockdown / stagger immun.. imm.. as long as you don't get hit by some attacks that still lock you out for 10 seconds she shhh ~ SHE KIND OF HAS KNOCKDOWN IMMUNITY (lol) Merulina absorbs hits that would kill Yareli and effectively make her invincible as long as you can get back on Merulina. 200% fire rate / 200% reload / 200% crit chance / 90% DR / Death protection / Janky knockdown immunity is fair to me to have just secondaries. I think using a primary would be fine, but she's not getting only 200% CC at all ^^;
  14. I used to love anime until the focus changed from incredible storytelling and animation into being a contest about which shows could stuff in the highest number of waifus. That looks older than I am, it's 80s? Also now that it's off topic, it's on!! We have last post wins, this one can be last post loses! How off topic can you get before it all gets shut down? :)
  15. I kind of just wish that the area of effect matched the visual, or that the visual matched the area of effect. It's a similar annoyance with Guardian Eximus? It's not that they have the shield ability that's annoying, it's that you can get above them, aim down over the top of their shield at the top of their head, visually have a super clear shot and then just.. Have it blocked by the invisible part of the shield. I think it would just be kind of nice to have better visuals to match knowing whether or not you are going to be hit / hit.
  16. I personally don't really mind that it's secondaries only because it feels like a decent trade off for massive damage buffs and it makes stacking synergies fun. I think sometimes I do want this too, like not desparation but it's nice to think about, by design there are enemies in game that want different weapons to handle them like with precision shots, so having more than one weapon is decent. Between horrifying bugs, no Helminth and features missing because of lack of animations I think she's just basically still unfinished. I wish Yareli was actually comparable to the rest of the game in versatility and polish overall. She's fun enough to play a lot in spite of this at least lol I think when I go back to her early release, you were able to equip a primary by choosing not to bring any other weapons into a mission weren't you? It has been a while now ^^;
  17. Okay so what's weird is that I have got.. Similar kinds of feelings sometimes.. I'm exceptionally disappointed in Duviri. It's still a buggy mess and 6 weeks from now it's going to be a buggy mess where the reasons for playing it will already be winding down. 12 weeks from now, unless they change it to be more evergreen, it's basically derelict for a lot of players. Ultimately, it's a bunch of chopped up pieces of the Duviri map with a bunch of recycled game modes inside of it. So much for the big content drop I thought we waited several years for? I'm so glad that we literally can't get any kind of challenge mode that players have been asking for years to use their gear in but we finally got a "challenge mode" where the twist is that it tries to keep you from doing just that ^^; I am just hoping that they can use some of these ideas from Circuit and put them to good use in other modes. I really like the way it changes from one mission type to another in one instance, and how there's actually noticeable level scaling. For how much Duviri misses, it hits enough for me that logging on to do the weekly clear for 10 each week is fun. It's a case of "I don't have as much time for Warframe as I used to", which I feel is more honest than saying you don't have much time for something while simultaneously being available seemingly 24/7 on the forums to trash talk :)
  18. I finished Horizon Zero last night! I think it is an overrated game, honestly. Not that I'm saying it's terrible, but it's maybe an 7.5 out of 10.. It was very good, but not masterful. For a game with so much focus on immersion, it's so video gamey. The cheesy UI is always in your face, Aloy seems to have anti gravity when she's climbing, characters frequently know things they shouldn't in order to make the video game part work rather than the immersion part work.. Just let me make some arrows in the middle of this dodge roll! I like how you come back to the Nora after they get attacked by the Eclipse and they suddenly know Deathbringers by name despite canonically living under a rock. And as much as the difficulty levels are alright, it feels like very little changes in combat once you figure out the right shot patterns for each enemy. Even the biggest, most complex enemies like Thunderjaws basically have the same fight every time ~ triple load tearblasts, strip their guns, freeze, DPS down. Repeat. Combat is actually secretly.. Kind of actually really similar to Warframe in one specific way. I know you might laugh at that because it's a very different game, but what does it share in common? As long as you feverishly grind, collect and craft (literally constantly) it gives you access to so many toys that it is more gear based than skill based. It might be a significant step above in some areas like telegraphs and dodging, but it actually shares more in common than it initially seems to. The combat is the weakest link of the game. I still think it is enjoyable, but it's not masterful. If it wasn't for the story and the beautiful world, Horizon would be pretty forgettable. The world, much like Warframe, will probably look subpar 10 years from release as well because that is literally just what happens when video games get older. I really enjoyed playing it, but I don't feel like Horizon is actually incredible. I actually kind of think Warframe is a mediocre game in a lot of ways but let me put it this way ~ so is junk food JUNK FOOD IS DELIGHTFUL IN MODERATION <3
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