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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 11 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Refund may be an option for you. But it's not for DE. Just imagine how much money they would have to refund, if every founder wanted his money back. I bet their shareholders wouldn't be all that happy...

    Not so much literally because the founder peoples were the minority. DE have a database how much people founded but I am sure there are around 10-25 k maximum. 

  2. Just now, WhiteMarker said:

    But that's not what founders basically paid for. I paid for Excal P and for his exclusivity. So I don't want a shirt or something. Then I want DE to give me my money back, if I can just go and farm for Excal P

    True because they added those items to the table which was a silly move. Paid for in game stuff itself a joke but I can ignoe this but If I were a founder I am sure I would lik to pay something more than an in game pixel. That is more meaningful. Also I accept your point of view too because you paid for what they let to you guys. lso refund is an option but they choosed badly the special stuffs. This happend but everything can change. If they let others farm then le if not then you not lost your status. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Dartiel said:

    Idea : 

    Founders get Special Excal skins and Sigils.

    While everybody could farm Excal P.

    *Evil Laughter*

    Tis an endless cycle of salty.

    What about if you guys given some real life gift like statue or some pack which equal in price for your contribution. If I were you I would like to ask for honor a banner, backpack, T-shirt, special poster only for founders and a statue. Everything which not in game and block others.

  4. I am also on the side there should no exclusive items but for founders to promise the in game items will be exclusive was a bad move and narrowminded thinking from devs part because those whom not were here and doesn't able to contribute they missed the opportunity to get all in game. The other fact it is in game items like others which you can get.

    Their promise based on a bad options because they weren't enough "rich" at that time so they promised in game items in exchange but they could have just give to the founders som real life content which makes them really special for their contributing.

    Funny to see those peoples whom cry about this because this should have been done in better but the peoples treating this as a lifetime promise. I never liked excal so for me not really need the prime variant but the skana and lato prime looks fancy however not so strong weapons unless DE not make them better.

    Better to move forward and ignoring this thing because they will keep their false promise to those whom paid a lot for the game.

    As non founder I can tell I paid more than some others whom founder here but this not the case here.

  5. 4 minutes ago, czcbibliothekar said:

    I mostly use Vigor on caster frames that rely on their abilities to keep me alive, instead of the Redirection/Vitality pair. But yeah, for most parts it's okay as it is.

    Or maybe we should change enemy scaling instead (reducing the damage they put out) and get to the same result. After having played through the ME trilogy over the holidays again, I think that Warframe's way of handling armor is messed up, anyway.

    Both needs to be done. Balancing the player stats, enemy stats, weapon and mod stats.

  6. I can imagine they plan to add omega mods aka warframe rivens. They made a lot of questionable decision so I can see if they are trying to do that direction what they were planned. Not really matter now maybe later but till there is a modding system then nothing will be balanced.

  7. What if overall we boost the armor on frames and add more health and shield instead of mods which giving extra?

    This can be an option to make mods which can boost your shields and health but adding one of them and an another ability for example shield recharge or sprint speed or more armor.

    Some frame have benefit from the more armor and the one of these stats. 

  8. I played as Nidus but never had problems with stacking. I feel you were just unlucky with those peoples but the majority of nidus players already know how to make themself stronger.

    Also a fact the nidus can be as annoying as ember with her ulti build. All missions what I did with nidus I killed the most assisted the most and out damaged everyone. The kills itself not problems the problem lays on who kills.

    Everyone who play this game want to kill and that can be frustrating if you cannot kill unless it is the goal not to kill or just loot. Nidus players whom arguing they arguing because they want to build the minimum 10 stack and become more and more stronger. Ember on ow levels are terrible equal with saryn and nova. There are frames whom efficient in killing on a certain levels and the low level players or new players want also kill and their first experience they feel themself useless. This is more complex thing and this is exist from the beginning because the only one reason to play is kill and progress. Many peopples takes it serious some don't care about it so the whole community react differ for this.

  9. I would like to have built all of the destroyed relays but withmore options and rooms to make them distuingish. After the map changes the Earth is the beginner map and the Earth relay could be the main because New players begin there so everyone can use It.

    I am not afraid how will be used Baro because most of the time he sells cheap stuffs. I Think that if we know which relay he will visit It would be easier to catch him. Also new relays can introduce better npcs whom sells different wares and give us quests.

  10. For a complex damage 3.0 need to rebalance the mods and add more slots and fix those slots. Separate them into different categories then the modding would be simplier because anyway your build can just contain 4 damage 4 utility and 4 defensive mods. It is up to you guys what mods which category should go but I am not a fan of removing the pure damage.

    If you removing the pure damage mods and fixing the scaling of enemies then our weapons needs that extra damage what lost due to the removal of pure damage mods. The same need to happen with the frames and slots then you can make a huge variety for build and the more slot with less powerful mods can be more interesting. 

    My other opinion about but I know I am more radical in this case but If I can choose between modding system and a skill tree system I would like go with the modding system.

    The modding system have flaws and no really matter what mods you make some always be stronger or better choice than others and that makes the current mod mandatory. In this case the damage output and armor scaling makes the pure damage mods must have in every build which is often boring but some person like to see a high damage output.

    You need just decide how you want the coop, the teamplay, how you think the game should be more casual friendly or skill based then make the complete game skill based where the lesser talented peoples will burn out.

    My bet a smarter and more tactical AI would be and less sponge bob mobs with silly behaviour. Their difficulity is only mean their damage output and oneshot kills but this is almost the same how we kill mobs. I know this supposed to be a hordeshooter with a bare lore but the game could be potentially more interesting.

    Weaker weapons needs some buff and balance and some mechanic which make them more fun or interesting to use.  

  11. I am for a skill Tree System instead of mods. If we want a properly working mod System then we need a lot more slots and make those slots to use the said type. For example 12 slot 4-4-4 for damage, utility, defense etc. You can put only a limited amount of mods to each so this can maybe reduce the powercreep and mantain a build variety.

  12. This is the same way how we oneshot enemies in a certain levels. This unit just give us back as a punishment. I am not sure it is a bug or just a mistake because this could be a part from devs. If they really wanted to fix the one hit kill in this game they would have done already.

  13. If you find a thing dificult to grind buy it or skip it. If you have already all parts then just build it, then wait for it's finish. I can wait for stuffs and not really hype myself for use them as soon as possible. Time is the other fact because I play less cuz I have job and need to work. So my researches and uilds finish in a certain time when I have time and all finished what I want I play with them.

  14. I can imagine the first two ability merged into one then give her a similar ability which slow down enemies like the frost globe. Or the turbulence buffed and can slow down nearby enemies and give an ability which creates extra speed for the projectiles and boost the others projectiles speed.

    Also add some plus armor to boost her survivaliability. from 15 to 75.

  15. 46 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    That goes to development. Servers cost a lot of money, money that is needed for other things. Servers also aren't important enough at the moment.

    There is almost 5 years old the game if we count the closed beta times too. The server years ago a thing and what you Think what is much more important than get some server finally? Already have a lot of content and this not takes that much money. Depend on where they estabilish or rent servers.

  16. First of all Both viable the better connection and the new content. It is a free to play game and It is already generate enough money. Secondly their shared bought up and they got a plenty of money. They invested from that money a motion capture System and some kind of additions plus new workforce.

    But still that money is should be enough for a Year or three connectivity and there is smaller companies whom have servers despite their lack of budget.

    A better connection would generate more happy player and already have content which keep the players interested. A new player if the community is not jerk and no teach them rush the game should be a good option.


    7 minutes ago, Tsoe said:

    you guys are lucky i been contaminated IRL now i have a cyst on my neck and no hellminth

    maybe i should drain it and feed my cat





    I got the cyst and infection without any contact with an infescted person. Not sat in the chair and not traded with peoples but somehow the code managed to infect me just because have a nidus.

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