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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. A shield hp and armor gate would be welcomable. The first layer defense the shields if you haven't shield then the armor but some frame have no choice with armor because they got so low armor rate and dmaage reduction. A banshee probably won't go to a no shield and no energy nightmare mission becuse one shot and she is dead a nidus laugh at you in these missions.

    The armor need more meaning and some frames needs more armor and the resistance mods should be integrated into the armor.

  2. Why just the latron prime? latron also needs a little bit more damage or at least more crit or status. 

    All weapons needs some tweaks but the older and oldest so hard.

  3. 12 hours ago, -Epcot- said:

    What are you talking about? I'm saying you can get everything in the game for free besides certain cosmetic items that you pay money for... I'm saying they won't make a remover for the cyst on your frames neck for a price. You might have to work to get rid of it but I highly doubt you will have to pay real life money to do so

    Are you sure? Btw It supposed to be a joke and a parody of DE. Now you can drop your seriousness for a few second and laugh a little bit.


  4. 5 minutes ago, -Epcot- said:

    You guys are weird. What besides tennogen or prime accessories cost you money to get?

    Platinum packs. The whole game is cost for money no matter you call it cash or platinum because exact same.

  5. 1 minute ago, FLSH_BNG said:

    The wiki must have been mistaken in its claim. The wiki says that the infection is only spread by infected Nidus players, but I've never even seen a Nidus in game yet and still somehow managed to get that thing growing on my neck.

    I haven't played a whole lot recently due to burnout and other games capturing my interest, but I would like a means to get rid of it if for no other reason than my Tenno considers the infestation to be little more than a virulent disease... trying to tame it or control it is playing with fire, and the fact that we aren't given ANY options to deal with it at all is a bit limiting and disappointing.

    I am not sure what is true or not but I have also a Nidus but never sat on the seat in the room and since I just played solo but somehow infected and that thing matured fully on my neck. So I cannot play now basically public cuz not want infect others and not want to get with my other frames the infection. A serum or something needs for it because I guess many players not wanted this at all and not in this form so if they want manage their reputation they should do something against the infection because I doesn't wanted any pet at all and Not by the fashion but that thing is disgusting.

  6. That is istelf not a problem the problem is this regrow after you drop it and still no cure. Better to avoid nidus and infected players. Hopefully DE will implement some cure for those whom not want this and doesn't want a charger as pet. Why force players to have an abomination if they doesn't want at all?

  7. 5 hours ago, erny0507 said:

    He needs rework on his powers and augments. I dont think that a buff will make him and his augments good. The needs a new 2 and new augment for 2 and for 4.

    Nope. 1 ability needs a real change (halloweed ground) and his healing tweaks and some stat buffs. Not useless frame.

  8. My wishes for the next few years.


    1. Improve the dojos and add more functional buildings into it which can gives a fun relaxing between missions.

    2. Some part of UI is not really visible those parts needs a re creation.

    3. More additions on panels and functions in the preferences menus like multiple item making or let use make multiple items same time.

    4. Slots as rewards for mastery ranking and choosable passive abilities by reaching certain mastery ranks like 10-20-30. For this they should implement more ranks.

    5. Option for gender swap or something similar for the frames. This contain the old frame models like female excal, male ember and male mag. 

    6. More community created items and frames implement into the game or atleast some wow model viewer isnpired warframe model viewer where the talented artists and model makers could share to show their frames.

    7. More pvp games and for clans tournament like games with mod rewards.

    8. Balance or change the old mods which not viable anymore and reduce the op mods a little bit. 

    9. Dmg 3.0 but not removing mandatory mods instead scaling down them add extra mod slots and separate the mod slots into segments like damage, utility, energy etc which can help to mod the weapon and it won't make the weapon op yet but useful.

    10. Major issue the squishy frames and op frames stats so I wish more stat boost on each frames which really needs it but don't turn down the already finely work frames.

    11. Exact the same but with the weapons make the old weapons viable by buffing their stats like damage, reload speed, accuracy etc and make the weapons mechanically interesting. I know there happend a riven mod introduction but that won't help the old weapons really and still the peoples whom play the game choose their beloved hardcore boomsticks instead ancient time weapons.

    12. More enemy type to each factions and even some new alternative faction.

    13. More syndicate and option to become syndicate and give task to peoples (mostly clan thing)

    14. More type of pets and increased number and variety of wildlife on habitable (terraformed) planets.

    15. Improved networking and maybe normal servers or dedicated servers for the normal game modes not just for the dojo and relay.

    16. Probably more tenno for the game and equal handling for each category of players. Make them happy and they will like you more.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:


    Excellent suggestion! Especially the part to not disappoint the ones who like it now by making a bonus skin from Phorid while still making the normal ones unique.


    Csak nem egy Újpest meccs? :D

    Btw it is a good suggestion and at least a good variation. Personally I would like more wildlife and as I played dark sector too and saw this creature I could imagine it as a pet and this helminth thingy would have been a good choice to introduce a new looks pet. 

    In appearance wise we used kubrow genetics and that grineer body morph thing as helminth charger really a little bit lazy design and should be changed. Btw the phorid appearance is the same so we can use him as a pet? Imagine it and how grandiously would be.

  10. Funny but there is no aliens in the warframe universe.


    Grineer - cloned idiots whom degenerate by the time and they needs fresh genes to keep themself alive.

    Corpus - greedy space capitalist jaews".

    Infested - T-virus infested persons whom mutating by the time and evolveing into something different

    Sentient - Orokin creations these supposed to be similar like the borg in star trek series whom evolved from the voyager satellite into a multi cultural and ethical nation(s)

    Orokin - Oro (gold) kin (relative) those peoples whom reached a high tech level and likes the gold and everything shiny things. They are also religious peoples whom was fanatics aswell.

    Tenno - human beign combined with the void energy they were the servants of the Orokin in peace and they were their mercenaries in war.


    The only real alien race could be the Tau but I suppose the DE won't give us real non solar system races into the game. This game supposed to shown the current state Earth evolved separated ways in the future.


    Currently we research biotech, electronic, robotic, there are many religions and the current accepted civilization form the capitalism and there are in traces others like communism or post communism monarchies etc. Or we can use for another example the EVE online where the major factions in Earth was represented and they evolved into these ways but in different. In warframe there is no real alien races just traces of humanity.

  11. I am hoping they will balance the mutagen sample - detonite - fieldron costs and drops.

    Saying this after that I own those stuffs (christmass gift) from a friend. Still eye hurting and hopefully they will be more open minded than Taylor.

  12. It is nice if they want group up the community and let's say force them to go grind together like a team "because" the warframe is supposed to be a team geam where the team play dominate everything. It is nice in concept but still not justify the grind which needs for a sigle weapon. I got it as gift I know how powerful and how more powerful could be with a riven and with a better arsenal of mods what I haven't own yet but the cost and keeping low the amount of mutagen farms is still a bad moves from DE. The major problem is the trend, which clearly seems but I saw this in every update and each time when every great update came and introduced new gear and mechanics and DE always responded later and slowly like a person who not prepared for the consequences. In this case if they doesn't want hurt their community they will adjust the cost and compensate those whom spent mutagen samples on this. Those whom have enough cost and grinded for it those are still the minority whom was lucky with rng and they farmed this for long long times. Not because those are a mistake or those whom not a mistake it is only the development team mistake introducing items which makes the community angry.


    I know the reasoning because they cannot otherwise make the game more interesting only if they artifically hardening any content to get because it motivate or demotivate peoples to try to get that item and they business side is still okay with it. The major problem is their is no real content which keeps the players play the game just boring monotonous farming days and nights for a weapon which can be used in few rounds you max and that's all move to the next one.


    It is not a big game development achievement and this should not be in the first place as a fun service but somehow this concept works because the human collecting nature. I can imagine much better ways and purposes what the game could give us.

  13. This will never come in that form as the playerbase imagine. DE with their recent things and additions show us clearly how they think they will going to solve the problems. Primed mods, nightmare mods, augment trashes, unbalanced crap and demigod mods, mandatory mods and useless utilities show their mod system is completely krap and need a drastical change also on the enemy scaling till reach a level for example say 100. After that the hard tries can go and enjoy their punishement while others can enjoy the bearable level of competition.

    The whole problem is begin with this game is in a half way on a skill based game which played by hardcores and on the verge where unplayable and not even fun. This game when first released meant to be a hard game where the harder levels and low gear with some minor extra mods mean the difference. Now the gear and mods play instead you and you just need to use in the right time and done.


    As casual I like the medium to high levels but never going to harder levels because my builds are pretty limits me to the mid high levels. It can be challenge if they add some interesting mechanic and not idiot hordeshot rapid spawn elements. 

    This game should be equal fun for casuals, new players, veterans, hardcores but need separated levels. The devs need also deciding what they want to do with the game because the halfbaked solutions and the shiny contents without good mechanics and gameplay will slowly kill the game.

  14. 1 minute ago, ograzzt said:

    It's not the same, it's much worse.

    Oxium dropped from many planets, all of them were available for public matches. Zephyr also only required about 600 if iirc. Drones had guaranteed 1-2 oxium drops on death.

    Cryotic is again can be farmed on multiple planets, it also can be gathered on popular nodes, so you can get it while farming relics or endo.

    Mutagen samples can be reliably farmed only in derelicts, so it's a massive grind fest on a single tileset for weeks.

    Agreed but I just wanted to say DE never was against to drop us grind fests if it served their platinum purchases.

  15. The major problem with the game is not fun itself enough and just a mass grinding. They made a game which means grind and that's all but the options for grinding is restricted so hard. 5k mutagen samples is not a cheap way for ghost clans since i left mine and made another 2 clan and I can say it is not an easy way to get this because this means long hours farm in the same places without fun. Then the research time and the build time for a weapon which could be not good enough is itself annoying. Not every weapon in the game is worth really your time and a lot of have stupid requirements while these cannot perform as their material cost might suppose. For example a skana which is a base weapon cost more material like the dual skana. Some weapon needs another weapon to craft and some weapon cost unreal materials just for a crappy stat. Furis I am looking at you. There are examples but I hope you get how this not really well thought.

    This is the exact same like the zephyr and the rare oxium which gives you 1-2 unit then they boosted the oxium drop. Remember the zephyr oxium needs and the vauban.p and sibear? It seems they have no better idea how to make the grind enjoyable instead artifically hardening the choices to get something.

  16. My opinion abot tokens and rng is both good and both bad exactly the same reason. The main problem is we playing for rewards and the progression is linked to make new stuff get more mods etc. The biggest problem is the game itself not enough fun and without rewards I am sure the 99% of peoples would abandon the game. The tokens can help the rewards because x token gives y reward and that is fix but It will come with a great time wall if the devs scaling the prices of the tokens. The problem with the rng rxqct the same but for an rng lootbased game need more stuffs as rewards Just like diablo, wow, torchlight and any other rng based game. In warframe we cannot get different variants of an item like in the examples. Rng should work only for the enemy composition on the maps and environmental hazards. If they want to stick with the rng loot then they should add more items to the table and buff a bit the chaches. They should sell some necessary items then for compensate the profit loses due the buffed rng.



    Personally I want a better gameplay and more social qol changes to lessen the grinding and focusing instead to the fun parts.



  17. 35 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Solargeo said:

    those already sorta have been suggested just a bit different XD 

    Yep not read the full topic for these names but I remember these names were suggested to a different concept from the old time. Around 2013-14.

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