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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Reporting for such a things is really stupid. It is not the communism where the reporting means your neighboor watch you if you are good comrade then you are safe.

    He/she will realize that he/she won't get excall prime no need any further action.

  2. 11 hours ago, Jackviator said:

    The cyst even regrows after you drain it, regardless of player interactions. I put my Frost P in essentially quarantine after I drained the cyst on it, didn't interact with other players or anything. Then I log in a day later and it's back, but small again.

    *sigh* I suppose it's here to stay.

    Yep. That will grows infinitely until there is no a real cure for it.

  3. Guys you cannot get rid off the helminth yet. If you drain the cyst It will regriw within 24-48 hour. There are peoples whom tried It already but the cyst regrows. That is a symptom and not solve the problem if you drain It. Also you can be infected by any frames and anywhere except your liset and in solo missions.



    I have not equinox myself so the clipping issue could be a bug but I think It is not because she is technically 3 frame.

  4. Just now, Trichouette said:

    Oh wait, my bad, I read "nightmare raid" instead of "nightmare sortie". Forget what I said about it, here is my opinion :

    • The reward is less random because you choose out of the rarity you got, but that would mean you ALWAYS get something useful, simply becauseat each tier (or almost) there is something useful (common > people will pick riven. uncommon > people will pick a built forma or a 3 days booster, rare > people will pick an arcane)
    • The scaling system make it that you can't possibly make something harder than sortie without making it completely stupid, forcing people to use super cheese like "full CC team"
    • you still obtain random arcane & riven which is, in my opinion, something very bad. I am suggesting in the token system the ability to choose the category for the riven, not the weapon, the category only.

    It wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion... but better than what we currently have.

    Yet he is the one who wrote this thread, meaning that he cares about how rewarding the sortie is EVEN THOUGH he can buy anything he wants.

    in my case I have 5k plats, but I still care about the sortie being rewarding. I could buy any riven I want, but I would prefer to get it in a better way.


    Please guys, try to stay nice and not attack people.

    I wouldn't want this thread closed because people are targeting each other directly. (but at least that would mean devs read the thread, which I doubt)

    Right said.

  5. 8 minutes ago, I3jionaa said:

    They should take second look at steel fiber mod, maybe adding a twist to it. Lets say if warframe base armour value is lower than 100 armour, still fiber instead of adding percentage value would add fixed value of +250 armour, or something like that, so actually mod can be used on low armour frames. + diversity in builds. Or even a new mod, that adds just value not percentage that could not be used with steel fiber. A lot possibilities and ways to improve said quote. Cool idea about resistance mods integrated into armour, but for now we can use Arcane Deflection and those other top tier arcanes for that, aswell as Arcane Guardian on banshee is a must have (sarcasm last sentence).

    1 - Dedicated augment slot for warframe. Drains no capacity. Not DE style to give just possitive, ok lock it with exilus adapter etc. or make it grindwalled.

    2 - Rework on "Regen" mod -> there is many ideas i not gonna copy paste any.

    3 - Arcane randomizer.

    4 - Ability to set unwanted player to be matched with ->> Mirage with Simulor & (or) Telos Boltace , i really would prefer joining other random squad. (Frame/Primary/Secondary/Melee) for Public matchmaking.

    5 - we bash enemy scalling a lot, but its a must have to certain point, since one ember or equinox or other automated fire power user, and u not having fun for long time, cause there is nothing for u to do till enemies scales up.

    6 - more fixes / hotfixes / revisiting old systems (weapons).


    Yep I agree with those, but the armor could be on a minimum level let's say just 100 to all frames then the steel fiber not a completely useless mod for certain frames but at least can reduce the damage. I knew we have arcanes but that needs also a slot and DE won't give extra so you need to sacrifice something in order to get these mods. Same with augments and other mods which no have a real use. Implementing ito the armor the resistance mods could be an easy task and these mods turn into stats which can be boosted by adding points in level up so you can personalise your frame defenses and weaknesses. These mods otherwise no have any use than just show the image.

    With the others i am agreeing especially with the old content revisiting. There is a tons of old weapons which underused and underpowered compared to the newest monsters. Just some tweaks needs to them and a little bit better scaling and finally the mastery tier for those weapons. 

  6. When you infected you will remain infected and your cyst regrow after you drained. The infection spread on pubs, dojos, relays and every infected frame can infect you. Also it's maybe a bug but you can also be infected if you just own a nidus and not sat into the seat and you avoided all what I said before.

    I got infected for the nothing because I played solo with my nidus and never sat in the seat yet and I didn't traded yet around and after the TGG.

    Currently there is no solution because the infection is still inside of you and the cyst removing not solve the problem because it is just a symptom.

    Better to wait for the devs respond and solution the only thing what you can do is try to make a feedback or make a positive critism.

  7. 2 hours ago, Trizion said:

    The worst part is that you can still get infected while in relays and such, as well. So for fashion framers and the like this is literally a nightmare and I believe they should work on just being able to let us drain it without having to make a charger / wait 7 days.

    The total removing is the only solution not the draining. The newcomer players whom getting infected doesn't know at all whats happening and they will misjudge this feature about something and this can cause massive leaves. New players have better things to do than make pets and feed them and this virus thing is a little bit forcing the players to make abominations just to try go far away from the cyst.

    And yep the relays also a source of infection so not really matter if you went to a dojo or relay or tried solo somwhere this code seems unstable and infect those too whom haven't any contact with helminth.

    Hopefully when they add the serum into the game they won't make a halfbake solution again and just make you immune for a while and do the same circles what we need to do with out pets. Dna degradation was a bad design choice and this one seems exact the same hopefully I will be wrong on this and they will remove it permanently whom not want this.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ailissa said:

    You won't get anything official.


    They aren't going to say "we no longer have any control over our game because we were bought out". It's just what happens when someone buys something, they take control of it.


    You can say we don't know but history says otherwise. It's not the first time this has happened, won't be the last. EA are famous for buying developers. Developers are bought and money is made from their games. We don't need anything official. We know they were bought and we know whoever bought them has shareholders to keep happy. It's business.


    The only way you wouldn't know is if you are either new to the industry, have no idea how it works or have no idea at all about business. It's all pretty obvious.


    2 hours ago, Ailissa said:

    You won't get anything official.


    They aren't going to say "we no longer have any control over our game because we were bought out". It's just what happens when someone buys something, they take control of it.


    You can say we don't know but history says otherwise. It's not the first time this has happened, won't be the last. EA are famous for buying developers. Developers are bought and money is made from their games. We don't need anything official. We know they were bought and we know whoever bought them has shareholders to keep happy. It's business.


    The only way you wouldn't know is if you are either new to the industry, have no idea how it works or have no idea at all about business. It's all pretty obvious.

    It is sadly true. The other solution if you have spare millions and buy some shares or buy out completely the company. If I were a tons of money I would have been do this already and let them improve the game. Not business sense but I would like the long term business so I would kicked out the most annoying microtransactions in this game and focus on the cosmetics only. Free colorization no slot cost no rush times only skins for frames and weapons. Prime acces are okay but no vaulting and little bit better rng.

  9. I alerted some of my friends to not to go pubs and avoid the contact with me for a while so hopefully they won't be infected. At least I hope they will give us a free copy of plague inc after this madness ends. We deserve it so bad :D

  10. There are multiple ways to show if you are not delighted with the current state of game but stop playing won't solve the problems because the less player and less money they get that won't help finance their game and it won't solve the current problems.

    The full ignorance cannot solve problems it just cause end of a story for this example : Warframe.

    If you not happy of course you can decide not to pay but those peoples keep the game running whom given discounts and buying platinum.

    This is a common sense in any free to play game and not just in warframe that the players think the free is mean FREE. Those peoples whom farming for all the time and telling you you can farm everything what you want then trade for platinum if you need is wrong. Those peoples never will understand the fact those whom like the game and want to help the development will pay for slots and other necessary things in the game which could not be farmed in any way.

    If you are unhappy with the development then send a feedback to them and make a good critique and put ideas how the game can be solved. The majority of feedbacks are not useful for devs because they need to see clearly what the exact problems and you need to tell them in dev language not as player language. I know this is hard and many of us not really can give a correct feedback but if you have problems you should try this way.

    That is also a common thing the devs cannot monitoring their game non stop and some topic is going to die before they could read them so the only way your feedback stay alive if you put it again and again until they not pay attention.

    As a player whom spent money on the game but not given so much feedbacks I can say in my part I helped the development but there is always have room to improve. I know the value of things and those whom not pay at all should at least give a correct feedback to them.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    What bothers me the most is that I have only done one single Public mission, where nobody joined, and I still got the cyst. And I haven't even done the quest yet, and now I gotta deal with that.

    Then you are in the same boat as me. For me nothig happend just levelled my nidus but didn't went to public and not traded with peoples a while and never sat in the seat but I still got the infection. This is annoying as hell.

  12. 3 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    This I'm aware of, and I would have much rather preferred they kept the door shut until it was ready for implementation and then adjusted according to feedback post release.

    Yes, I am quite hotheaded that I have to stare at the hideous thing for weeks to come and I'm really hoping it takes priority. I don't want a cure taking as long as it's taking Nef Anyo to be reworked (aka 20+ months).

    That is true but hopefully this one won't take so much time. This is more frustrating than the Ne Anyo rework and this can cause massive extinction for the tenno population.

    DE. Save the tenno lives!

  13. 17 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    I am very disappointed that the only current way to rid every single one of your infected frames of the cyst is by purchasing a stasis slot, obtaining a Kubrow Egg, and building a Power Core. Though even then it doesn't matter becuse you only gain an extra day to be cyst free due to the fact it begins growth again 24 hours later.

    Please DE, if you are to introduce a cure, I sincerely request you release it ASAP. Because of this seemingly rushed system, I am forced to spend Platinum for every frame of mine that's unfortunately been infected in an infinite cycle. I would also like to request that spreading it be removed, but one thing at a time.

    I would like this [currently] perpetual curse off my warframes for good.

    Brother. Do not waste your money on occultism and such a things like charger army. Wait till the DE will release a pay free solution as cure our warframes once for all. Instead of this try to avoid the pubs and play with not infected friends on friends only matches. Still there is no other solution to do this maybe in this week they will release an antidote for solve this problem.

    I know everyone mostly except few are frustrated and furiated by this plague but keep calm and wait it is now nothing much to do.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Domesticon said:

    Honestly I think Warframe needs a number rebalance. Specifically I think we need to change the enemies with giant health pools who do little damage and players who have relatively little health but do insane damage. I'd much rather prefer we and the enemies be in relatively the same ball park on both fronts with Levels scaling things up or down.

    Or just boost our hp-shields a little bit say just double the hp and shield pool of warframes then the weapons does moderate damage our enemies do the same and their hp not increase in a certain level but their tactical ability and strategies could be better.

    For this need a better AI which can imitate the tactical battle and not just stuck into objects and run in circles like idiots. 

  15. 46 minutes ago, CaptainDavian said:
    1. Grakata melee weapon
    2. Buff Machetes
    3. Twin Hek 
    4. Dual Supra
    5. Removing 2k endo reward from sorties

    Not bad ideas but for the buff part the old and oldest weapons in game needs some refreshing tweaks to be viable on later levels. Endo rewards could be separated and tiered like 100-300-500-1000-2000-4000 and could be alert reward only not sortie reward.

  16. 43 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

    Yes, they aren't all bad so that's why I still love and play this game.


    That's why I still care enough to offer my feedback and criticism.


    I just hope that they mean something, anything at all.

    Same that's why critize them and trying to say something worth as feedback but the language barriers makes it difficult. In my native languag I could make a mega post about ideas concepts and solutions what the devs could use as final solution.

  17. 43 minutes ago, NecromancerX69 said:

    1.- Buff 2 snipers (no, your Riven mods doesn't count, they are still crap vs bubbles or corpus nullers).

    2.- Sentinel Replacement: Every time my sentinel dies I feel sad inside. Sure there is a mod that can help your sentinel to stay alive after a death hit. But then again, Bombards are not the kindest of clone troopers and they will one shot your sentinels. So please add a Ship airdrop that can replace our death sentinel or a mod that can resurrect the sentinel every 5 minutes if he dies.

    3.- A way to know what Mods I am using on my own weapons and what mods I am using on my sentinel weapons. So I don't get the message mod installed on your current sentinel / weapon.

    4.- Something silly but I kind of need it. Have the air supply count down under our crosshair as an option in the options menu, so I don't have to get the 5 second warning when I am many rooms away trying to help my team mates that like to scatter all over the place and not camp near air supply drops.

    I am agree with all but much more with the 3.

    That is a simple mark and almost take no time to implement a mark on used items. Same with sentinel weapons and companion weapons. Then you can distinguish which mods are in.

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