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Everything posted by VladYvhv

  1. Or spending 21 weeks waiting around for all 5 to be avaible.
  2. The elements my friend showed me: Electric, Impact, Rad, Magnetic. I don't know if they had/have any more converted in this weapon type, but I could ask the next time they're online. I don't have enough requiems to burn through to test other elements. And if the problem doesn't get resolve soon/at all, that would halt my ability to kill liches for the weapons I still need to get/max out.
  3. Please take a look at this topic and others like it. Kuva liches converted to on-call are not working correctly. This might be something that requires a proper update to fix, but needs to be fixed ASAP. MR has no impact on progression, apart from having more gear mastered and more mod capacity.
  4. No. I was simply pointing out that not everyone has a lich/sister spawned. And once spawned, they can't be dismissed. The only way to get rid of a lich/sister is to go thorugh the whole process and kill/convert them. I tried and got a lot of "no" or "I'm busy with something else" replies. So, it never got done. Which is another reason it should be a higher tier reward.
  5. 1 hour does seem a bit long. Is why I was assuming they were running with poor squads or running around collecting side-objectives instead of trying to rush the story. Also why I suggested Lone Story for an alternative. Even with a moderately incompetent squad, LS shouldn't take more than 30 minutes or so.
  6. My thoughts on the "Stalker Frame" situation: Stalker is not the frame. Stalker is the person controlling the frame, usually. Duviri is thus giving us an occasional option to control their Warframe. Perhaps in some other timeline they sided with us? Perhaps it's a nod to them being a begrudging ally in TNW? Note that in the beginning of the game, we thought we were the frames. So, Stalker's controller could have had that same sort of anesia...
  7. Wrong. One of the reasons you're wrong is that "optional" stuff also includes the spawned patrols of baddies that can and often do appear in the areas where the story objectives are. Sometimes 2 or more patrols, which means that part of completing that objective is suddenly also dealing with those 5-10 additional baddies, who don't show up in Lone Story. Additionally, I was talking about doing Lone Story with a squad. And good luck convincing a squad to not run off and do side objectives while you're trying to just rush the story objectives... Effectively, the story objectives become the optional ones in Experience, since most people are going into experience to rack up decrees, etc. Removing those distractions, even a less competent squad is going to finish Lone Story mode faster than if they'd been doing Experience. Conversely, even a more competent squad is going to have an inherantly longer run in Experience than in Lone Story, due to interference from the enemies.
  8. If you're running Experience for clamps, you should perhaps try Lone Story instead. Apart from the time needed if you get a timed undercroft mission like Defense, a squad can often make quick work of everything else and shave some time off of the farming experience.
  9. I knew that owl couldn't be trusted... Now he's just cheating...
  10. This isn't quite right. Some augments alter how abilities work, rather than just adding things to them. Other augments do add functions, without really altering how the base function works. I think this is simply a case of you not being familiar with augments.
  11. The host needs to have an active sister or lich. Join a host with that, let them choose a murmur mission, kill thrall or hound. Thralls are easier, since they die easier.
  12. As the topic says, I think this Nightwave challenge needs to be elite weekly. Why? Because it requires a lich or sister to have been spawned, which means that if you don't have one spawned, you're going to have to go through the process of spawning one, and thus sacrifice 3 requiem mod charges just for Nightwave reputation. I really don't feel that setting it as daily or regular weekly would be a worthwhile amount of credit for that, as I'm often low on requiem mods, and those things are an absolute pain to farm the ones desired. On the surface, the challenge seems small, but when you really look at the requirements to even get thralls/hounds to spawn, it seems like 1k rep is an insult.
  13. Sometimes, the simplest fix is for everyone who wants to join/invite to relog. Exit the game, re-launch it. 99% of the time, that fixes the problem. Warframe seems to sometimes just randomly flag people as logged out, even if they'd just recently joined/invited and have been chatting with eachother.
  14. Trying to run some relics for ducats for Baro trading. One of the current lith fissure missions is earth sabotage. So, I selected that from the fissures list, selected a relic, and found myself in a non-fissure earth sabotage mission. Aborted mission and returned to orbiter, looked up the mission, and it's got a little less than an hour left on the timer. So, it shouldn't have timed out yet.
  15. Yes. This seems to be the biggest problem after launcher issues. If you use keyboard to move over to where your warframes are in the cave, you can move again and stuff after performing transference. I was able to mod my custom config to include the keyboard/mouse commands to make the drifter able to perform heavy attacks with left shoulder button on xbox controller. So, we know that it's some sort of bug, as we can control our difter after we've transferred to/from a frame (until gear wheel, decree, pause menu, etc is called up, which stops functiality; as does area transition to duviri from cave). And that it's possible for custom configs to still be viable when using them. So, now the ball's in DE's court to fix this stuff breaking the drifter.
  16. Ditto this. I've tried every suggested fix on the forums, and none work for me. It seems to be that something is wonky with the compatibility of the Drifter and Drifter Ability action sets and controllers (or something between the game and steam not figuring out how to work with those action sets yet). For the time being, this renders Duviri completely unplayable for me, until the issue gets fixed.
  17. It was long enough ago, that I don't recall what all was tested. Xata's was for sure. I think there was also problem with the exalted blade getting cancelled that was tested. It was quite a few months ago, and didn't really seem important enough to take a lot of notes on, since it seemed to be fixed.
  18. I don't remember exactly when. But back when it was announced as having been fixed, some of my clanmates and I tested in various missions and it worked fine. If it's not working again, then possibly something got re-broken in updates since the fix. Wouldn't be the first time later fixes broken previous fixes.
  19. I do know that they were leaving because of the maniacs. The round had not completed. They specifically cussed the maniacs, then left. This has happened numerous times, both with hosts and clients leaving. Additionally, not every random public group is set up for nuking SO, or is using AOE stuff. Sometimes, it ends up with 4 of us ranking up weapons that don't have AOE attacks, and that at their levels/mod configurations, can't outright kill a maniac. As I usually use revenant, I typically just reflexively enthrall a maniac if they appear in front of me. Gets them out of our hair for a bit. This is where they're really a problem. When you're going into SO to rank things up, so don't have the stupidly op setups.
  20. I've not bothered with the Grendel stuff, and have SP and Arbitrations unlocked. Those are not required.
  21. VladYvhv


    I got rid of the VPN thingy I was trying, and don't really want to mess with tracking it down again. I didn't think to take a screenshot. I don't use VPN after trying that out and it doing that. So, it's no longer a problem for me.
  22. Same issue. No ammo mutation, no specters, no ranger's reload. Just sometimes it randomly happens. Even when using battery weapons (In which case, I abort mission because they don't use ammo, so can't ever reload using ammo pickups, and thus the noise won't stop for myself or others). The normal solution is to fire a round, and reload, which causes all the ammo boxes to fall back to the ground. Or, if it's super persistent, do that enough times that you consume all the boxes (blam, reload, repeat). Weapons like Furax or Zarr, where each round is loaded individually can really help with that by expending a full mag and then reload, as they'll consume an ammo box with each round reloaded. As noted, if it happens with infinite ammo weapons, you really need to either abort the mission, as it can be irritating to both yourself and squad mates (yes, I've seen others suffering from this and can hear the constant clicking of the boxes when they get near). Alternatively, apologize and politely suggest everyone turn their volume down.
  23. VladYvhv


    What I got was more of a "You're using a VPN! Steam won't launch your games until you disable it!" sort of error message from the steam desktop program. I'm not a tech person, so figured that's something everyone gets...
  24. I've noticed this happen to my Panzer Vulpas. What seems to have started it was that after I'd guilded the third one, I went into the Upgrade tab as normal, and the game asked me if I wanted to spend 10 plat to unlock another upgrade slot (I had not touched the + button for buying slots, so the pop-up was weird). I selected no. And it happened a few more times. So, I switched out to a different panzer, and then back to the one I wanted to mod. Everything seemed to be working ok again, so I modded that one and switched back over to my main panzer, only to find that all 6 of her custom setups were blank. Switched to my second and found that all 6 of that ones were blank, as well. Switched back to the third, and all 3 of hers were fine. I didnt think to report it back then. But seeing this topic, I figured I'd share what happened to me.
  25. The problem also occurs with other things. Usually, it's a result of using a controller in the menu, or to call up the menu. Which is weird and frustrating for people like me who use a controller for most stuff, but not menu navigation. Hitting the interact button with consoles, npcs, etc, can cause a soft-lock just like this. As can opening the menu with the Start button on the controller, instead of Escape on the keyboard. Additionally, the menu can become disabled after interacting with an NPC, forcing one to force-quit the game, or enter an open world (and possibly take up a spot on a team, if you had it to public mode when the menu stopped responding) to get the menu back. DE really needs to take a look at these problems.
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