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Sony’s announcement can lead to potential crossplay for all consoles (xb1, ps4, nintendo switch)


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We talked about the Rainbow Bridge years ago de it's time to actually put it into play now. And for those of you that don't know I will provide a bit of History back when US veterans actually found out that this game was going to all consoles as well we said hey why not just crossplay them and it was a cool pipedream idea and then they dropped it just for the record. As a community it would be an insult to the fans if they didn't do it now knowing that it's entirely possible not to mention a decent business opportunity as a company to get everybody on the same page and maybe those people that are on Console can cash in on some of these sweet 75% off plat deals. Don't get me wrong they should still keep the exclusive skins and stuff like that for the consoles but it is high time that everybody start getting connected




I'm also reposting the official link that they were initiating crossplay because I didn't see it earlier in the post.

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Il y a 5 heures, (PS4)AZN_RH a dit :

I didnt even think of that lol. That’s probably a good solution, crossplay but no cross trade.

This is a solution but a bad one.

If you have friends on others console, you wouldn't be able to trade with them.

That also mean trading chat will be console locked.

You wouldn't be able to help other players on others console has much has you could on the same console.

Clan will also be exclusive because there are a few contribution that are plat related.

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Huh so Sony finally gave in. But yeah if this is going to be allowed for all games that aim for crossplay then nice.

But yeah as stated by some already WF would have to sort out some stuff if it were to have it and currently only PS4 and XB1 are the only 2 platforms that are close to achieving that but even that would require some work mainly due F2P games being free on PS4 while it requires a subscription to play online on XB1. I can see that being a bit of a conflicting thing there.

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Ooooonly Sony was never the reason why Warframe doesn't have crossplay. So this announcement of theirs means little to us Warframe players.

We don't have crossplay because the devs decided that it, crossplay, wasn't worth the sacrifices they'd have to make to how they do things. I reckon that we may get crossplay if the devs conclude that such is no longer the case.

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1 minute ago, Lanadra said:

Ooooonly Sony was never the reason why Warframe doesn't have crossplay. So this announcement of theirs means little to us Warframe players.

We don't have crossplay because the devs decided that it, crossplay, wasn't worth the sacrifices they'd have to make to how they do things. I reckon that we may get crossplay if the devs conclude that such is no longer the case.

This but considering how players are showing interest for it DE may go down that path.

Personally I was indifferent about the whole thing but it sure is a nice way of bringing the community together, especially how people here are more welcoming of eachother when it comes to platforms.

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5 hours ago, TBone142 said:

 And I guess no one ever thought about delaying the updates on PC as well until they get the green light on all versions.

PC is the beta channel. If they delay us, then the console peasants get buggy broken messes and terrible new economies. How many revisions to Cetus/Plains went through PC before console even got the first drop?

This is why they don't, and won't. They can release 2-3 hotfixes in one day if they need to for PC. Can't on console.

However putting all of console into lock-step so they could basically merge all of those populations? I can see them doing that. That simplifies the server spread they have to maintain, and doesn't take away from the current system's advantages.


22 minutes ago, Lanadra said:

Ooooonly Sony was never the reason why Warframe doesn't have crossplay. So this announcement of theirs means little to us Warframe players.

We don't have crossplay because the devs decided that it, crossplay, wasn't worth the sacrifices they'd have to make to how they do things. I reckon that we may get crossplay if the devs conclude that such is no longer the case.

Oooooor the fact that nobody expected Sony to ever actually cave meant DE rationalized advantages to not having crossplay. Why waste dev cycles on something you'd likely never actually get to do when you don't have to.

Also I vaguely recall multiple devstreams having mentioned that the main roadblock to at least PS4/XB1 crossplay was Sony. Which is the same thing every other studio has said about PS4 crossplay since the dawn of the concept, so I buy it.


If you're thinking PC/Console crossplay however, yes that is intentionally all but never gonna happen. This is because PC operates as the beta channel for Warframe. But that's not what everyone is excited about the prospect of- that would be the possibility of PS4/XB1/NS crossplay.

Edited by Eirshy
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I'm not looking back in the text because I'm only about forward-thinking here. So whoever said that Trading would be console or PC locked you need your head checked because they don't have anything that we don't have on PC already in fact it's been widely known that PC has been the beta tester for console for years. Console has literally nothing that I already don't own on PC and if somebody says skins I don't remember the last time skins were tradable

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26 minutes ago, Eirshy said:

They can release 2-3 hotfixes in one day if they need to for PC. Can't on console.

I'm not sure if this applies on all cases.

I think that the certification process is needed when there are larger content updates, and not necessary for every tiny "hotfix" they need to push to fix a few bugs.

I could be wrong, maybe someone knows about this process in more detail that could chime in.

Also, consoles get small updates already that aren't subject to certification, like for example the one we got last night when Chroma Prime arrived.


Also, a bit unrelated but I thought I'd mention ( again ), the certification process, from what I've seen since I've been playing, only really takes a few days, so that is not (in itself) the reason for consoles having a +month delay. I assume this is more due to the complexity and cost associated with pushing those updates to consoles, rather than whatever time Microsoft and Sony take to certify said updates.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

I'm not sure if this applies on all cases.

I think that the certification process is needed when there are larger content updates, and not necessary for every tiny "hotfix" they need to push to fix a few bugs.

I could be wrong, maybe someone knows about this process in more detail that could chime in.

Also, consoles get small updates already that aren't subject to certification, like for example the one we got last night when Chroma Prime arrived.


Also, a bit unrelated but I thought I'd mention ( again ), the certification process, from what I've seen since I've been playing, only really takes a few days, so that is not (in itself) the reason for consoles having a +month delay. I assume this is more due to the complexity and cost associated with pushing those updates to consoles, rather than whatever time Microsoft and Sony take to certify said updates.

Odds are decent the files for Chroma Prime were already there, what you dl'd as an update was largely just the enabling of said content (and maybe some touchups to it, if those are allowed). Datamining patch files is a tried and true practice for finding out about upcoming content because of this lol

But yeah I don't actually know either, I'm just going by what DE has said and what I've seen with consoles in general.

Regardless of cert requirements, you can't just ship your PC program to console directly. By only using one platform- PC- as the beta channel, it gives them more translation time as well as lets them avoid translating code that will be scraped or radically changed within a week. PCs also tend to be a bit more resilient than consoles- I remember during FO4's XB1 modding craze (which was coded almost entirely by MS themselves, btw) there was some instances of consoles getting bricked due to attempting to run some PC mods that only had metadata changed rather than actually having the mod ported. So that's another reason to keep the beta channel on PC only.

Edited by Eirshy
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

Also, a bit unrelated but I thought I'd mention ( again ), the certification process

It's not unrelated and it's entirely part of this conversation because that also means that if everybody's going to play together everybody has to be on the same page that means that PC is finally going to get the same updates at the same time that console is going to get them and consoles going to feel the pain just like we did. Considering their track record we can generally speaking accept the fact that de does a relatively good job with updates give or take large updates with a couple hotfixes and then fixing it relatively quickly. This being said it's entirely possible for the consoles to speed up there update process

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8 hours ago, (PS4)AZN_RH said:

o yall hav any worries on how this might affect our player economy?


8 hours ago, Vandole said:

I feel the economy on consoles would be trashed

I highly doubt DE would allow trading between platforms anyway, not because of it affecting the economy (which it probably would, but Rivens have kinda sorta done that already so meh), but because there'd probably be a lot of legal hoopla involved. it's never that easy when companies are involved. DE could easily keep ti so that players on different platforms would be unable to trade for platinum, though Items could still be allowed so that clans and close friends who are gifting things to another who is on a different platform can still go ahead.

7 hours ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Don't care,  fashion frame just became a war if we cross play. Exclusive skin or gtfo. 

then let me send a fashionable artillery barrage your way. better run to your bunkers, cos here it comes!

Image result for warframe obsidian skins
Image result for warframe obsidian skins
Image result for warframe obsidian skins
Image result for warframe obsidian skins
Image result for warframe obsidian skins


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1 hour ago, NyxSilence said:

I'm not looking back in the text because I'm only about forward-thinking here. So whoever said that Trading would be console or PC locked you need your head checked because they don't have anything that we don't have on PC already in fact it's been widely known that PC has been the beta tester for console for years. Console has literally nothing that I already don't own on PC and if somebody says skins I don't remember the last time skins were tradable

the reason he suggested cross trade lock wasnt because of we supposely had exclusive tradeable stuff lol, it was because the player economy of each platform is kinda different. PS4 has the cheapest prices outta the platforms, xb1 a bit higher prices but cheaper than PC, and then PC with the highest prices due to inflation of plat coupons etc. Bear in mind console with Pc crossplay will never happen so a trade lock would still benefit PS4 and XB1.

P.S. i am not quite sure tbh about Xb1's player economy, its jus stuff I've heard from people who played both consoles.

Edited by (PS4)AZN_RH
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6 hours ago, Yatazanami said:

i dont know how DE could make this work with new content to the pc ?

They could always just have the current console version as an option in the PC launcher.You would need to download and install that version separately but possible if you want to play with console peasants friends

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1 hour ago, (PS4)AZN_RH said:

PC with the highest prices due to inflation of plat coupons etc.

Sounds like a personal problem for them to fix because we just play the game they actually made it so you can get all this platinum in the first place. I would know because I totally had 40000 plat on my person at one point. However that doesn't negate the fact that you could still actually do trading and somebody else just said it all PC would have to do is download a secondary patch that the rest of everybody else is on and play on that version so everybody could be on the same page. If they turn off Trading because of the disparity of prices and plat on certain things they need to address the problem rather than dance around it because that's just perpetuating the problem. Take it up with them cause I know all too well about the inflation.

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10 hours ago, rune_me said:

But consoles aren't behind because of a design choice by DE. They're behind because of the certification process. 

Basically you are not allowed to release anything for the playstation until it has been certified by Sony. Or on the xbox until it's been certified by Microsoft. Which means that once a build is ready, DE has to send it in and then wait for it to be certified before it can be released and made available for the console.

So it won't really be possible to have an experimental branch. Well, at least an experimental branch would still be delayed, since it would still have to go through certification before you are allowed to download it. Which would defeat the purpose of having an experimental branch in the first place.

Okay but you're painting the wrong picture.  Warframe on xbox is about 3 months behind pc, however the certification process is about 10 days.

This means DE actually sits on updates before submitting them to certification process. 

There is absolutely nothing stopping them from waiting to release on pc until console certification is complete,  orchestrating a multi platform release at the same time (like fortnite does already) 

You don't want people saying "fortnite figured it out, why cant DE?"

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4 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

I'm not sure if this applies on all cases.

I think that the certification process is needed when there are larger content updates, and not necessary for every tiny "hotfix" they need to push to fix a few bugs.

I could be wrong, maybe someone knows about this process in more detail that could chime in.

Also, consoles get small updates already that aren't subject to certification, like for example the one we got last night when Chroma Prime arrived

All patches go through Xbox QA.

The publisher can expedite a patch,  at great cost $. Personally I've seen ESO and pubg do this... it's basically paying Microsoft overtime for qa time. 

Sometimes features are QA but not enabled right away,  controlled by timer at server level.  Think of Halo weekly events, or destiny events.. they are qa  by microsoft, and patched to users,  but not enabled until later.. then turned off in some cases. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)SteveOMatic said:

Crossplay...I'd rather have account sharing actually.  Crossplay is all fine and dandy, but I want to take my PS4 account on the go with my Switch, not play on my Switch against ps4 players.  

When do you actually "face off" with anyone outside of conclave? You don't. Also, lets not forget a TWITCH SHOOTER on ALL devices is first to do this and IS SUCCEEDING. So this argument doesn't wash.

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