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Just passed the 100D login. Getting punished for playing the game?


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)guzmantt1977:

😂 Yes it is. Check out when they started discussing it. Then check out the date on the workshop thread.

if u take the very first mention...yes, but thats not really what im tlaking about.

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vor 41 Minuten schrieb Hannuxis:

I wouldn't say that getting a weapon the normal way is considered a punishment, and besides, Zenistar isn't even that good

are u joking ??? like...have u actually ever used zenistar ??? u are joking, right ?!

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5 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

I'm currently at 105 or 106 days logged in and we just got the new login system where at 100 days you get to choose your weapon. I got my default Azima as my 100 days which I clearly do not want because it's just an MR fodder weapon, compared to our glorious option of the Zenistar. 
How is it going to be, am I having to wait another 200 days to get my Zenistar? If that's the case, people like me actually got punished for playing the game these last few days. Someone could create a fresh new Warframe account today and get the Zenistar in half of the days it's going to take me.

My first reaction when reading this post if you're an overly entitled brat. However when I actually thought about it, you might have a point. The updates to the login reward system are not completely balanced. People in your situation who just passed the 100 days mark are in a relatively worse situation than everyone else at this point, even the new players who just created an account today like in your example. You've played the game for 100 days, you should at least have some advantage over the new players just starting today right? I understand that sentiment, I almost agree with it.

However we need to put everything back into perspective, and not in a way that gets anybody's mothers involved.

1. The Zenistar is not the "point of the game". It's just a relatively small part of the game that has some unique mechanics and interactions with other parts of the game. While it is a piece of equipment that is highly sought after because of those mechanics, having it or not having it will not have a major impact in your ability to complete other tasks in the game. It's not going to make or break your gameplay experience, so to say.

2. There is no way for DE to easily update the daily login system to satisfy everyone. I believe the changes were in an overall positive direction, allowing newer players, or PS4 converts like me, easier access to certain pieces of equipment that we want/had. I think DE did the best they could with the situation at hand. They had to draw the line somewhere, otherwise everyone would have the login rewards one way or another. Think about it, if they let people who just passed the 100 day mark get a refund and re-choose which reward they want, how many days past 100 should it affect? 5? 10? No matter where you stop, the people who just missed the cutoff will complain. Should they just let everyone above 100 days discard one of the reward weapons and pick another one? Maybe, but then people will start using it as an MR fodder mechanic and lvl up 1 weapon before discarding and grabbing another one to lvl up, then finally discarding that again and picking the one they actually want to keep. That's not the kind of game play mechanic DE wants to encourage and it just feels wrong. Maybe they should ask for a large time investment in materials/credits/endo for you to swap the reward weapons, like maybe 50 hours worth of farming or something. Either way, it's a big programming investment for the appeasement of a minority. The total percentage of people who are at 100-110 days played are probably less than 1% of the player base. It just doesn't make economical sense for them to invest that much effort into this situation. Remember, it's not just this issue. There are many problems plaguing a much higher percentage of the player base that DE have not addressed yet. *cough cough chroma rework cough* One battle at a time I guess.

3. Yes I know, all this still doesn't make it suck any less. Now you have to wait 200 days to get the Zenistar. So here's what you CAN do. You can open a ticket with DE directly and ask them nicely to possibly exchange the reward for you. They might do it, but they don't have to. If they do, it's because they are good devs, not because they owe you anything. Remember that. The alternative is for you to decide. Is the game still worth playing now that you have to wait 200 more days to get the Zenistar. If that's such a big issue with you, you can always stop playing the game and find something else to you. No one is forcing you to stay here, and I don't mean that with any ill intent or as an attack against you personally, I'm just stating the facts and it's how an adult would handle the situation. You can't always control what other people do, but you can always choose what you do.


Finally, don't let the people putting you down discourage you from voicing your opinions on the forums. We're all entitled to our own opinions and we're free to voice them in an appropriate manner. A lot of times it's only when people complain that the devs notice something is wrong. Doesn't mean they will actually do anything about it though. *cough cough chroma rework cough*


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Some of you guys look at this in a strange way. Reminds me of that one kid who would always cry at someone elses birthday party. You're not getting "punished". The change just didn't benefit you in this very specific situation. It will still probably be better for you at some point. Most of us had to login for 300 days to get the Zenistar, so I just don't understand why you think you're being punished. 



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the login system changeover period was bound to screw someone over, but honestly, this really is much ado about nothing. Zenistar isn't even that good, certainly not game changing. it throws a flaming disc that lingers for a while. that's it. in terms of raw melee potential it's beaten by several other Heavy Blades anyway. it holds it's own, but people are making it out like it's Gjallarhorn from destiny 1 or something. it was a neat bonus for getting 300 logins, and people found cool ways to sue the disk (mainly locking down chokepoints and covering defense objectives, which is the only time you'll ever even see someone using a Zenistar).

it'll give you something to work towards if nothing else.


Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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9 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

No disrespect but I have no free time to sit and watch a dev stream for an hour. I was not aware it was coming this week, otherwise I would have obviously waited. 

Also about being called a noob, I don't know, I doubt theres anything you can do in the game that I can't, assuming you are MR 25, i'm almost 19 with my little 100D logins.
Now people want to attack me because they are not in this unfortunate spot, I'd bet plat that if they were, they would have felt like it's unfair towards them as well.

I wouldn't. I'd just blame myself for not paying attention and go keep playing and enjoying the game without feeling like I was punished by DE when it was my own fault. Man the entitlement is real...

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12 hours ago, Xydeth said:

are u joking ??? like...have u actually ever used zenistar ??? u are joking, right ?!

Yes. The weapon is overrated. The only place I really use it is for long endurance runs to provide some CC and help with nullifiers and ancients.

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17 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

I'm currently at 105 or 106 days logged in and we just got the new login system where at 100 days you get to choose your weapon. I got my default Azima as my 100 days which I clearly do not want because it's just an MR fodder weapon, compared to our glorious option of the Zenistar. 
How is it going to be, am I having to wait another 200 days to get my Zenistar? If that's the case, people like me actually got punished for playing the game these last few days. Someone could create a fresh new Warframe account today and get the Zenistar in half of the days it's going to take me.

Oh my god. It's almost like you are being treated the exact same or BETTER than literally every single person who has played wairframe since it's genesis. Go back to the original login reward system pleb

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17 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

So the minority doesn't matter? I pay for my content, loyal supporter who purchased Tennocon pack, Prime Access and etc. So people like me, we don't matter? "Yep, you played the game cause you wanted, now it doesn't matter if you are 6 days ahead, wait another 194".

Actually no, the minority doesn't usually matter. Their voices are quelled beneath the louder majority and silenced. Well, I mean that the minority does matter but the majority has a greater voice as they're usually heard in greater volumes/numbers. Hell, imagine a group of 80 people yelling yes at the exact same time 20 voices are yelling no, whom do you think is heard?

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vor 9 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Cram Duachim:

Nope because it really isnt. Zaws are the best melees in game right now, its not even close. 


vor 16 Minuten schrieb Hannuxis:

Yes. The weapon is overrated. The only place I really use it is for long endurance runs to provide some CC and help with nullifiers and ancients.

im still reading this as some kind of joke.

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8 minutes ago, Loviam said:

Oh my god. It's almost like you are being treated the exact same or BETTER than literally every single person who has played wairframe since it's genesis. Go back to the original login reward system pleb

That's unnecessary and quite rude. I understand that you may be passionate about the game but can you be civilized? 

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To the OP, the Zenistar isn't going to make or break your gameplay experience.  Being made to wait a bit longer isn't anything new if you've been playing WF for any span of real time. I own one myself and it can be great if modded correctly but there are certainly weapons that can far surpass this, even before you cab get you hands on the Zenistar. The weapon is more of a novelty and show off weapon to prove how far you've come in WF. (which will be nothing with this patch, which may have some players a bit salty).  

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18 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Some of us actually had to wait the full 300 days without any options for this weapon. So if you were looking for sympathy, you won't find it.

Yep i earned it the hard way too

It kinda sucks DE is now just giving away the stuff we had to earn

Thats whats wrong with this game there is no respect to the people that put the time and earn them money from the devs

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2 minutes ago, BuddaOfLife said:

Yep i earned it the hard way too

It kinda sucks DE is now just giving away the stuff we had to earn

Thats whats wrong with this game there is no respect to the people that put the time and earn them money from the devs

There shouldn't be. It's a video game. No one at all cares how hard it was for us to "earn" this or that. It has no value to anyone but you.

I "earned" it the hard way as well. And I think it's great they have made it easier to get so newer players can enjoy these weapons sooner.

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21 minutes ago, LoKvete said:

Im 13 days from 300, the zeni was in my grasp I do hope it pops up when I hit 300, if dosnt ho hum its a game and a free one at that.


Which is why when people come on here, being rude, salty and/or acting like someone has done them a huge grievous wrong, it makes me laugh.

Its like, "How dare the devs change this game...which I can play for free...in any way that I deem unacceptable!!! Now I RIOT!!!!"

In the EULAs of every F2P game I've played, the devs always reserve the right to make changes at any time. Any money we spend on the game is done so at our own "risk".


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Il y a 18 heures, JirenBlu a dit :

No disrespect but I have no free time to sit and watch a dev stream for an hour. I was not aware it was coming this week, otherwise I would have obviously waited. 

And this is why devstream overview exist ! 


il y a 57 minutes, BuddaOfLife a dit :

Yep i earned it the hard way too

It kinda sucks DE is now just giving away the stuff we had to earn

Thats whats wrong with this game there is no respect to the people that put the time and earn them money from the devs

Actually nothing has changed, player might be able to get any login reward weapon on their 100th day, but they still have to wait 200 more day to have another one. So they still need 800 day to get all the weapon.

Also, what time ? The 2 minutes you took to login ? 





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19 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

No disrespect but I have no free time to sit and watch a dev stream for an hour. I was not aware it was coming this week, otherwise I would have obviously waited. 

Also about being called a noob, I don't know, I doubt theres anything you can do in the game that I can't, assuming you are MR 25, i'm almost 19 with my little 100D logins.
Now people want to attack me because they are not in this unfortunate spot, I'd bet plat that if they were, they would have felt like it's unfair towards them as well.

No free time to watch a devstream or check the forums or a reddit thread about upcoming content and changes but enough to play a video game and grind out enough to reach MR19(almost) in 100 days, then complain on the internet about something that absolutely does not matter and is wholly the fault of the operator all while being fairly aggressive toward anyone(read:almost everyone here) with a differing viewpoint than your own. 


I'm starting to get quite a good picture here. I will admit it has been an entertaining read on a boring night at work. Maybe work on your diplomacy though. Being a jerk just because you assume someone else is doesn't exactly garner much support.

Edited by (PS4)thedarkness1962
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19 hours ago, JirenBlu said:

The community is hilarious, some people seem to be "happy" that me, and I'm sure a few hundred of others got punished by the new login system. You played the game in the last week? Sit down, wait another 200 days cause of that. 

Damn right i am happy. Not because you got unfortunate, but because of your whiny entitled attitude. You do not deserve Zenistar like that. I waited hundreds of days for it. So will you.

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