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The first steps to fixing Warframe's issues


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3 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

*sigh* Read this again before jumping to conclusions.

  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage),Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod and that weapons scale as you level them up to make it feel natural especially for new players(and make the base power level of the weapon scale with mastery rank like mod capacity) and to make it so much easier for DE to fix enemy health scaling (and also removing these stats from Rivens) and rebalancing weapons

then you need to give us more info. because im assuming you only think you've covered most of everything and leaving us to assume. meanwhile, in that point, i only see that you are only referring to pure damage scaled with weapon level + mastery level. i dont see multi-shot scaling, something that gives us multiple projectiles thereby increasing crit and stat chances.

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I like how you fixed the enemy scaling issue by not even touching or mentioning it!


Okay now seriously this is nothing else but a bunch of unnecesseary nerfs what dont fix the core problem.


First of all behind what you named as problems lies a giant troll named "Enemy scaling". This guy only does one thing, he negates all of your progression be making sure that no matter what you use after a point the literal cannon fodders will be the ones who obliterate you.

Just removing all of our ways to cope with this will only magnify the problems.


Second, powercreep is NOT a problem. I repeat powercreep is not a problem.

Powercreep is progression itself, as time goes on your characther gets more and more powerful just as how you are supposedly become wiser as you grow old. The problem lies within not with what we have but with what we dont and that is a place to use up your progression. In a well made game you are never forced ro backtrack low level areas just to grind core materials to progress, you are forwarded to a map approtiate for your power.

This is what is missing from here completely, even the latest endgame mode is something what is only difficult because of artifical mechanics.


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On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage),Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod and that weapons scale as you level them up to make it feel natural especially for new players(and make the base power level of the weapon scale with mastery rank like mod capacity) and to make it so much easier for DE to fix enemy health scaling (and also removing these stats from Rivens) and rebalancing weapons
  • Remove all bane mods because these will just become the new mandatory mods

Why is flight speed mods put up there with damage increasing mods?  All it does is make projectile weapons more usable on the plains and gives shotguns a slightly longer range...
And I'm suprised that you're not looking at reload speed, fire rate, and magazine size mods.  After all with all of the mods you want removed they would be direct increases to DPS...which you seem 100% dead-set against.

And what about element mods?  You haven't mentioned those at all and with all the mods you are removing everyone would just slap in the pure element mod and the dual-stat element mod because why not?  That would just become the next meta.

And what about status?  Without the ability to mod for crits or damage status becomes the only thing that would really matter...and the only way of increases your DPS by applying DOTs to the enemies.
It looks like you're a person who heavily favors the status meta...and these changes would essentially make any non-status weapon pretty much useless.

Finally for this idea: What about progression?  Progression is important...and with your idea there pretty much wouldn't be.  A weapon at level 1 unformaed would essentially be the same as a level 30 with 5 forma in it....though with how few mods are left I seriously doubt even 2 forma would be needed to min-max them.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remove Corrosive Projection,EMP Aura(why do enemies have accuracy stat?),Infested Impedance and Shield Disruption because these just trivialize content without the player having to do anything

So basically "Hey lets remove the only way you have to adapt yourself to the enemies you're going to fight!" as well as pretty much the only way to deal with enemy scaling...
And when has infested impedance "trivialized" the infested?  Even with 4 of them since they have a limited range and the infested have more ranged attacks and support units it helps to slow the hoard next to you but doesn't make it much easier.
And as to why enemies have accuracy stats: Because without them enemies would be broken aimbots.  Accuracy is what comes into play when you do parkour maneuvers because if you're jumping around like that enemies won't hit you because they suffer a massive accuracy penalty.
And its not like EMP aura is horribly broken or anything either.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remove all health,shield and armor mods and have them be part of a permanent upgrade system similar to the operator to make it much easier for DE to fix enemy damage scaling

So basically "Lets add in a massive grind into the game for each frame to do anything with them!"
The only way to make you're tank tankier?  How about dumping hundreds upon hundreds of hours into one frame and then see all of that progress and effort mean nothing when a new frame comes out!  Meaning that every time a new frame comes out you have hundreds of hours to wait before you can do anything above level 30!

Sounds like an amazing idea /s

Sure this might make it easier for DE to fix enemy damage numbers....but its putting a stupidly massive grind wall in front of every single frame in the game which would be horrible for everyone involved.
This would honestly be worse than U7 and the mod-pocalypse that happened.

Further this would pretty much make every warframe the same.  Oh you have a Zephyr?  Say hello to every other Zephyr having the same stats and the same build because there is no way to build differently than anyone else due to the upgrade system!
What's the point of limiting things down to "There is one build for your health, shields, energy, and similar.  You can't even try to do something else because the system flat-out won't let you!"

Finally its silly that you're removing flow and yet not mentioning pizzas, or arcane energize, at all...which honestly grant far more ability to cast abilities endlessly than flow ever has.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remove Magus Husk and Magus Vigor and buff the health & armor waybounds for the operator

Really?  What honest purpose would this serve beyond "Lets have absolutely zero ways for a player to actually impact their own stats!"  which is kinda the point behind the entire mod and arcane system.
And I'm surprised you didn't go after all of the other arcanes.  After all plenty of people don't use Magus Husk and Magus Vigor, but pretty much everyone who can get one uses Arcane Energize.

This just seems like removing options for the sake of removing options with no other real reason behind it.....

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remove Collision Force,Auger Strike and Buzz Kill(and other similar mods because their should only be one of these kinds of mods)

Why do you want to remove progression and options so much?
Why should there only be one of these kinds of mods?

And what about the dual stat versions like Rending Strike?  Are those going to be removed too for providing too may options and choices?

The mods here are textbook progression.  you start with a weaker version of the mod and then get a stronger version.  What is wrong with having any sort of progression mechanics like that?

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Limit the damage type mods to only be one at a time (example: if you have Frostbite equipped your can't add Cryo Rounds in the same build)

What purpose would this serve?

All this would do is say "Make one weapon useful for the mission you're fighting, the others will be pure and utter trash because they can't use the same elements!"
What's the point behind this?
All this does is artificially limit players to one weapon and one weapon only as without elements good luck killing anything.  And its not even for a stated reason of how this would help anything or what benefits it would bring, or even what reasoning is behind such an inane change.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Mods that will require to be changed with these changes:Umbral Fiber,Umbral Vitality,Sacrificial Pressure,Augur Accord,Auger Pact,Gladiator Aegis,Gladiator Might,Gladiator Resolve and Vigilante Armaments

So basically "Yeah, lets just completely gut all of the new mods introduced in POE and Sacrifice.....that's an easy change, right?"
With all of your changes I seriously doubt that there could be "changes" that could be made to them, let alone changes that would make them useful to equip.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Adding a gilding system open to everyone to be able buff lower MR weapons to be able to scale for endgame (it will buff their stats but also the MR requirement)

And again you want to add in hundreds upon hundreds of hours of grinding in order to make something useful....and with no real benefit when people can and will just rank up their tigris primes over and over and over again and make a strong weapon stronger.

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Bring back the Conclave rating system to be more like a item level system like other MMO/RPG games (example: Destiny's light level system) for better balance for endgame and something for the players to grind for and block off new players from doing content they should't be doing

And how is that supposed to work?
Some mods are useful in some frames and utter trash in another.  So how are the mods supposed to even try to contribute to that type of score?
that was the problem with the original CR system and your system does nothing to solve that problem.

All this will do is bring back the CR toxicity and prevent people who are able to handle a mission with a lower score from being able to do anything.....because reasons!

On 2018-10-17 at 12:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remove MK1 weapons and Flawed mods          

You do know why MK1 weapons exist, right?  So that new players can go through the tutorial and go "oh...I don't like the paris." and change their minds and just buy a braton or strun for credits and be able to just start using it.

What would removing it do?  What possible benefit would it have?
What good would come from telling a new player "You can't get another weapon now, sorry.  Clear a few planets and then start building and then wait 12 hours and you'll finally be able to switch to another weapon!"
What's wrong with having a cheap weapon that a player can buy for credits so that they can try out the mean weapon classes in the game and a few melee options?
Having choices is what WF is about....and here all I see is more "Hey lets remove all choices!!!!!!!  Because reasons!!!!" with no actual stated reasons for why this should be done.

Further why remove the flawed mods?
They provide players with early access to something so that they can get a feel for how it works and get a small boost.
But again this seems to be you wanting to remove any and all progression....just because!  With absolutely no stated reason why progression is so bad and horrible and must be avoided at all costs.



In the end: All you seem to want to do is massively nerf players, massively reduce any possible choice or difference we can have between frames and builds, massively reduce and remove any sense of progression....and somehow that will magically fix balance and make warframe a balanced game?
This would just further unbalance the game and make things a slow and boring slog with no progression or changes to show for how far you've gotten.  As well as just making it harder for new players for no stated reason.
You're not tackling the right things to actually make warframe a more balanced game, especially when it comes to enemies which you've just left as a super vague "easier to balance....." with nothing else provided.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay now seriously this is nothing else but a bunch of unnecesseary nerfs what dont fix the core problem.

Do I have to keep repeating myself to every single one of you people? That it seems like you all just jump to conclusions that you are unable to read.

  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage),Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod and that weapons scale as you level them up to make it feel natural especially for new players(and make the base power level of the weapon scale with mastery rank like mod capacity) and to make it so much easier for DE to fix enemy health scaling (and also removing these stats from Rivens) and rebalancing weapons
9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Just removing all of our ways to cope with this will only magnify the problems.

I'm not asking DE to fully remove them.

9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Second, powercreep is NOT a problem. I repeat powercreep is not a problem.

It IS a problem when the game lacks any endgame or difficulty and it just takes away any hope of having any.

9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Powercreep is progression itself, as time goes on your characther gets more and more powerful just as how you are supposedly become wiser as you grow old. The problem lies within not with what we have but with what we dont and that is a place to use up your progression. In a well made game you are never forced ro backtrack low level areas just to grind core materials to progress, you are forwarded to a map approtiate for your power.

Powercreep isn't a good progression because it causes a bad habit to players to only use that gear and limits DE to make any content.

9 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

This is what is missing from here completely, even the latest endgame mode is something what is only difficult because of artifical mechanics.

Remember the "eximus 2.0" mechanic they shown on a devstream about 2 years ago? They were invulnerable until Rebecca had to shoot the tiny bits hanging the charger eximus, it seems like DE didn't learn from that with the Elite Alerts.  

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On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

And what about status?  Without the ability to mod for crits or damage status becomes the only thing that would really matter...and the only way of increases your DPS by applying DOTs to the enemies.
It looks like you're a person who heavily favors the status meta...and these changes would essentially make any non-status weapon pretty much useless.

Those stats will scale with the weapons ranking up, they aren't completely removed.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

Finally for this idea: What about progression?  Progression is important...and with your idea there pretty much wouldn't be.  A weapon at level 1 unformaed would essentially be the same as a level 30 with 5 forma in it....though with how few mods are left I seriously doubt even 2 forma would be needed to min-max them.

The unranked weapons' base power level will scale with your MR just like mod capacity dose right now(that the if your MR20 you just finished crafting a lex prime, the weapon will scale to it's base power level(unmodded) like if it were rank 20 and not increase until ranking to beyond rank 20) to always keep your progression.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

So basically "Hey lets remove the only way you have to adapt yourself to the enemies you're going to fight!" as well as pretty much the only way to deal with enemy scaling...
And when has infested impedance "trivialized" the infested?  Even with 4 of them since they have a limited range and the infested have more ranged attacks and support units it helps to slow the hoard next to you but doesn't make it much easier.

The infested already struggle to do anything without using a artificial way to counter for example the ancients.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

And as to why enemies have accuracy stats: Because without them enemies would be broken aimbots.  Accuracy is what comes into play when you do parkour maneuvers because if you're jumping around like that enemies won't hit you because they suffer a massive accuracy penalty.
And its not like EMP aura is horribly broken or anything either.

The EMP aura is completely useless anyway because enemies will scale to the point of becoming a aim bot.I already answered this to someone else with the aim bot issue, why not get rid of enemy accuracy(and enemy hitscan) and make their weapons shoot projectiles like a bullet hell(example: Nier Automata and Ratchet & Clank series) that they move at a straight line at were the enemy was firing from( with different sizes and speed) for better telegraphing and that it makes sense in lore because the Tenno are supposed to be being a super soldier.


On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

So basically "Lets add in a massive grind into the game for each frame to do anything with them!"
The only way to make you're tank tankier?  How about dumping hundreds upon hundreds of hours into one frame and then see all of that progress and effort mean nothing when a new frame comes out!  Meaning that every time a new frame comes out you have hundreds of hours to wait before you can do anything above level 30!

 This system will effect all warframes and champions all at once not individually you over exaggerated this post.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

Further this would pretty much make every warframe the same.  Oh you have a Zephyr?  Say hello to every other Zephyr having the same stats and the same build because there is no way to build differently than anyone else due to the upgrade system!
What's the point of limiting things down to "There is one build for your health, shields, energy, and similar.  You can't even try to do something else because the system flat-out won't let you!"

This will free up mod space and allows DE to balance enemy damage so that tanks aren't immortal but also for non-tanks to not be one shot by everything in the endgame.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

Really?  What honest purpose would this serve beyond "Lets have absolutely zero ways for a player to actually impact their own stats!"  which is kinda the point behind the entire mod and arcane system.
And I'm surprised you didn't go after all of the other arcanes.  After all plenty of people don't use Magus Husk and Magus Vigor, but pretty much everyone who can get one uses Arcane Energize.

Arcanes are not supposed to give a stat increase because that is for mods they supposed to give you a buff proc'd by doing a certain action.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

Why do you want to remove progression and options so much?
Why should there only be one of these kinds of mods?

There is no point in having a mod like Collision Force when Primed Heavy Trauma exist(primed mods in general) to have them do the exact same thing when it's just unnecessary clutter that is clogging up the loot pool.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

What purpose would this serve?

All this would do is say "Make one weapon useful for the mission you're fighting, the others will be pure and utter trash because they can't use the same elements!"
What's the point behind this?
All this does is artificially limit players to one weapon and one weapon only as without elements good luck killing anything.  And its not even for a stated reason of how this would help anything or what benefits it would bring, or even what reasoning is behind such an inane change.

I meant by that build with X weapon it doesn't effect the other weapons in your loadout.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

And again you want to add in hundreds upon hundreds of hours of grinding in order to make something useful....and with no real benefit when people can and will just rank up their tigris primes over and over and over again and make a strong weapon stronger.

 Loza03 already explained this better.

  • But especially a gilding system. If it was locked to weapons a certain MR below the highest currently on a weapon (15, I believe? I might be wrong), then that would certainly help weak weapons become relevant, and reduce the need for strong band-aid mods for them... which also apply to their stronger brethren, negating the benefits.. Have this gliding be acquired as a fairly late-game achievement as a reward for reaching a certain amount of power. "Well done, you've become powerful. Now, you can bring your whole arsenal to that level, with a little work."

(This can lead DE to adding higher level content)

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

And how is that supposed to work?
Some mods are useful in some frames and utter trash in another.  So how are the mods supposed to even try to contribute to that type of score?
that was the problem with the original CR system and your system does nothing to solve that problem.

All this will do is bring back the CR toxicity and prevent people who are able to handle a mission with a lower score from being able to do anything.....because reasons!

This is mainly to keep track of your overall power level of your load out(there is max cap to the CR) to be visible to everyone and the max cap is soft capped to MR which also scales up your base CR.

On 2018-10-19 at 6:32 AM, Tsukinoki said:

You do know why MK1 weapons exist, right?  So that new players can go through the tutorial and go "oh...I don't like the paris." and change their minds and just buy a braton or strun for credits and be able to just start using it.

What would removing it do?  What possible benefit would it have?
What good would come from telling a new player "You can't get another weapon now, sorry.  Clear a few planets and then start building and then wait 12 hours and you'll finally be able to switch to another weapon!"
What's wrong with having a cheap weapon that a player can buy for credits so that they can try out the mean weapon classes in the game and a few melee options?
Having choices is what WF is about....and here all I see is more "Hey lets remove all choices!!!!!!!  Because reasons!!!!" with no actual stated reasons for why this should be done.

Further why remove the flawed mods?
They provide players with early access to something so that they can get a feel for how it works and get a small boost.
But again this seems to be you wanting to remove any and all progression....just because!  With absolutely no stated reason why progression is so bad and horrible and must be avoided at all costs.

   OK fine they can stay and have a nice day.

Edited by (PS4)CommanderRadec81
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11 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Those stats will scale with the weapons ranking up, they aren't completely removed.

The unranked weapons' base power level will scale with your MR just like mod capacity dose right now(that the if your MR20 you just finished crafting a lex prime, the weapon will scale to it's base power level(unmodded) like if it were rank 20 and not increase until ranking to beyond rank 20) to always keep your progression.

The infested already struggle to do anything without using a artificial way to counter for example the ancients.

The EMP aura is completely useless anyway because enemies will scale to the point of becoming a aim bot.I already answered this to someone else with the aim bot issue, why not get rid of enemy accuracy(and enemy hitscan) and make their weapons shoot projectiles like a bullet hell(example: Nier Automata and Ratchet & Clank series) that they move at a straight line at were the enemy was firing from( with different sizes and speed) for better telegraphing and that it makes sense in lore because the Tenno are supposed to be being a super soldier.


 This system will effect all warframes all at once not individually you over exaggerated this post.

This will free up mod space and allows DE to balance enemy damage so that tanks aren't immortal but also for non-tanks to not be one shot by everything in the endgame.

Arcanes are not supposed to give a stat increase because that is for mods they supposed to give you a buff proc'd by doing a certain action.

There is no point in having a mod like Collision Force when Primed Heavy Trauma exist(primed mods in general) to have them do the exact same thing when it's just unnecessary clutter that is clogging up the loot pool.

I meant by that build with X weapon it doesn't effect the other weapons in your loadout.

 Loza03 already explained this better.

  • But especially a gilding system. If it was locked to weapons a certain MR below the highest currently on a weapon (15, I believe? I might be wrong), then that would certainly help weak weapons become relevant, and reduce the need for strong band-aid mods for them... which also apply to their stronger brethren, negating the benefits.. Have this gliding be acquired as a fairly late-game achievement as a reward for reaching a certain amount of power. "Well done, you've become powerful. Now, you can bring your whole arsenal to that level, with a little work."

(This can lead DE to adding higher level content)

This is mainly to keep track of your overall power level of your load out(there is max cap to the CR) to be visible to everyone and the max cap is soft capped to MR which scales up your base CR.

   OK fine they can stay and have a nice day.

And also I would rather DE to add more interesting,interactive and dynamic mods than a simple stat increase because those are honestly boring and doesn't really change anything in a meaningful way to make me more powerful like Conduction Overload,Hunter Munitions and Adaptation are a good start but need something more than that.

Edited by (PS4)CommanderRadec81
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4 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Do I have to keep repeating myself to every single one of you people? That it seems like you all just jump to conclusions that you are unable to read.

  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage),Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod and that weapons scale as you level them up to make it feel natural especially for new players(and make the base power level of the weapon scale with mastery rank like mod capacity) and to make it so much easier for DE to fix enemy health scaling (and also removing these stats from Rivens) and rebalancing weapons

Seemingly you too cant read because you just jumped to conclusions aswell, but anyway im gonna bold out the important parts.

14 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay now seriously this is nothing else but a bunch of UNNECESSEARY nerfs WHAT DONT FIX THE CORE PROBLEM.

Just because i used the word nerf that doesnt mean i havent read your suggestion.

4 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

I'm not asking DE to fully remove them.

So you only ask to partially remove them? Do i need to repeat myself?

Removing ways to cope with the enemy scaling will only magnify problems.

4 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

It IS a problem when the game lacks any endgame or difficulty and it just takes away any hope of having any.

So you admit that the missing engame and difficulty is part of the problem.

Now please tell me what is easier reworking the core aspects of modding and damage or making DE eat that cursed bitter pill and force them to finally start to think about the ever growing horde of endgame players.

4 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Powercreep isn't a good progression because it causes a bad habit to players to only use that gear and limits DE to make any content.

Take a look at literally any mmo game, every gear they get is the literal example of powercreep and it doesnt create any kind of problems.

Its DE's fault that instead of releasing content->releasing powercreep for that content they gone with releasing powercreep->?->releasing content what is below the powercreep .

4 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Remember the "eximus 2.0" mechanic they shown on a devstream about 2 years ago? They were invulnerable until Rebecca had to shoot the tiny bits hanging the charger eximus, it seems like DE didn't learn from that with the Elite Alerts.  

Yeah i remember that BS, it was the first case when i seen that DE simply doesnt have the.... how should i call it? Creativity, fantasy, sense? Whatever they dont have what it takes to actually create content for this game what is above the powercreep they have created.

I mean take a look at my thread and watch the video. In short some guys played with a broken mod and decided to speed up the enemies and this in itself made the regular lv50 mooks dangerous opponents.


Apart from this its too DE's fault that enemies are hard capped to make sure at max 6-8 of them can fire simultenously at you. Its their fault too that the new "endgame mode" has a much slower scaling than anything else in the starchart, by the time you deadly levels on enemies there in the starchart some guy just got obliterated by a butcher atleast at double levels than what you face.

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People need to stop posting very long and specific lists on what their opinion is on fixing the game and leave that to the development team. We can still be proactive in improving the game, but we should be making more basic requests that the dev then fulfills. If that makes sense...

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On 2018-10-19 at 12:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

So you only ask to partially remove them? Do i need to repeat myself?

Removing ways to cope with the enemy scaling will only magnify problems.

Let me explain this better for you, let me use rifles as a example.

Rifles currently mainly use Serration,Split Chamber and Vital Sense(this is a mandatory for all crit rifles limiting mod slots even more) and all give 165% damage,90% multishot and 120% critical damage at max rank. What I suggest is when a weapon ranks up the weapons gains 5.5% damage,3% multishot and 4% critical damage boost and removing these stats from rivens and set mods(and giving these mods something else) with the gilding system explained by Loza03.

  • But especially a gilding system. If it was locked to weapons a certain MR below the highest currently on a weapon (15, I believe? I might be wrong), then that would certainly help weak weapons become relevant, and reduce the need for strong band-aid mods for them... which also apply to their stronger brethren, negating the benefits.. Have this gliding be acquired as a fairly late-game achievement as a reward for reaching a certain amount of power. "Well done, you've become powerful. Now, you can bring your whole arsenal to that level, with a little work."

With this change DE can finally address enemy health scaling(mainly armor) and also get rid of riven disposition with also these changes.

  • Riven Transmute no longer needs the transmuter
  • Riven Transmuter is turned into a lock that you will able lock a stat of the riven mod when rerolling and able to do it with multiple stat
On 2018-10-19 at 12:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

So you admit that the missing engame and difficulty is part of the problem.

The balance issues is one of the reasons why the game lacks endgame and difficulty.

The other issues would be:

  • AI is so dumb to the point that all friendly ai is completely useless and helpless to do anything interesting or engaging
  • Damage 3.0 needs to buff and rework damage types like magnetic,impact,puncture,blast,radiation,fire and void that most of these should just be either a debuff or damage
  • The constant band-aids instead of actually fixing the issue like self damage(and the band-aid mod still doesn't stop the self damage from one shot) and weapon swap(even with the mods it's still slow,clunky and the animations looks really bad)
  • Level design lacks movement in mind(both for players and ai) like platforming(and to improving the platforming is to simply add a black circle that it looks like your shadow on the ground/wall to telegraph if you're going to land correctly),constantly getting stuck,feels very video gamey that stuff is just there for no true purpose of gameplay,interaction,nothing dynamically changing or happening caused by the player or ai actions, or incentive to explore
  • Lack of enemy variety(this can be DE's chance to improve it with the moa companion that they can make some new designs,weapons and attacks for the moa enemies and reuse them as parts and noggles. Can you just imagine having Ambulas or M-W.A.M as a companion.) that lack anything interesting or different that we fight the same two enemies("guy with gun" and "guy with sword") 99% of the entire game
  • Mission structure is so bare bones that the missions feel the same with lacking side objectives,so easy that it's nearly impossible to fail,the lack of anything interesting,engaging or rewarding happening during the mission, and most of the gamemodes is just get form point A, do the thing and extract.
  • Allot of warframe abilities and passives are useless,weak or outdated 
  • Loot dilution
  • Constantly abandoning content to be left to rot
  • Gunplay is still mediocre with the lack of proper visual and audio feedback and satisfaction with lackluster death animations and weapon swap


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On 2018-10-19 at 12:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Apart from this its too DE's fault that enemies are hard capped to make sure at max 6-8 of them can fire simultenously at you. 

What are you serious? Then that isn't really a horde then.

On 2018-10-19 at 12:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Take a look at literally any mmo game, every gear they get is the literal example of powercreep and it doesnt create any kind of problems.

Well it doesn't it work in Warframe because it doesn't it have the loot system and progression system those games have.

On 2018-10-19 at 12:31 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Yeah i remember that BS, it was the first case when i seen that DE simply doesnt have the.... how should i call it? Creativity, fantasy, sense? Whatever they dont have what it takes to actually create content for this game what is above the powercreep they have created.

The enemy design in warframe is just terrible(it's mostly just unfair,annoying,boring or out of place) and made this problem worse with flying nullifiers. They really need to start learning from games like Doom,Halo,Devil May Cry,Bayonetta and God of War or start hiring people who know how to do it properly.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Let me explain this better for you, let me use rifles as a example.

-Large snip-

Ahh now i get what you say but i think its too drastic change for the game.

1 hour ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

The balance issues is one of the reasons why the game lacks endgame and difficulty.

-Another snip-

Yeah a lot problems piled up over the years what mostly got fixed by half-thought out ideas and bandaids.

45 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

What are you serious? Then that isn't really a horde then.

It was hard to find but here is the video evidence. At best only 6-8 enemies are attacking simultenously which makes the game horribly easy in itself.

49 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Well it doesn't it work in Warframe because it doesn't it have the loot system and progression system those games have.

Warframe technically has a proper looting and progression system for this, its just it doesnt have the needed maps to use up this progression.

We have a basic crafting system what is like the one in most survival games and a progression system aka the mr ranks, its not the best but its technically made for that.

All we need now is some maps to actually use this up.

55 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

The enemy design in warframe is just terrible(it's mostly just unfair,annoying,boring or out of place) and made this problem worse with flying nullifiers. They really need to start learning from games like Doom,Halo,Devil May Cry,Bayonetta and God of War or start hiring people who know how to do it properly.

I seen the post about the new drones on reddit, i too have made my own suggestion lower and in another thread i suggested the drones to take basic enemies and turn them into advanced bosses.

For example the basic scorpions get an atterax, a kulstar as a secondary and is accompanioned with a feral kavat, all this obviously with upscaled ehp stats and moderate cc resistance.



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On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:


  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage)

I agree with damage and multishot. Maybe crit damage.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod

I don't agree with these. First, that's a lot of Aura options gone. Second, providing a boost to one weapon type and not others is a little interesting to me, at least. I think Rifle Amp, Shotgun Amp and Dead Eye should be combined into a Primary Amp. Flight speed isn't mandatory as far as I know, it's a nice thing to have and makes aiming easier but it's often discarded in favour of more damage.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove all bane mods because these will just become the new mandatory mods

I don't agree with this entirely, but I do think the Bane mods might need tweaking to avoid being mandatory. Perhaps if they were limited to one Bane mod per weapon, and/or reduced overall damage by something like half the boost versus the target faction. That way, they'd still give a boost versus the target faction but multi-faction missions like ESO and Fissures would make Bane mods a poor choice.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove Corrosive Projection,EMP Aura(why do enemies have accuracy stat?),Infested Impedance and Shield Disruption because these just trivialize content without the player having to do anything

No. That's even more Auras gone. Instead, enemy scaling should be fixed so these mods aren't near-obligatory.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove all health,shield and armor mods and have them be part of a permanent upgrade system similar to the operator to make it much easier for DE to fix enemy damage scaling

This is a good idea in theory, but certain frames that are viable when built with a combination of health and shields would either need to scale better than other frames, making them significantly better in sheer stats, or they would scale at the same rate other frames do and be crippled unless the balance is struck exactly right.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove Flow and have it be part of the upgrade system mentioned above because it's a mandatory mod and it trivializes the "energy reduction" modifier

As long as I get a ducat, credit and endo refund on Primed Flow.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove Magus Husk and Magus Vigor and buff the health & armor waybounds for the operator     

Just swaps out grinding for Arcanes with grinding for Focus. Doesn't really change much in my eyes. Admittedly, yes, you get less meta rigidity with Arcanes, but those aren't the only viable Operator arcanes to my knowledge.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove Collision Force,Auger Strike and Buzz Kill(and other similar mods because their should only be one of these kinds of mods)

No. Physical damage mods, as they are right now, provide an alternative to elemental mods on certain weapons. You can choose between higher DPS or weighing status procs towards a chosen damage type. Which is which depends on the weapons and their damage percentages.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Limit the damage type mods to only be one at a time (example: if you have Frostbite equipped your can't add Cryo Rounds in the same build)

Is stacking one damage type a problem? I have never in my life heard anyone say "this weapon is OP if you run at least 2 electric/cold/whatever mods on it."

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Mods that will require to be changed with these changes:Umbral Fiber,Umbral Vitality,Sacrificial Pressure,Augur Accord,Auger Pact,Gladiator Aegis,Gladiator Might,Gladiator Resolve and Vigilante Armaments

Yes, these should be changed instead of removed if the other changes are put into effect.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Adding a gilding system open to everyone to be able buff lower MR weapons to be able to scale for endgame (it will buff their stats but also the MR requirement)           

This is the only thing you've said so far that I absolutely agree with. It'd be fiddly for DE to do, though.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Bring back the Conclave rating system to be more like a item level system like other MMO/RPG games (example: Destiny's light level system) for better balance for endgame and something for the players to grind for and block off new players from doing content they should't be doing

Don't care about Conclave. If you're suggesting people be forced into PVP to access PVE content, which is what I think you mean, I'd slap you if I could.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Riven Transmute no longer needs the transmuter
  • Riven Transmuter is turned into a lock that you will able lock a stat of the riven mod when rerolling

These might actually be good ideas. The justification I see for Transmuters existing is that you have to at least know what you're doing in some respect before you gamble 4 Rivens away. Riven stat locks, however, I absolutely do want.

On 2018-10-18 at 5:04 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:
  • Remove MK1 weapons and Flawed mods               

MK1 weapons exist as a powergating tool for new players, and they also allow for easier acquisition of mastery without building anything. Endo being wasted on flawed mods is a valid concern, but in that case, flawed mods should have only one rank with the same effect as a current maxed flawed mod.

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On 2018-10-19 at 10:59 AM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Do I have to keep repeating myself to every single one of you people? That it seems like you all just jump to conclusions that you are unable to read.

That's what happens when one of two conditions are met:

1) You didn't explain yourself well in the first place. There seems to be some of that here. 

2) You aren't understanding what people have told you about why what you said was wrong. There seems to be a lot of that here. 


Look I've read your suggestions, and a lot of people have already addressed why a lot of it just won't fly. Even your "mandatory mods must go" shows that you just don't get the human condition. You realise that stripping some of the current set will lead to others becoming the new "go to" combinations. That's always going to be the case. Every time a nerf hits, a new meta arises. It's not really a bad thing, unless we're actually being forced to use it. And we aren't. 

A lot of the time the meta builds are so good that they take us beyond what the average players will encounter a need for. My Lanka isn't the current Eidolon hunting meta build, and my 212 amp is good enough, but again not the best, same for my Rhino, and a lot of the time I still have the highest damage dealt in the public matches I play. A fair bit of the time I walk away with 50%+ of the damage dealt. If you stripped, banned or, nerfed the current "most efficient" combinations, what's to say that my build won't be the next best thing and within a week everyone will be using it? 


Most of your suggestions are like that. They try to tackle a symptom, but only end up shifting the problem without fixing anything. Others just show a lack of understanding of why certain things exist at all. 

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9 hours ago, Cataclystri said:

Endo being wasted on flawed mods is a valid concern, but in that case, flawed mods should have only one rank with the same effect as a current maxed flawed mod.

No it's not. 

Flawed mods have less drain than regular ones. New players with new frames/weapons, low MR ranks, no potatoes, and few slots with polarity, have a hard enough time to rank up their gear. 

Those flawed mods are of significant importance to those players. Leave them be. 

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On ‎2018‎-‎10‎-‎19 at 2:32 PM, Tsukinoki said:

And again you want to add in hundreds upon hundreds of hours of grinding in order to make something useful....and with no real benefit when people can and will just rank up their tigris primes over and over and over again and make a strong weapon stronger.

This is one of the ideas I agree with the OP about. They've already quoted me, but I'd like to have my own say in it.

I agree with this idea on the proviso that it is limited to weapons a certain degree below the max MR. i.e. Not the Tigris Prime, at least not for a long while. In that way, such a system could allow weapons lower on the progression curve become relevant again. It ought to be locked behind a certain degree of progression, after you'd likely have abandoned those weapons - perhaps with some intentional exceptions for weapons like the regular Ignis, weapons which are still considered powerful in spite of their low MR right now. If raids were ever to be reworked to not be infested golf or button simulators and brought back, they'd be a good reward from that.

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On 2018-10-17 at 9:04 PM, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

What is the problem?: The overall balance(mainly power creep and scaling) that is leading the game into a cycle that leaves players feeling like their progression was meaningless and a waste of time making them frustrated with nothing left to do and just leave to never come back.Making the game too easy or artificially difficult making the game feel unrewarding,boring and no possible way to have any endgame.

Why it's a problem?: Because it's one the major fundamental issues of the game that will lead it's possible downfall and leave all current content and future content no matter how much DE tries will fall flat and fail.


  • Remove mandatory mods (damage %,multishot and crit damage),Pistol Amp,Rifle Amp,Shotgun Amp,Dead Eye,Steel Charge,flight speed mod and that weapons scale as you level them up to make it feel natural especially for new players(and make the base power level of the weapon scale with mastery rank like mod capacity) and to make it so much easier for DE to fix enemy health scaling (and also removing these stats from Rivens) and rebalancing weapons
  • Remove all bane mods because these will just become the new mandatory mods
  • Remove Corrosive Projection,EMP Aura(why do enemies have accuracy stat?),Infested Impedance and Shield Disruption because these just trivialize content without the player having to do anything
  • Remove all health,shield and armor mods and have them be part of a permanent upgrade system similar to the operator to make it much easier for DE to fix enemy damage scaling
  • Remove Flow and have it be part of the upgrade system mentioned above because it's a mandatory mod and it trivializes the "energy reduction" modifier   
  • Remove Magus Husk and Magus Vigor and buff the health & armor waybounds for the operator
  • Remove Collision Force,Auger Strike and Buzz Kill(and other similar mods because their should only be one of these kinds of mods)
  • Limit the damage type mods to only be one at a time (example: if you have Frostbite equipped your can't add Cryo Rounds in the same build)
  • Mods that will require to be changed with these changes:Umbral Fiber,Umbral Vitality,Sacrificial Pressure,Augur Accord,Auger Pact,Gladiator Aegis,Gladiator Might,Gladiator Resolve and Vigilante Armaments


  • Adding a gilding system open to everyone to be able buff lower MR weapons to be able to scale for endgame (it will buff their stats but also the MR requirement)
  • Bring back the Conclave rating system to be more like a item level system like other MMO/RPG games (example: Destiny's light level system) for better balance for endgame and something for the players to grind for and block off new players from doing content they should't be doing
  • Riven Transmute no longer needs the transmuter
  • Riven Transmuter is turned into a lock that you will able lock a stat of the riven mod when rerolling
  • Remove MK1 weapons and Flawed mods               

All of this please! Make Warframe the game it supposed to be!

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On 2018-10-22 at 8:35 PM, Cephalycion said:

Just talked to the Council of High Intelligence and Education Findings (aka C.H.I.E.F) and we have concluded this post to be filed under the "ain't it" section storage facility.


5 hours ago, (XB1)INZZANE 79 said:

Oh hell no! I would uninstall Warframe in a second if those changes were made.


Can both of you please explain why you disagree? I already made some changes to my post.

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On 2018-10-22 at 12:22 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Ahh now i get what you say but i think its too drastic change for the game.

I know it is(well nothing is easy in game development in general) but something needs to be done to address this issue because I want to move on from these issues(and I'm sure DE does as well) so that DE can focus on making content and features so that we won't be in this "content drought" situation again(I personally don't feel it IMO but my problem is the the quality,lack of depth,replay value,lack of variety, lack of any difficulty and bad rewards of the content).

On 2018-10-22 at 12:22 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Warframe technically has a proper looting and progression system for this, its just it doesnt have the needed maps to use up this progression.

Please elaborate on the maps you speak of because I don't understand what you mean.


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On 2018-10-23 at 5:12 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

No it's not. 

Flawed mods have less drain than regular ones. New players with new frames/weapons, low MR ranks, no potatoes, and few slots with polarity, have a hard enough time to rank up their gear. 

Those flawed mods are of significant importance to those players. Leave them be. 

OK fine they can stay since you made a good point that I made some some changes to my post.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:


Can both of you please explain why you disagree? I already made some changes to my post.

OP, first off I just want to say,

I'm sure you're a nice guy, and you think your ideas are gonna be great and they will improve Warframe in so many ways.

I must admit I've been kinda rude because I just straight out denied your suggestions without really explaining in detail why I did so.

However, what I want to say has already been said by so many others in the comments here, and I don't really want to just repeat what they have said. It would be pointless.

Fact is, your ideas are great, and would be great if you were talking about a new game. However, this is Warframe, and many people have put their heart and soul into this game over the years.

If let's say we remove the mandatory mods, many people would be disheartened because it would cause a huge meta shift in modding and essentially destroy several years of Warframe experience. It would also be very difficult for the devs to redesign the game in this way also, and would cause something like a 2 year content drought. At least.

Best of luck.

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On 2018-10-23 at 5:05 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

That's what happens when one of two conditions are met:

1) You didn't explain yourself well in the first place. There seems to be some of that here. 

2) You aren't understanding what people have told you about why what you said was wrong. There seems to be a lot of that here. 


Look I've read your suggestions, and a lot of people have already addressed why a lot of it just won't fly. Even your "mandatory mods must go" shows that you just don't get the human condition. You realise that stripping some of the current set will lead to others becoming the new "go to" combinations. That's always going to be the case. Every time a nerf hits, a new meta arises. It's not really a bad thing, unless we're actually being forced to use it. And we aren't. 

A lot of the time the meta builds are so good that they take us beyond what the average players will encounter a need for. My Lanka isn't the current Eidolon hunting meta build, and my 212 amp is good enough, but again not the best, same for my Rhino, and a lot of the time I still have the highest damage dealt in the public matches I play. A fair bit of the time I walk away with 50%+ of the damage dealt. If you stripped, banned or, nerfed the current "most efficient" combinations, what's to say that my build won't be the next best thing and within a week everyone will be using it? 


Most of your suggestions are like that. They try to tackle a symptom, but only end up shifting the problem without fixing anything. Others just show a lack of understanding of why certain things exist at all. 

Go and read my post again I made some changes.

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7 hours ago, Cephalycion said:

OP, first off I just want to say,

I'm sure you're a nice guy, and you think your ideas are gonna be great and they will improve Warframe in so many ways.

I must admit I've been kinda rude because I just straight out denied your suggestions without really explaining in detail why I did so.

However, what I want to say has already been said by so many others in the comments here, and I don't really want to just repeat what they have said. It would be pointless.

Fact is, your ideas are great, and would be great if you were talking about a new game. However, this is Warframe, and many people have put their heart and soul into this game over the years.

If let's say we remove the mandatory mods, many people would be disheartened because it would cause a huge meta shift in modding and essentially destroy several years of Warframe experience. It would also be very difficult for the devs to redesign the game in this way also, and would cause something like a 2 year content drought. At least.

Best of luck.

Thanks for the apology and sorry to everyone if I came off as a jerk. I blame myself for my behavior due to me currently going through some personal issues and stressed from irl responsibilities that the responses to my post just made me snap a little.

Edited by (PS4)CommanderRadec81
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7 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderRadec81 said:

Thanks for the apology and sorry to everyone if I came off as a jerk. I blame myself for my behavior due to me currently going through some personal issues and stressed from irl responsibilities that the responses to my post just made me snap a little.

And that I forgot to add to my post that everybody will be refunded their ducats,credits and endo with these changes for the mods I suggested to be removed.

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