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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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WANT! consider all has parts farmed once he comes out!  I know what I'm gonna be doing the day update 10 comes out (If I don't have a crap load of HOMEWORK, then I'll have to wait until the friday of that week).  Also, does anybody know the exact day update 10 come out?

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I'd really prefer that Search the dead would be replaced by some other ability. No necessarily life drain, but something else that would be more appealing than looting corpses. Im still trying to think of something other than Life Drain and search the dead as an alternative ability.

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I ask the last time of my old question and I will say it again.

If you used "clone of the dead" after of boss had been kill or Stalker had been kill in your mission your current in. would the effect copy the boss or the stalker that you so far killed not long ago or will it just will not work at all for cloning?


if I quote  "clone of the dead"






SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to
freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


it said friendly nano bot clone of the "Last # enemies he has killed"


so would this be like a troll having a player running around a boss or stalker buddy that is clone of last one he killed?


As that this may come able clone a boss or stalker, I feared this maybe over powered if we are remaking the golem to be beefy and unpredictable as we speak. For enlargement killing the giant golem and killed by necro warframe, he would be too powerful and summon giant boss following the ship yard.


Oh right, ENOUGH WITH U PPL TALKING ABOUT "SEARCH THE DEAD" discuss that 100 page later! it isn't really that bad when you think about it, I think it should be passive skill for attaching and think its a handy cap maybe for it.  I am pretty sure later on they probably want change it in the future time being.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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Just thought of an idea for an ability. Bone Spire: Necro raises bone spikes from the ground in a certain spot designated by the player causing massive damage and impaling enemies.

that sound cool, but it sound like frost's ability where he can also rise spikes that is ice.  So...I guess make pool spike of nano bots bursting from the ground whatever range in front of necro? don't know how big the radius but I pretty sure it would help kill massive enemies in the way.

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Frosts is in a line. My thought is just a singular spot in front of him.


Also, if you really want to get into it, Frosts ice wave is like excals slash dash, but instead of moving forward he sends ice.

Edited by Sev1107
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The question is, how does one find all Necro parts for those who can't or don't want to use platinum

I'm fairly sure the new Golem boss is going to drop him. least I think thats what they said a few livestreams ago.

EDIT: IF thats the case, whats gona happen to the volt parts I wonder?

Edited by Fartbake
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SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.

Love Soul punch.

can terror totem be changed into an AOE degeneration within x radius, while at that add some (20%) slow debuff?

not loving search the dead, need to change, or maybe increase the amt of ammo drop rate from using this skill.

clone the dead, need to be suitable for some additional DPS at higher level, clone last for xx seconds, same or lower stats than original body.

Edited by low1991
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                First and foremost I’d like to state how pleased I am that DE is designing a necromancer themed warframe. With that being said, I find his current ability set rather lacking. They can be more or less broken down into 1 damage ability, 1 control ability, 1 support ability, and 1 minion ability. This guy’s ability set is –all- over the place, so I’m curious what sort of role is this guy supposed to fulfill? I believe with the current trend of things, and each warframe having clearly defined roles (further supported by the latest patch and adjustments to various warframes) I think his ability set can use a complete overall from the get go.


                Now, hopefully im not alone in this, but when I imagine a necro warframe, I don’t picture some evil themed version of Trinity, I envision something more akin to the necromancer of Diablo 2, the Mastermind of City of Villains, or something along those lines; a true master of minions and mayhem. I would be genuinely disappointed if all we got was a warframe that is necromantic only in name, yet with run of the mill abilities that really any other warframe could have been equipped with under a different name and pretense. I can understand that there is more to necromancy than just raising undead, but that is its biggest defining feature, if you’re going to give the necromancer soul, poison, bone, decay, or any other type of ‘themed abilities’ that could be interpreted as ‘magic’, creating some other warframe themed after a Warlock could also fulfill that role just fine as well.


                I would really like to see all four of his abilities minion centric, maybe soul punch literally punches the soul out of an enemy, temporarily turning them into a stationary tortured soul that attacks nearby enemies with energy attacks. Maybe instead of a Terror Totem he constructs a Pillar of Flesh that lashes out at nearby enemies and slows them while dealing toxic damage. Little things like this can go a long way in how the Necro would feel and play.


                DE has a golden opportunity to really explore the potential presence of friendly NPCS with this frame, and rather than sticking in a mish mash of generic abilities and capping it all with a potentially gimmicky ultimate, I feel they should go all out and really design a full-fledged minion master warframe. Sure, this would mean more resources devoted to modeling and particle effects, NPC AI, etc, but it would definitely be worth the wait and investment I think. But there’s only so much you can do with the current ability system, theme and flavor-wise before mechanics start overlapping and warframes end up with carbon copies of abilities of other warframes just with different names and particle effects.


Anyway just wanted to get my opinion out there, hopefully I’m not alone in how I feel about this xD.

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how bout instead of search the dead he has a ranged rez ability for allies. call it resurrect and has a moderate reach so you can raise the guy in the middle of the toxics for like 50 energy instead of wading in yourself to get him.


Also i would consider necro as support. I LIKE him having a variety of abilities instead of being minion-centric.


support character generally have a small sampling of everything. that's why their support, then can do a bit of everything in a pinch.

Edited by Jaxomfaux
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Shall i quote myself?


A possible alternative to "Search the Dead":


Decay: The necro drains all enemie's life force in the area, lowering their HP, their armor and their dmg by % (could be 20-30-40-50%) for a set amount of time (could be 5-10-15-20 seconds) after which enemies recover their full power.

Increased by Focus, Continuity and Stretch


Fixes to "Terror Totem":


This skill will need to affect a certain number of targets, Unlimited = Bad, you just nerfed bastille... it would not be consistent if you allow Terror Totem to block unlimited targets, i hope you realize this.

Also i would change the mechanic and let the skill work like Overheat, casted upon myself and i'm able to move and spread it around.


Fixes to "Clone the dead":


In the current meta it will be impossible for the necro to use this skill optimally because there are too many frames with "I_Win" skills that will get the kills... i suggest you to let "Clone the dead" work like Molecular Prime: Infect all the enemies in a certain radius and, upon death, they rise as minions. Easy and effective.

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If you used "clone of the dead" after of boss had been kill or Stalker had been kill in your mission your current in. would the effect copy the boss or the stalker that you so far killed not long ago or will it just will not work at all for cloning?


it isn't really that bad when you think about it

 - if you could revive a boss, it would really not matter. assassinations are done after you kill the boss. Stalker, honestly, he has limited danger. Slash Dash is his most effective attack. Despair being his second most. Dread being a laughable third, as long as you're damn far away from him. he's generally really bad at hitting you with it.

though, once at a decent level, if he does hit you with Dread... you're going to just die(as most frames), because for some godforsaken reason someone thought it was a good idea for enemies to be able to damage you while knocked down. all that usually results in is a lot of instant revive screens appearing for no reason. because some enemy somewhere shot you once. getting knocked down is one thing, being brought to a menu that is Platinum fueled is another.


but, i suppose compared to most enemies, Stalker would be a bit OP in terms of being a friendly minion. but you probably can't revive him anyways, you can't ever kill him his bicth arse runs away before you can. so this issue has become null.


- it's really that bad. it makes loot. i've never felt like "i'm short on energy and ammo so i want to use energy to pretend to loot corpses that dissapear almost instantaneously most of the time".

the logic, isn't there.

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 - if you could revive a boss, it would really not matter. assassinations are done after you kill the boss. Stalker, honestly, he has limited danger. Slash Dash is his most effective attack. Despair being his second most. Dread being a laughable third, as long as you're damn far away from him. he's generally really bad at hitting you with it.

though, once at a decent level, if he does hit you with Dread... you're going to just die(as most frames), because for some godforsaken reason someone thought it was a good idea for enemies to be able to damage you while knocked down. all that usually results in is a lot of instant revive screens appearing for no reason. because some enemy somewhere shot you once. getting knocked down is one thing, being brought to a menu that is Platinum fueled is another.


but, i suppose compared to most enemies, Stalker would be a bit OP in terms of being a friendly minion. but you probably can't revive him anyways, you can't ever kill him his bicth arse runs away before you can. so this issue has become null.


- it's really that bad. it makes loot. i've never felt like "i'm short on energy and ammo so i want to use energy to pretend to loot corpses that dissapear almost instantaneously most of the time".

the logic, isn't there.

thank you, I hope this would not effect big boss golem of remake of him if you think about it (watching giant clone golem running around with you) good gosh... Now if we read part carefully again with "clone the dead" it had not said recent last mission or current mission if we carefully think about "Clone the dead" which it could be mean any number of enemies from all your mission or current mission which it will have players confuse by if it is not translated right.  So lets just go wtih just your current mission...good gosh imagine huge spam form all your mission...millions nano bots buddies that is auto armies take over the whole galaxy...corpus and ginneer nightmare day. Not only that game crash too.

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i really like how the totem sounds!! and the ulti sounds sweet, but does soul punch only effect a single target? does the loot search effect wok for eveyone or just you? but it just seems really out of place, for many frames and weapons disintegrate the the corpse immediately... i think a skill that works off the same count as the ulti can be used to either heal/regenerate shields over time for X amount of time or as a good medium damage skill (giant ethereal reaper blade slashing an arc in front of you, through a wave of enemies :D)


 it looks like Hate (the weapon) will make a home on his back :D

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i really like how the totem sounds!! and the ulti sounds sweet, but does soul punch only effect a single target? does the loot search effect wok for eveyone or just you? but it just seems really out of place, for many frames and weapons disintegrate the the corpse immediately... i think a skill that works off the same count as the ulti can be used to either heal/regenerate shields over time for X amount of time or as a good medium damage skill (giant ethereal reaper blade slashing an arc in front of you, through a wave of enemies :D)


 it looks like Hate (the weapon) will make a home on his back :D

Soul punch is not going be on single target, it is going be like a Fus Ro Dah version accept that more better then hurt them a little, if you add focus or upgrade it would do some mighty dmg.


ppl are complaining about "Search the dead" which they see it useless doing that skill, I told them just think its handy cap or passive skill that would be automated of my wishful thinking it should, but the probably most say no so I guess later on they might change skill ability...it would help the teammate gather more energy, yes agree ability skill like this should be shareable for other players then they may not find it useless if fighting against Jackal or any enemies that have buddies keep on summoning on the field. Then it would help bit more when player need energy or either health, ammo, and other stuff.


For you saying about "Clone the dead" it maybe OP which they might nerf it down cuz I can kill 100 enemies just using my scythe and other weapons beside me. Not only that ppl still feared that game crash if I spawn 100 nano bots clone or more of them will totally will be overkill for the boss.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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"Search the Dead" and "Clone the Dead"?


Those names are awful.


Search the Dead is just such a mediocre skill too. It adds nothing particularly fun to the character and nothing to the game. It would be really much more interesting to see something that increased his movement speed and made him intangible, damaging and slowing people he walked throw. On top of that, turn "Terror Totem" into just "Terror" and focus it around him. It would be fun to see a support that still gets in there.

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