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The "Fetch" mod


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33 minutes ago, (XB1)N7 Tigger said:

I use my Kubrow, Helminth Charger and two Kavats more than Sentinels. They all have 6 forma and a full build of max rank mods. Not only is this mod badly implemented it would gimp my builds. I will never use it.

The only thing gimping your builds is terrible ai. Kubvats are only good for their precepts and they have no business being in combat, maybe with the exception of venari. They all suck at killing enemies.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Spectre-8:

Warframes should have the vacuum not pets that get stuck in walls .

I never liked the idea of having mods for this anyway. Why can't my super high tech frame not just have a loot range of it's own? 

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keep this thread up people, we gotta show to DE that we aren't happy about it at all. i also made a big feedback thread for this, too. come and enjoy voicing your opinion about this joke of a mod!

we all give feedback together, Tenno. they will have to listen to us!! ^^ come, upvote, share, and make sure to keep these threads always on top list of the feedback and general section, until they finally acknowledge what people really wanted!

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15 hours ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Wait what?
The Vacuum is centered around the companion and not the Frame? That's not how it is for Sentinels is it? (Hard to tell because they're literally just about a meter behind you).

That is exactly how it works on sentinels. If you play Limbo you'll notice your sentinel is carrying around pickups for you for when you exit the rift.

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Just now, (XB1)SolsticeTheFox said:

Wow this post blew up WAY more than I thought it would. I'm glad opinion still seems to mostly favour the uni-vac. Hopefully someone from DE will take notice and give us their stance on it. 

honestly, it's not their "stance" we need. we need action. we need balance and rework. a rework of Fetch. an opinion from DE won't change how horrible this mod is, and what it should be. lets keep this thread up!!!

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As of the moment, I had a horrible experience where my cat got stuck in some place when I used my AW Launcher and once I landed, it teleported and left all the loot back in it's place. Sad times.

To note, there are also times where your Kubrow/Kavat can be knocked off (good example would be an Garry' Stomps), although I'm not sure how it would work if they had loot and if they will drop it in the space of nothingness where no one can reach (like in the middle of a lake or off a cliff maybe?). Well. Not gonna take my chance to test that out.

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Both Vacuum and Fetch Mods now pull the items directly to the Warframe as opposed to the Sentinel/Pet. Pets in Warframe don’t mimic the same ‘follow’ logic like Sentinels, so they would end up running around with items instead of giving them to you. So basically very bad at fetching... (c)

thantk you. DE

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2 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

Doesn't even matter at this point . Look at the bandaid fix.

Go ahead and tell DE how great they did , like a good boy.

hey, what's your problem? the mod as litterally been improved. not even nerfed. and why do you say it's a bandaid fix?

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16 hours ago, mikakor said:

hey, what's your problem? the mod as litterally been improved. not even nerfed. and why do you say it's a bandaid fix?

apparently its a bandaid fix for the scrubs who cant understand the word "FETCH".

hence commanding a pet to grab something by itself. not commanding a pet, and you, yourself grabs the loot, not the pet

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37 minutes ago, Xeryla said:

apparently its a bandaid fix for the scrubs who cant understand the word "FETCH".

hence commanding a pet to grab something by itself. not commanding a pet, and you, yourself grabs the loot, not the pet

well, it was the sense of the word, but it doesn't change the fact that it itsn't what the community wanted, given the feedback given on the thread i made. and anyway DE changed the mod to fit what was wanted from this mod, so rather than calling us "scrubs" , go have fun.

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Eh seems like the point of contention is functionally resolved since it now effects the warframe not the companion. 

It's a bit twitchy from time to time (I've had missions end with loot directly in front of me and Fetch did nothing to pick it up) but for the most part other than the occasional hiccup it seems to be working pretty OK. 

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43 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Eh seems like the point of contention is functionally resolved since it now effects the warframe not the companion. 

It's a bit twitchy from time to time (I've had missions end with loot directly in front of me and Fetch did nothing to pick it up) but for the most part other than the occasional hiccup it seems to be working pretty OK. 

already had that little bug too with vacuum before, but itès probably going to be patched!

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doesn't matter atm anymore.  This mod completely overrides all pet ability precepts, and even interferes with the 3 precepts for venari.  She wont attack a target you manually target with her 3, she wont restore health or shield either.  she only auto attacks.

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7 hours ago, Alanthier said:

doesn't matter atm anymore.  This mod completely overrides all pet ability precepts, and even interferes with the 3 precepts for venari.  She wont attack a target you manually target with her 3, she wont restore health or shield either.  she only auto attacks.

just noticed it my self kavat doesnt use any skill when fetch is equipped hopefully this get patched.

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On 2018-11-08 at 6:50 PM, mikakor said:

well, considering it cames WITH Fortuna.... maybe. lets keep this topic up in general so DE, if they ever come, see that we aren't happy AT ALL with this. i'll also post the feedback post i'll do, here, the link, so you can all say what you said here. clearly, they didn't got why we wanted Uni-Vac.

As a filthy console peasant I dont have this mod yet but, I mean, is it at least an improvement over not having it equipped at all, or is it so derpy for the reasons discussed that it isnt really worth it?



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1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

As a filthy console peasant I dont have this mod yet but, I mean, is it at least an improvement over not having it equipped at all, or is it so derpy for the reasons discussed that it isnt really worth it?



no, it has been fixed. now Vacuum and Fetch create a vacuum radius around the Warframe! ^^

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3 minutes ago, -ExiT- said:

fetch mod still broken, it still over rides all other pet abilities like charm and mischief with this on kavats only auto attacks 😞

i suggest you doing a thread in Fortuna feedback, for this thing. it shouldn't overrides anything since it doesn't do anything now on said kavat o_O only to the WF.

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