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Update 9.8


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My thoughts on the changes to the warframes:


Ember: I like the changes as Ember's supposed to be a DPS frame, not a tanking frame. Changing Overheat I think was a necessary charge to move her away from being tanky to being more DPS oriented.


Trinity: I'm going to assume that the devs decreased the energy gained from Energy Vampire because they wanted people to stop spamming Link and Blessing indefinitely. Once again, it seems that the devs are trying to shift Trinity back to her intended role as the healer and away from being a tank (Rhino is tanky and has invul because he fills the role of being a tank among all the other warframes).


Mag: Changes are really nice though I still think that Crush should ignore armor. Pull seems to be a bit weird as people are reporting that it doesn't pull the mobs all the way over to the player.


Vauban: Putting a limit on Bastille is a painful change but, I believe, also a necessary change (I play Vauban as one of my mains so I can understand this feeling). Despite it being a necessary change, I still do think that Bastille should hold more mobs as against infested it really starts to fall short. The change to Vortex is awesome. No more sliding all over the place.


Nyx: Can't really say much about her but seems to be going in the right direction.


To those of you QQing about no nerf to Nova yet, I'm pretty sure that she will be hit with the nerf hammer eventually. Keep in mind that some of the buffs/nerfs being doled out today are to frames that have probably been under the microscope for a lot longer than Nova.

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And uninstalling now, what a ridiculously greedy move on DE's part.

Oh look everyone needs this, too bad they have to pay real money for it now mwahahaha.

bye it's been fun.

i'm not sure whether or not to believe that somebody uninstalled a game based on speculation


but seeing as they weren't likely to pay anything, i'm not sure if it was a loss to anybody

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will u quit ur whining? god im tired of hearing about people complaining that nova needs a nerf. she's fine.


Yeah, she's a nuker. You can build Ember, Saryn, even Rhino to be a nuker, but guess what, they can take a hit while she can't. So get over it. Even with survival mods she still gets beaten up easily.

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Not a big fan of Bastille's change. It was handy for turtling, I admit, but tossing one down in a choke point to stem the tide of enemies really helped reduce the chances of being overrun.

It seems like nerfs are for reducing utility/defensive ability while buffs are for offensive ability. So, everything we Tenno have at our disposal is kept from scaling, while everything our enemies have scales fantastically. There are a few skills left that scale well, but I don't believe they'll stay that way for long. I have to admit, though, Pull is a lot more satisfying now. Just needs a "HRRK" sound effect for when enemies get yanked.

Why is all dialog text aligned left now? It was centered before.

The new sort icons look great, except for one thing: They are squished horizontally. Both in Mods and the Foundry.

The "grey-dient" theme for key selection is irksome, but I don't have it up long enough to miss much of what it obscures anyways.

I'm glad you guys kept the "Installed" category for mods, but not indicating which is actually equipped in all the other views is an eyesore. I have to go to "installed" select the mod I want to fuse, switch to another view, and swim through the horde of mods. When equipping mods, I have no idea what mods are from what weapon or if they're from one at all. The UI is also a bit laggy.

I have a few partially leveled mods I keep around so I don't have to keep fusing every time a weapon levels up. Not being able to distinguish which is equipped or not is concerning if I decide to fuse or not. Since we can't dynamically change mod fusion levels per weapon, I'm afraid of choosing the wrong mod, fusing it, and having it exceed the capacity of wherever else it is equipped.

I'm not in the least bit inclined to use mods in multiple items because this "show all equipped" change tripled or quadrupled the number of pages I have to go through when assigning mods to a weapon. I'd rather burn through them all like normal; probably even more so now because of all the clutter. And I still can't click on page 1 ("Previous"'s trigger area encompasses "1"'s).

Could you please get rid of the POP when adding mods to fusion? It's annoying to not be able to see if they made a difference until you remove them and I've had a couple cases of clicking the wrong mod because the enlarged UI changes where the mouse clicks for that second.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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this mod organization system and the changes to supposedly unequiping mods easier is a case of DE overthinking things.


they need to simply add loadout tabs above the weapon tabs. that why I can change to different weapons and mods by clicking a 1 or a 2 or a 3.


this works mainly because pure f2p's don't have the space to need to many loadouts so giving the first 2 free would work fine and then putting a stacking plat cost after words would greatly offer a way of simplifying our changes between missions, gametypes, or even what we pay2plays feel like playing atm.


I know i'd buy 1 or 2 of those loudout slots  because ever since i bought my plat I have more weapons then I could imagine but switching between those various weaps is a pain. the auto mod removal just made things worse. a good attempt but your overthinking this DE.


as to previous posters stating DE only nerfs new frames knowing certain abilities were OP .... its a new frame people are going to rush to play it even if sucks. hell look at firefall they released arsenal and people were rushing to play it despite the fact everyone hated the character model and primary. even if the new necro frame had abilities like loki which are only valued by trolls people will still rush to play it upon release.



I also noticed a majority of the OP aspects of new warframes come from ultimates which strikes me as DE going "well its gotta be powerful because of its high cost... but how powerful is to powerful?" then a second DE dev goes "were in beta well try and if we accidently make something OP will nerf it to make it fall in line"

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This seems like a dangerous update... I think I'm gonna take a break from warframe until you guys get things sorted out with that mod system... No way I'm selling my dupes... Not a single one. Scary stuff.


Oh yeah and your nerf to overheat and bastille sucks hard. Laters lol

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"You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now."


THANK YOU!!!!!! THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So, Vauban is pretty much useless now? :(


No, it is not useless. Bastille still stops most the enemies, just not every single of them. Now it is just no longer shooting at experience pinátas.

Protip: Shoot at the enemies that remain unaffected by Bastille. Problem solved.

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  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.
  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!


Pls dont remove it again, it was such a pain in the &#! to always remove all the mods and search them again when you change warframe/weapon. 

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2:53 PM addition:


  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.
  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!


What? You made great innovation to prevent us equip/unequip same mod (for example, my only maxed Redirection) billion times when we change our frames/weapons/sentinels and now you're going to revert these changes? WTF? DE, I don't trust you anymore (especially after your pointless "tweaks" for my favourite frames). It seems you completely don't know what you're doing.

Edited by AntLion
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old vauban  : little damage against anything except corpus but nice crowd control

new vauban : little damage against anything except corpus but almost no crowd control (dont tel me 12 is a big number compared to like 30-50 enemies its nothing)


DE is this really your way of "balancing"?

Fixing some bugs with Bastille would have been a much better way of balancing..............

Edited by BloodEmperor
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I will repost this here:

We officially have a new Mag and a new Volt!


You know what i am talking about - the lame dude and the useless chick. Except they are now called Vauban and Ember.


After some extensive hours of testing both on high level defense (including Void) and normal levelsi have the following to say:



This guy just became from one of the best, one of the extremely "meh...".

Quick comparison with 2 other frames considered "hight teir" - Nyx and Frost. Both Chaos and Globe abilities affect unlimited number of enemies. Chaos is effective towards every faction and not only renders the affected harmless to the teno and the pod for huge amounts of time, but deals variable amounts of damage. Snow Globe is effective against both Corpus and Grineer and it renders the pod completely invulnerable to enemy fire. yet none of those is or ever has been considered OP.


Bastille is very effective only against one faction comapared to the upper mentioned - the silly space zombies. Bastille was the sole reason for Vauban to be considered viable and wanted part of the team. And yes we can play without it (since it doesnt really exist anymore on high level play, but just like Volt before, we can only rely on our gear and... well none of our abilities. (tesla and bounce do nothing against anything after lvl 20 and Vortex's effectiveness is... questionable to say the least.


And all of this after you guys specifically promised us you will not nerf Vauban (and Nova) but rather would bring the other frames that were lacking up to par. Wich is quite easy to explane since breaking one well working and perfectly ballanced warframe is much easier way of putting them all on one level than working on the other dozen that lack.



Aster introducing you to the new Volt i would like you to meet new Mag.

Yes, Ember is that bad now. As a relatevely slow/squishy frame for one that is supposed to get close and personal with the enemy as her abilities suggest. She had one power that was actually any good - Overheat. Since all her damege powers were completely unable to deal almost any damage, she at lest had some way to protect herself for very limited amount of time.


May i remind you Overheat was lightyears away from the effectiveness of Ironskin since it didn't granted us invulnerability to knockdown or to stun and still allowed us to get killed very easily. And therefore i believe i was not the only one who expected changes in this direction making it at lest a decent defense power, since it goes for such short time. So again you've done excatly the opposite of what made any sense and have rendered another frame bad. The damage dealer that doesn't deal damage now also has no defence.



All of this is of course a stricly personal opinion and coms from my experieance. That doesn't make any of true or a viable position. It's one guys opinion and mainly goes for high levels (no level 70 is not concidered high).

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