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Akvasto Prime recoil is weird.


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10 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

To me, it's very clear that the outlier is the regular akvasto and there're a couple reasons:

- At one point, people started to question the ak treatment, pointing out to how the single counterpart would become obsolete after ak was released.

DE slowly but surely started to make them sidegrades leading to the point we have now. A reload, bullet count, recoil, fire rate, difference, as it should be. 

Akvasto is the oldest or second of the bunch, meaning it was one of these obvious upgrades to what should be a sidegrade, so much so that the debate concerning that specific weapon remains today, even after prime.

The whole debate started on akbronco prime release, just so you get an idea of how old we are talking about here.

A bit of 'awareness' on DE's modus operandi will give you the answers you seek.

Sense between akvasto p and regular? None, akvasto is from a time when things made even less sense.

It's perfectly balanced today, imo. 

If you want any form of logic, i'd ask for a nerf to regular akvasto's recoil

Sure. Because asking for a nerf on the weapon that we just got an "upgrade" for makes a whole lot of sense, right?

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With all due respect, the AkVasto Prime should be compared to the regular AkVasto. We can make similar arguments with the regular Vasto and its Prime variant. What shouldn’t be an issue is that the AkVasto Prime has a weird muzzle climb unlike its normal version, which is just plain weird.

The regular AkVasto has some horizontal sway when using steady fire (0.5-0.75 second trigger tap). However, after the first shot for the AkVasto Prime, its muzzle  hangs above the initial reticule placement and stays there for approximately a second or more. That is very odd behavior unlike the regular AkVasto.

In some retrospect, the AkVasto, Vasto, and Vasto Prime firearms are fairly accurate revolvers. Why the AkVasto Prime has a muzzle climb is uncharacteristic to its signature family production line. Please don’t use “Lex/Prime,” “AkLex/Prime,” “Steady Hands” arguments to sway the discussion. The proof is as clear as day, and there should be actions to adjust this error accordingly.

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23 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

With all due respect, the AkVasto Prime should be compared to the regular AkVasto.

Yes, it should. It´s a bummer that we got the weapon that we waited so long for, only to be disappointed by this awful recoil.

Hopefully it will be fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I was pissed off  (still am) by the RIDICULOUS recoil on this weapon, for which I have waited so long. 

So I decided to put the game on the back burner and was away for over a week.

I logged in today to check if anything had been done.

Nope. The only thing I could find in the patch notes was a "fix" for the weapon sound.

Will we EVER get this recoil removed so we can actually use it or will the Akvasto Prime go down as this massive flop of a weapon?

We waited too long for it to be screwed over THAT much.

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3 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

That's not a bug... higher recoil is because you have to hold each revolver in each hand (on Vasto Prime you hold two hand)... and fire rate is higher.

While I get where that's coming from I often feel like dual wield pistols are punished too rapidly by recoil.  Unless we fire both guns simultaneously (I think twin grakata is the only case of working that way) the recoil on the first shot shouldn't affect the second shot so much.  Continued rapid fire should ramp up the recoil fast but it should be less linear and more of a curve.

4 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

There is a fix:



It even has Akvasto on it!  :laugh:

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Try not to get so worked over Non-Existent "Bugs" like this, and you'll have a much better Warframe-ing experience.

Paraphrased Complaint Example I've seen before: "Guys, DE still hasn't fixed the bug where, when I fall from slightly higher heights, my Frame near Collapses upon landing. DE, there is no Fall Damage, so why does my Frame go down in what looks like Pain? Fix this Bug already!"

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44 minutes ago, THeMooN85 said:

That's not a bug... higher recoil is because you have to hold each revolver in each hand (on Vasto Prime you hold two hand)... and fire rate is higher. 

Deal with it and stop whining.

Nope, it has nothing to do with holding one gun in each hand.

We have double pistols in the game that don´t suffer from the same problem.

The regular version of the Akvasto is a perfect example.

"Deal with it and stop whining" - I guess we should stop trying to improve the game as a whole, then.

While we´re at it, I guess DE could do with less devs, too, now that I think of it.

You know, less whinning is always good.

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23 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

How original.

Newsflash for you: EVEN with Steady Hands, the Prime STILL has more recoil than the regular one.

So no, that cake won´t bake.

Fix the damn thing.

It’s the only ‘fix’ you’re gonna get....and is this a competition between the prime and original or something? You have a mod, use it and see if you like it....you don’t then either deal and get used to it or move on 

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7 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

It’s the only ‘fix’ you’re gonna get....and is this a competition between the prime and original or something? You have a mod, use it and see if you like it....you don’t then either deal and get used to it or move on 

It´s not a competition, but we waited a LONG time for this weapon and it´s just disappointing to see it go to waste.

I mentioned the original because the prime is supposed to be a better version of it, an upgrade.

Yes, it does more damage, but it changed pretty much everything else we liked about the original:

The recoil is horrible, the model for the guns is worse (subjective, but my oppinion nonetheless) and we lost the amazing reload animation of the original.

I worked around the gun model by getting the Akvasto forest camo skin for plat. That made the prime look more like the original, which is way better.

And the Akvasto Prime requires more calculated shots, as opposed to the original, which was SO satisfying to use. Just unload a flurry of bullets on enemies, then watch that sexy reload animation, rinse and repeat.

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1 minute ago, -_Highlander_- said:

When you have that certain situation that you can't use revolvers


Maby less recoil then :angel:

Lol that was a nice movie.

Not sure what you mean with the GIF, though.

The thing that bothers me is that the recoil changed how we use the gun too much.

I don´t have any problems landing shots with it. It just doesn´t "feel" like the Akvasto anymore.

It feels more like the Aklex Prime. Only with less damage.

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1 minute ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Lol that was a nice movie.

Not sure what you mean with the GIF, though.

The thing that bothers me is that the recoil changed how we use the gun too much.

I don´t have any problems landing shots with it. It just doesn´t "feel" like the Akvasto anymore.

It feels more like the Aklex Prime. Only with less damage.

Thats an self reflection image of the situation you are in now * No harm intended * trying to get you calm

But many have explained that you use 2 hands independed from eachother and the recoil effect will always be higher 

Revolvers are an western made gun .. felt more like an 10ft truck so yeah difficult to handle when not hold by 2 hands with 1 gun

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1 minute ago, -_Highlander_- said:

Thats an self reflection image of the situation you are in now * No harm intended * trying to get you calm

But many have explained that you use 2 hands independed from eachother and the recoil effect will always be higher 

Revolvers are an western made gun .. felt more like an 10ft truck so yeah difficult to handle when not hold by 2 hands with 1 gun

lol I´m pretty calm, don´t you worry. 😃

I´m just disappointed and baffled by the way that DE has implemented this weapon.

I know that it´s difficult to handle twin revolvers, I absolutely get it. 

But let´s not forget that this is a game, so I don´t think that this should be used to justify certain decisions regarding guns.

The fact is that many of us LOVE the Akvasto, its looks, the sound, the reloading animation and most of all, what a joy it is to use it.

So we´ve waited quite some time for the Prime version to arrive. But when it did, it wasn´t quite the Akvasto anymore. 

DE had a pretty easy job: just bump up the damage, a stat here or there and that´s it. We would have been happy.

But they changed it too much, and the recoil pretty much screams "don´t use me, use the Aklex Prime."

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2 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

lol I´m pretty calm, don´t you worry. 😃

I´m just disappointed and baffled by the way that DE has implemented this weapon.

I know that it´s difficult to handle twin revolvers, I absolutely get it. 

But let´s not forget that this is a game, so I don´t think that this should be used to justify certain decisions regarding guns.

The fact is that many of us LOVE the Akvasto, its looks, the sound, the reloading animation and most of all, what a joy it is to use it.

So we´ve waited quite some time for the Prime version to arrive. But when it did, it wasn´t quite the Akvasto anymore

DE had a pretty easy job: just bump up the damage, a stat here or there and that´s it. We would have been happy.

But they changed it too much, and the recoil pretty much screams "don´t use me, use the Aklex Prime."

But did you got this feeling when PoE started and still when using it in Orb vallis

Becuase thats the range we talking about .. and yes the damage falloff will be stranger in compare with open and closed worlds

but you may be right on this you know .. but still i think that PoE and Fortuna made the diffrence on certain weapons and abilitys

as we are way to beeing used to stick as close in an room then spreading the wings outside

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The underlying problem with the AkVasto Prime is that it doesn’t feel like the regular AkVasto. It has a muzzle climb, which the regular variant doesn’t.

The regular AkVasto has some horizontal sway, which is characteristic of these akimbo pistols. The Prime version should be close to this with maybe some muzzle climb, but it doesn’t even exhibit that. What it has is too high of a climb close to the AkLex and AkLex Prime, again characteristic to those akimbo handguns. It should at least be somewhat pinpoint accurate, but not like this where it needs about 1-1.5 seconds of steady fire to readjust the reticle back to its original location.

Honestly, everyone who is using the argument “Use Steady Hands” is not understanding the conflict most of us who waited for the AkVasto Prime are having. The muzzle climb on the AkVasto Prime is not what the AkVasto family of guns are supposed to do, nor is it a defining aspect of the Vasto or Vasto Prime. Steady Hands IS A BANDAID SOLUTION to the issue.

Bandaid solutions doesn’t solve anything. It’s a response to adapt to mistakes that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Steady Hands IS A BANDAID SOLUTION to the issue.

Bandaid solutions doesn’t solve anything. It’s a response to adapt to mistakes that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

And it´s not even a good band-aid solution at that.

Even with Steady Hands, the Prime recoil is STILL bigger than the regular Akvasto.

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