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Mesa Prime access


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17 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

The only pack that includes Mesa prime costs $105.

the other $85 pack is operator accessories and 2/3 90 day boosters.

That's false. Mesa prime, akjagara prime,  redeemer prime and 2625 plat come in the 80$ bundle.  The one that says prime access.  I just got it yesterday and Mesa prime is OP with the extra energy.  Maybe sales tax effects prices from state to state idk but its 80$ where I'm at.

Sorry missed where you said in Australia.  I'm sure it's just a case of different monetary values.

Edited by (PS4)Ashagin
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Hello there @(PS4)Mono-Pop

I am sorry to hear about your frustration over the Mesa Prime Access offerings. As others have stated you are of course in your right to bring up any grievence you have with product offerings and services. I am not going to try and dispute that or your claims that the price ranges are too high. As a budget gamer and retail worker I am in agreement with you, that the prices are rather steep. I am additionally mildly upset that the alternative prime helmet for Mesa Prime can not be acquired in-game or is not offered in a separate package for a far more reasonable price. I would buy it if it were. But that is neither here nor there. 

As others have mentioned there is a cost to keeping this game playable and free-to-play. A hefty one at that to keep a studio or any place of business for that matter open and operating. Employees require fair and livable wages. Benefits such as 401K and insurance also comes at a cost. There is even a cost to simply hire someone due to paperwork. To give you an idea, the annual cost just to keep a modest fruit packing house here in Florida open was roughly $6,000,000 yearly. At least the one I worked for, Harbor Island Citrus. Unfortunately costs over took profits and the owner had to close shop and laid everyone off. I do not know the annual cost for Digital Extremes but I would wager it is not much cheaper, at least by a meaningful or sizable margin. Each and every purchase helps them live their dreams and continue to keep this wonderful game alive. 

Others here have also mentioned that you are not in any way, shape or form obligated to support the studio. I have personally through a few platinum purchases and tennogen but that is the extent of my contributions and I was more than happy to do so. You can farm for nearly(keyword here) everything on offer in the game even items and quality of life services such as warframe and weapon slots by simply playing the game and selling your in-game items to other players via the trade chat or Warframe.Market like I have and many others. I have made over 2,000 platinum by selling and trading with others player without having to spend money. You can too. You simply have to apply yourself and play the game. It does not take a lot of time at all honestly. Digital Extremes and Warframe are both far and away from being anything like the befallen publishers Activision and Electronic Arts or studios like Bungie and more recently Bethesda Studios. 

Again, I am not here to dispute your right to vent your frustration or dispute all of your claims. Simply, I am aiming to offer perspective. Maybe in time prices will be reduced and or other packages will be put on offer. I do not know. But what I do know is that Digital Extremes and Warframe if far from predatory. It is a game that has earned the praise given to it as much as those who create it. 

I hope that helps. Have a great day and good luck out there, tenno! 

Edited by Invellous
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20 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

$105 for the prime warframe?

That is absolutely ridiculous, you guys even had the balls the put the booster packs in a seperate bundle with the ugly operator accessories.

Are DE really so desperate they need to nickle and dime people like this?


I was so excited to get Mesa Prime the day she came out, but I’m not spending $105 on a skin, or $82 on some boosters.

Honestly, it kind of sours warframe in general for me.

I started playing this game because of the Noclip documentary, it portrayed you guys as being different.

But looking at this, this is more predatory and disgusting than anything Bungie have ever employed.

So disappointed with DE and the Mesa prime release.

Today I am embarrassed to be a warframe player.


then go back to destiny

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

Just farm it in game and stop #*!%ing moaning?


10 hours ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

Haha Yeah - Xbox owners world wide choose the console because they all have the same psychology.

It's funny that people feel the need to be tribal about anything, even what games console you own.


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From what I'm reading, you sound like you're just jumping on the currently famous "hate microtransations on pay to win games" train without fully understanding why that train exists in the first place and why Warframe isn't a part of that train either. 

You don't even know what you're talking about. The pack that gives you the frame (along with discounted Plat and prime weapons) starts from 80USD (and omg you even have it cheaper! 105 AUD is 75 USD!) not 105USD. 

If you want MESA PRIME ONLY then farm her. 

The basis of your rant is non-existent. You misunderstood a lot of things especially about this game itself as well as currencies and their values. 

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25 minutes ago, (NSW)SayZer0 said:

From what I'm reading, you sound like you're just jumping on the currently famous "hate microtransations on pay to win games" train without fully understanding why that train exists in the first place and why Warframe isn't a part of that train either. 

You don't even know what you're talking about. The pack that gives you the frame (along with discounted Plat and prime weapons) starts from 80USD (and omg you even have it cheaper! 105 AUD is 75 USD!) not 105USD. 

If you want MESA PRIME ONLY then farm her. 

The basis of your rant is non-existent. You misunderstood a lot of things especially about this game itself as well as currencies and their values. 

$105 is not a microtransaction.


I’m not jumping on any kind of bandwagon, dude. I’m a person, just like you who is able to think for themselves.

If I misunderstand so many things why don’t you enlighten me?

Telling someone they don’t understand something is entirely worthless.

If I so cleary don’t understand something, explain it.

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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If they reduced the price then more people would buy it and their profit would be roughly the same. But then less people would buy it in trade chat as they would buy the bundle so it would screw over free to play players.

Edited by Kobrakai85
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20 minutes ago, Kobrakai85 said:

If they reduced the price then more people would buy it and their prices would be roughly the same. But then less people would buy it in trade chat as they would buy the bundle so it would screw over free to play players.

I respect you taking a level headed response to this.

It’s so refreshing after the past 24 hours of responses.

I totally get where you are coming from, too.

I watched the dev stream when they announced Mesa Prime live.

My account is only 44 days old, so yeah I can’t really deny the fact that I am new, and this was my first prime reveal.

They talked about Mesa, the operator cosmetics and the 90 day boosters all together.

It seemed pretty evident to me that it would be all in the one pack, and the other prime packs in the market at the time were;

Chroma prime access, which was $85

and then the massive bundle with Mag and someone else prime, which also came with roughly 5 prime weapons, for $45.


When Mesa prime released, and the two things I actually cared about where separated into different packs, I was pretty angry.

The way it ended up being presented to me, was if you pay $105 we will give you Mesa prime. Oh, and some virtual currency.

Oh, and if you want those boosters we mentioned you’re going to have to spend another $85. Oh, and we’ll throw in some more virtual currency so people on the forums can defend these packs by saying platinum is worth something.


I was shocked dude. Like I said in my post I started playing this game because of Noclips documentary about DE.


It looked really exciting to play a game made by devs who weren’t being controlled by a publisher, and who actually seemed to care about their community.

One month in and it just felt like they were reaching for my wallet, it was an absolute smack in the face. 

Sure, I’m new, I didn’t know how DE released prime frames.


Well now I do, and I find it absolutely disgusting and soulless.

This isn’t free to play done right, this is free to play done like everyone else.

People defend it by saying that you can trade for plat, do you really think that makes a difference?

It doesn’t matter how YOU get the plat, SOMEONE paid money for it.

When you buy an item or a catalyst with platinum it’s deleted, that real world cash turns into profit the moment that platinum leaves the game.

What warframe players fail to see, is that every community of every free to play game does exactly the same stuff, they all think their game does it right, the developers care...

Maybe when they were desperate, FIVE years ago they were more genuine and that’s earned them this reputation, but as a new player coming into the game now?

Seen this all before. 

DE aren’t any different to Activision, Blizzard or Bungie, the only difference is that they are less successful and don’t have the lime light on them so they aren’t being scrutinised.

Before anyone decides to abuse me further in defence of a company that they have nothing to do with, first take the time to explain to me how exactly Mesa prime is worth $105.


All DE did to add platinum to that pack was type in a number.

The work they did, and that they are charging for is an alternative version of Mesa, with slightly different stats, just enough to be a superior version of the frame.


For a skin. With a buff.

Can anyone defend that without pretending the platinum actually matters?

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:


The work they did, and that they are charging for is an alternative version of Mesa, with slightly different stats, just enough to be a superior version of the frame.


For a skin. With a buff.

Can anyone defend that without pretending the platinum actually matters?

Except the platinum does matter. Mesa Prime you can farm for free. You don't have to spend any money. If you didn't get platinum in the pack then yes I doubt  I would purchase it. For me, I buy the packs for the platinum to support DE, Mesa or whatever comes with the packs I view as extra. 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

$105 is not a microtransaction.


I’m not jumping on any kind of bandwagon, dude. I’m a person, just like you who is able to think for themselves.

If I misunderstand so many things why don’t you enlighten me?

Telling someone they don’t understand something is entirely worthless.

If I so cleary don’t understand something, explain it.

I never questioned your ability to think for yourself. Jumping on a bandwagon is you thinking to do so. If you are certain that you are not "jumping" on a bandwagon, then fine. Speak for yourself on that. I simply shared the thought that you sounded like you were jumping in.

Well thing is, a lot has already been mentioned by posts so I won't be re-mentioning. Consider my posts worthless if you want.

But one thing I'd like to clarify is that Chroma Prime access and others before that were also 105.95AUD. Mesa Prime Access price didn't increase. You were misinformed about 85AUD or you read it as $85 thinking it meant AUD. Or maybe you had a special offer discount in Australia. I don't know for sure. But the fact of the matter is, Prime Access packs that included the warframe usually start on 79.99USD or 105.95AUD and never below.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

Before anyone decides to abuse me further in defence of a company that they have nothing to do with, first take the time to explain to me how exactly Mesa prime is worth $105.

It's not, but there is nothing forcing you to buy it, the content can be gotten in game for free, so your argument is moot.

Some of us just like to support DE, $105 AUD is nothing to me, but I understand it is to some, hence why you have the option to earn it, for free, in game.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

$105 is not a microtransaction.


I’m not jumping on any kind of bandwagon, dude. I’m a person, just like you who is able to think for themselves.

If I misunderstand so many things why don’t you enlighten me?

Telling someone they don’t understand something is entirely worthless.

If I so cleary don’t understand something, explain it.

The amount of money in question doesnt JUST get you mesa prime though. It gets you a substantial amount of platinum. OP is makin it out like all you get is mesa prime.


You can get mesa prime for free. If you want to pay for her to get her "right now" you can either buy the prime access bundle or buy less plat and just buy her from another player. She will drop down to like 150 plat pretty soon.


Most game developers would have locked her behind a paywall and considering how many game developers cant help themselves when it comes to designing their game around rng-loot box gambling, even triple A developers like bungie and electronic arts, I dont think OP has any right to be so indignant about this.

Dont want to pay it? Dont buy it. Or do you expect free handouts for your free game?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

The amount of money in question doesnt JUST get you mesa prime though. It gets you a substantial amount of platinum. OP is makin it out like all you get is mesa prime.


You can get mesa prime for free. If you want to pay for her to get her "right now" you can either buy the prime access bundle or buy less plat and just buy her from another player. She will drop down to like 150 plat pretty soon.


Most game developers would have locked her behind a paywall and considering how many game developers cant help themselves when it comes to designing their game around rng-loot box gambling, even triple A developers like bungie and electronic arts, I dont think OP has any right to be so indignant about this.

Dont want to pay it? Dont buy it. Or do you expect free handouts for your free game?

Once upon a time, I was an Overwatch player.

One Christmas event they released a skin for Ana, snow owl.

I really wanted that skin, and I hadn’t the credits to buy it outright, as they release new skins as 3x the cost of normal legendary skins.

Which is of course quite unfriendly to consumers.

I wanted the skin, and my only option was loot boxes.

Long story short, I ended up spending $50 on the Snow owl skin, and I was a little mad about it, but whatever. I got the new thing that I wanted.

Most people agree that loot boxes are predatory practices because of that and other reasons.

But now cut to DE, and they are suppose to be this shining example of what a developer can do without being ridden by a publisher...

If I wanted to purchase Mesa prime, my only option on the PSN is a $105 bundle, which people insist is worth it because of the platinum.

Platinum is already an option in the store.

”MESA PRIME ACCESS” shouldn’t be another option TO BUY PLATINUM.

The fact that that access pack is selling for that price on the PSN, is an insult to their own initiative, it sends a blatant message that this doesn’t work at all.

Because in the end, the consumers of Warframe are getting flogged more than ANY OTHER GAMING COMMUNITY.


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People have farmed multiple mesa, akjagara, and redeemer sets already and that's just by playing the game. You don't like farming that, you can buy it in plat day 1 in game from someone else.

What exactly are you complaining about?

1 hour ago, SephirothWS said:

You can farm the frame in game, yes. However what people fail to realize is the extra cosmetics that come with the bundle are exclusive to said bundle and CAN NOT be farmed in game.

Good thing those are COSMETICS right?

This is a troll thread, or you're incredibly clueless to what prime access is. You're comparing it like it's a champ from LoL or something from overwatch, it's not. Did you expect to fork over 20$ for mesa prime and get some plat? 

This thread reeks of entitlement, you've contributed nothing instead of complaining and whining, and you're coming off as aggressive and ignorant by accusing DE of having predatory practices and "gouging" this community ( because they are somehow forcing you to pay 105$ for her bundle).


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6 minutes ago, Licandrien said:

People have farmed multiple mesa, akjagara, and redeemer sets already and that's just by playing the game. You don't like farming that, you can buy it in plat day 1 in game from someone else.

What exactly are you complaining about?

Good thing those are COSMETICS right?

This is a troll thread, or you're incredibly clueless to what prime access is. You're comparing it like it's a champ from LoL or something from overwatch, it's not. Did you expect to fork over 20$ for mesa prime and get some plat? 

This thread reeks of entitlement, you've contributed nothing instead of complaining and whining, and you're coming off as aggressive and ignorant by accusing DE of having predatory practices and "gouging" this community ( because they are somehow forcing you to pay 105$ for her bundle).


You guys keep saying “I’m not being forced to buy it.”

When did I say I was?

I am aware that no one has a gun to my head dude.


I’ve made it very clear what all my points are, if you want to argue about this, just reread my comments and make new responses.

I don’t have anything else to say.

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