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2019-01-05 Sortie. Welcome to impossible to complete assassinations.


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Even with a perfectly controlled team, a trinity and a limbo, where we have not once died, even with weapons designed to oneshot eidolon parts, we could not finish this mission on multiple attempts. Level 100 bosses spawning in pairs of two, almost immune to elemental damage, need to be hacked which is bugged in limbo's field like many other things, adds are swarming and blast damage for even more knockdowns.... at the end i was just loling. We didnt die once, but it was still impossible to finish.

After trying to farm harrow systems for 3 days in defection missions with DE's unique drop chances, lets just say that im pretty frustrated right now with the game.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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Hey, not trying to offense you but i just completed it with 3 random people, so i guess it's not that "impossible to complete" with a controlled team.

You may try to use a Ability Duration build with Gara, then this mission become easy with the permanent 90% damage reduction for the entire team.

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22 minutes ago, Heliiiosss said:

Hey, not trying to offense you but i just completed it with 3 random people, so i guess it's not that "impossible to complete" with a controlled team.

You may try to use a Ability Duration build with Gara, then this mission become easy with the permanent 90% damage reduction for the entire team.

Well congratulations on being that 1% who somehow gets through it and then mouths off as per usual.
I stand corrected then, please refer to the mission as impossible to 99% of the community due to unhinged random suffixes.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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I just did it in a public party too.  It was messy but we got through it.  This should not be in the bug forum.

Bring ips weapons, ignore elemental damage and 4 corrosive proj, puncture weighted for the ambulas, slash for everything else.  Mesa is very good, harrow is great for this mission too.

Edited by MrPing1000
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Shoot the face. The face breaks off. Shoot the face some more. Dead Ambulas.

I did this with a team who brought largely irrelevant frames, corrosive Pox to remove its armor, and Daikyu with a good riven. I brought Oberon for team healing because everyone was dropping like flies. I also initially thought his 1 could demolish Ambulas but that was pointless. The only challenges involved shooting Ambulas's face while it kept moving around and convincing every Nidus that using Larva and spamming tickle kicks won't stop ospreys from re-hacking Ambulas.

I ended up doing 65% of all damage this time without suitable damaging powers. Go on and shoot the face.

Edited by Pfysicyst
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Status =/=elemental damage 

This is how I did it: 

Took a loki solo, took out the first 3 with tigris/redeemer combo and shot down the hacking drones. on the 4th on I only killed 1 of them and let the other one off. you will die, mainly because of the damned bombardment from the ship, but nothing too hard. Used a critty kitty and zenurik. Took me one try and without a group

This is what I used and builds: 


PS: forgot to take one but the loki build is standard invisibility with CP and his 2nd's augment 

Copy pasted my reply from another thread. Enjoy 

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It was indeed "impossible" but not the fight itself, rather the way to get to the fight 😒



So after a lot of Google Maps and inhuman senses, we made it to the fight itself. A bit of Mprime, corrosive/blast/toxin procing Poxes and a Kronen Prime made quick work of ambulas though. Like, a few melee slides finished it. Just look at what happened to this poor guy got killed before he could even get out of spawn xD



But if you use Lankas or similar stuff in an Elemental Enhancement sortie, don't be surprised that you won't scratch him.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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Lmao, learn to swap your frame buddy. 

23 hours ago, Aerensiniac said:

Well congratulations on being that 1% who somehow gets through it and then mouths off as per usual.
I stand corrected then, please refer to the mission as impossible to 99% of the community due to unhinged random suffixes.


Edited by -Akemi-
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I went with randoms, my damage to ambulas was pretty small with an IPS weapon, but you can strip the armor with several abilities and corrosive procs to increase the damage, not to mention abilities like rhino roar boost said damage.

Warframe's endgame to a certain extend is placing the player in a position he ain't confortable with, mission will have these neat changes and then either you beat it, or you don't.

I'll be honest here, i hardly fail a mission, and when it happens i become pretty fustraded, sometimes it's a bug, others i join an already in progress missions that are dommed to fail and sometimes i truly fail.

If i joined an assassination and failed several times in a row, i would have quit warframe, i mean having to do a mission 3 or 4 times to beat it once and then saying "gg" at the end? 25% completion ratio on a boss isn't gg.

You seriously need to think of what works and what doesn't, if anything, practice with the regular boss, because sorties are like that. Even if you succeed at this point, it's still a fail due to the completion ratio.

Do not play only by using what you feel confortable with.


Edited by KIREEK
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Sorry OP, but I completed this one with some old friends who haven't played the game for almost 6 months. They were rusty as hell, kept going down all the time. I certainly was challenging. Took us two tries, but we got it once I remembered to shoot the ambulas' helmet off the second time around 🙂

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