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please buff Cryotra's crit chance


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Let's be real, all the Sentinel / Moa weapons that came with Fortuna PT. 1 are complete garbage in terms of stats.

They all could use a buff, but the weaps that for sure stand at the front of the pack are the Sweeper Prime, Deconstructor / Prime, and the Artax (for its single target CC).

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26 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Let's be real, all the Sentinel / Moa weapons that came with Fortuna PT. 1 are complete garbage in terms of stats.

They all could use a buff, but the weaps that for sure stand at the front of the pack are the Sweeper Prime, Deconstructor / Prime, and the Artax (for its single target CC).


44 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

And the Fortuna sentinel weapons need a strong buff.
And while you're at it... remove the double-mod thing... its so annoying and outdated.


1 hour ago, Ragingwasabi said:

buff all sentinel weapons overal...

I just want a birb wielding an auto riffle with decent power to follow me around, is that too much to ask?

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Except Cryotra is a status sentinel weapon and is made for crowd conrol / combat support, not for damage.

As far as my opinion on companion weapons dealing no damage - i think that's intentional. DE don't want to make your companions combat competent, otherwise they could literally clear missions for you if they were to good. That's why DE keeps giving them disgustingly bad stats.

In fact, we've been through this already: Diriga's Vulklok when it was just released. It was so good that i literally could complete missions for you.
So DE nerfed it so bad - it became so worthless they had to buff it again to somewhat acceptable levels (shoots once in milenia, rarely misses, deals decent (but not good) damage).

The same principle is being applied to all other companion weapons... Except i dont see the point.

Okay, Artax and Cryotra have their purpose. They are pure status weapons - they dont deal damage at all, they just proc enemies with debuffs to help you.
But all other weapons... Have no purpose at all. They don't deal enough damage to justify investing into them, and they are not status monsters either. So... What's their purpose then?

So, either DE must make all companion weapons status focused with at least 20% status chance on every single one of them (and preferably 25% or even 30%), or they must once and for all decide: Should our companions be allowed to bring enough firepower to actually be able to make a difference against enemies below level 40 (and not 20, like it is right now), or perhaps companion weapons are a mistake and are a completely rudimentary part of the game and just a waste of our catalysts and formas (and endo for a 2nd set of mods).

And btw, status is NOT going to work on either Vulklok or Vulkax. Status is BAD on weapons that are slow, especially once that shoot once in 5 seconds. So either they must make every shot count... Or not exist at all.

Edited by Artek94
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7 hours ago, ZBanx said:

a cold-only weapon is just begging to be built for Hunter Munitions, except it does not have the crit chance for it.

Even if Cryotra was crit chance viable, the low base damage it has would not suffice for a Hunter Munitions build. 

It would be a terrible fit for it. Apply your Bleed procs with something else and get better results.

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Am ‎12‎.‎01‎.‎2019 um 08:04 schrieb ZBanx:

cold-only weapon

this thing can easily be modded to rech 100% status, and with only cold you can go for Viral/Radioactive or Corrosive/Blast and either let the enemys fight each other or put them on the floor while reducing their Armor.

I prefer Viral/Radioactive tho, as its adding CC to any frame.

The weapon isn't dealing enough damage to make Hunter Munitions relevant, even when its crit chance would be buffed. Build for Status as that is this weapons strong suit.

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On 2019-01-12 at 9:40 AM, Artek94 said:

Except Cryotra is a status sentinel weapon and is made for crowd conrol / combat support, not for damage.

As far as my opinion on companion weapons dealing no damage - i think that's intentional. DE don't want to make your companions combat competent, otherwise they could literally clear missions for you if they were to good. That's why DE keeps giving them disgustingly bad stats.

In fact, we've been through this already: Diriga's Vulklok when it was just released. It was so good that i literally could complete missions for you.
So DE nerfed it so bad - it became so worthless they had to buff it again to somewhat acceptable levels (shoots once in milenia, rarely misses, deals decent (but not good) damage).

The same principle is being applied to all other companion weapons... Except i dont see the point.

Okay, Artax and Cryotra have their purpose. They are pure status weapons - they dont deal damage at all, they just proc enemies with debuffs to help you.
But all other weapons... Have no purpose at all. They don't deal enough damage to justify investing into them, and they are not status monsters either. So... What's their purpose then?

So, either DE must make all companion weapons status focused with at least 20% status chance on every single one of them (and preferably 25% or even 30%), or they must once and for all decide: Should our companions be allowed to bring enough firepower to actually be able to make a difference against enemies below level 40 (and not 20, like it is right now), or perhaps companion weapons are a mistake and are a completely rudimentary part of the game and just a waste of our catalysts and formas (and endo for a 2nd set of mods).

And btw, status is NOT going to work on either Vulklok or Vulkax. Status is BAD on weapons that are slow, especially once that shoot once in 5 seconds. So either they must make every shot count... Or not exist at all.

Deconstructor prime with condition overload can actually kill enemies from all factions till lvl 70 and healing return works on it which is not very good but is fun to watch helios lifesteal enemies lol

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On 2019-01-11 at 11:52 PM, DarkRuler2500 said:

And while you're at it... remove the double-mod thing... its so annoying and outdated.

Yes. Please.

Also, The High Status on Cryotra + Beam Weapon Mechanics + Condition Overload + Reawaken = a good time. 

Edited by Ekemeister
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